>Henry McLemore


I am for the immediate removal of every Japanese on the West Coast to a point deep in the interior . . . Sure, this would work an unjustified hardship on 80 or 90 percent of the California Japanese. But the remaining 10 or 20 percent have it in their power to do damage – great damage – to the American people. They are a serious menace, and you can’t tell me that an individual’s rights have any business being placed above a nation’s safety.
“If making 1 million Japanese uncomfortable would prevent one scheming Japanese from costing the life of an American boy, then let the 1 million innocents suffer . . . Personally, I hate the Japanese. And that goes for all of them. Let’s quit worrying about the enemy’s feelings and start doing it.

One thought on “>Henry McLemore

  1. s.A

    >Los Angeles Times columnist Henry McLemore wrote this on January 29, 1942.

    … and …

    Roosevelt started "doing it" less than one month later.


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