

10 thoughts on “西暦536年

  1. shinichi Post author












  2. shinichi Post author

    Why 536 was ‘the worst year to be alive’

    Glacier cores reveal Icelandic volcano that plunged Europe into darkness

    by Ann Gibbons


    Ask medieval historian Michael McCormick what year was the worst to be alive, and he’s got an answer: “536.” Not 1349, when the Black Death wiped out half of Europe. Not 1918, when the flu killed 50 million to 100 million people, mostly young adults. But 536. In Europe, “It was the beginning of one of the worst periods to be alive, if not the worst year,” says McCormick, a historian and archaeologist who chairs the Harvard University Initiative for the Science of the Human Past.

    A mysterious fog plunged Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Asia into darkness, day and night—for 18 months. “For the sun gave forth its light without brightness, like the moon, during the whole year,” wrote Byzantine historian Procopius. Temperatures in the summer of 536 fell 1.5°C to 2.5°C, initiating the coldest decade in the past 2300 years. Snow fell that summer in China; crops failed; people starved. The Irish chronicles record “a failure of bread from the years 536–539.” Then, in 541, bubonic plague struck the Roman port of Pelusium, in Egypt. What came to be called the Plague of Justinian spread rapidly, wiping out one-third to one-half of the population of the eastern Roman Empire and hastening its collapse, McCormick says.

    Historians have long known that the middle of the sixth century was a dark hour in what used to be called the Dark Ages, but the source of the mysterious clouds has long been a puzzle. Now, an ultraprecise analysis of ice from a Swiss glacier by a team led by McCormick and glaciologist Paul Mayewski at the Climate Change Institute of The University of Maine (UM) in Orono has fingered a culprit. At a workshop at Harvard this week, the team reported that a cataclysmic volcanic eruption in Iceland spewed ash across the Northern Hemisphere early in 536. Two other massive eruptions followed, in 540 and 547. The repeated blows, followed by plague, plunged Europe into economic stagnation that lasted until 640, when another signal in the ice—a spike in airborne lead—marks a resurgence of silver mining, as the team reports in Antiquity this week.

    To Kyle Harper, provost and a medieval and Roman historian at The University of Oklahoma in Norman, the detailed log of natural disasters and human pollution frozen into the ice “give us a new kind of record for understanding the concatenation of human and natural causes that led to the fall of the Roman Empire—and the earliest stirrings of this new medieval economy.”

    Ever since tree ring studies in the 1990s suggested the summers around the year 540 were unusually cold, researchers have hunted for the cause. Three years ago polar ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica yielded a clue. When a volcano erupts, it spews sulfur, bismuth, and other substances high into the atmosphere, where they form an aerosol veil that reflects the sun’s light back into space, cooling the planet. By matching the ice record of these chemical traces with tree ring records of climate, a team led by Michael Sigl, now of the University of Bern, found that nearly every unusually cold summer over the past 2500 years was preceded by a volcanic eruption. A massive eruption—perhaps in North America, the team suggested—stood out in late 535 or early 536; another followed in 540. Sigl’s team concluded that the double blow explained the prolonged dark and cold.

    Mayewski and his interdisciplinary team decided to look for the same eruptions in an ice core drilled in 2013 in the Colle Gnifetti Glacier in the Swiss Alps. The 72-meter-long core entombs more than 2000 years of fallout from volcanoes, Saharan dust storms, and human activities smack in the center of Europe. The team deciphered this record using a new ultra–high-resolution method, in which a laser carves 120-micron slivers of ice, representing just a few days or weeks of snowfall, along the length of the core. Each of the samples—some 50,000 from each meter of the core—is analyzed for about a dozen elements. The approach enabled the team to pinpoint storms, volcanic eruptions, and lead pollution down to the month or even less, going back 2000 years, says UM volcanologist Andrei Kurbatov.

    In ice from the spring of 536, UM graduate student Laura Hartman found two microscopic particles of volcanic glass. By bombarding the shards with x-rays to determine their chemical fingerprint, she and Kurbatov found that they closely matched glass particles found earlier in lakes and peat bogs in Europe and in a Greenland ice core. Those particles in turn resembled volcanic rocks from Iceland. The chemical similarities convince geoscientist David Lowe of The University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand, who says the particles in the Swiss ice core likely came from the same Icelandic volcano. But Sigl says more evidence is needed to convince him that the eruption was in Iceland rather than North America.

    Either way, the winds and weather systems in 536 must have been just right to guide the eruption plume southeast across Europe and, later, into Asia, casting a chilly pall as the volcanic fog “rolled through,” Kurbatov says. The next step is to try to find more particles from this volcano in lakes in Europe and Iceland, in order to confirm its location in Iceland and tease out why it was so devastating.

    A century later, after several more eruptions, the ice record signals better news: the lead spike in 640. Silver was smelted from lead ore, so the lead is a sign that the precious metal was in demand in an economy rebounding from the blow a century before, says archaeologist Christopher Loveluck of the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom. A second lead peak, in 660, marks a major infusion of silver into the emergent medieval economy. It suggests gold had become scarce as trade increased, forcing a shift to silver as the monetary standard, Loveluck and his colleagues write in Antiquity. “It shows the rise of the merchant class for the first time,” he says.

    Still later, the ice is a window into another dark period. Lead vanished from the air during the Black Death from 1349 to 1353, revealing an economy that had again ground to a halt. “We’ve entered a new era with this ability to integrate ultra–high-resolution environmental records with similarly high resolution historical records,” Loveluck says. “It’s a real game changer.”

  3. shinichi Post author

    Une carotte glaciaire révèle que 536 fut la pire année de l’histoire de l’humanité

    par Sarah Sermondadaz


    Une équipe d’archéologues et de climatologues montre que l’étude d’une carotte de glace peut livrer un témoignage historique extrêmement précis. Ils l’appliquent à la période 540-660, particulièrement troublée pour l’Histoire de l’occident.

    536, année horrifique ? Elle a en tout cas ouvert l’une ères les plus sombres de l’histoire de l’humanité, selon une étude publiée dans la revue Antiquity, reprise par le magazine américain Science. “C’était le début d’une des pires périodes pour être en vie, si ce n’est la pire année de toute l’Histoire”, explique Michael McCormick à Science. En cause, une catastrophe climatique, peut-être une à plusieurs éruptions volcaniques, qui auraient obscurci l’atmosphère au point de faire chuter la température de 1,5 à 2,5°C, phénomène décrit dans la littérature de l’époque, et appuyé par des études précédentes basées sur la dendrochronologie (étude des cernes des arbres) ! Résultat : des conséquences désastreuses pour les récoltes… et des sociétés fragilisées. En 541 surgit la première pandémie de peste (peste de Justinien) : un coup fatal pour le pourtour méditerranéen.

    Ce que les isotopes de plomb contenus dans une carotte de glace ont à nous dire du passé

    Pour aboutir à ces conclusions, ces scientifiques (des archéologues, mais aussi des climatologues) se sont notamment basés sur l’étude des isotopes du plomb contenus dans une carotte de glace prélevée sur un glacier suisse, qui permet de reconstituer le passé de l’atmosphère sur 2000 ans. Quel rapport ? La pollution de l’air au plomb est en effet corrélée à… l’activité minière d’extraction de l’argent, utilisé pour frapper la monnaie ! Pour analyser l’échantillon de glace, l’équipe a utilisé un laser capable de découper des tranches de glace fines de 120 microns, de quoi atteindre une précision historique de l’ordre de quelques jours. “Nous sommes entrés dans une nouvelle ère, où nous bénéficions d’enregistrements environnementaux aussi précis que les témoignages historiques : c’est une révolution”, se réjouit l’archéologue Christopher Loveluck dans les colonnes de Science.

    EXPLOITATIONS MINIÈRE. À l’époque étaient en effet principalement exploités des gisements de galène, espèce minérale qui contient des traces d’argent, mais surtout beaucoup de sulfure de plomb. En modélisant les déplacements de masse d’air, les chercheurs ont ainsi pu évaluer où avaient été fondus les pièces d’argent utilisées pour le commerce. De quoi évaluer l’activité économique de l’Europe… et la recouper avec les événements marquants retenus par les historiens : altérations climatiques, pandémies… Les périodes où la concentration atmosphérique en plomb augmente indiquent une forte activité économique. “Cela montre le passage d’une monnaie d’or à une monnaie d’argent, et l’avènement de la première classe de marchants”, écrit dans l’étude Christopher Loveluck. À l’inverse, les périodes où le taux de plomb s’effondre correspond aux moments où l’économie s’effondre, notamment à cause d’épidémies comme la peste de Justinien, ou encore la peste noire de 1349-1353.

    Des particules de verre volcanique retrouvées dans la glace

    Comment savoir précisément quel est l’épisode volcanique responsable de cette obscure catastrophe climatique européenne ? Certaines études avaient précédemment postulé qu’une éruption dans les tropiques était en cause. D’autres envisageaient un volcan nord-américain. Mais ici, l’équipe pense plutôt qu’il s’agit de l’éruption d’un volcan islandais. En effet, des particules microscopiques de verre volcanique caractéristique ont été retrouvées dans la carotte glaciaire, mais aussi au Groenland, ainsi que dans plusieurs lacs et tourbières en Europe… Les chercheurs souhaitent toutefois confirmer ce point à l’avenir en retrouvant davantage d’échantillons volcaniques.

  4. shinichi Post author

    「全現代語訳 日本書記」より引用






    宣化天皇(雄略天皇11年〈467年〉- 宣化天皇4年〈539年〉)は、日本の第28代天皇(在位:宣化天皇元年12月〈536年1月〉 – 宣化天皇4年2月〈539年3月〉)。





    淡海 三船(養老6年(722年)ー 延暦4年(785年))は、奈良時代後期の皇族・貴族・文人。始め御船王を名乗るが、臣籍降下し淡海真人姓となる。弘文天皇の曽孫。内匠頭・池辺王の子。官位は従四位下・刑部卿。勲位は勲三等。


  5. shinichi Post author








  6. shinichi Post author



     太陽光線を遮り、世界の半分に寒さと飢えをもたらした536年の「乾いた霧」の原因は超火山の噴火だったという新しい研究が発表された。 6世紀の地球暗化の原因は長年にわたって議論の的だったが、国際的な研究者のチームは最近、噴火の形跡である硫酸塩分子をグリーンランドの氷から発見した。536年の異変については、中央アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジアの古代文書の中に、世界が暗く寒くなり、作物はしおれ、戦争が起こり、ペストが流行したという記述が見出せるが、物理的な証拠が発見されたのはこれが初めてだ。





  7. shinichi Post author

    In 538, Roman statesman Cassiodorus sent a letter to one of his subordinates.


    The Letters of Cassiodorus: Being a Condensed Translation of the Variae Epistolae of Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator
    by Senator Cassiodorus

    手紙 (25 番)

    • 太陽の光は弱く、「青みがかった」色に見えた。
    • 正午になっても、地面に人の影ができることはなかった。
    • 太陽からの熱は弱かった。
    • 月は満月でも「輝きのない」ものだった。
    • 嵐のない冬、穏やかな春、暑さのない夏、長引く霜、季節外れの干ばつ。。。季節は「ごちゃ混ぜ」に見えた。
    • 空はいつも曇っていて、太陽と月の「本当の色」と太陽の暖かさが思い出せないほどだ。
    • 収穫時に霜が降り、リンゴが固くなり、ブドウが酸っぱくなった。
    • 状況を乗り切るために保存された食品を使用する必要性が生じた。
    • その後の手紙 (26 番と 27 番) では、広範囲にわたる飢饉を緩和するための計画について話し合っている。
  8. shinichi Post author





  9. shinichi Post author

    Volcanic winter of 536


    The volcanic winter of 536 was the most severe and protracted episode of climatic cooling in the Northern Hemisphere in the last 2,000 years. The volcanic winter was caused by an eruption, with several possible locations proposed in various continents. Most contemporary accounts of the volcanic winter are from authors in Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, although the impact of the cooler temperatures extended beyond Europe. Modern scholarship has determined that in early 536 CE (or possibly late 535) an eruption ejected massive amounts of sulfate aerosols into the atmosphere, which reduced the solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface and cooled the atmosphere for several years. In March 536, Constantinople began experiencing darkened skies and cooler temperatures.

    Summer temperatures in 536 fell by as much as 2.5 degrees Celsius (4.5 Fahrenheit degrees) below normal in Europe. The lingering impact of the volcanic winter of 536 was augmented in 539–540 when another volcanic eruption caused summer temperatures to decline as much as 2.7 degrees Celsius (4.9 Fahrenheit degrees) below normal in Europe. There is evidence of still another volcanic eruption in 547 which would have extended the cooler period. The volcanic eruptions, accompanied by the Plague of Justinian, which began in 541, caused crop failures, famine, and millions of deaths and initiated the Late Antique Little Ice Age, which lasted from 536 to 660.

    Medieval scholar Michael McCormick has written that 536 was the worst year in history to be alive. “It was the beginning of one of the worst periods to be alive, if not the worst year.”


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