2 thoughts on “Greenpeace East Asia

  1. shinichi Post author

    The coal hard truth about air pollution


    PM2.5 is a measurement of small particulate matter in the air, and until recently its omission from official air quality readings has been a major hurdle in solving China’s air pollution crisis. Here’s everything you need to know about PM2.5, such as what it is, why it’s important, and how to protect yourself from them.

    About PM2.5
    Particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter are called “fine” particles. These particles, approximately 1/30 the average width of a human hair, can lodge deeply into the lungs. Sources of fine particles include all types of combustion, including power plants, motor vehicles and residential wood burning.

    China is suffering the world’s heaviest PM2.5 pollution. This is the direct result of an over reliance on coal. In 2009 China burned nearly half of the worl’s coal, and coal accounts for nearly 70% of China’s energy mix.

    PM2.5 vs. Visibility

    5-10km: No special protection required.
    3-5km: Reduce outdoor activities.
    2-3km: Reduce outdoor activities, especially for respiratory patients; wear a mask outdoors; stop outdoor physical exercise.
    Less than 2km: Avoid all outdoor activities, especially for respiratory patients; however if outside wear a mask.
    Health hazards
    PM2.5 is readily inhalable and penetrates deep into the lungs. PM2.5 allow for many chemicals harmful to human health to be carried into our internal organs, causing a wide range of illnesses and mortality, including cancer (especially lung cancer), stroke and damage to unborn children. They have a strong association with most types of respiratory illnesses, heart disease and even mortality.

    Reproductive system:
    PM2.5 is attached to various types of pollutants such as heavy metal and PAHs, causing placental blood toxicity that leads to direct harm to fetus, intrauterine growth retardation and low birth weight of babies, especially when PM2.5 exposure happens in the first month of pregnancy.

    Cardiovascular system:
    PM2.5 causes cardiotoxicity and also causes severe irritation to the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the activity of the heart muscle.

    Blood system:
    PM2.5 causes blood toxicity, blood coagulation abnormalities and can trigger heart disease.

    Respiratory system:
    The soluble part of PM2.5 directly enters the bloodstream and the insoluble part accumulates at the alveolus of the lungs, causing inflammation.

    Self-protection measures
    Air conditioners: When using air conditioners set the button on inner circulation.

    Masks: Wearing N95 masks will provide effective protection against PM2.5 but ensure you are wearing the mask correctly with a tight seal around the face. N95 masks can be purchased in pharmacies and can be used multiple times. Only when it’s hard to breathe while wearing, should you dispose of it and buy a new one.

    Reduce activity: Try to stay indoors during the most polluted hours of a day, which is normally from dawn till dusk. Do less physical activities outdoors.

    One strap paper masks and ordinary surgical masks has no effect on PM2.5 prevention.

    While wearing the N95 mask ensure there is a tight seal around the face. Deeply inhale and exhale to test whether the mask is air-tight.


  2. shinichi Post author

    中国の大気汚染、日本への影響は? 専門家「持病ある人は対策を」



     Q 今回の大気汚染の発生場所と原因は?

     A 1月10日夜から北京市を中心とした中国東部で発生。暖房のための石炭燃焼や車の排ガス、工場の排煙などで発生する汚染物質が原因とされている。北京市が盆地で大気汚染物質がたまりやすい上、今冬は天気が安定して汚染物質が拡散しなかったことが発生要因とされている。

     Q 健康被害が懸念される汚染物質は?

     A 直径2.5マイクロメートル(1マイクロは100万分の1)以下の微小粒子状物質「PM2.5」。車や工場の排ガスに含まれ、吸い込むと、肺の奥や血管に入り込み、ぜんそくや不整脈などを発症させる恐れがあるほか、肺がんの増加につながるとも指摘されている。PM2.5の吸引を確実に防ぐため、中国では専門家らがマスクの着用を呼びかけ、北京では一般的なマスクより割高な業務用マスクが飛ぶように売れている。

     Q 日本への影響は?

     A 環境省は「ただちに健康に影響が出るレベルではなく、冷静な対応を」と呼び掛けている。同省によると、PM2.5は福岡市内の1月の測定では「やや高い傾向」といい、1日平均で大気1立方メートル当たりの国内基準である35マイクログラムを超えたのは、24、30、31日の3日間あった。


     Q 汚染状況を確認する方法は?

     A 環境省のホームページ「そらまめ君」や、竹村准教授のサイト「SPRINTARS」などがあるが、そらまめ君は、アクセスが集中し、つながりにくい状態が続いている。


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