Category Archives: life



– 昭和16年、17歳で大学の文学部予科仏文科に通いました。文学へ憧れですよ。。。僕なんか相手にされないし、第一仲間にも入れてもらえませんでした。
– 昭和18年、19歳で東京藝術大学に入学しました。。。戦争真っ只中で絵描きには不幸な時代でした。国家の非常時に絵なぞ描く奴は国賊だ、なんていわれて。
– 昭和23年に復学。でもまた胸をやって、今度は別な所が悪くなりました。。。結局卒業したのは昭和27年28歳の時でした。
– 昭和29年、30歳の時に結婚。家族を養わなければなりませんから、デザインの仕事をしたのです。デザインは人のため、絵は自分のためと思っていました。
– 湯呑みを買いにいったら気に入った物がなくて、自分で作れないかなと思いました。昭和37年頃、38歳くらいの時でした。。。作品展を開いたら何とか一年間食えるくらいの収入になりました。
– やっとデザイナーをやめられたのは、昭和50年頃、50歳を過ぎていました。。。楽しいしね。その一方で、やきものは芸術ではない。実用品だという思いがあった。
– (孤高の画家と呼ばれるのは)好きではないね。20年以上も公募展に出品していて、認められず会員にもなれなかった。団体に属さずにきたから、そう呼ばれるのでしょう。そんな格好良いことじゃない。49歳を最後に公募展への出品をやめました。
– 定期的に個展を開いていたら、昭和52年に描いた『奥伊豆風景』が山種美術館優秀賞に選ばれました。53歳の時です。受賞したのは、後にも先にもその1回だけです。
– 水墨画を描くようになったのは還暦になった頃。。。今の日本画よりよっぽど新しいと感じた。そこには哲学のようなものがあった。いつかは水墨画をと思っていました。なかなか難しくてね。
– 不思議ですよ。絵を描き続けてきましたが、画家で生活出来るとは思わなかったもの。画家としてやっていけるようになったら、70歳を過ぎていた。それから2ヶ所の天井画を手がけられるなんて、ありがたいことだと思っています。

>Michel Mastrojanni


Pouilly-Fumé, 1991
À l’époque de la maturité, les grappes, formées de petits grains ovoïdes ressemblant à des œufs de mésange, sont recouvertes de pruine, couleur de fumée. Voilà une hypothèse parmi les moins fantaisistes pour expliquer le nom qu’on donne ici au sauvignon. Plus probablement, le Pouilly doit ce vocable au goût fumé qu’on rencontre dans ce vin et qui se développe avec quelques années. Une saveur particulière, très minérale, qu’il faut attribuer au sous-sol, surtout aux terres riches en silex.

>A. Léouzon Le Duc


Ce qui est à remarquer, c’est que bien peu de personnes savent, sans doute, c’est que les vins de la Côte d’Or proviennent des mêmes plants que les vins de Madère. Aussi présentent-ils avec ses derniers des analogies frappantes et plus d’une table bourguignonne les sert-elle sans scrupule à ses convives en lieu et place. Beaucoup même, nous devons le dire, leur donne la préférence. Car bien que les vins blancs de la Côte d’Or ne possèdent pas la même vertu alcoolique que le Madère, ils ont néanmoins autant de force et de chaleur, en tout cas, ils ont plus de finesse et de légèreté. Nous parlons ici des vins de Montrachet.

>Raymond Dumay


Militaire, vous aurez des vins d’avant-garde, des vins de choc, voire des vins de retraite. Musicien, vous aurez des vins pour écouter Mozart, le jazz et la musique sérielle. Peintre, vous les classerez en primitifs, classiques, abstraits. Lecteur, vous aurez un flacon pour lire Ronsard, un autre pour Valéry.
Le vin n’est pas une fabrication régie par des règles scientifiques, mais un art dépendant uniquement du goût.
Il y a des caves légères et des caves sérieuses, des caves populacières et des caves aristocratiques, il peut même y avoir des caves jansénistes, mais que Bacchus me garde ! je souhaite ne jamais voir ni cave triste, ni triste cave.

>Giacomo Casanova


Oh, que le Chambertin et le Roquefort sont d’excellents mets pour restaurer l’amour et pour porter à plus prompte maturité un amour naissant !




>Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio


Lalla attend quelque chose. Elle ne sait pas très bien quoi, mais elle attend. Les jours sont longs, à la Cité, les jours de pluie, les jours de vents, les jours de l’été. Quelquefois Lalla croit qu’elle attend seulement que les jours arrivent mais quand ils sont là, elle s’aperçoit que ce n’étaient pas eux. Elle attend, c’est tout. Les gens ont beaucoup de patience, peut-être qu’ils attendent toute leur vie quelque chose, et que jamais rien n’arrive.

T.S. Eliot

What we call the beginning is often the end
And to make and end is to make a beginning.
The end is where we start from. …

Every phrase and every sentence is an end and a beginning, …

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner

Many of life’s decisions are hard. What kind of career should you pursue? Does your ailing mother need to be put in a nursing home? You and your spouse already have two kids; should you have a third?
Such decisions are hard for a number of reasons. For one, the stakes are high. There’s also a great deal of uncertainty involved. Above all, decisions like these are rare, which means you don’t get much practice making them. You’ve probably gotten pretty good at buying groceries, since you do it so often, but buying your fi rst house is another thing entirely.

>Sheena Iyengar


Do we all choose in the same way? What is the relationship between how we choose and who we are? Why are we so often disappointed in our choices, and how do we make the most effective use of the tool of choice? How much control do we really have over our everyday choices? How do we choose when our options are practically unlimited? Should we ever let others choose for us, and if yes, who and why? …
Choice, ranging from the trivial to the life-altering, in both its presence and its absence, is an inextricable part of our life stories.
We each develop a personal equation to account for the trajectory of life: x amount of choice, y of chance, z of destiny. …
I believe that choice — though it can be finicky, unwieldy, and demanding — is ultimately the most powerful determinant of where we go and how we get there.

>Grisélidis Réal


Ni la maladie, ni la mort, ni le mépris, ni la bassesse misérable de ceux et celles qui nous jugent ne nous détourneront de nos noyaux
les plus précieux, enfouis en nous sous tellement de souffrances:
nos rages, nos espoirs, notre amour fou de la vie, des rêves, et de nos révoltes foudroyées.

>Keith Richards


But then all you had to do was cross the tracks and you’d get a real education. If we were playing with black musicians, they’d look after us. It was “Hey, you wanna get laid tonight? She’ll love you. She ain’t seen anything like you before.” You got welcomed, you got fed and you got laid. The white side of town was dead, but it was rockin’ across the tracks. Long as you knew cats, you was cool. An incredible education.
The first time I went to heaven was when I awoke with Ronnie (later Spector!) Bennett asleep with a smile on her face. We were kids. It doesn’t get any better than that. Just more refined. What can I say? She took me to her parents’ house, took me to her bedroom. Several times, but that was the first time. And I’m just a guitar player. You know what I mean?




Maurice Maeterlinck


Wait. Yes, my bird…
Where is he? Ah! There in the cage!
Mytyl, do you see the cage?
That’s the one that Bread was carrying.
Yes, yes, that’s the same one;
But there is only one bird.
Where has the other one gone to?
Wait, it’s blue!
It’s my turtle-dove!
Only it’s bluer than when I went away.
Why, it’s the very Blue Bird.
That we’ve been looking for.
We went so far off.
And here he was!
Mytyl, do you see the bird?

>Lyall Watson


If you simply walk on the beach as we are doing, you have no special color. But if you travel with a purpose, it is different. When you go somewhere important or you return home from a long journey, you build a shape around you and it reaches out ahead to touch your destination.

>Marcel Broodthaers


I, too, wondered if I couldn’t sell something and succeed in life. For quite a while I had been good for nothing. I am forty years old. … The idea of inventing something insincere finally crossed my mind, and I set to work at once.

>Marcel Duchamp


(When you were young, didn’t you ever experience the desire to be artistically cultured?)

Maybe, but it was a very mediocre desire. I would have wanted to work, but deep down I’m enormously lazy. I like living, breathing, better than working. I don’t think that the work I’ve done can have any social importance whatsoever in the future. Therefore, if you wish, my art would be that of living: each second, each breath is a work which is inscribed nowhere, which is neither visual nor cerebral. It’s sort of constant euphoria.




>Jay Abraham


You are surrounded by simple, obvious solutions that can dramatically increase your income, power, influence and success. The problem is, you just don’t see them.







村上もとか, 森下佳子, 野風(中谷美紀)


村上もとか, 森下佳子, 橘咲(綾瀬はるか)




近づいてるの? 遠ざかってるの?
さよなら 迷いなきあの日よ
探しているよ 手を借してくれ
さよなら 迷いなきあの日よ
探してる 足りないピースを
ひとりじゃ とても無理だよ





>何にもしないことの大切さ 。。。 何もしないことに全力をつくす

よい成績取って、金持ちになって、結婚して、あくせくして、結局人間は死ぬわけでしょう? なんのために人生生きてるのか?。。。みなさんの評価の高いのをやっているだけ。評価の基準がずっと外にあるんですよ。

>Maria Sharapova


Tennis has never been the most important thing in my life. My family, my health, my happiness…they are more important to me. On court, I want to win. Off court, I want to be a better person. Tennis is a path to my future.

>Gregory Stock


They are about your values, your beliefs, and your life; love, money, sex, integrity, generosity, pride, and death are all here. Here is an enjoyable way to find out more about yourself and others, and to confront ethical dilemmas in a concrete rather than an abstract form.

>Rachel Snyder


Awaken your sense, your intuition, your desires. Awaken the parts of yourself that have been sleeping. Life is a dream, and to live it, your must be awake.

>Mark Knopfler


It’s a mystery to me / The game commences / For the usual fee / Plus expenses / Confidential information / It’s in a diary / This is my investigation / It’s not a public inquiry
I go checking out the report / Digging up the dirt / You get to meet all sorts / In this line of work / Treachery and treason / There’s always an excuse for it / And when I find the reason / I still can’t get used to it
And what have you got at the end of the day ? / What have you got to take away ? / A bottle of whisky and a new set of lies / Blinds on the window and a pain behind the eyes
Scarred for life / No compensation / Private investigations

>Sofia Coppola


Bob Harris (Bill Murray) and Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson)
“It gets a whole lot more complicated when you have kids.”
“It’s scary.”
“The most terrifying day of your life is the day the first one is born.”
“Nobody ever tells you that.”
“Your life, as you know it … is gone. Never to return. But they learn how to walk, and they learn how to talk … and you want to be with them. And they turn out to be the most delightful people you will ever meet in your life.”


>ねえ 不幸だなんて



私 辛いことが





>Wayne Dyer


When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way.
You’ll see it when you believe it.
You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.

>Richard Brautigan


An old woman sits
In a rocking chair
On the front porch
Of an old house.
The old woman watches
The stars turn on their
Lanterns in the clear,
Twilight sky above
The dark shadows
Of the fir trees
On the hill.
The old woman remembers
So many twilights.

>Ban Ki-moon

>Meeting Mr. Edward Norton, UN Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity
Meeting Mr. Joseph Deiss, President-elect of the 65th Session of the UN General Assembly
Meeting H.E. Mr. Datuk Anifah bin Haji Aman, Foreign Minister of Malaysia
Meeting Ambassador Hamid Al-Bayati of Iraq
Meeting H.E. Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel
Meeting Ambassador Ruhakana Rugunda of Uganda
Attending the Open Debate of the Security Council on Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict
Attending the AICESIS Board Meeting (International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions)
Attending the Secretary-General and Mrs. Ban bid farewell to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh
Attending the Reception for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh
Meeting with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Attending the Visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, Remarks
Meeting Mr. Steffan de Mistura, Special Representative for the Secretary-General for Afghanistan and the Head of UNAMA
Meeting Mr. Sagong II (Chairman, Presidential Committee for the G20 Summit, Republic of Korea)
Attending the GA Plenary Meeting on the follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit regarding draft resolution (A/64/L.56)
Meeting with the Arab Troika: H.E. Mr. Nawaf Salam (Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the United Nations) H.E. Mr. Abdulrrahman…

Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio

C’est cela que je voudrais : peindre la lumière, la lumière pure, seule, sans objet. Je voudrais la saisir sur les vieux murs, ou bien dans les étincelles de la mer, ou encore sur la carlingue d’aluminium d’un avion très haut dans le ciel. Je voudrais la prendre, comme une pensée absolue qui vibrerait éternellement dans l’éther. La seule monnaie que je voudrais avoir : les étincelles blanches, sur la mer.

Bernard Malamud

I don’t regret the years I put into my work. Perhaps I regret the fact that I was not two men, one who could live a full life apart from writing; and one who lived in art, exploring all he had to experience and know how to make his work right; yet not regretting that he had put his life into the art of perfecting the work.