The New York Times Editorial Board

The technical business of managing Internet addresses and domain names has often taken on geopolitical overtones. About a year ago, some countries including Russia and China tried to pressure the United States into relinquishing management and coordination of web addresses to the telecommunications arm of the United Nations.
The Internet’s domain name system, which provides unique identifiers to websites, has served the world well. It has made it possible for people to find sites no matter where they are. That is why efforts to change the system — managed by a nonprofit organization under a contract from the Department of Commerce — should be viewed skeptically, particularly when they come from governments that do not respect the freedom of expression.
To critics of the United States, American oversight of the system has become a pretext to demand change, and even more so in light of Edward Snowden’s revelations about government surveillance. But many of the ideas proposed by other countries are potentially troubling. Handing control of the system to the International Telecommunication Union, a United Nations agency, as China and Russia proposed in late 2012, could create an opening for countries to try and squelch speech by, for example, demanding that dissident websites not be allowed to register domain names.

One thought on “The New York Times Editorial Board

  1. shinichi Post author

    Updating Internet Governance

    by the New York Times Editorial Board

    The technical business of managing Internet addresses and domain names has often taken on geopolitical overtones. About a year ago, some countries including Russia and China tried to pressure the United States into relinquishing management and coordination of web addresses to the telecommunications arm of the United Nations.

    The Internet’s domain name system, which provides unique identifiers to websites, has served the world well. It has made it possible for people to find sites no matter where they are. That is why efforts to change the system — managed by a nonprofit organization under a contract from the Department of Commerce — should be viewed skeptically, particularly when they come from governments that do not respect the freedom of expression.

    To critics of the United States, American oversight of the system has become a pretext to demand change, and even more so in light of Edward Snowden’s revelations about government surveillance. But many of the ideas proposed by other countries are potentially troubling. Handing control of the system to the International Telecommunication Union, a United Nations agency, as China and Russia proposed in late 2012, could create an opening for countries to try and squelch speech by, for example, demanding that dissident websites not be allowed to register domain names.

    In an effort to ensure that the administration of Internet addresses is never politicized in that way, the Commerce Department last week said that, starting in September 2015, it would hand oversight of the domain name system to a global community of businesses, public interest groups, academics, businesses and governments. It has not said how this large, and potentially unwieldy, group would conduct its activities. But department officials have said that they intend to make sure that no harm comes to the openness, security and stability that are essential to the functioning of the Internet.

    Details of the change will be worked out in the coming months in discussions convened by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the contractor that manages the address system for the Commerce Department. The first meeting is scheduled to take place in Singapore next week. The department has said it will not support any change that would replace the current system with a government-led or intergovernmental body.

    From its early days as a network built and used by American government and university scientists, the Internet has evolved into a vital utility used by billions of people around the world. What’s needed now is a clear examination of the strengths and weaknesses of the current system of Internet addresses and how it can be made better.


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