Seb Joseph

Despite the dire situation, there are opportunities for advertisers.
With CPCs so low for certain keywords some companies are pouncing on certain coronavirus terms in the belief they can drive traffic back to their site, which is what some travel insurance firms in Western Europe did prior to the crackdown on travel between countries.


2 thoughts on “Seb Joseph

  1. shinichi Post author

    After the shock, ad industry grimly prepares for a prolonged downturn

    by Seb Joseph


    As advertisers get over the initial shock of the rapid rise of the coronavirus, there’s an unexpected sting in the pandemic’s tail – the economy is sliding into another recession.

    The dizzying number of suspended events, postponed launches and disrupted travel over the last week doubled as a series of epiphany moments for many advertisers. Initially, advertisers thought the coronavirus would have a short, sharp shock to economy whereas now they’re braced for its effects to linger for months. The economic tea leaves of a recession were there in the global stock markets last week when listed companies on the Dow Jones, S&P, Nasdaq and FTSE 100 stock exchanges were hit by steep daily falls in value as investors feared the coronavirus would stunt economic growth. For most advertising execs, the coronavirus pandemic now means normal business is on hold indefinitely.

    One ad exec said that three new business pitches worth approximately $2 billion in total media billings had been recently postponed until the coronavirus stabilizes. Subsequently, agencies will win fewer media dollars during a time of unprecedented uncertainty, said the exec.

    While it’s too early to predict the ultimate economic impact of the outbreak, economists like the IAB Europe’s Daniel Knapp warn it could be comparable to the 2008 recession. But whereas that recession was driven by problems in the financial system, the coronavirus is causing a collapse in aggregate consumer demand across a multitude of industries that are freezing the wheels of economic activity around the world.

    “I’ve had some clients asking me whether the agency can not bill them for April because they’ve got no stock to sell, which could have a knock-on effect on our business if more of our clients ask the same,” said the CEO of a digital agency on condition of anonymity.

    The grim economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic are beginning to sink in across the advertising and media landscape.

    “We are facing unprecedented market conditions and many advertisers have sensibly focused on protecting key business and commercial requirements,” said David Indo, CEO of ID Comms. “A significant number of pitch plans are being paused and placed on hold until the situation clarifies. The result could be an avalanche of reviews through the second half of the year or perhaps a delay until the beginning of 2021.”

    Some advertisers like Adidas and AB InBev are already pulling ad dollars in certain markets like China because the coronavirus has upended their ability to sell to people, while others like streaming services are wary of buying more ads in case it looks like they’re trying to profit from people being forced to stay at home, according to agency execs interviewed for this article.

    “There’s no point in spending marketing in the last four weeks in China because everything was closed,” Adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted told analysts on the company’s earnings call last week.

    He did say, however, that the business would continue to buy media where it made sense. The problem is, though, that with the outbreak threatening to wipe away major sports events from the annual calendar, there could be fewer places for a sportswear manufacturer to spend its ad dollars.

    “If you cancel an event, for instance, for the sake of this conversation of course, then you’re not going to have any marketing spends associated with that,” Rorsted told analysts.

    Canceled events and travel restrictions have meant people aren’t traveling as much. And if people aren’t traveling as much then business metrics like return on advertising spend are in freefall for travel companies.

    “There are specific verticals like travel where businesses are trying to cut every last possible outgoing, including advertising,” said Gareth Owen, md of independent agency network TiPi Group.

    Travel clients for the network aren’t bidding on certain keywords that usually drive sales as part of wider cuts to pay-per-click strategies that have also stopped display budgets and anything non-brand related, said Owen.

    Christian Gladwell, Global CEO, M&C Saatchi Performance expanded on the point: “The virus is bad news for performance marketing budgets if they are only employed at a low stage of the funnel that’s acquiring the media within a narrow cost per action range.”

    The struggles of travel companies and event organizers are fast becoming the struggles for the rest of the ad industry too.

    Some influencers, for example, are seeing lucrative projects with advertisers get suspended or canceled as a result of either not being able to travel or canceled events.

    “I was due to fly overseas with some of our creators who were going to take part in the promotion of an up and coming film, one has been canceled and the other postponed,” said Laura Edwards, co-founder of influencer talent agency Viral Talent.

    Nevertheless, only a few travel and tourism campaigns have been affected by the outbreak so far, said Edwards. If the situation gets worse, however, and companies cancel their scheduled and brand-sponsored campaigns then Edwards believes it will “seriously” affect the income of their influencers.

    Whenever there’s talk of campaigns being either canceled unexpectedly or media schedules postponed, production execs are left sweating on the outcome. The outbreak has already halted film shoots at various stages of production, with some having to be disbanded just three weeks away from the shoot said Michelle Hickey, head of TV at creative agency Fold7.

    “Insurance is a big consideration for us right now because the outbreak would come under ‘force majeure ‘clauses in contracts, which are often not covered in any policies,” said Hickey.

    One way of preserving productions is by live streaming them.

    Should certain members of Hickey’s film crew be unable to fly out to a film shoot in Europe later this week they could still work on the shoot by giving directions to those execs on the set over a live stream of the production. For other upcoming productions, Hickey is considering filming in London to reduce travel or either repurposing older footage or investing in animation because neither requires organizing a shoot.

    Despite the dire situation, there are opportunities for advertisers.

    With CPCs so low for certain keywords some companies are pouncing on certain coronavirus terms in the belief they can drive traffic back to their site, which is what some travel insurance firms in Western Europe did prior to the crackdown on travel between countries, said TiPi Group’s Owen.

  2. shinichi Post author

    アフターコロナ に向けて、「長期不況」へ備える 広告業界

    by Seb Joseph



    3月第1週にはそれまでの倍に近い、おびただしい数の広告主のイベントやローンチが延期され、移動も制限された。広告主のあいだでは当初、コロナウイルスの経済への大きな影響は短期的との見方が多かったが、いまや各社は今後何カ月も続くであろう影響に備えている。3月第1週、世界中の株式市場で不況の予兆が見られた。投資家はコロナウイルスによる経済成長への悪影響を悲観し、ダウやS&P、ナスダック、FTSE 100の上場企業の株価は連日、急激な下落に見舞われた。大半の広告主役員が、コロナウイルスのパンデミックによって通常業務への復帰の見通しが立たない状況にあると語っている。






    IDコムズ(ID Comms)のCEO、デイビッド・インドゥ氏は「市場は過去にない状況に直面している。多数の広告主が主要事業や商業的な条件を守るため、集中すべき分野を慎重に選択している」と語る。「状況がはっきりするまで営業計画の多くが凍結中だ。下半期から来年の頭には大量に見直しが行われる可能性がある」。

    アディダス(Adidas)やアンハイザー・ブッシュ・インベブ(AB InBev)など一部の広告主は、コロナウイルスによる販売能力の低下を受けて、すでに中国など一部市場で広告資金の引き上げを行っている。一方、本記事の執筆にあたってインタビューを行ったエージェンシー役員らによれば、ストリーミングサービス企業などは、自宅に滞在せざるを得ない人たちから収益を上げるため、広告の購入数を慎重に増やしているという。







    独立系エージェンシーネットワークのティピグループ(TiPi Group)でマネージングディレクターを務めるギャレス・オーウェン氏は「旅行業界など、一部業界では広告を含め、極力支出をカットしようと努めている」と語る。


    M&Cサーチパフォーマンス(M&C Saatchi Performance)のグローバルCEO、クリスチャン・グラッドウェル氏はこれについて次のように述べている。「ウイルスによってパフォーマンスマーケティング予算は悪影響を受けている。ファネルの初期段階において、メディア獲得のためのアクションあたりのコスト範囲が狭まっている」。




    インフルエンサータレントエージェンシーのバイラル・タレント(Viral Talent)の共同創業者、ローラ・エドワーズ氏は次のように述べている。「最新映画の宣伝に参加するクリエイターと海外にいく直前で、ひとつのイベントが中止に、もうひとつが延期になった」。











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