Category Archives: globalization

>Manfred B. Steger


I suggest that there is, in fact, something different about today’s political belief systems: a new global imaginary is on the rise. It erupts with increasing frequency within and onto the familiar framework of the national, spewing its fiery lava across all geographical scales. Stoked, among other things, by technological change and scientific innovation, this global imaginary destabilizes the grand political ideologies codified by social elites during the national age. Thus, our changing ideational landscape is intimately related to the forces of globalization, defined here as the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and world space.

>Thomas L. Friedman


Reflecting on this past decade and a half, during which the world went flat, it strikes me that our lives have been powerfully shaped by two dates: 11/9 and 9/11. These two dates represent the two competing forms of imagination at work in the world today: the creative imagination of 11/9 and the destructive imagination of 9/11. One brought down a wall and opened the windows of the world — both the operating system and the kind we look through. It unlocked half the planet and made the citizens there our collaborators and competitors. Another brought down the World Trade Center, closing its Windows on the World restaurant forever and putting up new invisible and concrete walls among people at a time when we thought 11/9 had erased them for good. he dismantling of the Berlin Wall on 11/9 was brought about by people who dared to imagine a different, more open world …

>Nayan Chanda


Why in that first instance did human beings leave Africa and become a globalized species? Most of what we eat, drink, or use originated somewhere else than where we find these objects today. Almost everything we associate with a nation or take pride in as our own is connected with another part of the world, however remotely. Today’s capitalist business model can explain why Starbucks coffee – an iconic symbol of globalization – is sold in thousands of locations around the world or why Japan’s Canon camera is a globally recognized brand. But the economic definition leaves other questions unanswered. How, for example, did the coffee bean, grown first only in Ethiopia, end up in our cups after a journey through Java and Colombia? How did the name of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteswar, translated into Chinese as Guanyin and in Japanese as Kwanon, inspire the Japanese brand name for a camera?

>Michel Beaud


Autre manière d’exprimer l’accélération de la croissance démographique, il a fallu :
— des centaines de millénaires pour que l’humanité atteigne le premier milliard ;
— 127 ans pour qu’elle atteigne le deuxième ; — 33 ans pour qu’elle atteigne le troisième ; — 14 ans pour qu’elle atteigne le quatrième ; — 13 ans pour qu’elle atteigne le cinquième ; — et il aura probablement fallu 12 ans pour qu’elle atteigne, en 1999, le sixième milliard.
Jamais ceci ne s’était produit : pour les octogénaires nés en 1920, la population humaine aura triplé au cours de leur vie. L’ensemble des humains ayant vécu depuis la nuit des temps a été évalué à 100 milliards ; 10 milliards d’humains ont vécu au XXe siècle. Un dixième des humains a vécu dans ce siècle : une goutte de temps dans le long fleuve des centaines de milliers ou des millions d’années de notre histoire.
Bien d’autres croissances et bien d’autres accélérations ont lieu dans le même temps.

>James Mittelman


… zones of production may arise spontaneously with little or no government intervention and bridge territorial boundaries. Furthermore, culture is constructed and reconstructed at speeds that differ from those of the workings of international institutions, usually at a much slower pace …

>Financial Stability Board


The policy framework for SIFIs should combine:
  • a resolution framework and other measures to ensure that all financial institutions can be resolved safely, quickly and without destabilising the financial system and exposing the taxpayer to the risk of loss;
  • a requirement that SIFIs and initially in particular global SIFIs (G-SIFIs) have higher loss absorbency capacity to reflect the greater risks that these institutions pose to the global financial system;
  • more intensive supervisory oversight for financial institutions which may pose systemic risk;
  • robust core financial market infrastructures to reduce contagion risk from the failure of individual institutions and
  • other supplementary prudential and other requirements as determined by the national authorities.
Additionally, home jurisdictions for G-SIFIs should:
  • enable a rigorous co-ordinated assessment of the risks facing the G-SIFIs through international supervisory colleges;
  • make international recovery and resolution planning mandatory for G-SIFIs and negotiate institution-specific crisis cooperation agreements within cross-border crisis management groups;
  • subject their G-SIFI policy measures to review by the proposed Peer Review Council.







>William Dalrymple


For the Afghans, the British defeat of 1842 became a symbol of freedom from foreign invasion. It is again no accident that the diplomatic quarter of Kabul is named after the general who oversaw the rout of the British in that year: Wazir Akbar Khan.
Finally, now as then, there has been an attempt at a last show of force in order to save face before withdrawal. As happened in 1842, it has achieved little except civilian casualties and the further alienation of the Afghans. As one of the tribal elders from Jegdalek said to me: “How many times can they apologise for killing our innocent women and children and expect us to forgive them? They come, they bomb, they kill us and then they say, ‘Oh, sorry, we got the wrong people.’ And they keep doing that.”

>Reverend G R Gleig


It was a war begun for no wise purpose, carried on with a strange mixture of rashness and timidity, brought to a close after suffering and disaster, without much glory attached either to the government which directed, or the great body of troops which waged it. Not one benefit, political or military, has Britain acquired with this war. Our eventual evacuation of the country resembled the retreat of an army defeated.
(In 1843, shortly after his return from Afghanistan, an army chaplain, Reverend G R Gleig, wrote a memoir about the First Anglo-Afghan War, of which he was one of the very few survivors.)

>Tawada Yoko


I had to smile when he spoke about tradition in Montana but actually what he said was not funny. Tradition is a fiction. It is always produced in hindsight. If it isn’t manufactured, it is not there. The Japanese tradition is no less fictive than that of Montana. When the Japanese government at the end of the 19th century opened the country to the outside world, it quickly re-activated ancient Shinto traditions that had not been practiced in over three hundred years. The cultural tradition was needed in order to form a national identity. It had not been necessary so long as the country had not had direct contact with the outside world.
Since tradition is fictive, there is no reason to feel genetically allied to a tradition. Everyone can freely choose the fictive tradition they wish to work with. Every artist may work with any of the elements found on the planet. Whether an artist can produce something new and exciting from that depends on not the origin of the artist but the artist’s ability.

>Tim Woods


The necessity of articulating a credible construction of identity, democracy, community, responsibility or security without the presupposition of the presence of territorial space, a distinct boundary of demarcation between here and there, has become one of the most imperative considerations of the late twentieth century.

>Andrew Ross Sorkin


To attempt to understand how the events of September 2008 occurred is, of course, an im- portant exercise, but only if its lessons are used to help strengthen the system and protect it from future crises. Washington now has a rare opportunity to examine and introduce reforms to the fundamental regulatory structure, but it appears there is a danger that this once-in-a-generation opportunity may be squandered.

>Joseph E. Stiglitz


Crises have happened in a broad range of nations because when finance becomes unregulated it becomes vastly too large and too powerful and uses its power to corrupt or evade restraints on its power. This means that crony capitalism is a severe danger and will often occur.
They even had an argument: deregulation had led them to make more money, and money was the mark of success. Q.E.D.

John Lennon

Imagine there’s no Heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Roger Cohen

Before social media, when we were social, before thumb-typing, when a thumb hitched a ride, before de-friending, when a friend was for life, before online conduct, when you conducted yourself, before “content,” when we told stories, we did get by all the same.
Before identity theft, when nobody could steal you, before global positioning systems, when we were lost, before 24/7 monitoring and alerts by text and e-mail, when there was idleness, before spin doctors, when there was character, before e-readers, when pages were turned, we did get by just the same.
Before “I’ll call you back,” when people made dates, before algorithms, when there was aimlessness, before attitude, when there was apathy, before YouTube, when there was you and me, before Gore-Tex, in the damp, before sweat-resistant fabric, when sweat was sexy, before high-tech sneakers, as we walked the walk, before remotes, in the era of distance, I’m sure we managed just the same.

>Nicholas Negroponte


… to secure consumer data in an increasingly globalized world … disband the United Nations and start over again. … the post-World War II institution wasn’t built to address the challenges of the digital age. … the opposite of global is national. … I look at nationalism as a disease.
Nations, as we know them today, will erode because they are neither big enough to be global nor small enough to be local. The evolutionary life of the nation-state will turn out to be far shorter than that of the pterodactyl. Local governance will abound. A united planet is certain, but when is not.







>William Gray Dixon


One fact is at once apparent ; there is a universal air of good humour. Nothing is more noticeable among the crowd than this. The cares of the world evidently press lightly upon them ; they seem less alive than Europeans to the stern realities of life.
None wears that intense distracted look so common in a Western city throng. They form a smiling, contented crowd, from the shaven-headed old grand-dame to the crowing baby. To look at them — man, woman, boy, girl alike — one might fancy there was no such thing as sorrow in the world.
It is not by any means contended that the Japanese may never look miserable. But the fact remains, that among this people there is nothing which so strikes and so wins a stranger as this aspect of geniality.

>Basil Hall Chamberlain


Yes, we repeat it, Old Japan is dead and gone, and Young Japan reigns in its stead, as opposed in appearance and in aims to its predecessor as history shows many a youthful prince to have been to the late king, his father. The steam-whistle, the newspaper, the voting-paper, the pillar-post at every street-corner and even in remote villages, the clerk in shop or bank or public office hastily summoned from our side to answer the ring of the telephone bell, the railway replacing the palanquin, the iron-clad replacing the war-junk, these and a thousand other startling changes testify that Japan is transported ten thousand miles away from her former moorings. She is transported out of her patriarchal calm into the tumult of Western competition, a competition active right along the line, in diplomacy and war, in industries, in shipping, possibly even in colonisation.

>Frank Lloyd Wright


At last I had found one country on earth where simplicity, as natural, is supreme. The floors of these Japanese homes are all made to live on — to sleep on, to kneel and eat from, to kneel upon soft silken mats and meditate upon. On which to play the flute, or to make love.




>Michel Chossudovsky

>The global political economy is a system that enriches the very few at the expense of the vast majority. The global economic crisis has contributed to widening social inequalities both within and between countries. Under global capitalism, mounting poverty is not the result of a scarcity or a lack of human and material resources. Quite the opposite holds true: the economic depression is marked by a process of disengagement of human resources and physical capital. People’s lives are destroyed. The economic crisis is deep-seated.






>John Maynard Keynes


The inhabitant of London could order by telephone, sipping his morning tea in bed, the various products of the whole earth, in such quantity as he might see fit, and reasonably expect their early delivery upon his doorstep; he could at the same moment and by the same means adventure his wealth in the natural resources and new enterprises of any quarter of the world, and share, without exertion or even trouble, in their prospective fruits and advantages; or he could decide to couple the security of his fortunes with the good faith of the townspeople of any substantial municipality in any continent that fancy or information might recommend. He could secure forthwith, if he wished it, cheap and comfortable means of transit to any country or climate without passport or other formality, could despatch his servant to the neighboring office of a bank for such supply of the precious metals as might seem convenient, and could then proceed abroad to foreign quarters, without knowledge of their religion, language, or customs, bearing coined wealth upon his person, and would consider himself greatly aggrieved and much surprised at the least interference. But, most important of all, he regarded this state of affairs as normal, certain, and permanent, except in the direction of further improvement, and any deviation from it as aberrant, scandalous, and avoidable. The projects and politics of militarism and imperialism, of racial and cultural rivalries, of monopolies, restrictions, and exclusion, which were to play the serpent to this paradise, were little more than the amusements of his daily newspaper, and appeared to exercise almost no influence at all on the ordinary course of social and economic life, the internationalization of which was nearly complete in practice.




>The Times

>You park your expensive car in a dangerous part of town and leave it unlocked, with the keys in the ignition. It gets stolen. Who’s to blame? The thief who took your car or you for having given him the opportunity to steal it? Ethically, of course, the thief is to blame. But try going to the local police station to report your car stolen and tell them you left it unattended in a dodgy neighbourhood with the keys in plain sight. If they’re polite they’ll wait until you’ve left before exploding into a belly laugh. The assumption is that there will always be someone willing to steal your car.
Italians take the “real world” with them on to the football pitch at youth level. And because it’s real, the rewards go to the winners, not the nice guys or those who play by the rules.

>Standard & Poor’s, VisualEconomics


Government bonds, National Debt
Country Rating Trillion $ % of GDP
Japan AA/Negative/A-1+ 7.47 170.4%
USA AAA/Stable/A-1+ 8.68 60.8%
Italy A+/Stable/A-1+ 1.89 103.7%
France AAA/Stable/A-1+ 1.40 67.0%
Germany AAA/Stable/A-1+ 1.79 62.6%
UK AAA/Negative/A-1+ 1.05 47.2%
Greece BB+/Negative/B 0.30 96.0%
Portugal A-/Negative/A-2 0.19 76.6%

Tim Harford

Who really makes money from fair trade coffee? Why is it impossible to buy a decent second hand car? How do the Mafia make money from laundries when street gangs pushing drugs don’t? Who really benefits from immigration?