Category Archives: change

Yuval Noah Harari

Morality is more important than ever before. As we gain more power, the question of what we do with it becomes more and more crucial, and we are very close to really having divine powers of creation and destruction. The future of the entire ecological system and the future of the whole of life is really now in our hands. And what to do with it is an ethical question and also a scientific question.

People shouldn’t be focused on the question of how to stop technological progress because this is impossible. Instead the question should be what kind of usage to make of the new technology.

Homo sapiens as we know them will probably disappear within a century or so, not destroyed by killer robots or things like that, but changed and upgraded with biotechnology and artificial intelligence into something else, into something different.




Seth Schiesel

While researchers have devoted ample time to studying the emotional and psychological effects of virtual video game violence, the actual social behavior of players has largely escaped academic attention. That should change. The racism, homophobia and misogyny prevalent in many online game precincts can amount to emotional abuse. This is a phenomenon that needs to be better understood and more widely known.

Yuval Noah Harari

Data is the most important asset in the world.
Those who control the data, control the future of humanity and life itself.
If too much of the data becomes concentrated in too few hands, humanity will split, not into classes, it will split into different species.
AI and machine learning might swing the pendulum.
Within a century or two, earth will be dominated by entities that are more different than us than we are different from neanderthals or from chimpanzees.
Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design. Not by God, but by our intelligent design and our clouds — these are the new driving forces of evolution.
They seem incapable of producing meaningful versions of the future.

Giles Wilkes

Midway through Ryan Avent’s “The Wealth of Humans”, I found myself marking “H” in the margin, to stand for heresy, so thick and fast do the counterintuitive insights arrive. Here are some. Money is not what motivates work; the best workers care little for a share of profits. State-led redistribution would do little harm, and has barely been attempted. My favourite: a sensible route to a secure living in the future is to aim not for high productivity, but for some extravagantly unproductive niche such as making artisanal cheese, where low productivity is a selling point.

Ed Conway

The economy is broken. Well and truly broken. … Money has flowed out of our economies and into company coffers and into tax havens. … Trust in the establishment has collapsed. Electorates around the world are punishing their politicians at every vote.
Everyone is angry. And you know what? They’re right to be angry. Because the unwritten contract between citizens, business and government has broken down.
For one thing, the offshoring revolution will soon be followed by the automation revolution, with white collar jobs being lost where blue collar jobs were lost in previous decades. But more importantly, they should note that we have been here before.
The last time the unwritten contract between governments and their citizens broke down was in the 1920s and 1930s. We all know what happened next.



Hari Kunzru

If our sense of self looks likely to be transformed by the erosion of privacy, it is also under pressure from the erosion of the social world of work and the human identities that come with it. Automation is about to destroy the livelihoods of many kinds of worker, from taxi driver to investment banker. It is encroaching on many of the domains of the “human,” those of expertise, craft and even art, and taste. Low payroll costs mean higher profits, and private companies have no obligation to ensure full participation in the labor market.
The advent of that much-heralded thing, the Leisure Society, looks less like a seven-day party weekend than large-scale human warehousing. We define ourselves through our social roles. We are socialized to be useful, to participate, to maintain a state of high productivity. Our politicians, eager to reduce the cost of providing a social security, grind into us the notion that idleness is a great sin. But for many, idleness will be enforced, and along with it the shame of being watched and treated as sinners. For as citizens excluded from economic life, the idle are always the most disruptive and have historically been subject to the most intense surveillance.

Martine Verlhac

La crise de l’Ecole se déroule inexorablement, mais, à l’inverse de la crise du capitalisme, elle n’est pas reconnue en tant que telle. Du moins ne s’occupe-t-on, à son propos, que des symptômes: “inégalité” ou “école à deux vitesses”, “crise de l’autorité”, etc.
Il se peut – il est même certain – que la crise du capitalisme ait à voir avec la crise de l’Ecole. A quoi sert-il, en effet, de former et d’instruire dans un monde où le travail, sa “valeur” ou sa qualification ne comptent plus guère, eu égard aux grandes manoeuvres financières qui font fi des entreprises et des hommes ? Nous ne voulons pas insister pour l’instant sur cette articulation et la laissons pendante, mais il faut y revenir ailleurs.

H. James Wilson, Paul R. Daugherty, Nicola Morini-Bianzino

Empathy trainers, for example, may not need a college degree. Individuals with a high school education and who are inherently empathetic (a characteristic that’s measurable) could be taught the necessary skills in an in-house training program. In fact, the effect of many of these new positions may be the rise of a “no-collar” workforce that slowly replaces traditional blue-collar jobs in manufacturing and other professions. But where and how these workers will be trained remain open questions. In our view, the answers need to begin with an organization’s own learning and development operations.
On the other hand, a number of new jobs — ethics compliance manager, for example — are likely to require advanced degrees and highly specialized skill sets. So, just as organizations must address the need to train one part of the workforce for emerging no-collar roles, they must reimagine their human resources processes to better attract, train, and retain highly educated professionals whose talents will be in very high demand. As with so many technology transformations, the challenges are often more human than technical.

Michael Chui, James Manyika, Mehdi Miremadi

As automation technologies such as machine learning and robotics play an increasingly great role in everyday life, their potential effect on the workplace has, unsurprisingly, become a major focus of research and public concern. The discussion tends toward a Manichean guessing game: which jobs will or won’t be replaced by machines?
In fact, as our research has begun to show, the story is more nuanced. While automation will eliminate very few occupations entirely in the next decade, it will affect portions of almost all jobs to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the type of work they entail. Automation, now going beyond routine manufacturing activities, has the potential, as least with regard to its technical feasibility, to transform sectors such as healthcare and finance, which involve a substantial share of knowledge work.


Technology in ASEAN’s retail sector is not yet set to displace workers widely. However, as more modern and large retail outfits with greater capital and drive for technology implementation become pervasive in the region, the sector’s need for human workers will be reduced. Moreover, significant shares of salaried retail workers in ASEAN are at high risk of automation: 68 per cent in Thailand, 71 per cent in Cambodia, 85 per cent in Indonesia and 88 per cent in the Philippines.

World Economic Forum

In many industries and countries, the most in-demand occupations or specialties did not exist 10 or even five years ago, and the pace of change is set to accelerate. By one popular estimate, 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist. In such a rapidly evolving employment landscape, the ability to anticipate and prepare for future skills requirements, job content and the aggregate effect on employment is increasingly critical for businesses, governments and individuals in order to fully seize the opportunities presented by these trends—and to mitigate undesirable outcomes.

Robert Cooper

State: Power diffused both domestically and internationally; democratic; much influenced by media and popular emotion. Industrial functions may be reduced. Competing pressures complicate decision making.
Economy: Industrial/postindustrial. Services and information industries begin to dominate.
Intellectual basis (Zeitgeist): Diversity and uncertainty. Existentialism. Wittgenstein, Camus, Joyce, Einstein, Heisenberg, Warhol.
Foreign relations: Transparency and mutual vulnerability; non-state actors including media play an important role. Policy time-frame shortens.

The Post-Modern State and the World Order (PDF file)





Gerard Figueras

En cas d’indépendance, les équipes catalanes de la Liga, Barcelone, l’Espanyol et Gérone, devront décider où elles veulent jouer: dans le championnat espagnol, dans des pays voisins comme l’Italie et la France, ou bien en Premier League. En Espagne, il y a déjà des équipes d’autres pays qui jouent dans des ligues nationales, des clubs comme Andorre en football et basket. Monaco joue en France et il y a des clubs gallois en Angleterre. Je ne pense pas que l’UEFA ait quoi que ce soit contre le fait de voir un club jouer dans la ligue d’un pays différent.

Rana Foroohar

Adam Smith, the father of modern capitalism, envisioned financial services as an industry that didn’t exist as an end in itself, but rather as a helpmeet to other types of business. Yet lending to Main Street is now a minority of what the largest banks in the country do. In the 1970s, most of their financial flows, which of course come directly from our savings, would have been funneled into new business investment. Today, only about 15 percent of the money coming out of the largest financial institutions goes to that purpose. The rest exists in a closed loop of trading; institutions facilitate and engage in the buying and selling of stocks, bonds, real estate and other assets that mainly enriches the 20 percent of the population that owns 80 percent of that asset base. This doesn’t help growth, but it does fuel the wealth gap.



David Brooks

We’re living in an age of anxiety. The country is being transformed by complex forces like changing demographics and technological disruption. Many people live within a bewildering freedom, without institutions to trust, unattached to compelling religions and sources of meaning, uncertain about their own lives. Anxiety is not so much a fear of a specific thing but a fear of everything, an unnamable dread about the future. People will do anything to escape it.

Tim Wu

When science fiction writers first imagined robot invasions, the idea was that bots would become smart and powerful enough to take over the world by force, whether on their own or as directed by some evildoer. In reality, something only slightly less scary is happening. Robots are getting better, every day, at impersonating humans. When directed by opportunists, malefactors and sometimes even nation-states, they pose a particular threat to democratic societies, which are premised on being open to the people.

Patrick Filleux

« L’homme commence par les pieds », écrivait l’anthropologue André Leroi-Gourhan. Une évidence que le XXe siècle a voulu oublier, à grand renfort de transports, d’efficacité, de performance. Depuis dix ans, la marche retrouve pourtant ses lettres de noblesses. Randonnée, trek, balade urbaine ou périple littéraire, les Français seraient près de quinze millions à mettre un pied devant l’autre… et à y prendre du plaisir.



Alina Dizik

For many, it seems the career ladder is dead, but what’s replacing it may be more daunting. A career web, or lattice, is a professional path where lateral moves are as important to a worker’s end goal as traditional promotions and upwards mobility.
Many are still figuring out how to deal with the exhausting amount of opportunities that go with navigating this less traditional, flatter career path.
Workers are shifting to a web or labyrinth – there’s no career ladder you should climb. For most people it’s a good thing because, the ladder construct forces everybody to be shooting for a single position at the top – it’s a recipe for lack of success.



Tristan Harris

Well every time I check my phone, I’m playing the slot machine to see, “What did I get?” This is one way to hijack people’s minds and create a habit, to form a habit. What you do is you make it so when someone pulls a lever, sometimes they get a reward, an exciting reward. And it turns out that this design technique can be embedded inside of all these products.

Larry Rosen

What we find is the typical person checks their phone every 15 minutes or less and half of the time they check their phone there is no alert, no notification. It’s coming from inside their head telling them, “Gee, I haven’t check in Facebook in a while. I haven’t checked on this Twitter feed for a while. I wonder if somebody commented on my Instagram post.” That then generates cortisol and it starts to make you anxious. And eventually your goal is to get rid of that anxiety so you check in.



Louis Hyman

It’s worth noting that the idealized Main Street is not a myth in some parts of America today. It exists, but only as a luxury consumer experience. Main Streets of small, independent boutiques and nonfranchised restaurants can be found in affluent college towns, in gentrified neighborhoods in Brooklyn and San Francisco, in tony suburbs — in any place where people have ample disposable income. Main Street requires shoppers who don’t really care about low prices. The dream of Main Street may be populist, but the reality is elitist. “Keep it local” campaigns are possible only when people are willing and able to pay to do so.



Joel Garreau

First there was downtown. Then there were suburbs. Then there were malls. Then Americans launched the most sweeping change in 100 years in how they live, work, and play. The Edge City.

Peter Bradwell

Robert Lang has used the term ‘edgeless’ to describe cities subject to a certain type of sprawl: ‘Edgeless cities are… cities in function… but not in form.’ Universities too are experiencing ‘sprawl’. The function they perform is no longer contained within the campus, nor within the physically defined space of a particular institution, nor, sometimes, even in higher education institutions at all.
This is driven by people finding new ways to access and use ideas and knowledge, by new networks of learning and innovation, and by collaborative research networks that span institutions and businesses. It is an increasingly international phenomenon. Across the globe, countries are pushing for greater advantages in education and innovation. There is an evergrowing environment of learning, research and knowledge exchange of which universities are one part.





Marc Prensky

Probably the biggest reason that tell-test is failing to do the job it used to is that the world of the learner has changed so dramatically. As a result, learners no longer see themselves as receptacles to be filled up with content, but as creators and doers. And that these changes have happened so quickly is a primary reason education and training hasn’t changed to keep up. Even in normal times education is slow to change. But now there is the phenomenon in which kids have totally outpaced their parents and elders in the new ways of the world.
Learners have access to and experience with so much before they ever hit a training or education classroom that they are rarely “empty vessels” (or tabulae rasae) when they get there. In business it is extremely rare to find an audience that knows absolutely nothing about the subject matter at hand. Everyone knows something about it – we just don’t know who knows what. So by “telling” everything we wind up boring all the people most of the time.



Marc Prensky

Digital Immigrant teachers assume that learners are the same as they have always been, and that the same methods that worked for the teachers when they were students will work for their students now. But that assumption is no longer valid. Today‟s learners are different. “” said a kindergarten student recently at lunchtime. “Every time I go to school I have to power down,” complains a high-school student. Is it that Digital Natives can’t pay attention, or that they choose not to? Often from the Natives‟ point of view their Digital Immigrant instructors make their education not worth paying attention to compared to everything else they experience – and then they blame them for not paying attention!
And, more and more, they won‟t take it. “I went to a highly ranked college where all the professors came from MIT,” says a former student. “But all they did was read from their textbooks. I quit.”

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (PDF file)





George Blecher

dinerFor the past 25 years — since the divorce — I’ve lived a good part of my life in diners. Without them I might be slimmer, but also crazier and more unhappy. Judging by the crowds at the Metro Diner, on 100th Street and Broadway, my current haunt, I suspect that other New Yorkers feel the same way.
The best days of the New York City diner, however, appear to be over. Among the 2016 casualties were the Lyric Diner in Gramercy and the 40-year-old Del Rio in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, while La Parisienne near Columbus Circle and the 53-year-old Market Diner in Hell’s Kitchen closed in 2015. Then there was Cafe Edison, a 34-year-old coffee shop that shut in 2014 to much sadness in the Broadway community.



David Goldberg

woldorfastoriaAnbang, the Chinese investment group that purchased the Waldorf Astoria in 2014, has officially filed plans to convert most of the iconic hotel into residential spaces. The billion-dollar effort will turn over 31 floors of 500 guest rooms into “exclusive” apartment units. The remaining 300–500 units will remain hotel rooms, though they’ll likely get some souped-up features. The base of the Waldorf will feature a fitness room, shopping center and restaurants.

Arun Sundararajan

Fears of widespread automation and an imminent “world without work” have risen as advances in digital technology herald the emergence of increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence. A distinct air of technological determinism – that the technology by itself dictates its broader economic and societal impacts – surrounds these dire predictions, while ignoring the political and organizational factors that often shape the nature and pace of social change. Society can amplify automation’s benefits while limiting its harm.
Government policy and research funding should favor the development of artificial intelligence that expands human capabilities rather than substituting for them. For example, artificial intelligence-based medical diagnostics systems and instructional technology can broadly expand the reach of health care and education, especially in less prosperous countries, by empowering a broader fraction of the population to participate in these professions.

New York Times

Globalization and trade agreements have been blamed for costing millions of Americans well-paying jobs. But a far greater force in the gutting of middle-class life in the United States has been automation, which has replaced well-paid workers with robots and digital platforms. The greater efficiency fuels economic growth, produces cheaper products and makes life’s task easier. But in the process, many are left poorer and less secure.
What can be done to limit the harm and spread the benefits of automation?

David Brooks

Ironically, one of the tasks for those who succeed the baby boomers is to restore idealism. The great challenge of our moment is the crisis of isolation and fragmentation, the need to rebind the fabric of a society that has been torn by selfishness, cynicism, distrust and autonomy.
At some point there will have to be a new vocabulary and a restored anthropology, emphasizing love, friendship, faithfulness, solidarity and neighborliness that pushes people toward connection rather than distrust. Millennials, I think, want to be active in this rebinding. But inspiration certainly isn’t coming from the aging boomers now onstage.

Yuval Noah Harari

The new longevity and super-human qualities are likely to be the preserve of the techno super-rich, the masters of the data universe. Meanwhile, the redundancy of labour, supplanted by efficient machines, will create an enormous “useless class”, without economic or military purpose. In the absence of religion, overarching fictions will be required to make sense of the world. Again, if nothing in our approach changes, Harari envisages that “Dataism”, a universal faith in the power of algorithms, will become sacrosanct. To utopians this will look a lot like the “singularity”: an all-knowing, omnipresent data-processing system, which is really indistinguishable from ideas of God, to which humans will be constantly connected. To dystopians it will look like that too.
Harari is mostly, thrillingly or chillingly, sanguine about this prospect. He has an ethicist’s sense of rough justice: what Homo sapiens (in its wisdom) has visited on the natural world through industrialised food production will perhaps one day be visited on Homo sapiens. Individuals will become a just a collection of “biochemical subsystems” monitored by global networks, which will inform us second by second how we feel…
Or perhaps, as Harari is stringent about reminding the reader, they will not. Like all rune-reading, this one comes with plenty of small print. From where we stand, he says, in the accelerating present, no long-term future is imaginable, still less predictable – and there is plenty of time for questions. Harari’s sometimes breathless, always compulsive inquiry leaves us with this one: “What’s more valuable – intelligence or consciousness?” Google will be no help in providing the answer.

Gil Press

Artificial intelligence has replaced big data this year as the most talked about new set of technologies.
Artificial Intelligence is the new big data, not just as the reigning buzzword, but also as a new set of technologies enterprises are exploring so they can turn data into smart actions.

Anne Chemin


In the past few days you may well have scribbled out a shopping list on the back of an envelope or stuck a Post-it on your desk. Perhaps you added a comment to your child’s report book or made a few quick notes during a meeting. But when did you last draft a long text by hand? How long ago did you write your last “proper” letter, using a pen and a sheet of writing paper? Are you among the increasing number of people, at work, who are switching completely from writing to typing?


一六世紀以来、世界を規定してきた資本主義というシステムがついに終焉に向かい、混沌をきわめていく「歴史の危機」。世界経済だけでなく、国民国家をも解体させる大転換期に我々は立っている。五〇〇年ぶりのこの大転換期に日本がなすべきことは? 異常な利子率の低下という「負の条件」をプラスに転換し、新たなシステムを構築するための画期的な書!



Matt Egan

In a sign of how dramatically the retail shopping landscape is changing, Macy’s is closing 100 of its stores nationwide.
Macy’s announced the closures Thursday. They represent about 15% of all Macy’s department stores. The iconic retailer did not disclose the locations of stores, but said most of them will be shut down in early 2017.
The Macy’s move is the latest in a wave of store closures amid the rise and success of Amazon and other online shopping options.
For instance, Walmart announced plans in January to shut down 269 stores this year and just this week, inked a $3.3 billion deal to acquire Amazon rival
Sports Authority, once the nation’s largest sporting goods retailer, is shutting all 450 of its stores after filing for bankruptcy. Other traditional retailers such as Target, JC Penney, Kmart, Sears and Kohl’s have also pulled the plug on hundreds of stores in recent months.






Maïa Mazaurette

Pourquoi le sexe est-il meilleur à l’hôtel ?
Parce que la nouveauté de l’espace entraîne souvent la nouveauté dans le comportement, l’hôtel suscite un formidable imaginaire sexuel.

Dan Duriscoe

A 1 percent change in overhead brightness is far more significant than it might seem, partly because well over half of Earth’s species are thought to be nocturnal.
A site with sky brightness just 1 percent above natural zenith probably has much more skyglow near the horizon, because it is probably in a situation where it lies within the light dome of something else hundreds of kilometers away.
This is where the model is powerful for predicting light pollution threats from distant cities now and in the future. As populations grow and spread, areas with no evidence of artificial light are going to get much harder to find.
I like to tell people that the nice thing about outdoor lighting is its environmental impacts can be instantly removed. All you have to do is turn the lights off.

George Brainard

Humans have peak visual sensitivity to the yellow and green parts of the visible spectrum. But it is blue-white light—exactly of the sort most produced by cheap LEDs—that dominates the regulation of human circadian rhythms and other important biological cycles.
The wide-scale adoption of LEDs will reap huge energy savings, which is a good thing.
The question is, are the great energy savings compromising human health and ecosystems?

Travis Longcore

You can easily have 10 times as much light coming down from an overcast sky…. Sites where the atlas shows a baseline clear-sky brightness equivalent to twilight or a half-illuminated moon are probably excluded as habitats for specialist species that need the true cover of darkness to survive and thrive.
Incentivizing conversion to cheap blue-white LEDs is a colossal policy mistake.
If I as a university professor approached my institutional review board and said I want to experiment on entire populations by introducing wavelengths of light most associated with harmful biological and ecological effects, they would laugh me out the door, down the street and out of my office,” Longcore says. “Fortunately, we can now use much warmer-colored LEDs that eliminate the blue spike in spectrum that is so damaging because it scatters so much in Earth’s atmosphere.

Fabio Falchi

Twenty years ago, light pollution could be considered only a problem for astronomers. But fundamentally, life has evolved over millions of years with half the time dark and half the time light, and we have now enveloped our planet in a luminous fog of light. Light pollution has become a real environmental problem on a global scale.
A starry sky is something that touches your soul. Our civilization’s religion, philosophy, science, art and literature all have roots with our views of the heavens, and we are now losing this with consequences we cannot fully know. What happens when we cannot be inspired by the night sky?

Map of light pollution’s visual impact on the night sky

Lee Billings

There are undeniable bright sides to electric lighting. It is hard to work, travel or read in the dark, but with the flip of a switch the problem disappears. The economic boons are so profound that you can see their effects from deep space, in the shining networks of nighttime lights that outline our flourishing global civilization. But our modern love of light-filled nights casts a long shadow—wasting energy, disrupting ecosystems, and in some cases harming human health. And the same lights that lace our planet and reveal our presence to the outside universe are also smothering our views of the stars.
According to the atlas, roughly one in three humans on Earth cannot see the Milky Way when they look up into the night sky. For Americans, the percentage is higher: Light pollution prevents four out of five from seeing our home galaxy as a gauzy river of light arcing overhead. Residents of particularly light-polluted countries such as Singapore, South Korea and Qatar can scarcely see any stars at all, and instead spend their nights in perpetual “artificial twilight.” Outside of the relatively barren open ocean and polar wastelands, the fraction of the populated planet with naturally dark skies is limited to off-the-beaten-path places like Chad, Papua New Guinea and Madagascar—and is steadily shrinking.



Nick Bostrom

Inside your cranium is the thing that does the reading. This thing, the human brain, has some capabilities that the brains of other animals lack. It is to these distinctive capabilities that we owe our dominant position on the planet. Other animals have stronger muscles and sharper claws, but we have cleverer brains. Our modest advantage in general intelligence has led us to develop language, technology and complex social organisation. The advantage has compounded over time, as each generation has built on the achievements of its predecessors.
If some day we build machine brains that surpass human brains in general intelligence, then this new superintelligence could become very powerful. And, as the fate of the gorillas now depends more on us humans than on the gorillas themselves, so the fate of our species would depend on the actions of the machine superintelligence.
We do have one advantage: we get to build the stuff. In principle, we could build a kind of superintelligence that would protect human values. We would certainly have strong reason to do so. In practice, the control problem—the problem of how to control what the superintelligence would do—looks quite difficult. It also looks like we will only get one chance. Once unfriendly superintelligence exists, it would prevent us from replacing it or changing its preferences. Our fate would be sealed.


Imagine a world where devices, places and people become so inter-connected that daily life changes forever. Now stop imagining, and start believing. This transformation is called the Internet of Everything (IoE), and for 30 years we’ve been using our wireless expertise to make this amazingly connected world a reality.
As the world’s industries evolve, so do the connections we enable through our wireless solutions. By helping homes, cars, cities, education, wearables, and healthcare share more interactions and data across a variety of networks, we’re weaving the fabric of IoE so that entire industries can redefine what’s possible.



  • まず一つ目は、デジタル化はビジネスを加速させます。例えば設計から製造、納品までのリードタイムの短縮だけでなく、上流から下流まですべての状況をリアルタイムに把握することで迅速な判断を行い、事業を最適化し、ビジネス転換にもスピーディに対応しチャンスを生み出します。
  • 二つ目として、デジタル化はビジネスの柔軟性を高めます。例えばリアルタイムに状況を把握しながら、お客様の購入状況から航空運賃を変動させたり、需要情報を把握し無駄なく効率的な生産を実現します。
  • 三つ目は、デジタルテクノロジーを活用し、新たな形で知識やインテリジェンスを生み出すことができます。コンピュータが自ら学習したり、ドローン(無人飛行機)やロボットにより、人々の判断や活動支援を実現します。人がデジタルと協調し、これまでとは違うビジネスの形態と新しい価値を生み出す時代に入ってきているのです。


何でグローバル化が問題になっているのか? 日本においては仕事や富がなくなるからではありません。英語ができないからリストラされる。。という話でもないのです。問題になっているのは変化のスピードがとてつもなく速く、誰も対応できていないことなのです。日本ならではの価値。これを創る時間も、発信する時間も、その人材も整っていない。そしていつのまにか超円高になり、震災の対応もままならない。。。
1. 組織の在り方をピラミッド型からネットワーク型に変えること
2. 行政、企業、市民の距離を近づけ、三者が連携して問題に取り組むこと
この二つです。 夢物語のようなことですがこれは私自身、さまざまな活動を通じてようやく腑に落ちた部分です。この二つのやり方に変えないと、今のままではもう無理だと思っています。

Anthony Giddens, Philip W. Sutton

As technological change progresses more rapidly, producing new forms of risk, we must constantly respond and adjust to the changes. Risks today involve a series of interrelated changes in contemporary social life: shifting employment patterns, heightened job insecurity, the declining influence of tradition and custom on self-identity, the erosion of traditional family patterns and the democratization of personal relationships. Because personal futures are much less fixed than in the past, decisions of all kinds present risks for individuals. Getting married, for example, is a more risky course today than it was when marriage was a lifelong commitment. Decisions about educational qualifications and career paths can also feel risky: it is difficult to predict what skills will be valuable in an economy that changes as rapidly as ours.





Editeur, Finland Politics

EurosIt is considered that all Finnish citizens would be paid an untaxed benefit sum free of charge by the government, 800 euros a month in the final version, 550 euros monthly in the model’s pilot phase. The basic income model’s full-fledged form would make some earnings-based benefits obsolete, but in the partial pilot format benefits would not be affected. The partial model would also retain housing benefits and income support packages.

Tom Keane

Since the 1970s, the gap in incomes between those who earn the most and those who earn the least has increased markedly. Some have described this as a “hollowing out” of the middle class and everyone, it seems, agrees it’s a bad thing. But why is it occurring at all? The answer is that the US economy has been undergoing fundamental changes, changes that benefit workers with skills and smarts, but leave behind those with lesser educations.
… Much of the blame for these changes goes to technology: Many lower-skilled jobs have disappeared, replaced by machines, while at the same time those with higher levels of education are able to command better salaries because technology (such as computers) allows them to be more productive.
And the solution? Nothing that’s easy.


「愛」という言葉が、かつて仏教用語であって、人間相互の感情を表象する言葉でなかったことは興味深い。実際に日本人が「恋愛」なるものを認識したのは、明治 3-4 年(1870-71)に出た中村正直訳『西国立志編』以後ということになる。そして、二葉亭四迷によって、小説の世界で「ラヴ」と「恋」の違いを知ることになる。今、比較的新しい言葉(造語)としての「恋愛」を、「情」・「色」・「恋」などの語感と比べてみるとどうだろうか。「恋愛」の方がより洗練されていて、洋風で、より高級、より新鮮、より重要な語感を得ることだろう。


Carl Honoré

It is a cultural revolution against the notion that faster is always better. The Slow philosophy is not about doing everything at a snail’s pace. It’s about seeking to do everything at the right speed. Savoring the hours and minutes rather than just counting them. Doing everything as well as possible, instead of as fast as possible. It’s about quality over quantity in everything from work to food to parenting.

Guttorm Fløistad

The only thing for certain is that everything changes. The rate of change increases. If you want to hang on you better speed up. That is the message of today. It could however be useful to remind everyone that our basic needs never change. The need to be seen and appreciated! It is the need to belong. The need for nearness and care, and for a little love! This is given only through slowness in human relations. In order to master changes, we have to recover slowness, reflection and togetherness. There we will find real renewal.

Kelly Blair

RomeoThe Oregon Shakespeare Festival has decided that Shakespeare’s language is too difficult for today’s audiences to understand. It recently announced that over the next three years, it will commission 36 playwrights to translate all of Shakespeare’s plays into modern English.

Dorothee Bakker

The Southern Ocean behaves like a giant lung – breathing in and absorbing vast amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and releasing it later in the year.
The seas around Antarctica absorb significantly more CO2 than they release. And importantly, they remove a large part of the CO2 that is put into the atmosphere by human activities such as burning fossil fuels. They basically help to slow down the growth of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and lessen the rate of climate change.
We looked at what is happening in the Southern Ocean – which is responsible for capturing 40 per cent of the global oceanic uptake of man-made CO2.
In the 2000s scientists pointed out that the Southern Ocean carbon sink might have begun to saturate. This was actually quite unexpected as it was previously thought that there would be a direct relationship between the amount of CO2 in the air, and the amount of CO2 absorbed by the sea.
Research back then showed that the amount of CO2 captured by the Southern Ocean had not increased since the late 1980s.
But our findings reveal that the tables have turned and that this carbon sink has reinvigorated over the past decade. It is much stronger – and it has in fact regained its expected strength.
Since the turn of the millennium, the dominant atmospheric pressure systems have changed, causing wind patterns to change too. In the 1990s, winds were stronger over the Southern Ocean, causing more water to be upwelled to the surface of the sea from the depth. But deeper waters contain higher concentrations of dissolved CO2 so this upwelling led to more greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere and a reduction in the ocean’s net carbon uptake.
Since the turn of the millennium, upwelling has generally subsided, except in the Pacific sector, causing a reinvigoration of the Southern Ocean carbon sink. Our research also shows that a cooling of surface water in the Pacific sector has contributed to the change.

Jim Malec

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was correct in pointing out that 80 percent of Japan’s population was born after World War II, and he is justified in saying, “We must not let our children, grandchildren and even further generations to come, who have nothing to do with that war, be predestined to apologize.” I’m sure this is exactly how many Americans feel about our past policies regarding the treatment of American Indians and the slavery of African-Americans. While all of America’s actions (good and bad) are a part of our history, there is no need for us to repeatedly apologize or feel guilty about events that happened more than 100 years ago.

Pierre Rosanvallon

Nos régimes sont dits démocratiques parce qu’ils sont consacrés par les urnes. Mais nous ne sommes pas gouvernés démocratiquement, car l’action des gouvernements n’obéit pas à des règles de transparence, d’exercice de la responsabilité, de réactivité ou d’écoute des citoyens clairement établies. D’où la spécificité du désarroi et de la colère de nos contemporains.

Greg Uthus

Studies show that Americans change careers, on an average, every twenty months. Not jobs, but careers. They do something completely different than they did in their last job. That’s incredible. The talk that once happened by parents, to find something you enjoy and do it for the rest of your life is now changing to make your self-adaptable. It is no longer important to be good at one thing and loyal to one company, but to be able to change quickly. How often have you heard someone say, “I have reinvented myself”?
Love also has shown signs of changing. Again studies are showing that most people fall in love with more than one person in a lifetime. Just as in work there is constant transition, so too it has become that way in love.
When work and love are constantly transitional, so too is identity. My self-definition changes when I change jobs or lovers; I know myself differently, see the world differently, and in many ways become a different person. Identity becomes fluid when work and love are liquefied. They still exist, no doubt, but they have greatly transformed, no longer able to support a single self-definition. So what does this mean?

Yuval Noah Harari

kahneman_harariDeath is optional. And if you think about it from the viewpoint of the poor, it looks terrible, because throughout history, death was the great equalizer. The big consolation of the poor throughout history was that okay, these rich people, they have it good, but they’re going to die just like me. But think about the world, say, in 50 years, 100 years, where the poor people continue to die, but the rich people, in addition to all the other things they get, also get an exemption from death. That’s going to bring a lot of anger.

Matthew Allen

Une bouteille de Coca-Cola coûte 40% de plus en Suisse qu’en Allemagne voisine. Et si vous aimez le goût du jambon de Parme italien, préparez-vous à le payer cinq fois plus cher ici que dans la zone euro. L’Etat suisse doit-il intervenir pour faire baisser les prix, où faut-il laisser faire les forces du marché?


ぼくは自分をもうペトロニウスみたいなものだと思っているんです。 そして、大げさな話ですが、日本語を知っている人間は、おれのゼネレーションでおしまいだろうと思うんです。