Daniel L. Schacter, Daniel T. Gilbert, Daniel M. Wegner

Episodic memory is the memory of autobiographical events (times, places, associated emotions, and other contextual who, what, when, where, why knowledge) that can be explicitly stated. It is the collection of past personal experiences that occurred at a particular time and place. For example, if you remember the party on your 6th birthday, this is an episodic memory. They allow you to figuratively travel back in time to remember the event that took place at that particular time and place.

2 thoughts on “Daniel L. Schacter, Daniel T. Gilbert, Daniel M. Wegner

  1. shinichi Post author


    by Daniel L. Schacter, Daniel T. Gilbert, Daniel M. Wegner


    5. Memory

    Semantic and Episodic Memory



    Table of Contents

    1. Psychology: The Evolution of a Science
    Psychology’s Roots: The Path to a Science of Mind
    Psychology’s Ancestors: The Great Philosophers
    From the Brain to the Mind: The French Connection
    From Physiology to Psychology: A New Science Born in Germany
    Titchener Brings Structuralism to the United States
    James and the Functional Approach
    The Real World: Improving Study Skills
    Errors and Illusions Reveal Psychology
    Illusions of Movement and the Birth of Gestalt Psychology
    Mental Disorders and Multiple Selves
    Freud and Psychoanalytic Theory
    Influence of Psychoanalysis and the Humanistic Response
    Psychology in the 20th Century: Behaviorism Takes Centerstage
    Watson and the Emergence of Behaviorism
    B. F. Skinner and the Development of Behaviorism
    Beyond Behaviorism: Psychology Expands
    The Emergence of Cognitive Psychology
    The Brain Meets the Mind: The Rise of Cognitive Neuroscience
    The Adaptive Mind: The Emergence of Evolutionary Psychology
    Hot Science: New Connections
    Beyond the Individual: Social and Cultural Perspectives
    The Development of Social Psychology
    The Emergence of Cultural Psychology
    The Profession of Psychology: Past and Present
    Psychologists Band Together: The American Psychological Association
    What Psychologists Do: Research Careers
    Where Do You Stand: The Perils of Procrastination

    2. The Methods of Psychology
    Empiricism: How to Know Things
    The Science of Observation: Saying What
    The Real World: Taking a Chance
    The Science of Explanation: Saying Why
    Hot Science: Establishing Causality in the Brain
    Drawing Conclusions
    The Ethics of Science: Saying Please and Thank You
    Where Do You Stand? The Morality of Immoral Experiments

    3. Neuroscience and Behavior
    Neurons: The Origin of Behavior
    Components of the Neuron
    Major Types of Neurons
    Hot Science: Mirror, Mirror, in My Brain
    Electrical Signaling: Communicating Information within a Neuron
    The Resting Potential: The Origin of the Neuron’s Electrical Properties
    The Action Potential: Sending Signals Over Long Distances
    Chemical Signaling: Synaptic Transmission Between Neurons
    Types of Neurotransmitters
    How Drugs Mimic Neurotransmitters
    The Organization of the Nervous System
    Divisions of the Nervous System
    Components of the Central Nervous System
    Hot Science: Thought Control
    Exploring the Brain
    The Real World: Brain Plasticity and Sensations in Phantom Limbs
    The Development and Evolution of Nervous Systems
    Prenatal Development of the Central Nervous System
    Evolutionary Development of the Central Nervous System
    Genes and the Environment
    Investigating the Brain
    Learning About Brain Organization By Studying the Damaged Brain
    Listening to the Brain: Single Neurons and the EEG
    Brain Imaging: Watching the Brain in Action
    Where Do You Stand? Brain Death

    4. Sensation and Perception
    The Doorway to Psychology
    Measuring Thresholds
    Signal Detection
    Sensory Adaptation
    The Real World: Multitasking
    Vision: More than Meets the Eye
    Sensing Light
    Perceiving Color
    The Visual Brain
    Recognizing Objects by Sight
    Perceiving Depth and Size
    Perceiving Motion
    Audition: More than Meets the Ear
    Sensing Sound
    The Human Ear
    Perceiving Pitch
    Hot Science: Cochlear Implants
    Localizing Sound Sources
    The Body Senses: More than Skin Deep
    Body Position, Movement, and Balance
    The Chemical Senses: Adding Flavor
    The Real World: Supertasters
    Where Do You Stand? Perception and Persuasion

    5. Memory
    Encoding: Transforming Perceptions into Memories
    Elaborative Encoding
    Visual Imagery Encoding
    Organizational Encoding
    Storage: Maintaining Memories over Time
    Sensory Storage
    Short-term Storage and Working Memory
    Long-term Storage
    Memories in the Brain
    Hot Science: A Memory Drug?
    Retrieval: Bringing Memories to Mind
    Retrieval Cues: Reinstating the Past
    Separating the Components of Retrieval
    Multiple Forms of Memory: How the Past Returns
    Implicit Memory and Explicit Memory
    Semantic and Episodic Memory
    Memory Failures: The Seven Sins of Memory
    Memory Misattribution
    The Real World: Deadly Misattributions
    Are the Seven Sins Vices or Virtues?
    Where Do You Stand? The Mystery of Childhood Amnesia

    6. Learning
    Defining Learning: Experience that Causes a Permanent Change
    The Case of Habituation
    Learning and Behaviorism
    Classical Conditioning: One Thing Leads to Another
    Pavlov’s Experiments on Classical Conditioning
    The Basic Principles of Classical Conditioning
    The Real World: Understanding Drug Overdoses
    Conditioned Emotional Responses: The Case of Little Albert
    A Deeper Understanding of Classical Conditioning
    Hot Science: ¡Que Rico!
    Operant Conditioning: Reinforcements
    From the Environment
    The Early Days: The Law of Effect
    Reinforcement, Punishment, and the Development of Operant Conditioning
    The Basic Principles of Operant Conditioning
    A Deeper Understanding of Operant Conditioning
    Observational Learning: Look at Me
    Learning Without Direct Experience
    Observational Learning in Humans
    Observational Learning in Animals
    Implicit Learning: Going Underground
    Ways to Study Implicit Learning
    The Real World: Can You Sleep on It?
    Implicit and Explicit Learning Use Distinct Neural Pathways
    Where Do You Stand? Will Chuck E. Cheese Pay My College Tuition, Too?

    7. Language and Thought
    Language and Communication: Nothing’s More Personal
    The Complex Structure of Human Language
    Language Development
    Theories of Language Development
    The Neurological Specialization that Allows Language to Develop
    Can Other Species Learn Human Language?
    Language and Thought: How Are They Related?
    The Real World: Does Bilingualism Interfere with Cognitive Development?
    Concepts and Categories: How We Think
    The Organization of Concepts and Category Specific Deficits
    Psychological Theories of Concepts and Categories
    Judging, Valuing, and Deciding: Sometimes We’re Logical, Sometimes Not
    Decision Making: Rational, Optimal, and Otherwise
    Other Approaches to Human Decision Making
    Hot Science: The Neuroscience of Risky Decision Making
    Problem Solving: Working It Out
    Means-Ends Analysis
    Analogical Problem Solving
    Creativity and Insight
    Transforming Information: How We Reach Conclusions
    Where Do You Stand? The Need for Cognition

    8. Consciousness
    Conscious and Unconscious: The Mind’s Eye, Open and Closed
    The Mysteries of Consciousness
    The Nature of Consciousness
    The Unconscious Mind
    Hot Science: How Smart Is the Unconscious Mind?
    Sleep and Dreaming: Good Night, Mind
    Hot Science: Dreaming and the Brain
    Drugs and Consciousness: Artificial Inspiration
    Drug Use and Abuse
    Types of Psychoactive Drugs
    The Real World: Drugs and the Regulation of Consciousness
    Hypnosis: Open to Suggestion
    Induction and Susceptibility
    Hypnotic Effects
    Meditation and Religious Experiences:
    Higher Consciousness
    Ecstatic Religious Experiences
    Where Do You Stand? Between NORML and MADD: What Is Acceptable Drug Use?

    9. Intelligence
    The Measurement of Intelligence: Highly Classified
    The Intelligence Quotient
    The Logic of Intelligence Testing
    Consequential Behaviors
    The Real World: Look Smart
    The Nature of Intelligence: Pluribus or Unum?
    General and Specific Abilities
    Middle-Level Abilities
    The Origins of Intelligence: From SES to DNA
    Intelligence and Genes
    Intelligence and Groups
    The Future of Intelligence: Wising Up
    Changing Intelligence
    Hot Science: The Plot Thickens
    Improving Intelligence
    Where Do You Stand? Making Kids Smart or Making Smart Kids?

    10. Emotion and Motivation
    Emotional Experience: The Feeling Machine
    What Is Emotion?
    The Emotional Body
    The Emotional Brain
    The Regulation of Emotion
    Hot Science: The Pleasures of Uncertainty
    Emotional Communication: Msgs w/o Wrds
    Communicative Expression
    The Real World: That’s Gross!
    Deceptive Expression
    Motivation: Getting Moved
    The Function of Emotion
    The Conceptualization of Motivation
    Eating and Mating
    Kinds of Motivation
    Where Do You Stand? Here Comes the Bride

    11. Development
    Prenatality: A Womb with a View
    Prenatal Development
    Prenatal Environment
    Infancy and Childhood: Becoming a Person
    Perceptual and Motor Development
    Cognitive Development
    Hot Science: An Accountant in the Crib?
    Social Development
    The Real World: The Truth about Daycare
    Moral Development
    Adolescence: Minding the Gap
    The Protraction of Adolescence
    Parents and Peers
    Adulthood: The Short Happy Future
    Changing Abilities
    Changing Orientations
    Changing Roles
    Where Do You Stand? Licensing Parents

    12. Personality
    Personality: What It Is and How It Is Measured
    Describing and Explaining Personality
    Measuring Personality
    The Trait Approach: Identifying Patterns of Behavior
    Traits as Behavioral Dispositions and Motives
    The Search for Core Traits
    Traits as Biological Building Blocks
    The Real World: Do Different Genders Lead to Different Personalities?
    The Psychodynamic Approach: Forces that Lie Beneath Awareness
    Unconscious Motives
    The Structure of the Mind: Id, Ego, and Superego
    Dealing with Inner Conflict
    Psychosexual Stages and the Development of Personality
    The Humanistic-Existential Approach: Personality as Choice
    Human Needs and Self-Actualization
    Conditions for Growth
    Personality as Existence
    The Social Cognitive Approach: Personalities in Situations
    Consistency of Personality Across Situations
    Personal Constructs
    Personal Goals and Expectancies
    The Self: Personality in the Mirror
    Hot Science: Implicit Egotism: Liking Ourselves
    Without Knowing It
    Where Do You Stand? Personality Testing for Fun and Profit

    13. Psychological Disorders
    Identifying Psychological Disorders: What Is Abnormal?
    Defining the Boundaries of Normality
    Classification of Psychological Disorders
    Classification and Causation
    Consequences of Labeling
    The Real World: Cultural Variants of Abnormal Behavior
    Anxiety Disorders: When Fears Take Over
    Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    Phobic Disorders
    Panic Disorder
    Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
    Dissociative Disorders: Going to Pieces
    Dissociative Identity Disorder
    Dissociative Amnesia and Dissociative Fugue
    Mood Disorders: At the Mercy of Emotions
    Depressive Disorders
    Bipolar Disorder
    The Real World: Suicide Risk and Prevention
    Schizophrenia: Losing the Grasp on Reality
    Symptoms and Types of Schizophrenia
    Biological Factors
    Psychological Factors
    Personality Disorders: Going to Extremes
    Types of Personality Disorders
    Antisocial Personality Disorder
    Hot Science: Positive Psychology: Exterminating the Mindbugs
    Where Do You Stand? Normal or Abnormal

    14. Treatment of Psychological Disorders
    Treatment: Getting Help to Those Who Need It
    Why People Need Treatment
    Why People Cannot or Will Not Seek Treatment
    Approaches to Treatment
    The Real World: Types of Psychotherapists
    The Psychological Therapies: Healing the Mind through Interaction
    Psychodynamic Therapy
    Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
    Humanistic and Existential Therapies
    Groups in Therapy
    The Real World: Tales from the Madhouse
    Worst Case Scenarios in the History of Treatment
    Medical and Biological Treatments: Healing the Mind through the Brain
    Antipsychotic Medications
    Antianxiety Medications
    Antidepressants and Mood Stabilizers
    Herbal and Natural Products
    Medications in Perspective
    Biological Treatments beyond Medication
    Treatment Effectiveness: For Better or for Worse
    Evaluating Treatments
    Which Treatments Work?
    The Real World: Controversial Treatments—Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
    Where Do You Stand? Should Drugs Be Used to Prevent
    Traumatic Memories?

    15. Stress and Health
    Sources of Stress: What Gets to You?
    Stressful Events
    Chronic Stressors
    Perceived Control over Stressful Events
    Stress Reactions: All Shook Up
    Physical Reactions
    Hot Science: Why Sickness Feels Bad:
    Psychological Effects of Immune Response
    Psychological Reactions
    Stress Management: Dealing With It
    Mind Management
    Body Management
    The Real World: Rubbing the Right and Wrong Way: Massage and Therapeutic Touch
    Situation Management
    The Psychology of Illness: When It’s in Your Head
    Sensitivity to Illness
    On Being a Patient
    Hot Science: This Is Your Brain on Placebos
    The Psychology of Health: Feeling Good
    Personality and Health
    Health-Promoting Behaviors and Self-Regulation
    Where Do You Stand? Consider Yourself Warned

    16. Social Psychology
    Social Behavior: Interacting With People
    Survival: The Struggle for Resources
    Reproduction: The Quest for Immortality
    The Real World: An Affair to Remember
    Hot Science: Beautifully Average
    Social Influence: Controlling People
    The Hedonic Motive: The Power of Pleasure
    The Approval Motive: The Power of Social Acceptance
    The Accuracy Motive: The Power of Being Right
    The Real World: This Just In
    Social Cognition: Understanding People
    Stereotyping: Drawing Inferences From Categories
    Attribution: Drawing Inferences From Actions
    Where Do You Stand? Are You Prejudiced?

  2. shinichi Post author

    Psychologists are curious about the bases of perceptions, thoughts, memories, and feelings, or our subjective sense of self. We’d like to understand how the mind usually functions so effectively in the world, allowing us to accomplish tasks as mundane as tying our shoes, as extraordinary as sending astronauts to the moon, or as sublime as painting the Mona Lisa.


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