Lyle Lanley

Lyle_LanleyYou know, a town with money’s a little like the mule with a spinning wheel. No one knows how he got it, and danged if he knows how to use it!

One thought on “Lyle Lanley

  1. shinichi Post author

    Lyle Lanley

    Simpsons Wiki

    Lyle Lanley is a con artist and shyster who sold faulty monorails to several towns, including Springfield.

    The con

    The “marks” in Lanley’s con scheme were towns with a lot of money. Lanley would visit a town and make a sales pitch for his monorails. After the town bought the monorail, Lanley would open a monorail conductors’ training school, which was really a farce and provided very little in the way of real training. At the end of the school, Lanley would either select a random student or the least qualified in the class to be the conductor (his exact decision-making method isn’t known, but implied to choose a drunk conductor that is least qualified to help cause the accident).

    After the monorail was built and a conductor selected, Lanley would set up a huge opening ceremony with a celebrity presiding, then leave (with the town’s money) while everyone’s attention was focused on the opening ceremony and the celebrity. The monorail, due to shoddy materials, would typically crash on its first run, causing loss of life and extensive property damage, and leaving the town financially ruined. Meanwhile, Lanley would be living it up on a resort vacation — bought and paid for with the “mark” town’s money. However, he was left unaware that the only people who can stop him were the ones who suspected him from the start: Marge and Lisa.


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