Category Archives: love


海の色にそまる ギリシャのワイン
抱かれるたび 素肌 夕焼けになる
ふたりして夜に こぎ出すけれど
だれも愛の国を 見たことがない
さびしいものは あなたの言葉
異国のひびきに似て 不思議
金色 銀色 桃色吐息
きれいと 言われる 時は短すぎて

明かり採りの窓に 月は欠けてく
女たちは そっと ジュモンをかける
愛が遠くへと 行かないように
きらびやかな夢で 縛りつけたい
さよならよりも せつないものは
あなたのやさしさ なぜ? 不思議
金色 銀色 桃色吐息
きれいと 言われる 時は短すぎて

咲かせて 咲かせて 桃色吐息
あなたに 抱かれて こぼれる華になる

>Honore de Balzac

>True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart.

Lullabye (Billy Joel)

Good night my angel time to close you eyes
And save these questions for another day
I think I know what you’ve been asking me
I think you know what I’ve been trying to say

Good night my angel now it’s time to sleep
And still so many things I want to say
Remember all the songs you sang for me
When we went sailing on an emerald bay

Goodnight my angel now it’s time to dream
And dream how wondeful your life will be
Someday your child will cry and if you sing this lullaby
Then in your heart there will always be a part of me



蔣經國的夫人,原名芬娜 (Faina Ipatevna Vakhreva),是俄國人,她和蔣經國是在俄國認識的,那時的蔣經國正在莫斯科留學。二人在婚后先后生下孝文、孝章、孝武、孝勇三男一女,全家人和睦幸福地生活在台灣。1988年蔣經國去世后,三個兒子也相繼去世。接連不斷受到打擊,蔣方良過著孤寂的晚年。
Birth: May 15, 1916, Belarus
Death: Dec. 15, 2004, Tai Peh Municipality, Taiwan
First Lady of the Republic of China. Also known as Chiang Fang-liang, she was the Belarussian wife of President Chiang Ching-kuo. Her family moved to Russia in World War I, but she was orphaned while still young and raised by her sister Anna. As a teenager she was a member of the Soviet Union’s Communist Youth League. She met Chiang Ching-kuo while he was living in the Soviet Union, and they married on March 15, 1935. During her husband’s political career with the Kuomintang, she kept a low profile due to her being Russian in a period of fervent anti-Communism. Even after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989, she never returned to her native land.



It’s not difficult to make a woman happy. A man only needs to be: a friend; a companion; a lover; a brother; a father; a master; a chef; an electrician; a carpenter; a plumber ; a mechanic; a decorator; a stylist; a sexologist ; a gynaecologist; a psychologist; a pest exterminator; a psychiatrist; a healer; a good listener; an organizer ; a good father; very clean; sympathetic; athletic ; warm; attentive; gallant; intelligent; funny; creative; tender; strong; understanding; tolerant ; prudent; ambitious; capable; courageous ; determined; true; dependable; passionate; and compassionate.

without forgetting to: give her compliments regularly; love shopping; be honest; be very rich; not stress her out; not look at other girls.

and at the same time, you must also: give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself; give her lots of time, especially time for herself; give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes.

It’s very important: never to forget: birthdays; anniversaries; arrangements she makes; etc.

It’s not difficult to make a man happy. A woman only needs to: leave him alone.

Ellise C. Weaver

If I were the wind
I would caress your hair
Softly, gently, turning it in the air
Wanting, wishing I could hold it in my possession
Selfishly wanting my infinite obsession

If I were a songbird
I would sing you a tune
Sprightly, pleasantly, increasing your boon
Filling your ears with fervent adore
Making my way to your heart evermore

If I were the rain
I would shower your skin
Hoping, dreaming of soaking it in
Trickling, meandering closer still
If only it were possible to get my fill

Baz Luhrmann, Craig Pearce

This story is about truth, beauty, freedom; but above all things, this story is about love.

The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

– She said you make her feel “like a virgin.”
– Like a… virgin?
– Touched for the very first time!

– Things aren’t always as they seem.
– Things are exactly the way they seem.

Love? Above all things I believe in love! Love is like oxygen. Love is a many-splendored thing, love lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love!

Every man wanted her. But One man dared to love her.


– А что это у тебя в руке?
– Счастье…
– А почему такое маленькое?
– Оно только моё. Зато какое лучистое и красивое…
– Да, восхитительно!
– Хочешь кусочек?
– Наверное…
– Давай ладошку, я поделюсь с тобой.
– Ой, оно такое тёплое!
– Нравится?
– Очень…Спасибо! Знаешь, мне намного лучше, когда счастье в руке…
– Так всегда бывает.
– А если я с кем-то поделюсь?
– Тогда у тебя прибавится своего!
– Почему?
– Сам не знаю. Только потом оно станет ещё более тёплым.
– А руки об него обжечь можно?
– Руки обжигает боль…Счастье не может обжечь…



南山の たたかひの日に
袖口の こがねのぼたん
べるりんの 都大路の
ぱつさあじゆ 電燈あをき
えぽれつと かがやきし友
こがね髪 ゆらぎし少女
はたとせの 身のうきしづみ
よろこびも かなしびも知る
ますらをの 玉と碎けし
ももちたり それも惜しけど

>Randy Newman


Something in your eyes
Makes me want to lose myself
Makes me want to lose myself
In your arms
There’s something in your voice
Makes my heart beat fast
Hope this feeling lasts
The rest of my life

Albert Camus

… ceux qu’un grand amour détourne de toute vie personnelle s’enrichissent peut-être, mais appauvrissent à coup sûr ceux que leur amour a choisis.



逢っているときは なんともないが
さよならすると 涙がこぼれちゃう
逢うたびに うれしくて
逢えばまた せつなくて
逢えなけりゃ 悲しくて
それというのも 君のためだよ
ぼくのこの胸も 恋にふるえてる
逢えばそれだけで 楽しいくせに
わかれたあとの 涙がつらいのさ
逢うたびに うれしくて
逢えばまた せつなくて
逢えなけりゃ 悲しくて
そんな恋だけど 君が好きだよ
ぼくは君だけを 愛し続けたい
ぼくは君だけを 愛し続けたい

>Robert Plant


Little drops of rain whisper of the pain, tears of loves lost in the days gone by.
My love is strong, with you there is no wrong,
together we shall go until we die. My, my, my.
An inspiration is what you are to me, inspiration, look … see.
And so today, my world it smiles, your hand in mine, we walk the miles,
Thanks to you it will be done, for you to me are the only one.
Happiness, no more be sad, happiness … I’m glad.
If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.
When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.




>Фредди Меркьюри

>Я был рожден, чтоб любить тебя
С каждым ударом моего сердца
Да, я был рожден, чтоб заботится о тебе
Каждый божий день моей жизни

Я хочу любить тебя, я люблю в тебе все до мелочей
Я хочу любить тебя, любить тебя, любить тебя
Рожден любить тебя, рожден любить тебя, да, я был рожден любить тебя
Рожден любить тебя, рожден любить тебя каждый божий день моей жизни

Необыкновенное чувство переполняет меня

Я был рожден, чтоб любить тебя
С каждым ударом моего сердца
Да, я был рожден, чтоб заботится о тебе, золотце
Каждый божий день моей жизни

>Khalil Gibran

>One day you will ask me which is more important? my life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life.

And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.



Le jour de la Saint-Valentin, le 14 février, est connu comme la fête des amoureux. Les couples en profitent pour s’échanger cadeaux et comme preuve d’amour, ainsi que des roses rouges afin d’exprimer leur passion.
A l’origine de cette fête, on retrouve un prêtre romain, du nom de Valentin. Au IIIème siècle, l’empereur Claude II le Gothique interdit le mariage, les fiancés faisant de mauvais soldats, en raison de leur amour et attachement à la famille. Saint-Valentin, qui mariait les couples en secret, fut démasqué et arrêté.
On raconte que pendant sa captivité, il se lia d’amitié avec la fille aveugle de son geôlier, à laquelle il rendit miraculeusement la vue. Avant d’être exécuté, Valentin fit parvenir à cette fille des feuilles en forme de coeur.
Il fut décapité à Rome le 14 Février 268, et canonisé par le pape Alexandre VI au 15ème siècle. Depuis, il est considéré comme le saint patron des amoureux, et l’on fête l’amour chaque 14 février.


>Kiss is … to touch or caress with the lips, as in affection or greeting.

But a kiss can be so much more. A kiss can express and arouse so many different emotions and feelings.
One of the best things about kissing is that it never gets boring! There are so many different ways to vary a simple kiss that will keep you occupied for hours!
It seems that the modern romantic kiss most likely evolved as a way of unconsciously testing the genetic fitness of a potential mate. While this may be the underlying reason as to why we began kissing, it’s not really the main reason as to why we continue to practice it. The reason is simple: it feels good, it evokes feelings of passion, and it’s a physical connection between ourselves and our partners.

Joshua Kadison

You’re my peace of mind in this crazy world.
You’re everything I’ve tried to find, your love is a pearl.
You’re my Mona Lisa, you’re my rainbow skies,
and my only prayer is that you realize
you’ll always be beautiful in my eyes.
The world will turn and the seasons will change,
and all the lessons we will learn will be beautiful and strange.
We’ll have our fill of tears, our share of sighs.
And my only prayer is that you realize
you’ll always be beautiful in my eyes.
You will always be beautiful in my eyes.
And the passing years will show
that you will always grow ever more beautiful in my eyes.

Amanda Somerville

You are everything I need to see
Smile and sunlight makes sunlight to me
Laugh and come and look into me
Drips of moonlight washing over me
Can I show you what you are for me
Angel of mine, can I thank you
You have saved me time and time again
Angel, I must confess
It’s you that always gives me strength
And I don’t know where I’d be without you

>Paulo Coelho


When we meet someone and fall in love, we have a sense that the whole universe is on our side. And yet if something goes wrong, there is nothing left! How is it possible for the beauty that was there only minutes before to vanish so quickly? Life moves very fast. It rushes from heaven to hell in a matter of seconds.
They all believe that man feels desire for only eleven minutes a day, and that they’ll pay a fortune for it. That’s not true; a man is also a woman; he wants to find someone, to give meaning to his life.

>Shaistha Khan


I can’t write beautiful, lyrical poetry,
I can’t put my words into perfect sentences,
I can’t express all that is in my heart,
But somehow, “I love you”…
Says it all.

>Robert Sexton


Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away; and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then, in silence, I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart.

>Padma Venkatraman


I am sitting in the library, watching the sky blur from pink to charcoal gray, remembering the many hours we spent together here. I miss you already, though it was just this morning that you left on the first leg of your journey to the United States. Periamma probably wants me downstairs, working on something or another, but she no longer has as much power over me as she once did. I suppose it’s because we’re engaged now and because I’m going to college. Returning to the house yesterday, I felt years older — no longer the child who had left Madras just a few months ago.

>Siegfried Lenz


Ihre Bemerkung hatte etwas ausgelöst, worauf ich nicht vorbereitet war; ein unruhiges Verlangen, das in meiner Vorstellung immer heftiger zu werden begann, ließ mich sie berühren, ich streichelte ihre Schenkel, und dabei suchte ich ihren Blick, unsere Gesichter waren einander so nah, daß ich ihren Atem spürte.

Georgia O’Keeffe

I would rather have Stieglitz like something – anything I had done – than anyone else I know.
I know now that most people are so closely concerned with themselves that they are not aware of their own individuality…
I often lay on that bench looking up into the tree, past the trunk and up into the branches. It was particularly fine at night with the stars above the tree.
… that are not like what anyone has taught me – shapes and ideas so near to me – so natural to my way of being and thinking that it hasn’t occurred to me to put them down.
One can’t paint New York as it is, but rather as it is felt.

>Thomas Moore


It is not while beauty and youth are thine own,
And thy cheek’s unprofaned by a tear,
That the fervor and faith of a soul can be known,
To which time will but make thee more dear.
Oh, the heart that has truly loved never forgets,
But as truly loves on to the close:
As the sunflower turns on her God when he sets
The same look that she gave when he rose.

>Peter Green


There is no gift on earth
That I could give you
I find myself just longing
To be with you
For you – just for you
For you – just for you
I belong to no other
Just as long as you’re around dear
No time can match the feeling
That I have found here



You are my light in the dark
You are the beating in my heart
But that is not enough, will I ever be by your side
Your hair is dancing in the wind
Your eyes are burning up my skin
And I’m so happy when I see, that you are smiling back at me



Любовь, это все
что тебя окружает
Любовь здесь
в твоей улыбке
в твоих волосах
Любовь, везде

Ellen Goodman

We are told that people stay in love because of chemistry, or because they remain intrigued with each other, because of many kindnesses, because of luck… But part of it has got to be forgiveness and gratefulness.

>Карельштейн Дора

>Щедрость, доброта, чистота и сострадание, готовность к помощи и защите – вот составляющие Любви.
Она имеет свои волны и частоты, на которые невольно настраиваются все те, кто любит или жаждет Любви.

И если сегодня никто ещё не настроился на Вашу волну, продолжайте любить и излучать.
К Вам придёт Ваша награда в виде ответной Любви. Ждите и не теряйте Надежды.
Любовь витает в воздухе.

>Ефимов Павел


Спасибо за то,
Что ты есть на свете,
Спасибо за то,
Что ты любишь меня…
Нет у меня никого
На Земле тебя дороже,
У меня есть
Ты только,
Любимый и дорогой!
И грустно мне стало,
Потому что тебя нет
Сейчас рядом со мной…
Но я буду ждать
Тебя всегда,
Милый мой,
Потому что я знаю,
Что мое сердечко живет
В сердце твоем!

Salvatore Adamo

Si tu étais la mer – Moi je serais rivière – Et mes jours couleraient vers toi – Si tu étais pays – Mes bras seraient frontières – … – Si tu étais… – Mais tu es plus encore… – Tu es, tu es – Et tu remplis mes jours – Tu es de vie – Tu es d’amour – Tu es.

>Лев Толстой


Любовь – это бесценный дар. Это единственная вещь, которую мы можем подарить и все же она у тебя остается.

>Виктор Франкл


Любовь – это неодолимое желание сделать счастливым любимого человека.
Любовь – это когда тебе ничего не нужно от любимого.
Любовь – это единственное чувство, которое не зависит ни от чего.
Любовь – это основа мира.
Любовь – это когда один человек не может быть счастливым, если другой не счастлив.
Любовь – это cимпатия и понимание двух людей.

>Фридеш Каринти


Ну как женщина и мужчина могут понять друг друга, ведь они оба хотят разного: мужчина хочет женщину, а женщина хочет мужчину.



>Pattie Bord

>The next time I saw Eric, he turned up unexpectedly at Friar Park. George was away ? I don’t know whether Eric knew that in advance ? and I was on my own. He said he wanted me to go away with him: he was desperately in love with me and couldn’t live without me. I had to leave George right now and be with him.

>George Harrison

>Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos me

Somewhere in the smile she knows
That I don’t need no other lover
Something in her style that shows me

Something in the way she knows
All I have to do is think of her
Something in the things she shows me



もしも私が 家を建てたなら
小さな家を 建てたでしょう
大きな窓と 小さなドアーと
部屋には古い 暖炉があるのよ
真赤なバラと 白いパンジー
小犬の横には あなたあなた
それが私の 夢だったのよ
いとしいあなたは 今どこに

Lou Reed

Just a perfect day
You made me forget myself
I thought I was someone else
Someone good

Oh it’s such a perfect day
I’m glad I spent it with you
Oh such a perfect day
You just keep me hanging on
You just keep me hanging on

>Kametsap Sirob


О, как сладко существовать! Как сладко жить на свете и любить жизнь! О, как всегда тянет сказат спасибо самой жизни, самому существованию, сказать это им самим в лицо!
Oh, how sweet to be alive! How good to be alive and to love life! Oh, the ever-present longing to thank life, thank existence itself, to thank them as one being to another being.

>Stephenie Meyer

>He nuzzled his face against mine until he found my lips, then he kissed me, slow and gentle, the flow of molten rock swelling languidly in the dark at the center of the earth, until my shaking slowed.

>Boris Pasternak


Oh, what a love it was, utterly free, unique, like nothing else on earth! Their thoughts were like other people’s songs.
They loved each other, not driven by necessity, by the “blaze of passion” often falsely ascribed to love. They loved each other because everything around them willed it, the trees and the clouds and the sky over their heads and the earth under their feet. Perhaps their surrounding world, the strangers they met in the street, the wide expanses they saw on their walks, the rooms in which they lived or met, took more delight in their love than they themselves did.
Ah, that was just what had united them and had made them so akin! Never, never, even in their moments of richest and wildest happiness, were they unaware of a sublime joy in the total design of the universe, feeling that they themselves were a part of that whole, an element in the beauty of the cosmos.
This unity with the whole was the breath of life to them. And the elevation of man above the rest of nature, the modern coddling and worshipping of man, never appealed to them. A social system based on such a false premise, as well as its political application, struck them as pathetically amateurish and made no sense to them.

>Laurence Hope


You are wise; you take what the Gods have sent.
You ask no questions, but rest content
So I am with you to take your kiss,
And perhaps I value you more for this.
For this is Wisdom; to love, to live,
To take what Fate, or the Gods, may give,
To ask no question, to make no prayer,
To kiss the lips and caress the hair,
Speed passion’s ebb as you greet its flow,–
To have,–to hold,–and,–in time,–let go!

>Oscar Wilde


Love is fed by the imagination, by which we become wiser than we know, better than we feel, nobler than we are: by which we can see Life as a whole: by which, and by which alone, we can understand others in their real as in their ideal relations.



realistic and romantic
cold and passionate
serious and funny
sensitive and indifferent
old and young
mysterious and attractive
cute and sexy
fragile and strong
sensitive and daring
careful and naive
ambivalent and definite
hot and cold
pretty and beautiful
nice and good
almighty and eternal
guide and direction
past and future
light and darkness
sage and seeking
skeptic and saint
penultimate and multipresent
literal and limited
idealistic and pragmatic
shining and moving
omniwhere and omniwhen