Brian Falato

“Ethnic cleansing” was a familiar term in news reports of the 1990s. It was used to describe the actions of Serbs as they sought to expel Muslim residents from Bosnia so that only ethnic Serbs would be living there. Bosnia had left the Yugoslav federation and declared itself independent. Bosnian Serbs fought this, with help from the Serbian republic. The resulting civil war produced stories of Serbian atrocities and reports of concentration camps where Muslims were held and sometimes tortured and executed. Reports of Bosnian Muslims committing atrocities arrived much later in the West. The Bosnian government clearly won the battle for public opinion in the U.S. Ethnic Cleansing (the subtitle listed above appears only on the container and not on the video itself) details the public relations campaign that built support for an independent Bosnia and helped bring international sanctions against Serbia, and it comes from the unlikely source of NHK, the Japanese television network.

3 thoughts on “Brian Falato

  1. shinichi Post author

    Ethnic Cleansing: The Media and World Opinion

    Produced by NHK

    Director Toru Tagaki

    Reviewed by Brian Falato, University of South Florida Tampa Campus Library

    “Ethnic cleansing” was a familiar term in news reports of the 1990s. It was used to describe the actions of Serbs as they sought to expel Muslim residents from Bosnia so that only ethnic Serbs would be living there. Bosnia had left the Yugoslav federation and declared itself independent. Bosnian Serbs fought this, with help from the Serbian republic. The resulting civil war produced stories of Serbian atrocities and reports of concentration camps where Muslims were held and sometimes tortured and executed. Reports of Bosnian Muslims committing atrocities arrived much later in the West. The Bosnian government clearly won the battle for public opinion in the U.S. Ethnic Cleansing (the subtitle listed above appears only on the container and not on the video itself) details the public relations campaign that built support for an independent Bosnia and helped bring international sanctions against Serbia, and it comes from the unlikely source of NHK, the Japanese television network.

    The campaign was headed by James W. Harff, then head of Washington operations for Ruder Finn, one of the largest public relations firms in the country. Harff’s plan used Bosnian Foreign Minister Haris Silajdzic, who was telegenic and spoke English well, as the chief spokesman in the West for the Bosnian cause. He arranged for Silajdzic to be interviewed by influential journalists, who then often wrote articles and commentaries in support of Bosnia. Harff also came up with the term “ethnic cleansing” to describe the expulsions of Bosnian Muslims from their homes and made it a key concept in his campaign. For his public relations work on behalf of the Bosnian government, Harff won the Silver Anvil Award from the Public Relations Society of America.

    Harff appears to have cooperated fully with the video’s producers, allowing them access to papers he produced for the Bosnian PR campaign. Yet, the tone of the video comes off as mildly accusatory. Near the end, several comments are made, by both Serbian and Western speakers, that the demonization of Serbia in Harff’s campaign meant that wartime atrocities committed by Bosnians were overlooked or downplayed and that the simplistic presentation engineered by Harff did not do justice to the complexity of the situation. There is the implication that if the Serbian government had used the media better, it might not have been treated as such an international pariah.

    The issue raised is an important one, and the news media’s complicity in Harff’s PR campaign, either witting or unwitting, deserved further exploration. Yet the journalists interviewed appear only a few times and speak only a sentence or two in each instance.

    While the video lacks an in-depth investigation, it is still recommended as a PR case study in how to successfully get support for a foreign government’s viewpoint. Discussion of the ethical issues involved will have to be left to classrooms.

  2. shinichi Post author

    Ethnic Cleansing: The Media and World Opinion

    Produced by NHK

    This riveting documentary follows step by step the persuasive media offensive waged by a powerful public relations firm for their client in the Balkan War in 1992. It shows how the key phrase “ethnic cleansing” was used in a media campaign by the firm Ruder Finn. There, James W. Harff orchestrated the campaign that implied “ethnic cleansing” was a human rights violation harking back to the Nazi era. This key phrase was planted in the media around the world with the certainty that this euphemism for genocide would jolt the West’s collective memory of past atrocities to lead world opinion against Serbia. It worked.

    Harff describes his strategy: how he pursued print and TV journalists, and finally the White House. He used the photogenic Bosnian Foreign Minister, Dr. Haris Silajdzic to make Bosnia’s case more compelling. Serbian leaders including the former prime minister Milan Panic, admit making serious errors in putting forth their side of the story.

    So successful was Harff’s campaign to vilify Serbia that it became the first nation ever to be expelled by the United Nations. Following that, the UN set up a tribunal in The Hague to examine war crimes.

    “The effect of the PR company was …to implant this very black-and-white picture in the minds of the public…” says Sylvia Poggioli of NPR. And Margaret Tutwiler, former State Department spokesperson says that none of the parties were totally innocent. The documentary concludes “the PR industry is poised to write the history of the 21st Century.”

  3. shinichi Post author

    Changing Perception




    ハーフ:私たちの側にどうにかユダヤ人の意見を移動させたこと。関係資料が主要な危険を含んでいたので、これは非常にデリケートでした。トゥジマン大統領は彼の本「荒れ地:歴史上の真実(Wastelands: Historical Truth)」において軽率すぎました。彼のテキストを読めば、彼が反ユダヤ主義に対して有罪であると分かるからです。ボスニアにおける状況は、クロアチアと比べて良くなかった。イゼトベゴビッチ大統領は、彼の本「イスラム宣言(Islamic Declaration)」の中で、(ボスニアにおける)イスラム原理主義国家の設立を強く支持していました。それどころか、クロアチア人とボスニア人の過去は本物の残酷な反ユダヤ主義として記録されていたのです。何万ものユダヤ人がクロアチアのキャンプにて息絶えています。したがって知識人およびユダヤ人にとって、クロアチアおよびボスニアに敵対する全ての理由があったのです。私たちの挑戦は、この姿勢を転覆させる事でした。そして私達は、みごとに成功しました。1992年8月の始め、ニューヨーク・ニューズデーが(セルビアによる)強制収容所の問題を取り上げました。私たちは、すぐにその機会に飛び付きました。







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