Category Archives: globe

Jared Diamond

People often ask, “What is the single most important environmental/population problem facing the world today?” A flip answer would be, “The single most important problem is our misguided focus on identifying the single most important problem!

David P. Barash

Welcome to the ‘anthropic principle’, a kind of Goldilocks phenomenon or ‘intelligent design’ for the whole Universe. It’s easy to describe, but difficult to categorise: it might be a scientific question, a philosophical concept, a religious argument — or some combination. The anthropic principle holds that if such phenomena as the gravitational constant, the exact electric charge on the proton, the mass of electrons and neutrons, and a number of other deep characteristics of the Universe differed at all, human life would be impossible. According to its proponents, the Universe is fine-tuned for human life.






‘Platonic friendships provide a fertile soil for unrequited love’. Thus the object of unrequited love is often a friend or acquaintance, someone regularly encountered in the workplace, during the course of work, school or other activities involving large groups of people. This creates an awkward situation in which the admirer has difficulty in expressing their true feelings, a fear that revelation of feelings might invite rejection, cause embarrassment or might end all access to the beloved, as a romantic relationship may be inconsistent with the existing association.

Pascal Oesch, Ivelina Momcheva

It may look like just a blue blob, but it’s a technical feat for astronomers to have imaged this galaxy, which lies about 13.1 billion light-years from Earth and hails from a time less than 700 million years after the big bang.




  1. ローマ字のつづり方は改修ヘボン式によること。
  2. 長音の符号には「 ̄(マクロン)」を用いること。
  3. はねる音「ん」はB・P・Mの前はM、その他はNを用いること。
  4. はねる音M・Nとその次に来る母音(Yを含む。)とを切り離す必要があるときは「-」を用いること。
  5. 促音はCHの前はTを、その他の場合には次に来る子音を重ねること。



末尾 CPUの一例 説明
なし Core i7-6700 通常版CPU。
X Core i7-5960X 倍率ロックフリーを示す
K Core i7-6700K 倍率ロックフリーを示す
C Core i7-5775C 末尾X, Kと同様に倍率ロックフリーを示す
S Core i7-4770S 省電力版CPU。省電力になることと引き換えに
T Core i7-4770T 超省電力版CPU


 ――盗人は妻を手ごめにすると、そこへ腰を下したまま、いろいろ妻を慰め出した。おれは勿論口は利けない。体も杉の根に縛られている。が、おれはその間に、何度も妻へ目くばせをした。この男の云う事を真に受けるな、何を云っても嘘と思え、――おれはそんな意味を伝えたいと思った。しかし妻は悄然と笹の落葉に坐ったなり、じっと膝へ目をやっている。それがどうも盗人の言葉に、聞き入っているように見えるではないか? おれは妬しさに身悶えをした。が、盗人はそれからそれへと、巧妙に話を進めている。一度でも肌身を汚したとなれば、夫との仲も折り合うまい。そんな夫に連れ添っているより、自分の妻になる気はないか? 自分はいとしいと思えばこそ、大それた真似も働いたのだ、――盗人はとうとう大胆にも、そう云う話さえ持ち出した。
 盗人にこう云われると、妻はうっとりと顔を擡げた。おれはまだあの時ほど、美しい妻を見た事がない。しかしその美しい妻は、現在縛られたおれを前に、何と盗人に返事をしたか? おれは中有に迷っていても、妻の返事を思い出すごとに、嗔恚に燃えなかったためしはない。妻は確かにこう云った、――「ではどこへでもつれて行って下さい。」(長き沈黙)


The Golden Rule (which can be considered a law of reciprocity in some religions) is the principle of treating others as one would wish to be treated. It is a maxim that is found in many religions and cultures. The maxim may appear as either a positive or negative injunction governing conduct:

  • One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself (positive or directive form).
  • One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated (negative or prohibitive form).
  • What you wish upon others, you wish upon yourself (empathic or responsive form).

The Golden Rule differs from the maxim of reciprocity captured in do ut des—”I give so that you will give in return”—and is rather a unilateral moral commitment to the well-being of the other without the expectation of anything in return.


Artificial Intelligence has the power to advance humankind more than fire and electricity. Everywhere. We believe it is of greatest importance that AI knowledge and technology is made available, usable and affordable for all.
The recent rapid growth of AI paired with a plentiful, almost unlimited access to data democratizes the power, infrastructure and knowledge required for AI to be available to more than just multi-billion-dollar corporations. Organizations of all sizes now stand to reap the benefits that come with AI’s new way of solving problems, opening doors we could never open on our own – or even see were there in the first place.

Zhang Jianfeng

To mark the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Sino-Japanese Peace and Friendship Treaty, Japan’s Eisei Bunko Museum donated 4,175 ancient Chinese books to the National Library of China on Tuesday. Guests and officials from both countries attended the donation ceremony at the National Museum of Classic Books in Beijing.
All volumes, covering Confucian classics, historical records, philosophical writings and miscellaneous works, come from the family collection of the Hosokawa clan, owner of the Eisei Bunko Museum. The chairman of the museum Morihiro Hosokawa, who was also the 50th Prime Minister of Japan, presented the books to the National Library.

Ryan Giggs

There’s never been completion in my football career because I’ve always been striving for that next thing. You listen to people who have finished and nothing replaces playing, but I’m still excited about not having to put my body through what I’ve put it through. And not feeling the disappointment that I feel.


French Press Coffee







Wendy Marx

A thought leadership strategy is a blueprint for industry success. Not only does it boost your credibility, but it also puts your brand on the map. But thought leadership doesn’t happen overnight. It takes careful planning to position yourself as an industry star.
PR and thought leadership strategy go hand in hand. In fact, public relations is a key way to carve out your strategy and attain thought leadership status within your industry.



貧困率 1990年:35.3% 2013年:10.7%
貧困層の数 1990年:18億6400万人 2013年:7億6800万人

New World Wealth

Cities with large (1,000+) outflows of HNWIs in 2017

City (alphabetical) Location
Istanbul Turkey
Jakarta Indonesia
Lagos Nigeria
London UK
Moscow Russia
Paris France
Sao Paulo Brazil


Si le monde entier vivait comme les Français, la capacité des écosystèmes à se régénérer serait épuisée dès le 5 mai, en à peine plus de quatre mois. Il faudrait donc 2,9 planètes pour que les océans et les forêts stockent le CO2 relâché en un an par les activités humaines, et pour assurer l’alimentation en bétail et en poissons, ou l’approvisionnement en bois de la population mondiale.





La Chaîne Météo

L’équinoxe de printemps a lieu ce mardi 20 mars à 17h15 exactement : c’est le moment où le gain de luminosité est le plus fort, avec 4 minutes de soleil en plus par jour.

Rebecca L. Cann, Mark Stoneking, Allan C. Wilson

Mitochondrial DNAs from 147 people, drawn from five geographic populations have been analysed by restriction mapping. All these mitochondrial DNAs stem from one woman who is postulated to have lived about 200,000 years ago, probably in Africa. All the populations examined except the African population have multiple origins, implying that each area was colonised repeatedly.








NEM is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency and blockchain platform launched on March 31, 2015. Written in Java, with a C++ version in the works, NEM has a stated goal of a wide distribution model and has introduced new features to blockchain technology such as its proof-of-importance (POI) algorithm, multisignature accounts, encrypted messaging, and an Eigentrust++ reputation system. The NEM blockchain software is used in a commercial blockchain called Mijin, which is being tested by financial institutions and private companies in Japan and internationally.
Mijin is a private blockchain that uses the NEM software. The developers claim that it will reduce banking institutional costs by 90% while making banking more secure. Sakura Internet is partnered with Tech Bureau to offer 6 month free trials of Mijin for people to try. It was tested in December 2015 by Japan’s largest trust bank, SBI Sumishin Net Bank, owned by Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, to add to their online banking services.

Fred Kofman, Ken Wilber

A conscious business promotes mindfulness for all of its stakeholders. Employees are encouraged to investigate the world with rigorous scientific reasoning, and to reflect on their role in it with equally rigorous moral reasoning. They are invited to contemplate their own selves, finding what it means to live with virtue, meaning, and happiness. They are also asked to think of their colleagues as human beings, rather than as “human resources.” Finally, they are required to understand their customers, offering them products and services that support their growth and well-being. A conscious business fosters peace and happiness in individuals, respect and solidarity in the community, and mission accomplishment in the organisation.
Most of us recognize that companies need employees with a high level of technical knowledge if they are to succeed in the information economy. I believe it is more important, and far less recognized, that companies also need employees with a high level of consciousness. Without conscious employees, companies cannot achieve greatness—let alone survive.

Mary-Frances Winters

The word “same” means “identical”, not different, conforming in every detail.


The word “equal” on the other hand, is defined as one being the same in status and quality, having the same access, etc.



そうだ うれしいんだ 生きるよろこび
たとえ 胸の傷がいたんでも
なんのために生まれて なにをして生きるのか
こたえられないなんて そんなのはいやだ!


日本の中にも拡大しつつある 格差社会。


この「美術」の語は一八七三年一月の日本で、ウィーン万国博覧会に出品をすすめる太政官布告のなかにはじめて役人が用いたことが北澤憲昭氏によって明らかにされている。 。。。 この「美術」が、一八七六年、工部省設置の工部美術学校という学校名などに用いられ、一般社会にひろまってゆくとされる。
。。。 北澤憲昭氏は、一九〇七年に開催された文部省美術展覧会を目安として、「美術」が絵画と彫刻などに限られて用いられるようになったと述べている。

Science et Vie

Elles pensent !

Révélations sur l’intelligence des plantes

Douées de mémoire, capables de prendre des décisions et même d’apprendre : les plantes démontrent une intelligence du troisième type.

Curtis LeMay

Killing Japanese didn’t bother me very much at that time… I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal…. Every soldier thinks something of the moral aspects of what he is doing. But all war is immoral and if you let that bother you, you’re not a good soldier.

Michael Goldfarb

The recent independence referendums in Iraqi Kurdistan and Catalonia, and the predictable heavy-handed responses from the central governments in Baghdad and Madrid, have raised many questions — a catechism without answers — on the meaning of nationhood in the 21st century. What is a nation? What is a nation-state? Is it the same as a country? Are a people, or a tribe, the same thing as a nation? In a globalized economy what does national sovereignty really mean?
Around 500 years ago, at another time of political and economic flux, a Polish nobleman, whose name is lost to history, was asked about his national identity. He responded, “I am of the Polish nation, of the Lithuanian citizenship, of the Ruthenian people, and of Jewish origin.”

ガールスカウト日本連盟 (Girl Scouts of Japan)

会場は東京タワーの下、芝公園の東京プリンスホテル。戦後に活動を再興した日本のガールスカウトが、世界連盟に完全復帰をしてから6年目のことでした。日本中のガールスカウトが世界のお客様をおもてなしの心で迎え、国際的な団体の一員であることを誇りに思いました。世界会議のテーマは「知るは 理解を 理解は 愛を」でした。


Printed in March 1812, this political cartoon was drawn in reaction to the newly drawn state senate election district of South Essex created by the Massachusetts legislature to favor the Democratic-Republican Party candidates of Governor Elbridge Gerry over the Federalists. The caricature satirizes the bizarre shape of a district in Essex County, Massachusetts, as a dragon-like “monster”. Federalist newspaper editors and others at the time likened the district shape to a salamander, and the word gerrymander was a blend of that word and Governor Gerry’s last name.

Rainer Weiss, Kip Thorne, Barry Barish

A billion years ago (give or take), in a galaxy far, far away, two black holes concluded a cosmic pas de deux. After orbiting each other more and more closely, their mutual gravity tugging each to the other, they finally collided and merged into one. Their collision released enormous energy — equivalent to about three times the mass of our sun. The black holes’ inspiral, collision and merger roiled the surrounding space-time, sending gravitational waves streaming out in every direction at the speed of light.
By the time those waves reached earth, early in the morning of Sept. 14, 2015, the once-cosmic roar had attenuated to a barely perceptible whimper. Even so, two enormous machines — the miles-long detectors at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) sites in Louisiana and Washington State — picked up unmistakable traces of those waves.

Nathan Weber

Mon visage a quelque chose en plus. Des rides en moins.

Intérioriser et accumuler les émotions négatives n’est jamais bon pour votre santé à long terme. Les premiers organes touchés par ce sentiment de stress et d’énervement sont l’estomac ou encore la vésicule biliaire. Il est peut-être temps de lâcher prise et de vous débarrasser de cette frustration qui est en train de s’installer en vous !

Donato Bergandi

We are living in a very advanced stage of a dystopian ecological catastrophe. At the planetary level, relatively few humans are consistently conscious of the deterioration of the life-support systems that allow life to persist and evolve on this planet. In the meantime, the destruction of nature means enrichment for a tiny part of humanity, and goes hand in hand with severe environmental and economic losses for the great majority. This is particularly true in developing countries, where there still is an environment able to sustain higher levels of biodiversity in comparison to the environmentally more fragmented, economically advanced countries.

Johannes Jakob Fürst, Gaël Durand, Fabien Gillet-Chaulet, Laure Tavard, Melanie Rankl, Matthias Braun, Olivier Gagliardini

The future fate of the Antarctic ice sheet under a warming climate is dynamically tied to geometric changes of the floating ice shelves. The reason is that ice shelves transmit buttressing to upstream regions. Sources for buttressing are shearing at lateral confinements and positions where the ice shelf locally runs aground, such as at ice rises and ice rumples. As Antarctic ice shelves are known to be thinning at increasing rates, their buttressing potential is expected to reduce. Under continuous atmospheric warming over t he Antarctic Peninsula, vast ice-shelf areas have already be en lost. Before break-up, ice shelves accommodated a certain gradual recession of the ice front. During this recession, a transition of the calving front was observed from being convex to be coming concave, reaching either further or less out into the ocean between any anchor points. After break-up, the extant glacier fronts were no longer buttressed and tributary glaciers accelerated with, in places, an eightfold velocity increase. This had direct consequences for ice flowing over the boundary between grounded and floating ice—that is, the ice discharge over the grounding line. More than one decade after the major break-up events on the Antarctic Peninsula, glaciers still adjust to these past perturbations.


子獨不見狸 狌乎?卑身而伏,以候敖者,東西跳梁,不辟高下,中於機辟,死於罔罟。今夫斄牛,其大若垂天之雲,此能為大矣,而不能執鼠。今子有大樹,患其無用,何不樹之於無何有之鄉,廣莫之野,彷徨乎無為其側,逍遙乎寢臥其下?不夭斤斧,物無害者,無所可用,安所困苦哉!



Travis Bradberry

8 Habits of Incredibly Interesting People

  • They are passionate.
  • They try new things.
  • They don’t hide their quirks.
  • They avoid the bandwagon.
  • They check their egos at the door.
  • They’re always learning.
  • They share what they discover.
  • They don’t worry about what others think of them.

Kai-Fu Lee

… the A.I. products that now exist are improving faster than most people realize and promise to radically transform our world, not always for the better. They are only tools, not a competing form of intelligence. But they will reshape what work means and how wealth is created, leading to unprecedented economic inequalities and even altering the global balance of power.
It is imperative that we turn our attention to these imminent challenges.
One way or another, we are going to have to start thinking about how to minimize the looming A.I.-fueled gap between the haves and the have-nots, both within and between nations. Or to put the matter more optimistically: A.I. is presenting us with an opportunity to rethink economic inequality on a global scale. These challenges are too far-ranging in their effects for any nation to isolate itself from the rest of the world.


  潮 熟   潮 熟
  毛 田   も 田
  可 津   か 津
  奈 尓   な に
  比 舩   ひ 船
  沼 乗   ぬ 乗
  今 世   今 り
  者 武   は せ
  許 登   漕 む
  藝 月   ぎ と
  气 待   出 月
  菜 者   で 待
        な て

Robert T. Lackey

I am concerned that policy-biased science is increasingly common in the scientific enterprise, as it undermines the credibility of science and scientists in public policy debates. This situation is especially unfortunate because scientific information is essential in many policy debates; such as, conflicts over scarce water resources; approaches to addressing wild fires; adapting to changing climate; policies toward native versus non-native species; and, balancing risks and benefits of genetically modified organisms.
Science is not value-free, but it should be objective and policy should be based on the best science available. Too often, however, scientific information presented to the public and decision-makers is infused with hidden policy preferences. Such science is termed normative and it is a corruption of the practice of good science. Normative science is defined as “information that is developed, presented, or interpreted based on an assumed, usually unstated, preference for a particular policy choice.”
Yes, scientific information must remain a cornerstone of public policy decisions about natural resource and ecological issues, but I offer cautionary guidance to scientists. Become involved with policy issues and deliberations, but play the appropriate role. Provide facts, probabilities, and analysis, but avoid slipping into normative science. Scientists have much to offer the public and decision-makers, but also have much to lose when they practice stealth policy advocacy.

Keep Science and Scientists Credible (PDF file)










Jelmer Mommers

l giant Shell has spent millions of dollars lobbying against measures that would protect the planet from climate catastrophe. But thanks to a film recently obtained by The Correspondent, it’s now clear that their position wasn’t born of ignorance. Shell knows that fossil fuels put us all at risk – in fact, they’ve known for over a quarter of a century. Climate of Concern, a 1991 educational film produced by Shell, warned that the company’s own product could lead to extreme weather, floods, famines, and climate refugees, and noted that the reality of climate change was “endorsed by a uniquely broad consensus of scientists.”

Murali Doraiswamy


















 山里は冬ぞさびしさまさりける 人めも草もかれぬと思へば

 わがまたぬ年はきぬれど 冬草のかれにし人はおとづれもせず

 ことの葉も霜にはあへずかれにけり こや秋はつるしるしなるらむ

〈詞書〉かれがれなるおとこの おぼつかなくなどいひたりけるによめる
 有馬山ゐなの笹原かぜ吹けば いでそよ人を忘れやはする
  (五十八 大弐三位)

 ひと夜とて夜がれし床のさむしろに やがても塵のつもりぬるかな

Cyril Dion

cyril-dionEt si montrer des solutions, raconter une histoire qui fait du bien était la meilleure façon de résoudre les crises écologiques, économiques et sociales que traversent nos pays ? En 2012, Cyril Dion prend connaissance d’une étude, menée par vingt-deux scientifiques de différents pays, annonçant la disparition possible d’une partie de l’humanité d’ici à 2100. Cette nouvelle fait à peine l’objet d’un traitement de seconde zone dans les médias. Considérant qu’amplifier le concert des catastrophes ne fonctionne pas, il décide de partir, avec l’actrice-réalisatrice Mélanie Laurent et une petite équipe, découvrir à quoi notre monde pourrait ressembler si nous mettions bout à bout certaines des meilleures solutions que nous connaissons déjà dans l’agriculture, l’énergie, l’économie, l’éducation et la démocratie. Villes produisant elles-mêmes leur nourriture et leur énergie, systèmes zéro déchet, entrepreneurs et municipalité créant leur propre monnaie pour empêcher la spéculation et l’accaparement des richesses, peuples réécrivant eux-mêmes leur Constitution, systèmes éducatifs pionniers, ils découvrent partout des femmes et des hommes qui changent le monde. En reliant ces initiatives, ils mettent au jour une nouvelle philosophie, une communauté de pensée entre tous ces acteurs qui ne se connaissent pas. Un nouveau projet de société…

Francisco Sagasti

The present study attempts to provide a frame of reference to examine the prospects for the development of science and technology in developing countries during the first two decades of the 21st century. This essay begins by presenting the main components of the conceptual framework and the outline of an explanatory scheme that would link the various components of the alternative model in an organic fashion. It then offers a brief historical perspective describing the evolution of speculative knowledge, the changes in technology base and the transformation of productive and service activities. The third part examines the emergence of the knowledge society in the second half of the 20th century, describing its main characteristics and implications, before turning to a simultaneous and paradoxical phenomenon: the knowledge divide. Several strategies and policies at the national and international level are proposed for bridging the knowledge divide. This is followed by an analysis of progress and development. The paper concludes by drawing out main directions for developing countries and implications in the post-Baconian age.


建立科学、实用的外国人才评估体系,注重能力、实绩和贡献,突出市场评价、国际同行评价等市场需求导向(见外国高端人才公认职业成就认定标准说明,以下简称成就标准说明),综合运用计点积分制(见积分要素计分赋值表)、外国人在中国工作指导目录、劳动力市场测试和配额管理等,将来华工作外国人分为外国高端人才(A 类)、外国专业人才(B 类)、外国普通人员(C 类)三类,按标准实行分类管理。



Pierre Barthélémy

Le premier date du 21 octobre 992. Deux chroniques saxonnes signalent que, cette nuit-là, « tout le ciel s’est teint en rouge trois fois ». Le second événement survient deux mois plus tard, le jour de la Saint-Etienne qui tombe le lendemain de Noël, le 26 décembre. Cette fois, il est signalé non seulement dans les textes allemands mais aussi dans deux annales irlandaises. L’auteur d’une des chroniques saxonnes évoque un « miracle inouï » : « Soudain, aux alentours du premier chant du coq, venant du nord, une telle lumière brilla que beaucoup crurent que le soleil s’était levé. Cela continua pendant une heure. Après quoi, le ciel légèrement rougi retourna à sa couleur normale. » Un manuscrit irlandais, moins loquace, dit simplement que « le ciel était rouge sang ». La troisième et dernière occurrence se trouve dans un texte coréen. La datation est plus floue puisque les auteurs de l’étude parlent d’une période allant du 27 décembre 992 à la mi-janvier 993. La chronique dit : « Pendant une nuit, la porte du ciel s’ouvrit. » Cela peut sembler à la fois poétique et mystérieux mais l’étude d’autres textes montre que les Asiatiques avaient parfois recours à cette formulation pour parler d’une aurore boréale.

Shukyohojin Nihon Diyanet

img_5753People who have faith have always needed a place of worship throughout history. Places of worship are where doctrines have been taught to the people and formal obligations have been fulfilled and are indispensable worldly elements of almost all religions, which direct people’s relations with both God and each other, as well as with other beings. Therefore, these sacred places have played a crucial role in starting communication between people. Thanks to such communication, those people who have known and bonded with each other, who have found solutions for their own problems, or who have taken a common stand, have considered such places as the safest centers as well. Some took refuge in temples to save their own lives, and some saints, who have broken off connections to people or the world, settled in temples to believe in the first step of happiness (nirvana), as well as some wealthy people who regarded temples as a place that they could deposit their wealth or gold. In this context, the theory that modern banking procedures emerged in temples seems not frail at all.


Einstein is one of those major iconic figures to whom many statements become attributed; unsourced attributions to him should usually be treated with some skepticism, and often a great deal of it.

  • The only source of knowledge is experience.
    Commonly attributed, google books returns over 600 phrase matches but I cannot find the original source amongst these results. Appears to be a restatement of an actual quote from The Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant.

Joe Velikovsky

Where does knowledge come from?
Tricky thing about this Q is – there are many different types of knowledge, and different types of knowledge come from different sources, so, a very general answer might be: `Knowledge comes from the universe, and can be contained inside biological individuals and groups.




               June 22nd, 1947.
Your Excellency,
          I have great honour in
presenting to you a wooden chair I designed
and had it specially made in my village work
shop for your Excellency in sincere appreciation
of and great admiration for your unrivalled
leadership I had the good fortune of witnessing
during my tenure of office as Vice-President
of Central Liaison Office.
             I remain, Your Excellency,
              Your most obedient servant.
                  Jiro Shirasu.
His Excellency,
General of the Army Douglas MacArthur,
The American Embassy,





Turn the lights out on your enemy. Operate unimpeded in the modern threat environment. To do that, you need to control the electromagnetic spectrum.
The U.S Air Force has awarded Raytheon Company $4.8 million to continue the Counter-Electronics High Power Microwave Advanced Missile, known as CHAMP, aboard the Conventional Air-Launched Cruise Missile.
CHAMP is a non-kinetic payload that can disable adversaries’ electronic systems. As part of the contract, Raytheon Missile Systems Ktech will refurbish the CHAMP payload and a pair of CALCMs and deliver them to the Air Force Research Laboratory. This is the first major CHAMP activity since the AFRL successfully demonstrated the technology in October 2012.
Non-kinetic systems give the U.S. the option to defeat enemy infrastructure with little collateral damage. The pairing of CHAMP and CALCM, a proven weapon, lowers risk and brings tomorrow’s capabilities forward to today.
The CHAMP industry team includes CALCM manufacturer The Boeing Company and Sandia National Laboratories.