Wikipedia, Karl Jaspers

Axial Age is a term coined by German philosopher Karl Jaspers to describe the period from 800 to 200 BC, during which, according to Jaspers, similar revolutionary thinking appeared in Persia, India, China and the Occident.
Jaspers, in his Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte (The Origin and Goal of History), identified a number of key Axial Age thinkers as having had a profound influence on future philosophies and religions, and identified characteristics common to each area from which those thinkers emerged. Jaspers saw in these developments in religion and philosophy a striking parallel without any obvious direct transmission of ideas from one region to the other, having found no recorded proof of any extensive intercommunication between Ancient Greece, the Middle East, India, and China. Jaspers held up this age as unique, and one to which the rest of the history of human thought might be compared. Jaspers’ approach to the culture of the middle of the first millennium BC has been adopted by other scholars and academics, and has become a point of discussion in the history of religion.

2 thoughts on “Wikipedia, Karl Jaspers

  1. shinichi Post author


    カール・ヤスパースは、1949年に『歴史の起原と目標』(Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte) を刊行して自らの歴史観を述べ、あわせて歴史の将来と歴史の意味について語っており、「第1部 世界史/ 第1章 枢軸時代」では、紀元前500年頃を中心とする前後300年の幅をもつ時代を「枢軸時代」と称して、その輪郭を叙述して読者に注意を呼びかけている。








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