3 thoughts on “Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

  1. shinichi Post author

    Almost 6 in 10 Dutch people do not have a religious affiliation

    Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

    In 2021, 58 percent of the Dutch population aged 15 years and over stated they did not belong to any religious denomination or ideological group. This was 55 percent in the previous year and still 45 percent in 2010. The share of Catholics fell in particular. The decline among Protestant churches and groups remained limited. The group describing themselves as Islamic has remained stable in recent years. This is evident from new figures released by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) as part of a survey on social cohesion and well-being.

    In 2021, 43 percent of the Dutch population aged 15 years and over said they belong to a religious group or denomination. Eighteen percent of this group described themselves as Catholic, down from 20 percent in 2020 and 27 percent in 2010. Furthermore, 14 percent stated they belonged to a Protestant church, down from 18 percent in 2010. The proportion of Muslims remained stable at 5 percent, as did the group saying they belong to another ideological group (6 percent).

    More women than men with a religious affiliation

    Of the female population, 45 percent considered themselves to be part of a religious group, versus 40 percent of the male population The greater religious affiliation among women is not new. In 2010, 57 percent of women were members of a religious denomination or ideological group, while among men this was 52 percent.

    Wider differences between age groups

    In 2021, 28 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds indicated they belong to a religious group, versus 65 percent of the over-75s. The youngest age group (15 to 17 years) held an average position at 41 percent.

    In 2010, the differences between the age groups were less pronounced. At that time, almost half of all age groups between 15 and 44 years belonged to a religious group. This rose steadily to a 73-percent share among the over-75s.

    Lower attendance at religious services

    An increasingly smaller proportion of the population aged 15 or over regularly attends religious services. In 2010, 18 percent of the over-15s still attended a service regularly, i.e. at least once per month. This dropped to 13 percent in 2021.

    Of the most common religions in the Netherlands, Catholics go to church the least often (13 percent in 2021). Among Protestants, more than half regularly attend church.

    Among Muslims, 43 percent visit a mosque at least once a month. Among those belonging to a different denomination or ideological group, 28 percent attend a service on a regular basis.

  2. shinichi Post author



    欧米では日曜日やクリスマスに教会に行くというイメージがあるが、オランダではこの限りではないようだ。宗教を信じないという人が増えていて、15歳以上の10人に6人(58%)がどの宗教にも属さないと答えている。(中央統計局) 昨年この数は55%、10年前には45%だったので、無宗教化は進んでいる。




    この世俗化が何を意味するのか? 以前は人生の問題やバーンアウトなどに直面したときに宗教という頼れるものがあったが、今では自分でそれを探求し解決するという選択しかない。また亡くなったあとの儀式も教会で行わず葬儀場のみという人が増えている。


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