Category Archives: perception

みんなの党, 高橋洋一

(みんなの党) いま農業改革をしなければ、どのみち日本農業は自滅。 ・自由化が壊滅につながらないことは、過去に立証済み。
例えば、アメリカンチェリーの輸入自由化の際(昭和52年から自由化、平成4年に全面自由化)、「国産サクランボが壊滅する」という反対論があったが、現実には、国産サクランボは「高級品への転換」で差別化し、生産額は大幅拡大。 (注)国産サクランボの生産額は、昭和52年から平成17年で約1.5倍に大幅増加。

(高橋洋一) 巷にあふれるTPP反対論として、TPPに入ると、日本の農業が壊滅するとの意見がある。しかし、「市場を海外に開くと農業が壊滅する」という主張は正しくない。個別の事例でも、アメリカンチェリーの輸入自由化の事例を見れば明らかだ。



yabunonakaAmbrose Bierce の “The Moonlit Road” が一つの事実に対して三通りの解釈を示しているのに対して、芥川龍之介の「藪の中」は三通りの事実を提示しているようにみえる。しかし、「藪の中」の主題を近代的心理描写に置くならば、三通りの心理状態があると考えることも可能である。
結局、「藪の中」は、『今昔物語集』第二十九巻第二十三話「具妻行丹波国男於大江山被縛語」を中心とし、部分的に同巻の「袴垂於関山虚死殺人語」を追加し、近代文学に換骨奪胎・再構成したものである。そして、その再構成の過程において、Robert Browning の “The Ring and the Book” や Ambrose Bierce の ”The Moonlit Road” が形式的な影響を与えたものと考えられる。rashomonそこに Edgar Allan Poe の “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” の関与も含めて、それらの程度がどれほどのものであったか、まさに「藪の中」である。それこれらの影響は、決して芥川龍之介の独創性、創作性を否定するものではなく、彼の博識と、それを自己のものとして吸収し、自家薬籠中のものとして活用し得る能力を示すものである。「藪の中」は「羅生門」として映画化され、国際的に知られることとなった。

TwEnTy TwO

только русский человек может безошибочно выбрать фон для фотографии.
Only Russian can accurately choose the background for photos.


確かに彼ら (ヒトラー・ユーゲント) は体躯も大きいし、眼鏡もかけていない。しかし彼らの体力というか肉体的抵抗力というか、この点は我が日本青年は断じて負けていないと思った。
ヒトラー・ユーゲントは良い青年たちだが、ナチス的考え方しか知らない。自分というものがない。ナチスは人間から人間らしきものを、言い換えればゼーレ (Seele; 魂、精神) を奪ってしまう。

Dan Slater

13SEXCOVER-popupIn light of this new research, will Darwinians consider revising their theories to reflect the possibility that our mating behavior is less hard-wired than they had believed?
Addressing Ms. Conley’s finding that women were more likely to agree to casual sex with a celebrity, Mr. Schmitt argued that this resulted from “women’s (but not men’s) short-term mating psychology being specially designed to obtain good genes from physically attractive short-term partners.” He continued: “When women’s short-term-mating aim is activated (perhaps, temporarily, because of, e.g., high-fertility ovulatory status or desire for an extramarital affair, or more chronically, because of , e.g., a female-biased local sex ratio or a history of insecure parent-child attachment), they appear to express relatively focused desires for genetic traits in ‘sexy men’ that would biologically benefit women when short-term mating.”
In other words: Nothing new here, it’s all evolution.
… How far does Darwin go in explaining human behavior?

Timoticin Kwanda

From the previous discussion, the concept of authenticity is previously emphasis on the physical ortangible value of the cultural heritage, in the latest development however, the concept of authenticityis a mixture of tangible and intangible value. The tangible authenticity can be identified and testedscientifically through the tangible attributes such as materials, form and design, use and function;however, the intangible authenticity can be identified but impossible to be tested. The test ofauthenticity of intangible value is impossible, however it can be experienced through “observation andunderstanding” the creation or the physical object

Adolf Hitler

Industry—which especially today is seen by many as the rescuer saving them from hardship and anxiety, hunger and distress—can indeed under certain conditions provide a people with survival possibilities beyond those offered by its own land and territory. However, this is based on a number of preconditions, which I must very briefly mention here.
The point of this type of industry lies in a people producing more of certain necessities than it needs for its own requirements, selling this excess outside its own national community, and with the resulting revenues purchasing the foodstuffs and also raw materials that it lacks. Thus, however, this type of industry is not simply a question of production, but also—at least just as much—a question of sales.

Roger Cohen, Asmaa Loffi

Egypt was a Muslim country long before there was a religious party. During the three decades of Mubarak’s Washington-backed autocratic rule, the United States shunned the Brotherhood as Islamist fanatics. And now the Brotherhood is all right and it’s the Salafis who are fanatics.
It is time to think again about the relation that the West is often quick to draw between religion and backwardness on the one hand, and secularism and modernity on the other. For the Middle East, as it emerges from Western-back tyranny, becoming “secular” is not necessarily the answer to its problems.

Alexis Carrel

C’est en une mauvaise interprétation d’une idée géniale de Galilée que consiste l’erreur dont nous souffrons aujourd’hui. Galilée distingua, comme on le sait, les qualités primaires des choses, dimensions et poids, qui sont susceptibles d’êtres mesurées, de leurs qualités secondaires, forme, couleur, odeur, qui ne sont pas mesurables. Le quantitatif, exprimé en langage mathématique, nous apporta la science. Le qualitatif fut négligé. L’abstraction des qualités primaires des objets était légitime. Mais l’oubli des qualités secondaires ne l’était pas. Il eut des conséquences graves pour nous. Car, chez l’homme, ce qui ne se mesure pas est plus important que ce qui se mesure. L’existence de la pensée est aussi fondamentale que celle des équilibres physico-chimiques du sérum sanguin. La séparation du qualitatif et du quantitatif fut rendue plus profonde encore quand Descartes créa le dualisme du corps et de l’âme. Dès lors, les manifestations de l’esprit devinrent inexplicables. Le matériel fut définitivement isolé du spirituel. La structure organique et les mécanismes physiologiques prirent une réalité beaucoup plus grande que le plaisir, la douleur, la beauté. Cette erreur engagea notre civilisation sur la route qui conduisit la science à son triomphe, et l’homme à sa déchéance.



Jun Yvonne Kitamura



In the United States, junk science is any scientific data, research, or analysis considered to be spurious or fraudulent. The concept is often invoked in political and legal contexts where facts and scientific results have a great amount of weight in making a determination. It usually conveys a pejorative connotation that the research has been untowardly driven by political, ideological, financial, or otherwise unscientific motives.
The concept was first invoked in relation to expert testimony in civil litigation. More recently, invoking the concept has been a tactic to criticize research on the harmful environmental or public health effects of corporate activities, and occasionally in response to such criticism. In these contexts, junk science is counterposed to the “sound science” or “solid science” that favors one’s own point of view.

Dan Agin

I defines junk science as extensively corrupted science, science corrupted in objectivity and/or method, the corruption either deliberate or involving sloppy methods or due to ignorance of what science is about, the outcome useless conclusions that makes false statements about the natural world.


Eternity (or forever) is endless time. It is often referenced in the context of religion, in the concept of immortality, whereby death is conquered, and people may live for an unlimited amount of time (cf. Heaven). The existence of gods or God is said to endure eternally and sometimes also the natural cosmos, in respect to both past and future.
By contrast, the concept of a mathematically infinite duration, is called sempiternity or everlasting. Whereas the eternal is said to be unchanging and outside time; a potentially sempiternal span of time can never come to pass in actuality. Aristotle argued that the cosmos has no beginning.

Parti socialiste

Le PS est né d’une rencontre: d’un côté une pensée critique, riche et diverse, issue de la philosophie des lumières et de la tradition de l’humanisme. De l’autre, l’action du mouvement ouvrier qui, pendant deux siècles, a porté une contestation de l’organisation sociale façonnée par le capitalisme et défendu le projet d’une société solidaire dont tous les membres jouissent des mêmes libertés et des mêmes droits.
De cette histoire et des analyses qui en découlent, nous avons forgé des convictions et des valeurs qui font le socle de notre engagement.

Man of the North

We have often discussed the hopeless nature of conservatism. However, a distinction must be drawn between conservatism and traditionalism. As we know, conservatism essentially seeks to preserve or re-create the particular social or economic conditions of the fairly recent past. It’s just nostalgia for yesterday’s newest thing (1950’s worship, longing for gilded age economics, etc). As it cannot by its nature contain new ideas, it lacks all positive or active force.
In contrast, traditionalism looks to the entire history of man (or one’s particular heritage), seeking certain functional cultural traits that simply work better. These universal human behaviors are not bound to a particular time in history, and they are as fresh today as ever. In fact, elements of traditionalism may be seamlessly included in a program of innovative, progressive, and future oriented ideology.

Press TV

Akbar Faraji: “Reuters has introduced us as assassins to the whole world. The truth must come to light and everyone should know that we are only a group of athletes. We are supervised by the Ministry of Sports and the federation of martial arts.”





Ryūnosuke Akutagawa

After violating my wife, the robber, sitting there, began to speak comforting words to her. Of course I couldn’t speak. My whole body was tied fast to the root of a cedar. But meanwhile I winked at her many times, as much as to say “Don’t believe the robber.” I wanted to convey some such meaning to her. But my wife, sitting dejectedly on the bamboo leaves, was looking hard at her lap. To all appearance, she was listening to his words. I was agonized by jealousy. In the meantime the robber went on with his clever talk, from one subject to another. The robber finally made his bold brazen proposal. “Once your virtue is stained, you won’t get along well with your husband, so won’t you be my wife instead? It’s my love for you that made me be violent toward you.”
While the criminal talked, my wife raised her face as if in a trance. She had never looked so beautiful as at that moment. What did my beautiful wife say in answer to him while I was sitting bound there? I am lost in space, but I have never thought of her answer without burning with anger and jealousy. Truly she said, … “Then take me away with you wherever you go.”


そうやって、細部ではなく、大局である、構図を見ていく。 細部が見えないようにして、という方法はこの大局を見る時点でとても重要なのだ。もちろんディテールもとても大切だ。だけど、その細密表現の中でも、重要なものと、そうでないものがある。それがどれなのか?それは一歩下がると見えてくる。




Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations.



Franklin Hadley Cocks

Exactly why our planet occasionally cools down has taken more than a century to work out. Now we know that cyclic gravitational tugs from Jupiter and Saturn periodically elongate Earth’s orbit, and this effect combines from time to time with slow changes in the direction and degree of Earth’s tilt that are caused by the gravity of our large moon. Consequently, summer sunlight around the poles is reduced, and high-­latitude regions such as Alaska and Siberia turn cold enough to preserve snow year-round. This constant snow cover reflects a great deal of sunlight, cooling things down even more, and a new ice age begins. Naturally, this process does not occur with anything like the speed portrayed in movies, but geological and other evidence shows that it’s happened at least four times.
With so much attention focused on global warming, this chilly prospect has been all but forgotten. Given how catastrophic another ice age could be, one might be tempted to ask whether a human-caused increase in atmospheric and ocean temperatures will actually be a boon.







International Monetary Fund

  • U.S. economy expected to grow by 2 percent in 2012 as strains in Europe intensify
  • Key challenge is to manage pace of deficit reduction without hurting economy
  • Progress made but more efforts needed to increase resilience of U.S. financial system


The “Rationalists Should Win” meme is a good one, but it risks corrupting our goals. If we focus too much on “Rationalist Should Win” we risk going for near-term gains that benefit us. Status, wealth, power, sex. Basically hedonism – things that feel good because we’ve evolved to feel good when we get them. Thus we feel we are winning, and we’re even told we are winning by our peers and by society. But these things aren’t of any use to society. A society of such “rationalists” would make only feeble and halting progress toward grasping the dream of defeating death and colonizing the stars.

Dmitry Sharko

People are different, that’s why they perceive the same facts in a different way, and have different points of view concerning one and the same thing. Philosophy and theology have come to the resolution that there are no facts, there are only interpretations, Nietzsche thought so. And a Cristian theologist Santayana said a very zen-like thing: “There is no God, and Maria is his Mother”. It seems, that in the process of the development of science and information waves, the world should have turned clearer and more understandable, but we notice in surprise, that on the contrary – the huge amount of information not only fail to create a unified way of perception, but cuts off the ground of well-built basement of mind. Of mind, that, in reality, was and will always be only an instrument of making our essential intention legal. The same stick of monkey with the help of which it gets mango. With the help of mind we can prove or completely destroy any theory, everything depends on the length of the “stick”. But in multidimensional informational world logic and rationalism lose their effectiveness. Even “exact” sciences are not single-valued and “stick” can’t be an absolute instrument any more. In atomic physics the result of an experiment depends absolutely on the observer, in mathematics of logics Curt Gedel proved “incompleteness theorem”, according to which there is no full formal theory where all true theorems of arithmetic could be proved.

J. Brozyna

Pourtant, la pratique montre et l’analyse formelle explique pourquoi il existe de nombreux systèmes de valeurs, parfois très éloignés les uns des autres. Plus encore, certains sont contradictoires entre eux (par exemple le christianisme, l’islam, le républicanisme), donc leur pratique sur le même territoire doit créer des conflits violents interminables, sans faute personnelle de quiconque (on démontre formellement que la raison ni aucun rationalisme ne peut pas empêcher ce phénomène de gagner). Ainsi décider, quel système concret doit régner dans l’Union européenne dans la vie publique pour promouvoir la progression civilisatrice est une question d’importance et urgente. Par contre, l’analyse formelle démontre, que tous les systèmes de valeurs n’ont guère, et de loin, la même capacité civilisatrice, ce que nombreux dirigeants de l’Union semblent ne pas savoir malgré les publications scientifiques.



Jason Ditz

Syria continues to approach a full-scale state of civil war tonight, as major fighting is reported in the northern towns of the Homs Province, and the Syrian military is said to have deployed helicopter gunships to fight rebels.
Fighting has been growing, particularly in Homs since last week, when the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) declared itself no longer bound by the UN brokered ceasefire and started launching attacks.
It seems now that the Syrian military is resigned to the ceasefire being over as well, and is engaging the rebels in battles. The biggest problem with this, however, is that both rebels and regime are fighting in and around populated areas, and leaving a large number of civilians trapped in the middle.
The US, which is openly backing the rebels, has slammed the Syrian military for its strikes today, saying it fears a “massacre” is being planned against civilians. Britain’s William Hague is pushing the idea of an international invasion of Syria, citing “al-Qaeda’s presence” in the nation.
Of course there have been a number of apparent al-Qaeda attacks in recent months. These have been universally conducted against the regime, however, and al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri even urged Muslims to unite against Assad. It makes no sense, then, to argue for an attack on Assad because of al-Qaeda’s presence.


。。。これらの現状を見る限り、今の中東の国際政治においては、米欧よりも露中の方がまともであり、正義である。「露中のせいでシリアの問題が解決しない」と米政府は言うが、これは放火魔が「消防士がいるので家がよく燃えない」と言っているのと同じだ。 。。。
ロシアは、シリア問題に関連する諸国の代表を集めて和平会議を開くことを提唱しており、来週メキシコで開かれるG20サミットで正式提案し、会議の開催につなげようとしてきた。ロシア主導の和平への動きが強まる中で、それを阻止するかのようにシリア国内で虐殺が連続して起こり、和平会議に持ち込むのが難しい状況になった。 。。。 NATOがシリアに侵攻したら、リビアの時のように中途半端に撤退するのでない限り、長期にわたる占領の泥沼に陥る。アフガニスタン占領に失敗して窮地の中で撤退し始めたNATOは、占領の泥沼を繰り返したくないはずだ。米国もオバマ政権が軍事費の削減に迫られ、今後は大規模な地上軍の戦争をしないと宣言している。米欧はシリアに侵攻しないだろう。結局のところ、シリア問題の解決は、ロシアが提唱するデイトン合意型の和平交渉に頼るしかない。そこに至るまでに、あと何回シリアで虐殺が行われるのかという問題になっている。

Judith Miller

The two candidates who won the largest number of votes and now face a run-off in mid-June represent two traditional power centers that have battled each other for decades – ousted President Hosni Mubarak’s once omnipotent “secular” security regime that has ruled Egypt since 1952, and the Muslim Brotherhood, the 84-year-old organization that has struggled under-and-above ground to turn Egypt into an Islamic state.
The Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi (25.3%) and former Mubarak prime minister Ahmed Shafiq (24.9%) won the most votes. Both men have already begun trying to win the support of the third and fourth most popular candidates — leftist Hamdeen Sabbahi (who won roughly 21.5%) and a moderate Islamist who broke with the Brotherhood, Abdul Moneim Aboul Fotouh (who garnered some 19%).
The initial outcome hugely disappointed the youth movement that succeeded in mobilizing the mass protests in Tahrir Square that ended President Mubarak’s 30- year rule in only 18 days. Al Ahram, a leading Egyptian paper, quoted Ahmed Khairy, a spokesman for the secular, liberal Free Egyptians Party, as calling the initial round’s outcome “the worst possible scenario” for Egypt. He said that Egyptians now faced a choice between Morsi, an “Islamic fascist” and Shafiq, a “military fascist.”

Associated Press

The earth’s environmental systems are being pushed towards their biophysical limits, beyond which loom sudden, irreversible and potentially catastrophic changes, the United Nations Environment Program warned …

Michael Michalko

Genius is not about scoring 1600 on the SATs, mastering fourteen languages at the age of seven, finishing Mensa exercises in record time, having an extraordinarily high I.Q., or even about being smart. After considerable debate initiated by J. P. Guilford, a leading psychologist who called for a scientific focus on creativity in the sixties, psychologists reached the conclusion that creativity is not the same as intelligence. …
Typically, we think reproductively, that is on the basis of similar problems encountered in the past. When confronted with problems, we fixate on something in our past that has worked before. We ask, “What have I been taught in life, education or work on how to solve the problem?” Then we analytically select the most promising approach based on past experiences, excluding all other approaches, and work within a clearly defined direction towards the solution of the problem. Because of the soundness of the steps based on past experiences, we become arrogantly certain of the correctness of our conclusion.

Frida Ghitis

The top three lessons from Europe are these:

  • Deficits matter and sooner or later will have to be cut
  • Trying to cut deficits in the middle of a recession makes the recession worse
  • When the cutting starts, it will cause major social and political upheaval, as well as very real pain.

>Barak Ravid

>When he met with Eric Falt, UNESCO’s assistant director general for external relations and public information, Ambassador Nimrod Barkan was stunned to be handed a copy of this cartoon and an official letter of protest from UNESCO’s director general, Irina Bokova. Falt told Barkan the cartoon constituted incitement.
“A cartoon like this endangers the lives of unarmed diplomats, and you have an obligation to protect them,” Falt said, according to an Israeli source. “We understand that there is freedom of the press in Israel, but the government must prevent attacks on UNESCO.”
Barkan pointed out that the government has no control over editorial cartoons printed in the papers. “Ask yourselves what you did to make a moderate paper with a deeply internationalist bent publish such a cartoon,” he suggested. “Perhaps the problem is with you.”

>Bruce Chapman

>What do diplomats do when circumstances change before a scheduled international conference to take action? They put out a resounding statement and pledge to meet again. That is what you can expect from the coming global climate summit in Denmark.
The problem for the global warming hysterics is that the globe is not warming this decade. Activists like Chris Mooney who have tried to smear anyone who questioned the extent or causes of global warming now have to deal with growing dissent within the ranks of climatologists.
How much better it would be for them to try to find common practical ground with doubters. You don’t have to buy the idea that human beings have caused global warming to agree that Americans should reduce pollution and reduce dependency on foreign oil–and on oil in general. The Obama Administration that has ditched cap and trade for now could achieve an alternative victory by encouraging conversion to nuclear power and abundant, cleaner burning natural gas. At that point, electricity becomes relatively cheaper and electric cars become viable. Meanwhile, agreement also could be reached on helping developing countries to effect a similar conversion.
Instead, we get endless Chicken Little statements that seem to have increasingly little point.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme (Français: Universal)
Всеобщая декларация прав человека (Русский: Universal)
世界人权宣言 (中文: World)
世界人権宣言 (日本語: World)

(العالمي: of the World) الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان

>Joey Harp

>It is not, in my opinion important for everyone to learn complex mathematics. I am not saying that people should not learn some kind of mathematics. I think that they should have knowledge of basic everyday math. I do not think they should learn math if it is not relevant to their future career. If a person chooses to stop learning math then that is their choice. If a person is not going to use something later on in life, why should they waste their time learning it?

>André Weil

>Mathematics, as we know it, appears to us as one of the necessary forms of our thought. fhe archaeologist and the historian have shown us civilizations from which mathematics were absent. It is indeed doubtful whether they would ever have become more than a technique, at the service of technologies, if it had not been for the Greeks; and it is possible that, under our very eyes, a type of human society is being evolved in which they will be nothing but that. But for us, whose shoulders sag under the weight of the heritage of Greek thought and who walk in the paths traced out by the heroes of the Renaissance, a civili- zation without mathematics is unthinkable. Like the parallel postulate, the postulate that mathematics will survive has been stripped of its “evidence”; but, while the former is no longer necessary, we would not be able to get on without the latter.

>Bruno Buchberger

>Mathematical software systems, such as Mathematica, Maple, Derive, and so on, are substantially based on enormous advances in the area of mathematics known as Computer Algebra or Symbolic Mathematics. In fact, everything taught in high school and in the first semesters of a university mathematical education, is available in these systems ‘at the touch of the button’. Will mathematics become unnecessary because of this? In the three sections of this essay, I answer this question for non-mathematicians, for mathematicians and for (future) students of mathematics.


ア 我が国より、シー・シェパード(SS)による我が国の鯨類捕獲調査船に対する妨害行為について、映像を用いたプレゼンテーションを行い、関係国が再発防止のための実効的な措置を講じるよう強く要請しました。多くの国から、SSによる暴力的な妨害行為に対する非難が表明されました。
イ また、下記を趣旨とする我が国提案決議案がコンセンサスで採択されました。


>Despite these accumulating threats, an increasing number of nations in the International Whaling Commission (IWC) are voting for an immediate resumption of commercial whaling. Some new and enthusiastic members of the IWC include Benin, Gabon, Tuvalu and Nauru.
Obviously, these new memberships and voting numbers do not reflect a change in world opinion. These countries have all been recruited to join the IWC and vote under what is termed a “vote consolidation program” by the Fisheries Agency of Japan.

>Giles Wilson

>It’s become a tradition on the BBC News website that at the end of each year we look back at some of the faces that have been in the news, and in choosing a face for each month of the year we try to reflect a range of the different kinds of subjects that have been covered. We generally produce a list of women and a list of men, and since we regard it as part of our job to make the list interesting and engaging, we try to include some choices which are not obvious or predictable.
The inclusion on the list of Tian Tian, one of the pandas who arrived with such fanfare at Edinburgh Zoo, led some people to claim that we were not recognising the accomplishments of women. Tian Tian, being female, had been included in our list of women. However, as we pointed out yesterday, she was not the first non-human to be included on these lists – last year there was Peppa Pig who had got mixed up in a political wrangle. The year before there was Benson, a poisoned prize carp. Peppa was on the women’s list, and Benson on the men’s, though of course like Tian Tian they are not technically men or women.
One thing is at least clearer today. If Tian Tian hadn’t justified her place on the list of newsmakers based on her arrival in Edinburgh, she would have done after this.

Max Borders

There’s a weird symmetry between the Right and the Left. It’s difficult to articulate, but it’s becoming clearer to me now. They’re both Keynesians, only in different domains. The Left are Keynesians about economics, the Right are Keynesians about political strategy. The trouble with either is that Keynesianism doesn’t work very well anywhere it’s applied.
Lest I lose my reader straight out of the gate, allow me to explain in simpler terms the defining characteristics of what I’ll call the “Keynesian Model.” This model:

  1. Deals almost exclusively in macro-level aggregates.
  2. Holds that these aggregates are mostly informative.
  3. Information can be successfully used for macro purposes.

For example, in economics, Keynesians want to tweak or “stimulate” the economy by raining largess on particular sectors to stimulate aggregate labor demand, say.
But the trouble with this way of looking at the world is:

  1. The micro-level is where most of the action is.
  2. The devil of the economy is in the details of billions of individual means-ends actions, coordinations and transactions, which makes knowledge mostly local.
  3. These details are far to complex to be reduced to aggregates and manipulated to positive effect.

>Mike Masnick Techdirt


The more you look, the more you realize that pretty much every threat to your business is actually an opportunity, and quite often should be treated as such. Treating it as a threat is often the wrong strategy. Many of those “threats” are inevitable. They’re technological or market transformation that are going to come one way or another anyway and are a “threat” only in that they compete with the old way you did business.
Treating them as a threat tends to waste a lot of time, effort and resources for almost no benefit. Think, for example of all the effort the RIAA has spent trying to stop music file sharing. For all the effort and time spent, the amount of file sharing done today is much greater than when they started, and there are some who believe that all the RIAA’s efforts have really done is help popularize the fact that file sharing is out there and common.
The fact is, most “threats” are really business opportunities for the competition. And nothing will stop them. The best way to deal with them is to flip them around, consider them opportunities for yourself, and if they wipe out your old business — so be it. Better that you do it than the competitor.

>Robert P. Crease


In one kind of measuring, we find how big or small a thing is using a scale, beginning point and unit. Something is x feet long, weighs y pounds or takes z seconds. We can call this “ontic” measuring, after the word philosophers apply to existing objects or properties.
But there’s another way of measuring that does not involve placing something alongside a stick or on a scale. This is the kind of measurement that Plato described as “fitting.” This involves less an act than an experience: we sense that things don’t “measure up” to what they could be. This is the kind of measuring that good examples invite. Aristotle, for instance, called the truly moral person a “measure,” because our encounters with such a person show us our shortcomings. We might call this “ontological” measuring, after the word philosophers use to describe how something exists.
The distinction between the two ways of measuring is often overlooked, sometimes with disastrous results.




>Bob Weeks


Much has been written and debated about monosodium glutamate for a number of years, most of it focusing on the supposed negative impact of the ingredient and ignoring its many positive aspects. One of the ingredient’s most important functions is the part it plays in creating umami, the fifth taste. Ajinomoto has played a major role in developing research focusing on the health properties of glutamate, as well as the manner in which it interacts with our taste receptors and delivers the unique flavor we now refer to as umami.

>Worsley School OnLine

>When two physical surfaces make contact, we say they are ‘touching’ each other. This contact may make it appear that two different surfaces are actually touching, but in fact, no atoms of any one object can ever touch the atoms of another!

A man is leaning on a wall, which his jacket is ‘touching’. At least, it seems that way. But when you look very closely at the two surfaces ‘in contact’, and understand a little about what atoms are like, you discover that no jacket atoms are touching any wall atoms at all!

Here’s a simplified explanation of why this is so:
An atom could be described as a positively charged nucleus, surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. The nuclear forces between these two types of objects is so strong that no earthly conditions can cause the electrons to merge with the nucleus, even though they are opposite in charge. There is always space between them.

>Michael Pollan


We animals don’t give plants nearly enough credit. When we want to dismiss a fellow human as ineffectual or superfluous, we call him a “potted plant.” A “vegetable” is how we refer to a person reduced to utter helplessness, having lost most of the essential tools for getting along in life. Yet plants get along in life just fine, thank you, and did so for millions of years before we came along. True, they lack such abilities as locomotion, the command of tools and fire, the miracles of consciousness and language. To animals like ourselves, these are the tools for living we deem the most “advanced,” which is not at all surprising, since they have been the shining destinations of our evolutionary journey thus far. But the next time you’re tempted to celebrate human consciousness as the pinnacle of evolution, stop to consider where you got that idea. Human consciousness. Not exactly an objective source. So let us celebrate some other pinnacles of evolution, the kind that would get a lot more press if natural history were written by plants rather than animals.



I, and others, have been mulling over how to refer to people who are not disabled. Roughly, our options seem to be:
  • normal, or non-marked identity: centering a certain body/mind as “normal” … It tends to imply that “normal” is accepted as good, while non-normal is bad …
  • able-bodied, which seems to be the settled-upon term: excludes people with non-physical disabilities … and it just makes my heart cry.
  • temporarily-able-bodied: at any time in life, you may become disabled, due to age, injury, late-manifesting genetics, or social barriers …
  • neurotypical, physiotypyical: terms used in the autistic community to describe persons whose makeup conforms to the expected norm …
  • normative: it emphasizes the social conformity rather than some inherent difference; think heteronormative.
  • non-disabled: functional, but we tend to want a specific term to describe the privileged category …
  • abled, fully-able: I have been leaning on these terms as the most neutral of the set of options, but they still just don’t seem to describe …
… I’ve finally settled on the term I’m comfortable with: temporarily non-disabled.
ETA: This is somewhat US-centric: UK disability advocates tend to use “disabled person” and “non-disabled person” as opposed to “person with a disability” or “person without a disability” (people-first language). And other countries may have different approaches as well. Something to keep in mind.
ETA 2: Many people in comments bring up the word “currently” in place of “temporary” and most people seem much more comfortable with this terminology (i.e., currently non-disabled).



  • 道,是自然规律或者法则,是指这个世界还没有人的时候就存在的自然界、宇宙的规律和法则。
  • Dao is considered to have ineffable qualities that prevent it from being defined or expressed in words. It can, however, be known or experienced, and its principles can be followed or practiced.
  • Le tao est la force fondamentale qui coule en toutes choses dans l’univers, vivantes ou inertes. C’est l’essence même de la réalité et par nature ineffable et indescriptible.
  • Дао обозначает вечное действие или принцип творения, который отвечает за происхождение единицы и двойственности и вместе с тем за начало мира и творение («10 000 вещей»).
  • 道とは、人や物が通るべきところであり、宇宙自然の普遍的法則や根元的実在、道徳的な規範、美や真実の根元などを広く意味する言葉である。

>Barry Commoner, Paul R. Ehrlich, John Holdren

>I = PAT is the lettering of a formula put forward to describe the impact of human activity on the environment.

I = P × A × T

Human Impact (I) on the environment equals the product of P= Population, A= Affluence, T= Technology. This describes how our growing population, affluence, and technology contribute toward our environmental impact.

>John H. Matthews, Bart A.J. Wickel, Sarah Freeman


During a 2008 panel for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s launch of a report on water and climate, a hydrologist and an engineer called for additional monitoring and research to detect and attribute the effects of anthropogenic climate change. The third member of the panel, a frustrated World Bank infrastructure lender, declared in response, “I can’t wait thirty years for precise science to tell me how much global warming contributed to a particular drought or flood. I want to see climate adaptation programs based on non-precise decision making. I need to make investment decisions now.”
Economic development must occur, but climate change is making sustainable development a much broader and more plastic concept that is harder to define and achieve. Conservation science should play an essential role in facilitating the transition to more flexible approaches to natural resource management by focusing on the issues that deeply concern policymakers and profoundly modify ecosystems, especially over long time scales. Climate-sustainable water resource management should be part of the long-term strategy of the conservation community to help economies and terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems to adjust to an uncertain future. Given the risks for human communities and ecosystems from climate change, ecologists working in the developing world need to think more like development economists, and economists need to think more like ecologists.

>Emmett Berg


Rising seas forecast from climate change will likely wash away some of California’s most iconic beaches by century’s end, along with hundreds of millions of dollars in real estate, roads and tax revenues.
Based on forecasts calling for sea levels to rise between 1 and 2 meters by the year 2100, researchers devised models predicting which properties, infrastructure, wildlife habitat and open space would be flooded or eroded, and the value of those losses.

>Matthew Phulips


Yesterday we learned that 15.1% of Americans were living in poverty in 2010, the highest level since 1993, and up nearly 1 percentage point from 2009, when it was 14.3%. That data is based on an income measurement which shows that in 2010, 46.2 million Americans were living below the poverty line, defined as $22,314 a year for a family of four.
Income and consumption measures of the poverty gap have generally moved in opposite directions in the last two decades, with income based poverty gaps rising, but consumption based poverty gaps falling.
Compared to the income poor, the consumption poor are less educated, less likely to own a home, more likely to live in married parent families, and much less likely to be single individuals or elderly. The fraction of the consumption poor living in married parent families is 80% higher than the fraction of the income poor living in such families in recent years.

>Reuven Tsur


There was an old joke in Soviet Russia about a guard at the factory gate who at the end of every day saw a worker walking out with a wheelbarrow full of straw. Every day he thoroughly searched the contents of the wheelbarrow, but never found anything but straw. One day he asked the worker: “What do you gain by taking home all that straw?” “The wheelbarrows”. This paper is about the straw and the wheelbarrow, about shifting attention from figure to ground or, rather, about turning into figure what is usually perceived as ground. We are used to think of the load as “figure”; the wheelbarrow is only “ground”, merely an instrument. Our default interest is in the act, not in the instrument.

Slim Amamou

Cette histoire commence quand j’ai présenté ma démission au Président. Qu’il a refusée. M’a dit de réfléchir et que ma démission affaiblirait le gouvernement. Ce fût le mot juste pour me convaincre, car je ne voulais absolument pas que ma démission soit interprétée comme un soutien à ceux qui veulent la chute du gouvernement.
Quand j’ai vu la foule demander la chute du gouvernement, j’ai pensé à cette formule inventée par un ami à l’occasion de la démission de Ghanouchi “le gouvernement Sisyphe”. Condamné à un éternel recommencement. Et j’ai vu les élections s’éloigner. C’était ça la raison de ma démission.