Generative AI

Generative AI (GenAI) is the part of Artificial Intelligence that can generate all kinds of data, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, 3D objects, videos, and so forth. It takes inspiration from existing data, but also generates new and unexpected outputs, breaking new ground in the world of product design, art, and many more. Much of it, thanks to recent breakthroughs in the field like (Chat)GPT and Midjourney.

3 thoughts on “Generative AI

  1. shinichi Post author

    ChatGPTにStable Diffusion… 急激な進化を見せるジェネレーティブAIを一括把握【トレンドレポート】



     そもそも ジェネレーティブAI(Generative AI、生成/生成的AI)とは、創造的でありながらも現実的な全く新しいデジタル画像や動画、音声、文章やコードなどを作成できる人工知能です。2020年8月のGartnerのハイプサイクルに黎明期の技術として登場していましたが*、2022年夏頃より急激に注目を集めるようになりました。



     これまでAIといえば文字を認識するAIや画像から物体を認識するAIなど、いわゆるディスクリミネーティブ(認識/識別系)AIが主流でしたが、2022年8月頃の画像生成AI「Midjourney」の発表を皮切りに、対話型でテキストを生成する「ChatGPT」や、より質の高い画像が生成できる「Stable Diffusion」など、創造性に優れたジェネレーティブAIが次々と登場し、盛り上がりを見せています。またジェネレーティブAIの中にはオープンソースであるものも多く、2022年後半からその普及に拍車がかかっています。


     2022年、ジェネレーティブAI分野のスタートアップに対する総投資額は$2.6B(約3,406億円: 2022年平均 1ドル=131円)にものぼりました。*



  2. shinichi Post author

    Gartner Identifies Five Emerging Trends That Will Drive Technology Innovation for the Next Decade

    Social Distancing Technologies, Composable Enterprise, AI-Assisted Design, Differential Privacy and Biodegradable Sensors Among Key Technologies to Watch


    Five Emerging Technology Trends

    Digital me — Technology is becoming increasingly integrated with people to create new opportunities for digital representations of ourselves, such as digital passports and social distancing technologies. Digital twins of humans provide models of individuals that can represent people in both the physical and digital space. The way people interact with the digital world is also moving beyond screens and keyboards to use a combination of interaction modalities (e.g. voice, vision, gesture), and even directly altering our brains.

    The technologies to watch include social distancing technologies, health passports, digital twin of the person, citizen twin, multiexperience and 2-Way BMI (brain machine interface).

    Composite architectures — The composable enterprise is designed to respond to rapidly changing business needs with packaged business capabilities built upon a flexible data fabric. A composite architecture is implemented with solutions composed of packaged business capabilities. Built-in intelligence is decentralized and extends outward to edge devices and the end user.

    To become a more agile organization, the following technologies should be tracked: composable enterprise, packaged business capabilities, data fabric, private 5G, embedded artificial intelligence (AI) and low-cost single-board computers at the edge.

    Formative AI — This is a set of emerging AI and related technologies that can dynamically change to respond to situational variances. Some of these technologies are used by application developers and UX designers to create new solutions by using AI enabled tools. Other technologies enable the development of AI models that can evolve dynamically to adapt over time. The most advanced can generate entirely novel models that are targeted to solve specific problems.

    Enterprises looking to explore the boundaries of AI should consider AI-assisted design, AI augmented development, ontologies and graphs, small data, composite AI, adaptive ML, self-supervised learning, generative AI and generative adversarial networks.

    Algorithmic trust —Trust models based on responsible authorities are being replaced by algorithmic trust models to ensure privacy and security of data, source of assets and identity of individuals and things. Algorithmic trust helps to ensure that organizations will not be exposed to the risk and costs of losing the trust of their customers, employees and partners.

    Emerging technologies tied to algorithmic trust include secure access service edge (SASE), differential privacy, authenticated provenance, bring your own identity, responsible AI and explainable AI.

    Beyond silicon — For more than four decades, Moore’s Law (the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit (IC) doubles about every two years) has guided the IT industry. As technology approaches the physical limits of silicon, new advanced materials are creating breakthrough opportunities to make technologies faster and smaller.

    Critical technologies to be considered include DNA computing, biodegradable sensors and carbon-based transistors.


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