Condoning the continuation of fighting while claiming to care about the lives and safety of people in Gaza is self-contradictory.
Condoning the continuation of fighting while advocating for the prevention of the spillover effects of the conflict is self-deceiving.
Condoning the continuation of fighting while making references to the protection of women and children and human rights is hypocritical.
All these once again show us what double standards are.
Zhang Jun
Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Zhang Jun on the UN Security Council Resolution on the Palestinian-Israeli Situation
Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the UN
2023-12-08 23:23
Mr. President,
China also thank the UAE for the massive and tireless efforts for this draft resolution. The core of this draft resolution submitted by the UAE on behalf of Arab countries is to request for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and for all hostages to be released. The draft has nearly 100 co-sponsors and China is one of them. We express great disappointment and regret that the draft has been vetoed by the US.
Two months of fighting has already caused unprecedented deaths and destruction. An immediate ceasefire is the overriding prerequisite. On this issue, any negative attitude is untenable, and however much justification remains feeble. It needs to be pointed out that Condoning the continuation of fighting while claiming to care about the lives and safety of people in Gaza is self-contradictory. Condoning the continuation of fighting while advocating for the prevention of the spillover effects of the conflict is self-deceiving. Condoning the continuation of fighting while making references to the protection of women and children and human rights is hypocritical. All these once again show us what double standards are.
Although the draft resolution has been vetoed, the international community’s strong call for ceasefire and ending the fighting, the protection of civilians, and the prevention of greater humanitarian disasters will not subside, and the steps of the Security Council in upholding justice and fulfilling its duties will not stop. We urge Israel to heed the call of the international community and stop the collective punishment of the people in Gaza. We support further diplomatic mediation to promote the early release of all people held captive. We call upon all relevant parties to pour all efforts towards the common goal of ending the fighting in Gaza, to keep alive the hope of survival for the Palestinian people, and to keep alive the hope for peace in the Middle East region.
Thank you, Mr. President.
2023-12-08 18:53
暴かれたアメリカの偽善 ―― 情報漏洩とアメリカのダブルスタンダード
by ハルバート・ウルフ
長らく米国の「裏庭」と評されてきた南アメリカへの米国の干渉を、誰が国際法違反として数えただろうか? それは過去に限った話ではない。米国は20年間にわたり、そして今も、キューバのグアンタナモ収容所を維持している。現在でも、真っ当な法的手続きを経ることなく囚人たちは抑留されている。その多くは、テロ関与疑惑に関する自白を引き出すための拷問を受けた。
ウクライナ戦争では、悲惨な状況の一方でポジティブな面も見られる。例えば、苦しむウクライナ国民に西側諸国が積極的に支援を提供していることだ。しかし、ここにもダブルスタンダードが見られる。アフガニスタン、シリア、エチオピア、ソマリアからの難民たちにはどうしたのか? 彼らが欧州社会に溶け込むことは、長年にわたり制度的に阻まれてきた。これまでEUは協調的な難民収容政策について頻繁に議論してきたが、成果は出ていない。皮肉なことに、現在ウクライナからの大量の難民を受け入れている国々は、これまでEUの難民収容政策を断固として拒否し、阻止してきた。筆頭はポーランドであるが、バルト諸国、スロベニア、ハンガリー、オーストリア、ルーマニアもそうである。