Category Archives: art


Hello, citizens of the world.
We are Anonymous
North Korean government is increasingly becoming a threat to peace and freedom.
Don’t misunderstand us: As well we disagree with the USA government too – these guys are crooks, USA is a threat to world peace too, and direct democracy (or any kind of democracy) doesn’t exist there. The American government is a target and enemy of Anonymous as well!
This is not about country vs country – This is about we, the people, the 99% (of USA and of North Korea) vs oppressing and violent regimes (like USA gov. and N.K. gov)!
We, the people, are gathering together because we are stronger now and we won’t fight your wars anymore, we won’t eat your shit anymore!!!
We demand:
– N.K. government to stop making nukes and nuke-threats
– Kim Jong-un to resign
– it’s time to install a free direct democracy in North Korea
– uncensored internet access for all the citizens!



  • 実習が中心 (実習=本科1年50%➠本科2年70%➠研究科80%)
  • 伝統の技術 (木組みや植栽・石組み、木材や樹木草花のノウハウ)
  • 地域へ貢献 (住宅・社寺・公共施設、個人庭園・公園整備など)
  • 環境✜建築 (庭づくりがわかる大工、家づくりがわかる庭師)

The Noguchi Museum

nc4Born in Los Angeles, California, to an American mother and a Japanese father, Isamu Noguchi lived in Japan until the age of thirteen, when he moved to Indiana. While studying pre-medicine at Columbia University, he took evening sculpture classes on New York’s Lower East Side, mentoring with the sculptor Onorio Ruotolo. He soon left the University to become an academic sculptor.









artGeorgy Kurasov started to paint, but it soon became clear that selling his pictures for any acceptable price was going to be impossible, and so he had to feed his family by producing small pastels which Georgy sold through small galleries dealing mainly in souvenirs for foreign tourists.
In 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed. By that time Kurasov had put together a large body of paintings, but had absolutely no idea what he was going to do with them. The future looked bleak.
Then in 1993 his works were first exhibited in the USA. Since then, Georgy Kurasov have exhibited and sold his paintings exclusively in North America.
It is many years since he dropped out of the world of sculpture in Russia, and he never formed part of the world of painting there. Kurasov knows there are plenty of people who, noting the absence of his works at Russian exhibitions, think he has emigrated.
Americans see Georgy Kurasov as a Russian artist, Russians as an American artist. Painters think he is a sculptor. Sculptors are sure he is a painter.
And when Georgy Kurasov thinks of it, he rather like this borderline existence. Perhaps it what makes it possible to be himself, to be unlike anyone else.

The House of Automata

A mechanical singing bird mechanism. Made around 120 years ago in Paris, probably by Bontems. In the film I hope you can identify all the major parts and see them working together to make the sound. The mechanism was in a rusted and seized state and has been restored. Surpisingly the bellows are in good original condition. See our channel for more, much more.



West 8 Architects, ABT

Spanning roughly 42 meters, this bicycle and pedestrian bridge called the “twist” bridge for its contorted and sculptural lines, connects Holy-Zuid and Broekpolder over Vlaardingse Vaart in The Netherlands.


A recent survey in the United Kingdom asked the following question:
    Are there too many foreigners in this country now?
    18% said: YES
    82% said: معهد الأمن العالمي بوا! شنط
    There are too many Brits in the United Kingdom.



Akira Mizuta Lippit

What was intimated in the radioactive culture of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries erupted at full force in Hiroshima and Nagasaki: if the atomic blasts and blackened skies can be thought of as massive cameras, then the victims of this dark atomic room can be seen as photographic effects. Seared organic and nonorganic matter left dark stains, opaque artefacts of once vital bodies, on the pavements and other surfaces of this grotesque theater. The “shadows”, as they were called, are actually photograms, images formed by the direct exposure of objects on photographic surfaces. Photographic sculptures. True photographs, more photographic than photographic images.


But a secret archive is not the same as an archive of secrets.

Pablo Picasso

What do you think an artist is? An imbecile who only has eyes if he’s a painter, ears if he’s a musician, or a lyre in every chamber of his heart if he’s a poet – or even, if he’s a boxer, only some muscles? Quite the contrary, he is at the same time a political being constantly alert to the horrifying, passionate or pleasing events in the world, shaping himself completely in their image. How is it possible to be uninterested in other men and by virtue of what cold nonchalance can you detach yourself from the life that they supply so copiously? No, painting is not made to decorate apartments. It’s an offensive and defensive weapon against the enemy.

Meg Holle, Daniel Reetz

In the present world of expectations and disappointment, hidden threats and clear danger, there are many ways to die, not the least of which is consciously—choosing death over life or surrendering in full consciousness and potential. You, however are Not Dead. You are among the survivors, a quick study, awake and sturdy, an able individual who knows when to follow and when to fall behind. Neither solider nor stranger to structured living, you play the game well, even if it disgusts you—trusting to be trusted, serving to be served, obeying to command to one day transcend, neither master nor slave, even to yourself.

Fumihiko Maki

MIT Media Lab Complex designed by Fumihiko Maki

In this “transparent building,” many disciplines coexist under the same roof and the boundaries between them are as invisible as the walls of the building itself.

Robin Pogrebin

Imagine you’re a New York City building official, and the mayor’s office has decided to let an artist build a living room six stories up in the air and wrap it around a historic statue of Christopher Columbus in the middle of one of Manhattan’s busiest intersections.
Oh, and the plan is to have 100,000 people climb up stairs to view it.


かさねの色目 表色    裏色 色票 解説
枯色 淡香    冬枯れで野辺の草葉が淡茶色に変わっている情景
枯野 黄     淡青 野の面が雪や霜に逢って黄枯れてゆく、荒寥たる原野のさま
白     白 氷のつめたい感じ
氷重 鳥ノ子色  同じく、氷のつめたい感じ
雪の下 白     紅梅 雪に埋もれた紅梅の花
椿 蘇芳    寒椿の花


人は忘れ得ぬ女たちに、偶然の機会に、出会う。そのまま二度と会わぬこともあり、そのときから長いつき合いが始まって、それが終ることもあり、終らずにつづいてゆくとこもある。しかし忘れ得ないのは、あるときの、ある女の、ある表情・姿態・言葉である。それを再び見出すことはできない。 …
理解するとは、分類することである。一人の女が他の女に似ている点に注目する。あるいは、一人の男がもう一人の男に似ている点に。しかし愛するとは、分類を拒むことである。その女を愛するのは、他の誰にも似ていないから、つまりかけ替えがないからである。 …


ムーンライト・ブルー:  月光をイメージするような薄い青を表す色名です。 … 日本語の月色、月白は月の光の色ですが、月白を「つきしろ」と読むと、月が出ようとするとき空が白むことをいいます。

ミスト・グリーン:  靄がかかったような緑みの灰色です。濃い霧のフォグ・ブルー、 … 曇り空のクラウディ・ピンク、という色名もあります。 … 日本語でも、曇った空のようなはっきりしない色を曇色、霞のような色を霞色といいます。

時雨の色:  「時雨」は「過ぐる」からきた言葉で、「通り雨」の意。晩秋から初冬にかけて降る通り雨です。時雨の色は、時雨に打たれて色づいた草木の葉の色をいいます。





My Arts Online

Art is a product of human activity, made with the endeavour of stimulating the human senses, mind, soul and spirit. In other words art is a collection of actions and objects created with the intention of transmitting emotions and ideas.
Art usually is associated with the freedom that’s why it has mutual objects with the Internet. This is the virtual place where free minded people meet, communicate and present their ideas with a wide range of people getting to know their thoughts.

фото денъ

Как сообщает Daily Mirror, американский фотограф Спенсер Туник, известный своей любовью к массовым «голым» фотосессиям, в подарок одной из галерей снял в Англии несколько сотен голых добровольцев в парке. Старые и молодые, мужчины и женщины, совершенно обнаженные, собрались в парке, где фотограф через мегафон командовал толпой. Нужно отметить, что участие в голых фотосессиях ничуть не смущает «моделей». Ради искусства они готовы забыть о половых различиях, стоять, лежать и даже прыгать, подчиняясь идее фотографа. Фотосессия приурочена к 10-летней годовщины художественной галереи Lauri в английском городе Солфорде. Фотография должна напоминать работу известного английского художника Л. С. Лаури, в честь которого был назван музей.

>Shu Xian Wui

>The Venus de Milo sculpture was carved by the Greek sculptor Alexandros. The statue adheres, intentionally or not, strictly to the Phi, Golden Ratio or Golden Proportion of 1.6180339887…

>plural + totalstudio

>‘alexis’, a bookshop and coffee bar in bratislava, slovakia has been conceived by slovakian practice plural and totalstudio to createa flexible space which sells books as well as holding collateral events.

>Maura Judkis

>Ist das Kunst oder kann das weg? Eine Putzkraft in einem Dortmunder Museum entschied sich für letzteres und schrubbte eine Installation des Künstlers Martin Kippenberger weg. Der Fall erinnert an die berühmte Fettecke von Joseph Beuys.

>Mark Mejia


Ballet is not dance, nor is it an art of self-expression.
Ballet is a language. Complete with its own vocabulary and grammar.
Classical ballets are like poems that reveal a feeling in the stated word.
The perfection of anything is often called an art, which leads us to training. In the realm of classical dance, the aspect of perfection is what leads us to ballet as an art. In classical ballets, the interpretation is always within a certain context. The acting is not similar to what is seen in plays or movies.

>Diana Widmaier-Picasso


Diana Widmaier-Picasso is the daughter of Maya, Picasso’s child by Marie-Thérèse Walter, the woman for whom he left his first wife, the Russian dancer Olga Koklova, and with whom he had an affair in 1927-35. It’s a period in Picasso’s work that is famous for its fruitful, sunny eroticism, and his portrayals of Marie-Thérèse are distinctive for their warm curves …