Category Archives: human rights and democracy


When a change of constitution takes place, Kingship passes into Tyranny, because Tyranny is the bad form of monarchy, so that a bad king becomes a tyrant. Aristocracy passes into Oligarchy owing to badness in the rulers, who do not distribute what the State has to offer according to desert, but give all or most of its benefits to themselves, and always assign the offices to the same persons, because they set supreme value upon riches; thus power is in the hands of a few bad men, instead of being in the hands of the best men. Timocracy passes into Democracy, there being an affinity between them, inasmuch as the ideal of Timocracy also is government by the mass of the citizens, and within the qualification all are equal. Democracy is the least bad of the perversions, for it is only a very small deviation from the constitutional form of government. These are the commonest ways in which revolutions occur in states, since they involve the smallest change, and come about most easily.





Scarboro Missions

  • Bahá’í Faith: Lay not on any soul a load that you would not wish to be laid upon you, and desire not for anyone the things you would not desire for yourself.
  • Buddhism: Treat not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.
  • Christianity: In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets.
  • Confucianism: One word which sums up the basis of all good conduct….loving-kindness. Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.
  • Hinduism: This is the sum of duty: do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you.
  • Islam: Not one of you truly believes until you wish for others what you wish for yourself.
  • Jainism: One should treat all creatures in the world as one would like to be treated.
  • Judaism: What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbour. This is the whole Torah; all the rest is commentary. Go and learn it.
  • Native Spirituality: We are as much alive as we keep the earth alive.
  • Sikhism: I am a stranger to no one; and no one is a stranger to me. Indeed, I am a friend to all.
  • Taoism: Regard your neighbour’s gain as your own gain and your neighbour’s loss as your own loss.
  • Unitarianism: We affirm and promote respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
  • Zoroastrianism: Do not do unto others whatever is injurious to yourself.


The Golden Rule or ethic of reciprocity is a maxim, ethical code, or morality that essentially states either of the following:

  • One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself (positive form)
  • One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated (negative/prohibitive form, also called the Silver Rule)

The Golden Rule is arguably the most essential basis for the modern concept of human rights, in which each individual has a right to just treatment, and a reciprocal responsibility to ensure justice for others.






La question de l’égalité entre les hommes est objet d’approches philosophiques différentes. On retrouve l’égalité proclamée dans la devise de la République française : Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. On distingue :

  • Égalité en droit
  • Égalité devant la loi,
  • Égalité sociale,
  • Égalité des chances.
  • Égalité des races

Égalité des genres

  • Égalité entre les hommes et les femmes



Eleanor Roosevelt

Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home – so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world. Yet they are the world of the individual person; the neighborhood he lives in; the school or college he attends; the factory, farm, or office where he works. Such are the places where every man, woman, and child seeks equal justice, equal opportunity, equal dignity without discrimination. Unless these rights have meaning there, they have little meaning anywhere. Without concerted citizen action to uphold them close to home, we shall look in vain for progress in the larger world.


(市民的及び政治的権利に関する国際規約 第19条2項)


別のニュースである。2012年5月24日の報道では、東京で6月から開催を予定していた写真展が会場を運営する会社によって突然中止された。 写真展の開催に抗議する電話が複数あったという。この写真展は、戦後中国に置き去りにされた朝鮮人元「従軍慰安婦」を題材にしたものであった。インターネット掲示板には会場を提供した会社に不買運動を起こそうとか、「抗議電話をして売国行為をやめさせよう」という書き込みが相次いだという。

Barack Obama

Not every country will follow our particular form of representative democracy, and there will be times when our short term interests do not align perfectly with our long term vision of the region. But we can – and will – speak out for a set of core principles – principles that have guided our response to the events over the past six months:
The United States opposes the use of violence and repression against the people of the region.
We support a set of universal rights. Those rights include free speech; the freedom of peaceful assembly; freedom of religion; equality for men and women under the rule of law; and the right to choose your own leaders.
And finally, we support political and economic reform in the Middle East and North Africa that can meet the legitimate aspirations of ordinary people throughout the region.
Our support for these principles is not a secondary interest– today I am making it clear that it is a top priority that must be translated into concrete actions, and supported by all of the diplomatic, economic and strategic tools at our disposal.














人権は全世界共通の課題であり、国連においては、昭和23年に「世界人権宣言」を採択、さらに昭和41年には、これに法的拘束力を持たせるための「国際人権規約」を制定しております。 。。日本国憲法においては、基本的人権を大きな柱の一つとして、『侵すことのできないもの』であると規定しているところであります。


ここ3~ 4年、「在特会」とか「主権回復を目指す会」、「チーム関西」など、民族差別の汚い罵倒語を公衆の面前で怒号し、差別プラカードを掲げてデモをし、異を唱える者を集団襲撃したりする輩が横行しています。私自身も2010年4月の大阪駅や今年8月6日の広島で襲撃され、その凶暴性を身をもって知っています。
彼らの差別行動の酷さは、現実を見た人でないと、とても信じられないものなので、市に事実を示す資料を渡し、証拠動画も示しておきましたが、 。。。「シナ人を叩き出せ~!」とか、「ゴキプリ朝鮮人を叩き出せ~!」、「チョン公は出て行け~!」、と怒号しながらの民族差別デモを各地で繰り返し、今年になると奈良の水平社博物館の前に乗り込んでスピーカーを使って、 「エッタ、エッタ、出て来い!」 と、部落差別怒号する者まで現れています。9月24日に隣の大東市で「君が代押しつけ反対の全国集会」があった折りには、住道駅前に陣取って、「君が代反対を操っているのはエッタとチョンコだ!」、などの差別怒号をしていたとの事です。



Paul Cartledge

The ancient Greek word demokratia was ambiguous. It meant literally ‘people-power’. But who were the people to whom the power belonged? Was it all the people – the ‘masses’? Or only some of the people – the duly qualified citizens? The Greek word demos could mean either. There’s a theory that the word demokratia was coined by democracy’s enemies, members of the rich and aristocratic elite who did not like being outvoted by the common herd, their social and economic inferiors. If this theory is right, democracy must originally have meant something like ‘mob rule’ or ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’.

Yun-keol Lee

The Korean Peninsula is going through such a convulsion that it is difficult to predict what might happen next. Only a radical improvement in the human rights situation in North Korea in step with the development of a market economy can bring lasting peace and liberty to the entire peninsula. However, recent developments show that we are no nearer to that goal. We will never realize our hopes while we engage in fruitless discussions without firm action.

Susan V. Lawrence, Thomas Lum

According to many experts, China’s foreign economic assistance and investments have complicated U.S. and other Western efforts to curb human rights abuses and promote democracy in places such as Angola and Sudan in Africa, Burma and Cambodia in Southeast Asia, and Fiji in the Southwest Pacific. The United States government has taken preliminary steps to discuss and coordinate development assistance and projects with China, in order to promote “donor best practices” and convergence between Chinese foreign assistance practices and those of major bilateral and multilateral aid donors.







>Human Rights Now

>Our mission is to take action to: 1) Contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights worldwide, with a special focus on Asian countries; 2) Contribute to the development of international human rights standards and norms through the UN and other international institutions; and 3) Promote the incorporation of international human rights standards within the domestic framework in Japan.
In particular, we seek to make a concerted effort to improve the human rights situation in the Asian region, where many people are suffering from serious human rights abuses. By highlighting the situation and enabling victims of abuse to have their voices heard, we spare all effort to make a positive difference. In working to achieve these goals, we would be very happy to cooperate closely with international and grassroots NGOs around the world.



>Kenneth Roth

>The sad truth is that the dominant Western policy toward the Arab people traditionally has been one of containment. Today many applaud as the people of the region take to the streets to claim their rights, but until recently Western governments frequently acted as if the Arab people were to be feared, hemmed in, controlled. In other regions, democracy spread, but in the Middle East and North Africa, the West seemed content to back an array of Arab autocrats, so long as they in turn supported Western interests. Elsewhere, governments were expected, at least in principle, to serve their people, but the West looked to the monarchs and strongmen of the Arab world to guarantee “stability,” to keep the lid on popular demands. The world’s promotion of human rights had an Arab exception.
The Arab Spring showed that many people in the region do not share the West’s comfortable complacency with autocratic rule. No longer willing to be the passive subjects of self-serving rulers, they began to insist on becoming full citizens of their countries, the proper agents of their fate. In one country after another, an act of repression sparked popular outrage at a regime that had taken one brutal step too many. This time the much discussed but long quiescent Arab Street arose and upended the old order. In finding its collective voice and power, the region’s people transformed its politics in a way that will not be easy to turn back.

>Museum of Tolerance New York

>The Museum of Tolerance New York, modeled ater the highly successful Museum of Tolerance Los Angeles, is part of the educational arm of the Simon Wiesenthal Center is a global Jewish human rights organization that confronts anti-Semitism, hate and terrorism, promotes human rights and dignity, stands with Israel, defends the safety of Jews worldwide, and teaches the lessons of the Holocaust for future generations.


>   民主主義の下においては、個人の尊厳は絶対であり、人権の平等は不動の鉄則である。新憲法やその下に行われる幾多の立法は、もちろん民主主義の礎石であるには相違ないが、たとえ新憲法がなくなっても諸般の立法がなくなっても、人格の尊厳がなくなってしまうわけがない。すなわち真の民主主義の基盤には憲法法律を超越した、それ自身普遍普段に厳存する基本人権の観念が存在しなければならない。


>   長い封建政治の後に、突然欽定憲法によってほとんど闘うことなしに参政権を与えられた日本の民衆には、長期にわたる苦闘を経てマグナカルタを戦いとり、幾多の政治的試練を凌いで議会政治を守り続けてきた英国大衆のごとく、参政権の貴重さに対する深刻な自覚がなかったのである。仏教によって諦めを教えられ、儒教によって政治上の幸福を治者の「徳」に期待することを教えられてきたわれられ日本人は、被治者としての権利を主張することを知らなかったのである。

>Camila Vallejo

>Camila Antonia Amaranta Vallejo Dowling (born 28 April 1988 in Santiago) is a Chilean geography undergraduate student and member of the Chilean Communist Youth. As president of the University of Chile Student Federation (Fech) and main spokesperson of the Confederation of Chilean Students (Confech), she led a movement for better access to quality education.

>Sarah Lyall

>… the Scottish government recently passed a law making it illegal for fans to attack one another using religious, ethnic, regional or violent historical slurs in songs, chants, Internet postings or even stray remarks at a stadium or pub.
That means that fans of Rangers, a team with roots in Protestant Northern Ireland, cannot sing “The Billy Boys” — a song that refers to Irish blood and to William of Orange, a Protestant hero from the 17th century — for fear of being sent to prison. It means that fans of their mortal enemies, Celtic, cannot sing “Up the ’Ra,” which celebrates the Irish Republican Army and is a throwback to their Roman Catholic Northern Ireland origins.
And it means that no one is allowed to take part in once-common chants in which fans goad their opponents by gleefully rehashing past tragedies like players’ untimely deaths, or, in the case of Rangers, the infamous 1971 incident in which 66 fans were crushed and asphyxiated to death at Ibrox as they rushed for the exits.




>Obviously, not all prostitution is enslavement or trafficking, and some is voluntary. China probably has more prostitutes than any country in the world,Cautious Optimism for Sufferers of Joint Pain – NY, and it is largely voluntary with the women themselves keeping the money they earn. But in many countries — including the U.S., for that matter — there is a considerable amount of prostitution that is forced or involves minors. Talk to the survivors, and the stories are chilling. For that matter, read Somaly Mam’s terrific memoir, “The Road of Lost Innocence,” which offers a luminous window into what these girls go through.
There’s a tendency in some quarters to be non-judgmental about trafficking and even to criticize the raids on these brothels as traumatic to the girls involved. Well, it strikes me as pretty traumatic for a 12-year-old girl to be raped 20 times a night, seven days a week — not including the tortures that pimps worldwide use to break a girl’s spirit. This trafficking, in other words, has nothing to do with consenting adults and everything to do with rape and child abuse. Figuring what to do with adult prostitution is a tough challenge (I favor experimenting with the Swedish model), but cracking down on human trafficking should be a no-brainer.

>Nicholas Kristof

>My Sunday column returns to a regular theme — human trafficking — and recounts a raid on a brothel in northern Cambodia with one of my heroes, Somaly Mam. The youngest girl in the brothel had been trafficked from Vietnam a few months ago when she was in the seventh grade, meaning that she was born in 1999. That makes her about 12 years old.
Her youth made her very popular in the brothel. There were sometimes lines of men waiting to have sex with her, and she could have 20 customers a night. Of course, she didn’t get a penny of that income.

>Margaret Thatcher

>I think we have gone through a period when too many children and people have been given to understand “I have a problem, it is the Government’s job to cope with it!” or “I have a problem, I will go and get a grant to cope with it!” “I am homeless, the Government must house me!” and so they are casting their problems on society and who is society? There is no such thing! There are individual men and women and there are families and no government can do anything except through people and people look to themselves first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then also to help look after our neighbour and life is a reciprocal business and people have got the entitlements too much in mind without the obligations, …



>Tim Lister

>Mahmoud Abd al Aziz is a balding 34-year-old Yemeni who has spent most of his adult life detained at Guantanamo Bay. He was one of the very first to be taken there, ten years ago this month, after being captured on the Afghan-Pakistan border. Al Aziz says … he’d gone to Kandahar to study the Koran.
Another Yemeni detainee, Allal Ab Aljallil abd al Rahman, said he went to Afghanistan for medical treatment.
He and 30 suspected al Qaeda members were detained on December 15th 2001 after they crossed into Pakistan on foot from the Tora Bora region. Most were young Yemenis who became known as the “Dirty Thirty” – and allegedly included at least several of bin Laden’s bodyguards. Sources cited in military reviews of the detainees’ cases say a “Pakistani warden told the group the best thing they could tell United States forces when interrogated was they were in Afghanistan to teach the Koran.”


>Во время хороводов и раздачи подарков на новогоднем утреннике президент взял на руки одну девочку. Девочка показала ему свой рисунок домика. Лукашенко в своей обычной манере спросил у ребенка: „Хороший домик, хочешь себе там квартирку?“. Девочка не растерялась и вопросительно ответила Лукашенко: „Ты что — дурак?“



Emperor Meiji

Know ye, Our subjects:
Our Imperial Ancestors have founded Our Empire on a basis broad and everlasting and have deeply and firmly implanted virtue; Our subjects ever united in loyalty and filial piety have from generation to generation illustrated the beauty thereof. This is the glory of the fundamental character of Our Empire, and herein also lies the source of Our education.
Ye, Our subjects, be filial to your parents, affectionate to your brothers and sisters; as husbands and wives be harmonious, as friends true; bear yourselves in modesty and moderation; extend your benevolence to all; pursue learning and cultivate arts, and thereby develop intellectual faculties and perfect moral powers; furthermore advance public good and promote common interests; always respect the Constitution and observe the laws; should emergency arise, offer yourselves courageously to the State; and thus guard and maintain the prosperity of Our Imperial Throne coeval with heaven and earth.
So shall ye not only be Our good and faithful subjects, but render illustrious the best traditions of your forefathers. The Way here set forth is indeed the teaching bequeathed by Our Imperial Ancestors, to be observed alike by Their Descendants and the subjects, infallible for all ages and true in all places.It is Our wish to lay it to heart in all reverence, in common with you, Our subjects, that we may thus attain to the same virtue.
The 30th day of the 10th month of the 23rd year of Meiji.
(October 30, 1890)


>Democracy had many advantages. Democracy gives us the freedom to do what we want to do, as long as we don’t encroach upon others rights. It gives freedom of speech, freedom to move anywhere in the country, freedom of thought and expression, and freedom to practice and preach our religion. It also comprises with the people.
In democracy, the other parties can point out the ruling party’s mistakes in the session. It works on decision making as the government has to take the wisest decision for the country. Democracy also respects other view’s, thoughts, expressions, and religions. There are always free and fair elections held in democracy, which means you can elect anyone you want, as your representative.
Democracy also gives equal legal rights. It doesn’t discriminate according to sex. color or religion. Minorities are respected. Free press and media can cover up all the stories and mistakes of the government. Access to free press and media can also cover any news that leads to a better way. And it would be much faster to inform the news unlike the authoritarian government. It also makes easier for the people to know about what’s going in the government. The media is very important and a key to democracy.
Democracy also has some few disadvantages, like most of them. It takes a while to build a government, to get the election done, It takes time to decide. It also takes longer time in making laws. Not faster movement is in deciding things. Free press and media can have a negative impact on the societies. The government has to sort out the real story from what the media or press throws. It creates rumor’s and often makes rumor’s even worse. It is all about competition between two or more parties. It also leads to corruption.

>Kim Jang-hoon, Seo Kyung-duk

Do you hear their cry?
In the picture are comfort women who served as sex slaves for Japanese soldiers during World War II.
Since January 1992, ex-comfort women have been continuously meeting outside of the Japanese embassy in downtown Seoul every Wednesday. Gradually, the number of those attending has grown to over 1,000.
The Japanese government, however, has never expressed any intention of compensation or public apology for its atrocities.
The Japanese government must sincerely apologize to the women and compensate them for their mental and physical suffering at once.
This responsible behavior is the only possible way for Korea and Japan to work together towards peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia.
We expect a wise decision from the Japanese government.

>Frej Finniche

>Egyptian soldiers attacked several NGOs offices in the capital Cairo, forcing their way in, blocking the entrances and seizing computers and files.
To the extent of our knowledge this is the first time since January 2010 but this is the first time even under Mubarak regime that military officers are doing this kind of attack. They said according to some information from some sources that have to check the origins of funds and some information about their relationship with foreigners but this can be done according to the law. That means they can invite them for an investigation.


>The First annual Alliance for Youth Movements (AYM) Summit took place in New York on December 3-5, 2008, with representatives of online campaigns.
The Second Alliance for Youth Movements Summit, held October 14–16, 2009 in Mexico City. This Summit explored the role of technology in mobilizing young people working to end violence throughout Latin America and around the world.


> is a non-profit organization dedicated to identifying, connecting, and supporting grassroots digital activists from around the world. We match members of our global network with necessary resources from the technology, media, private and public sectors in order to help them build capacity. hosts annual summits, regional training events, and an online hub for best practices, lessons learned, discussion and news about the use of new technologies in social movements.
The organization was formed during a December 2008 summit, the Alliance of Youth Movements, that brought together experts in social media with pioneering grassroots movement leaders for the first time in history. Founders of include Jared Cohen, Director of Google Ideas at Google, Jason Liebman, CEO and co-founder of Howcast, and Roman Tsunder, co-founder of Access 360 Media.

>Freedom House

>Freedom House is an independent watchdog organization that supports the expansion of freedom around the world. Freedom House supports democratic change, monitors freedom, and advocates for democracy and human rights.
Throughout its history, Freedom House has opposed tyranny around the world, including dictatorships in Latin America, apartheid in South Africa, Soviet domination of Central and Eastern Europe, and religiously-based totalitarian regimes such as those governing Sudan, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

>Solidarity Center

>The Solidarity Center is a non-profit organization that assists workers around the world who are struggling to build democratic and independent trade unions. We work with unions and community groups worldwide to achieve equitable, sustainable, democratic development and to help men and women everywhere stand up for their rights and improve their living and working standards.

  • The Solidarity Center and its union partners promote democracy, freedom, and respect for worker rights in global trade, investment, and development policies and in the lending practices of international financial institutions.
  • Our programs raise public awareness about the abuse of the world’s most vulnerable workers.
  • Above all, our programs help the world’s workers secure a voice in the developing global economy, and thus in their own future.

In response to partner requests, the Solidarity Center provides a wide range of education, training, research, legal support, organizing assistance, and other resources to help build strong and effective trade unions and more just and equitable societies.


>The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a private, nonprofit foundation dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world. Each year, with funding from the US Congress, NED supports more than 1,000 projects of non-governmental groups abroad who are working for democratic goals in more than 90 countries.
NED makes more than 1000 grants each year to nongovernmental groups in more than 90 countries. Behind each grant is a story about people who share a common desire to live in a world that is free and democratic, and who are willing to dedicate and often risk their lives to achieve that goal.

>Tony Cartalucci

>The IMF invasions of the 90’s prompted leaders around the world to insulate their nation and its economy from similar attacks in the future. The prospect of using military force by these globocrat elite is also becoming more and more difficult, expensive both politically and economically.
Their proposed solution is staged color revolutions. With the help of their mass media in combination with agitators they themselves have organized via NED, Freedom House, and AYM, they can overthrow nations and install their own puppets who are sure to make favorable reforms. Not only is this accomplished without firing a shot, but it’s done under the guise of a “people’s power revolution” for democracy and freedom.
The key to balking these nefarious designs is to understand them and raise awareness of them before they unfold. For Egypt it may be too late. For other nations there may still be a chance.



>William N. Grigg

>In physics, the term “observer effect” describes how examining a phenomenon can change it, because of the influence of the instruments used to make the observation. Something similar happens to human interactions when cameras are present. The irresistible impulse to play to the lens makes human behavior mannered and self-aware. Every statement becomes a performance, every gesture a pose.

>Jonathan Chait

>Of the many taboos that prevail among conservatives, the one forbidding any serious discussion of inequality is perhaps the strictest. Any forthright examination of this topic will lead one quickly to the realization that American society has been spreading apart rapidly for three decades and that Republican economic policies have without a doubt contributed mightily to this gulf. So conservatives usually ignore the subject of inequality, except perhaps to minimize its scale or importance.
The current predicament is not altogether unfamiliar to America. A century ago, there were vast disparities in wealth and income, and the political system was dominated by a self-serving elite. What finally turned the tide was a wave of labor violence and radical activism, first around the turn of the century and again during the Great Depression. The business and political elite feared that capitalism itself was under siege and might not survive, and in time it embraced the palliative of modern liberal reform in order to safeguard the free enterprise system.
The elite of that generation, like the elite of today, was conservative by temperament. But their conservatism meant something else — a sense of social responsibility, a commitment to preserving peace between economic classes. The conservatives of today, on the other hand, have redefined conservatism as an expression of their material self-interest, defined in the narrowest and most short-sighted terms. They have forgotten the lessons of their forebears, and if sanity is to be restored to our political order, they must relearn them.

>Charles Boix

>Realists are right in claiming that democratic life is possible only when certain, mostly material conditions are in place. But, in acting like the drunkard that searches for his lost keys only under the lamppost — that is, by looking at the easy-to-measure variable of income — they have missed the true nature of those conditions. It is, rather, excessive economic inequality, particularly in agrarian countries and in nations rich in oil and other minerals, that exacerbates the extent of social and political conflict to the point of making democracy impossible. In an unequal society, the majority resents its diminished status. It harbors the expectation of employing elections to drastically overturn its condition. In turn, the wealthy minority fears the outcome that may follow from free elections and the assertion of majority rule. As a result, it resorts to authoritarian institutions to guarantee its social and economic advantage. By contrast, in societies endowed with some relative social and economic equality, inhabitants are willing to accept the inherently uncertain results of free elections — that is, they are willing to agree to be temporarily reduced to the status of minority and to be governed by the party they oppose.

Before the irruption of commercial and industrial capitalism in modern Europe, most wealth was fixed in the form of farmland and mines. A few agrarian communities (mountainous Switzerland, Norway, or Iceland) were equal and democratic. But most pre-industrial societies were (and are) characterized by the combination of inequality, authoritarianism and underdevelopment.
Authoritarianism is pervasive in an agrarian economy for a simple reason. In a Hobbesian world infested by bandits and generalized war, autocrats are a standard, reasonable mechanism to enforce peace and to protect the peasant population against plunder and death. Still, the price of authoritarianism is inequality. In exchange for protection against bandits like themselves, rulers such as the Bourbons, the Tudors, or the Sauds seize an important part of their subjects’ assets. For example, at the death of Augustus (14 A.D.), the top 1/10,000 of the Roman Empire’s households received 1 percent of all income. In Mughal India around 1600 A.D., the top 1/10,000th received 5 percent of all income. In fact, the annual income of the Indian emperor was the equivalent of the wage of about 650,000 unskilled workers.

>Daphne Eviatar

>Last week, the Senate voted to pass a bill that would codify indefinite detention without trial in the United States, mandate military detention for terrorist suspects, and stop the transfer of even innocent detainees out of the Guantanamo Bay and Bagram military prisons.
If that sounds bad enough, just wait:  As we head into the holidays, the bill could get even worse. This week, the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, goes to conference, where the House and the Senate will try to reconcile a bad bill with a worse one.  Expect an even harsher, broader-reaching and more nonsensical bill …

>Елена Преображенская

>Представители католичества в силу неплохо развитого в западных странах учения о правах человека вполне могли бы оказаться в авангарде утверждения либерализма и прав человека в качестве соответствующих христианству, если бы не существенное “но”: в нашей стране принята политкорректность в отношении политики РПЦ. Католическая иерархия изъявляет своё дружественное расположение к православию путём уважения к мнению РПЦ. Соответственно этому, как и в случае протестантов, голос католиков противоречит голосу РПЦ лишь в тех случаях, когда затрагиваются интересы католиков, когда так или иначе нарушаются их права. В остальных случаях католическая иерархия предпочитает дипломатическое молчание, а молчание, как известно, есть знак согласия.
Таким образом, мы приходим к выводу, что не можем рассчитывать ни на одну из христианских конфессий России в отношении освещения либерализма и прав человека в качестве соответствующих Евангельскому духу. Нам остаётся лишь одно: прекратить уповать на то, что за нас это кто-то сделает, и начать заниматься этим самим.
Именно дух христианства является тем основанием, на котором развилась концепция о равном достоинстве всех людей и свободе, откуда исторически происходит теория либерализма и всеобщих прав человека. Коль скоро, этот факт практически никто не освещает, освещать его должны мы – не иерархия, а простые думающие демократичные верующие люди и интересующиеся религией нерелигиозные (в смысле не практикующие церковно) граждане-демократы.

>Александр Храмов

>Чем плоха религия, ставшая традицией? А тем же, чем плоха «государственная религия». Если человек становится христианином только потому, что он родился в обществе с христианскими традициями, то это не значит еще, что он стал христианином, т.е. лично пришел к живому Богу, а не только усвоил какие-то традиции. В этом таится очень большая опасность. Ведь от полного безверия к вере ближе, чем от такой полу-веры, когда человек не верит сам, а его лишь сделали верующим. Человеку, осознающему свое безбожие, легче начать верить, чем человеку, который уже считает себя верующим, хотя придерживается веры не потому, что обратился к Богу, а потому, что продолжает традицию. Ему очень сложно осознать свое безверие. К таким «верующим» относятся слова Апокалипсиса …
Вот такую духовную нищету под маской христианства и православия и хотят насадить в России чиновники от РПЦ, сделавши его государственной религией. Открыто они не хотят признавать такого своего желания, но фактически делают это:  признаваемый ими светский принцип устройства государства воспринимается ими как вынужденный («так в Конституции написано, и пойти против нее не можем»), а не как органически вытекающий из христианского мировоззрения.

>Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen

>Les représentants du peuple français, constitués en Assemblée nationale, considérant que l’ignorance, l’oubli ou le mépris des droits de l’homme sont les seules causes des malheurs publics et de la corruption des gouvernements, ont résolu d’exposer, dans une Déclaration solennelle, les droits naturels, inaliénables et sacrés de l’homme, afin que cette Déclaration, constamment présente à tous les membres du corps social, leur rappelle sans cesse leurs droits et leurs devoirs; afin que les actes du pouvoir législatif, et ceux du pouvoir exécutif pouvant à chaque instant être comparés avec le but de toute institution politique, en soient plus respectés; afin que les réclamations des citoyens, fondées désormais sur des principes simples et incontestables, tournent toujours au maintien de la Constitution et au bonheur de tous.

>Port Saint Nicolas

>C’est au nom de l’Evangile que l’Eglise proclame son enseignement sur les Droits de l’Homme. Pour être plus précis, la conception biblique de l’Homme en fait une image de Dieu : participant de ce fait à la transcendance de Dieu, il ne peut être assimilé à un pur objet, à une chose manipulable. Chaque personne humaine réalise une certaine image de Dieu qui fait sa dignité, cette image se retrouvant, sous des formes diverses, à égalité chez tous.


现实无疑需要我们往前再多走几步。其中之一,便是文化变革,找到一个与现代自由市场经济相适应的文化建构。要做到这一点,或从自己悠久的传统文化中开掘一整套与现代经济相适应的伦理,或通过吸收和引进的方式再造文化基因。漫游于北美广袤的土地,聆听座座教堂发出的深沉的钟声,我不时会想起一位愤怒诗人的诗,并想着要将之改变如下: 敬畏神威 ,敬畏闪电 ,也敬畏天空的惊雷。唯有敬畏,才能得救;唯有信仰,市场经济才有灵魂。



「ヒューマニズム」という語について、『小学館ランダムハウス英和大辞典』には、「人間主義」、「人道主義」、「人文主義」という三つの訳語が載せられ、説明として、「人間的趣味・価値・品位・尊厳がその中心となっている思考(行動)様式」と書かれている。これは一般に認められているヒューマニズムの定義であると思う。そこで、このような意味をもっているヒューマニズムという語に「キリスト教的」という形容詞をつけるのは、いささか意外である。というのは、宗教においては、人間ではなく神か仏、つまり人を越える存在が中心にされるべきだと思われているからである。事実、その理由で、キリスト教的な事柄を中心とするヒューマニズム思想を排斥したのである。キリスト者の間に広まっていたこのような考え方に反発して、19世紀に、ヒューマニズムを主張するためには、キリスト教を退け、神を否定しなければならないと主張する人々が現れたことは、よく知られている事実である。この無神論的なヒューマニズムを提示する人々の代表者として、フォイエルバッハ、マルクス、ニーチェなどの名をあげることができる。彼らによると、ニーチェ風に言えば、人間を立てるためには、神を殺さなければならないのである。  このような無神論的なヒューマニズムが、19世紀から20世紀にかけて世界的な運動になったが、ニーチェの思想からナチズムが生じ、マルクスの思考からスターリン主義が生じて、無数の人の命を奪う人間否定に発展して行ったので、現代では無神論的ヒューマニズムが色褪せてしまい、ヒューマニズムを新たに基礎づけ、それとキリスト教徒の関係を考え直さなければならないという必要性が痛感されるようになったのである。


>   西方文明是个内涵相当宽广而丰富的概念,作为其主流的,则是基督教信仰和人权、民主思想。

Will Durant

Consequently, the road to the superman must lie through aristocracy. Democracy — “this mania for counting noses” — must be eradicated before it is too late. The first step here is the destruction of Christianity so far as all higher men are concerned. The triumph of Christ was the beginning of democracy; “the first Christian was in his deepest instincts a rebel against everything privileged; he lived and struggled unremittingly for ‘equal rights’ “; in modern times he would have been sent to Siberia. “He that is greatest among you, let him be your servant” — this is the inversion of all political wisdom, of all sanity; indeed, as one reads the Gospel one feels the atmosphere of a Russian novel; they are a sort of plagiarism from Dostoievski. Only among the lowly could such notions take root; and only in an age whose rulers had degenerated and ceased ot rule. “When Nero and Caracalla sat on the throne, the paradox arose that the lowest man was worth more than the man on top.”
As the conquest of Europe by Christianity was the end of ancient aristocracy, so the over running of Europe by Teutonic warrior barons brought a renewal of the old masculine virtues, and planted the roots of the modern aristocracies. These men were not burdened with “morals” : they “were free from every social restraint; in the innocence of their wild-beast conscience they returned as exultant monsters from a horrible train of murder, incendiarism, rapine, torture, with an arrogance and composure as if nothing but a student’s freak had been perpetrated.” It was such men who supplied the ruling classes for Germany, Scandinavia, France, England, Italy, and Russia.

>Linda Kulman, Jay Tolson

>Way back in February of 1804 President Thomas Jefferson, ever the enlightened rationalist, sat down in the White House with two identical copies of the New Testament, a straight-edge razor, and a sheaf of octavo-size paper. Over the course of a few nights, he made quick work of cutting and pasting his own bible, a slim volume he called “The Philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth.” After slicing away every passage that suggested Jesus’s divine nature, Jefferson had a Jesus who was no more and no less than a good, ethical guide.


>Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount has been called the most superlative teaching of human ethics ever uttered by an individual. In fact, much of what we know today as “equal rights” actually is the result of Jesus’ teaching. Historian Will Durant, a non-Christian, said of Jesus that “he lived and struggled unremittingly for ‘equal rights’; in modern times he would have been sent to Siberia. ‘He that is greatest among you, let him be your servant’—this is the inversion of all political wisdom, of all sanity.”
Many, like Gandhi, have tried to separate Jesus’ teaching on ethics from his claims about himself, believing that he was simply a great man who taught lofty moral principles. This was the approach of one of America’s Founding Fathers, President Thomas Jefferson, who cut and pasted a copy of the New Testament, removing sections he thought referred to Jesus’ deity, while leaving in other passages regarding Jesus’ ethical and moral teaching. Jefferson carried around his cut and pasted New Testament with him, revering Jesus as perhaps the greatest moral teacher of all time.
In fact, Jefferson’s memorable words in the Declaration of Independence were rooted in Jesus’ teaching that each person is of immense and equal importance to God, regardless of sex, race, or social status. The famous document sets forth, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights …”

>Olivier Rogez


La grande victoire d’Amnesty International, c’est d’avoir fait connaître des prisonniers et des situations de violation de droits humains oubliés ; de dénoncer la torture alors que ce n’était pas un interdit dans la tête de tout le monde.



La Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme illustrée
Les dessinateurs de Cartooning For Peace illustrent avec humour et irrévérence les 30 articles de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme.
La Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme a été rédigée par l’Organisation des Nations Unies à l’issue de la deuxième guerre mondiale, le 10 décembre 1948.
TV5MONDE, en partenariat avec Cartooning For Peace, vous propose de découvrir les Droits de l’Homme énoncées dans cette Déclaration sous un autre jour. Les 30 articles sont illustrés par un dessinateur de presse et lus.







>Mohamed Elarif


Une comorienne est renvoyée toute nue dans la rue pendant la soirée par son patron et sa famille. Pendant 7 mois de travail sans rémunération, en s’occupant d’une famille pour des travaux domestiques. La jeune comorienne aurait subi des agressions et des mauvais traitements.
Le voyage vers l’eldorado qatari a tourné court pour cette comorienne. Selon une source proche de la victime, cette comorienne est renvoyée de la maison toute nue. « Ma petite sœur a subi des agressions de toute la famille d’accueil. Elle l’a bien battue. Elle a reçu des coups de couteau dans le dos. Pire encore, ils l’ont fait sortir de la maison toute nue. Heureusement que c’était une soirée. Elle a dit que c’est après avoir constaté qu’un slip est perdu après avoir lavé et séché des vêtements de la famille », a déclaré la sœur de la victime tout en pleurant.
C’est la police nocturne de Qatar en pleine surveillance qui est venue au secours de cette jeune femme, la trouvant assise dans un trottoir. Un des policiers a pris sa tenue pour couvrir la fille avant de l’envoyer à l’hôpital.
Au cours du chemin, ces policiers ont enquêté la fille pour savoir la cause de « ce crime ». Sur un ton triste et au bord des larmes, la jeune femme a raconté tout le calvaire qu’elle a vécu depuis son arrivée au Qatar jusqu’aux derniers actes de violences.

>Douglas B. Reeves


To the maximum extent possible, consensus is helpful. But at critical points in the Task Force deliberations, some alternative to consensus may be necessary. Without such an alternative, the progress of the Task Force is subject to the veto power of a single member who may be pursuing a personal agenda. On the other hand, a Task Force recommendation from a bare majority of members will have little credibility with the superintendent and board. A reasonable rule of thumb for consensus is 80 percent – it isn’t unanimous, but it represents the strong conviction of the vast majority of participants.




>John Rawls


The bad man desires arbitrary power. What moves the evil man is the love of injustice.
The principles of justice are chosen behind a veil of ignorance.
In constant pursuit of money to finance campaigns, the political system is simply unable to function. Its deliberative powers are paralyzed.
Certainly it is wrong to be cruel to animals and the destruction of a whole species can be a great evil. The capacity for feelings of pleasure and pain and for the form of life of which animals are capable clearly impose duties of compassion and humanity in their case.

Michael J. Sandel

Times of trouble prompt us to recall the ideals by which we live. But in America today, this is not an easy thing to do. At a time when democratic ideals seem ascendant abroad, there is reason to wonder whether we have lost possession of them at home. Our public life is rife with discontent. Americans do not believe they have much say in how they are governed and do not trust government to do the right thing. Despite the achievements of American life in the last half-century – victory in World War II, unprecedented affluence, greater social justice for women and minorities, the end of the Cold War – our politics is beset with anxiety and frustration.
The political parties, meanwhile, are unable to make sense of our condition. They main topics of national debateextent of rights and entitlements, the proper degree of government regulationthe proper scope of the welfare state, the extent of rights and entitlements, the proper degree of government regulation – take their shape from the arguments of an earlier day. They are not unimportant topics; but they do not reach the two concerns that lie at the heart of democracy’s discontent. One is the fear that, individually and collectively, we are losing control of the forces that govern our lives. The other is the sense that, from family to neighborhood to nation, the moral fabric of community is unraveling around us. These two fears – for the loss of self-government and erosion of community – together define the anxiety of the age. It is an anxiety that the prevailing political agenda has failed to answer or even address.

>David Bosco


Thinking about international governance issues through the lens of hypocrisy seems particularly important at the moment. The emerging powers are with increasing plausibility challenging the double-standard built deep into the UN’s structure: that while all states are declared in Article 2(1) to enjoy “sovereign equality,” a few have the right (through their Security Council veto power) to ensure that the normal rules don’t apply to them. And that’s just one of many perceived injustices in the international architecture. The question of why certain states may have nuclear weapons while others may not still rankles, as does the American and European hold on World Bank and IMF leadership.
The hypocrisy surrounding the bedrock principle of sovereign equality is increasingly evident in other ways. From different angles, both the war on terrorism and the campaign for a “responsibility to protect” challenge the notion that states are fundamentally equal.

>Zack Beauchamp


First, one could make non-consequentialist arguments justifying intervention based on the particular moral heinousness of mass slaughter as compared to other lethal ills. I’m not compelled by the underlying moral reasoning here, but I could see how one might be.
Second, one could say it’s an argument for more aid AND intervention. That’d be fair enough, except for the fact that states do lots of things to save lives other than aid and intervention that draw from the same finite resource/tax base. So that argument might work depending on the resource constraints at play, but it also might not.
Third, an intervention might be politically possible whereas aid increases might not. Again, that might be true in a given case, but it doesn’t answer Hynd’s more fundamental moral challenge.
There’s a fourth, though, that’s more compelling: humanitarian intervention is often necessary to create the conditions under which aid can be effective in saving lives.