>Clare Kipps


This is a biography of a little sparrow, from the cradle to the grave. A fascinating story of love for a little bird.

3 thoughts on “>Clare Kipps

  1. s.A

    >G. L. Sanders:
    I thoroughly enjoyed this little book. The writing is delightful and the author tells her story sympathetically and sensibly. Anyone who has ever rescued a baby bird will be thrilled by this amazing story.

  2. s.A

    Clare Kipps was a professional musician and an air raid warden during the blitz in England when she found a nestling sparrow. This book is her account of the bird, from cradle to grave, as he learned to perform tricks, sing and develop a personality with many characteristics like those of his master. The book was received so well in England and around the world after its first printing, that Kipps became somewhat of a celebrity, as did its main character. It's a very touching story, like Wesley the Owl, but better written, in my opinion.

  3. s.A

    >室井 滋:


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