Norihiro Kato

A U.S. Congressional report on Japan-U.S. relations from early this year mentioned Nippon Kaigi as one of several organizations to which Mr. Abe has ties that believe that “Japan should be applauded for liberating much of East Asia from Western colonial powers, that the 1946-1948 Tokyo War Crimes tribunals were illegitimate, and that the killings by Imperial Japanese troops during the 1937 ‘Nanjing massacre’ were exaggerated or fabricated.” This is standard fare in the noxious world of Japanese ultra-nationalism. So, too, are the goals of Nippon Kaigi.
For now, the Tea Party of Japan looks like any other nationalist right-wing group. But its strength is growing. And there is no telling when its members might start saying what really is on their mind: “Take Back Japan From America.”

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  1. shinichi Post author

    Tea Party Politics in Japan

    Japan’s Rising Nationalism

    by Norihiro Kato

    On Sept. 3, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reshuffled his cabinet for the first time since he came to office in late 2012. Determined to show that he is progressive on women’s issues, he appointed five new female ministers, tying the record set by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. The foreign media seem to have been impressed by the gesture. But Japanese outlets were more interested in the gains of another group: Fifteen of the 19 members in the new cabinet belong to Nippon Kaigi, the “Japan Conference,” a nationalistic right-wing group that was all but unknown until recently.

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    Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan with his female cabinet ministers. The five appointments tied a record in the nation.Seeing Women as Key to Economy, Japan’s Leader Names 5 to CabinetSEPT. 3, 2014
    A U.S. Congressional report on Japan-U.S. relations from early this year mentioned Nippon Kaigi as one of several organizations to which Mr. Abe has ties that believe that “Japan should be applauded for liberating much of East Asia from Western colonial powers, that the 1946-1948 Tokyo War Crimes tribunals were illegitimate, and that the killings by Imperial Japanese troops during the 1937 ‘Nanjing massacre’ were exaggerated or fabricated.” This is standard fare in the noxious world of Japanese ultra-nationalism. So, too, are the goals of Nippon Kaigi.

    On its webpage the group calls for preserving Japan’s “beautiful traditional national character,” which centers on the imperial household; adopting “a new constitution suited to a new age,” which would presumably allow Japan to maintain a full-fledged military; and instilling patriotism and morality in Japanese schoolchildren by revising our “masochistic” history curriculum and “the rampant spread of gender-free education.” The group also staunchly opposes the notion that a woman could be emperor — even though there have been female emperors in the past — or allowing women to use their maiden names after they get married.

    Nippon Kaigi started drawing attention to itself late this summer. The daily Tokyo Shimbun reported that two local politicians who had come under fire for sexist or otherwise insensitive comments belonged to the group, and noted its size and reach. And the daily Asahi Shimbun reported that local politicians throughout the country who are affiliated with Nippon Kaigi were trying to stir up a grassroots movement to eliminate the so-called “peace clause” from the Constitution. With the recent reshuffling of Mr. Abe’s cabinet, Japanese people are only just realizing that a group they had not even heard of a month-and-a-half ago is helping shape national policy.

    Nippon Kaigi has about 35,000 dues-paying members. (In accordance with its values, men pay 10,000 yen in annual fees and women half that much.) The group has more than 250 offices around the country. According to Asahi Shimbun, the Nippon Kaigi Discussion Group of the Diet has 289 members, mostly conservatives from the Liberal Democratic Party (L.D.P.) — about 40 percent of the entire Parliament. Revising the Constitution requires a two-thirds majority (plus a simple majority in a subsequent referendum), but it probably already exists if you add to the Nippon Kaigi discussion group the other pro-revision politicians in the L.D.P. and other parties. And, of course, Nippon Kaigi has a powerful friend in Mr. Abe.

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    Recent reports on Nippon Kaigi tend to describe it simply as the largest right-wing organization in Japan. In reality it is akin to Japan’s version of the Tea Party: Like the Tea Party in the United States, it is a product of deep conservative anxieties about the future. Nippon Kaigi first emerged in 1997, a few years after the L.D.P. lost the ability to govern on its own and began forming coalition governments, and it expanded after the centrist Democratic Party of Japan’s brief rise to power in 2009. Both Nippon Kaigi and the Tea Party cast themselves as “grassroots” movements that represent the “traditional” values of “the people.” One of the Tea Party’s slogans is “Take Back America,” and in the last election one of the L.D.P.’s was “Take Back Japan.”

    But from whom exactly do Mr. Abe, the L.D.P. and Nippon Kaigi want to take Japan back? Unlike the Tea Party, which could not be more explicit in its rejection of President Obama and the American left, these Japanese conservatives have been unwilling to come out and say exactly what they oppose.

    Their vagueness reminds me of the title of a book that the conservative politician (and Nippon Kaigi officer) Shintaro Ishihara published in English in 1991: “The Japan That Can Say No.” At the time, Mr. Ishihara was arguing that Japan had to stand up to the United States. Later he redirected his frustration about Japan’s seeming inability to do this into infamous anti-Chinese polemics.

    Nippon Kaigi and the L.D.P., which the group is rapidly claiming as its own party, are also adopting provocative stances toward some of Japan’s neighbors: They vigorously defend Japan’s claim over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, which China also claims, and they deny that during World War II the Japanese military forced so-called comfort women into sexual slavery.

    Ultimately, however, these positions are only proxies. The real issue is this: the profound sense, shared by Japanese of many other political persuasions, that postwar Japan has never stood on an equal footing with the United States.

    For now, the Tea Party of Japan looks like any other nationalist right-wing group. But its strength is growing. And there is no telling when its members might start saying what really is on their mind: “Take Back Japan From America.”


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