Buck Institute

PankajKapahiDr. Pankaj Kapahi looks for clues to longevity. His work confirms the finding that diet plays a major role in aging, and age-related diseases. The Kapahi lab explores molecular mechanisms in a search for strategies to extend healthy lifespan in people. For example, the Kapahi lab found that a low-protein diet could lengthen the lives of fruit flies – a result that challenged the wisdom of the high-protein Atkins diet for weight loss. The low-protein regimen activated genes that led to greater energy production in the cell’s powerhouse units, the mitochondria. Thus, the low protein diet compensated for the age-related decline in performance seen in mitochondria. This effect was mediated by a growth signaling pathway called the TOR pathway, which is involved in cancer and diabetes. Dr. Kapahi was the first to demonstrate that the TOR pathway mediates the effects of dietary restriction. The benefits of dietary restriction are seen across all species, and humans also share the cellular mechanisms that link diet to longevity in fruit flies.

3 thoughts on “Buck Institute

  1. shinichi Post author

    Could humans live to 500 years old?

    Scientists believe genetic tweaks could significantly extend our lifespan

    by Sarah Griffiths


    Californian scientists tweaked two genetic pathways in the worm Caenorhabditis elegans to amplify its lifespan

    They said the worms lived to the human equivalent of 400 to 500 years

    Research raises the prospect of anti-ageing treatments based on genetic interactions, and the next step is to investigate if the effects occur in mice

  2. shinichi Post author

    遺伝経路操作で蠕虫の寿命を5倍に 人間に応用できれば500歳まで生きられる可能性も⁈と米研究機関が示唆

    by さえきそうすけ


    米Buck Institute of Age ResearchのPankaj Kapahi博士のチームは、蠕虫(ミミズやヒルなど蠕動で移動する虫)である、シノラブディス・エレガンスの2つの遺伝経路を微調整し、その寿命を5倍に延ばすことに成功した。この技術を人間に応用できれば完璧なアンチエイジングが可能になるかもしれないという。




    いきなり400歳、500歳まで生きられる可能性が!?と知らされたネット民たちは「年金もらえるまではと思っていたけど、もっと生きなきゃ」「定年は490歳ってか⁈あり得ない」「ミミズが長生きするのと人間が長生きするのとでは複雑さが違うだろう」「今すぐくれ!」「金持ちにしか関係ない話」「500歳まで生きたら地球が人で溢れかえる。他の星探さなきゃ」 等々、賛否はあるものの敏感に反応している。


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