
>Democracy had many advantages. Democracy gives us the freedom to do what we want to do, as long as we don’t encroach upon others rights. It gives freedom of speech, freedom to move anywhere in the country, freedom of thought and expression, and freedom to practice and preach our religion. It also comprises with the people.
In democracy, the other parties can point out the ruling party’s mistakes in the session. It works on decision making as the government has to take the wisest decision for the country. Democracy also respects other view’s, thoughts, expressions, and religions. There are always free and fair elections held in democracy, which means you can elect anyone you want, as your representative.
Democracy also gives equal legal rights. It doesn’t discriminate according to sex. color or religion. Minorities are respected. Free press and media can cover up all the stories and mistakes of the government. Access to free press and media can also cover any news that leads to a better way. And it would be much faster to inform the news unlike the authoritarian government. It also makes easier for the people to know about what’s going in the government. The media is very important and a key to democracy.
Democracy also has some few disadvantages, like most of them. It takes a while to build a government, to get the election done, It takes time to decide. It also takes longer time in making laws. Not faster movement is in deciding things. Free press and media can have a negative impact on the societies. The government has to sort out the real story from what the media or press throws. It creates rumor’s and often makes rumor’s even worse. It is all about competition between two or more parties. It also leads to corruption.

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