Oxford Analytica

Momentum will build behind a compromise deal between Russia and Japan over the disputed Kuril Islands (referred to by Japan as the Northern Territories) in 2015. As Russia continues to struggle under the effect of Western sanctions, it is likely that Moscow will look to boost relations with Japan significantly in 2015 as a way of finding new sources of finance and investment. For Russia, building strong relations with Japan will help balance China which many in Moscow secretly consider a long-term threat. Japan will be keen to secure significant quantities of Russian gas and potentially look for investments projects in Russia.

2 thoughts on “Oxford Analytica

  1. shinichi Post author

    Russia-Japan Kurils compromise momentum will build

    The Oxford Analytica Daily Brief

    (December 2 2014)


    Yesterday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reportedly swore to conclude a peace deal with Russia as well end the territorial dispute surrounding the Kuril Islands. President Vladimir Putin is expected to visit Japan next year and trade and the disputed islands are expected to be discussed. The particular disputed islands (Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomai) were captured by the Soviet Union at the end of the Second World War. A proposed 20 billion cubic metres per year gas pipeline from Russia’s Sakhalin to Japan’s Hokkaido could see Russia almost double its share of the Japanese gas market.

  2. shinichi Post author

    北方領土問題 解決に向け交渉加速の考え






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