Category Archives: change


―というのは、彼の文学的スタイルのことですか? それとも彼自身のあり方についてですか?

David Brooks

Intellectual prestige has drifted away from theologians, poets and philosophers and toward neuroscientists, economists, evolutionary biologists and big data analysts. These scholars have a lot of knowledge to bring, but they’re not in the business of offering wisdom on the ultimate questions.
The shift has meant there is less moral conversation in the public square. I doubt people behave worse than before, but we are less articulate about the inner life. There are fewer places in public where people are talking about the things that matter most.
As a result, many feel lost or overwhelmed. They feel a hunger to live meaningfully, but they don’t know the right questions to ask, the right vocabulary to use, the right place to look or even if there are ultimate answers at all.
As I travel on a book tour, I find there is an amazing hunger to shift the conversation. People are ready to talk a little less about how to do things and to talk a little more about why ultimately they are doing them.

Lorcan Roche Kelly

The world’s central banks have a problem.
When economic conditions worsen, they react by reducing interest rates in order to stimulate the economy. But, as has happened across the world in recent years, there comes a point where those central banks run out of room to cut — they can bring interest rates to zero, but reducing them further below that is fraught with problems, the biggest of which is cash in the economy.
In a new piece, Citi’s Willem Buiter looks at this problem, which is known as the effective lower bound (ELB) on nominal interest rates.
Fundamentally, the ELB problem comes down to cash. According to Buiter, the ELB only exists at all due to the existence of cash, which is a bearer instrument that pays zero nominal rates. Why have your money on deposit at a negative rate that reduces your wealth when you can have it in cash and suffer no reduction?
Cash therefore gives people an easy and effective way of avoiding negative nominal rates.
Buiter’s note suggests three ways to address this problem:

  1. Abolish currency.
  2. Tax currency.
  3. Remove the fixed exchange rate between currency and central bank reserves/deposits.

Yes, Buiter’s solution to cash’s ability to allow people to avoid negative deposit rates is to abolish cash altogether.
Whatever the strength of the arguments, the chances of an administration taking the decision to abolish cash seem vanishingly small.




List of longest-ruling non-royal national leaders since 1900

Name Country Term began Term ended Term length
Fidel Castro Cuba 1959 2011 52 years, 62 days
Kim Il-sung North Korea 1948 1994 45 years, 302 days
Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal Mongolia 1940 1984 44 years, 137 days
Omar Bongo Gabon 1967 2009 41 years, 155 days
Enver Hoxha Albania 1944 1985 40 years, 171 days
Paul Biya Cameroon 1975 present 39 years, 289 days
Mohamed Abdelaziz Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic 1976 present 38 years, 228 days
Gnassingbé Eyadéma Togo 1967 2005 37 years, 297 days
Francisco Franco Spain 1938 1975 37 years, 294 days
Josip Broz Tito Yugoslavia 1943 1980 36 years, 157 days

Hayley Phelan

When it comes to representing society’s diverse spectrum of beauty, the modeling industry hasn’t exactly gotten it right. “For a long time, it’s promoted the negative ideal that very thin, white teenage girls epitomize high-end beauty,” says Sara Ziff. “Implicit in this message is that fuller figured, non-white, grown women are incompatible with a high-end look.”
That, however, might finally be changing. Some of the industry’s most exciting new faces are
black,                      biracial,                    Asian,           transgendered, and decidedly not a size 0
(Aya Jones,             Binx Walton,           Dylan Xue,           Andrej Pejic   and   Ashley Graham).

Aya JonesBinx WaltonDylan XueAndrej PejicAshley Graham

The Big Issue

The Big Issue is a magazine sold by homeless and long-term unemployed people. Vendors buy copies for £1.25 and sell for £2.50. They are working, not begging.
Since The Big Issue was launched in 1991 we have helped thousands of vulnerable people take control of their lives. We currently work with around 2000 individuals across the UK offering them the opportunity to earn a legitimate income; to ‘help them to help themselves’.
Over the past two decades the magazine has become synonymous with challenging, independent journalism, and renowned for securing exclusive interviews with the most elusive of superstars. It currently circulates around 100,000 copies every week.

Gregory Clark

The basic outline of world economic history is surprisingly simple. Indeed it can be summarized in one diagram:
Gregory Clark
Incomes rose sharply in many countries after 1800 but declined in others.



Andrew Hussey

For most Parisians these days, Charlie Hebdo is a quaint relic of the ’60s and ’70s that has long since lost its power to shock. Only the day before the killings, I had noticed on a newsstand a recent front cover of the magazine that showed a goofy-looking Virgin Mary giving birth to an even goofier-looking Christ. I shrugged and walked on, reflecting on how few people read the magazine these days, how it had only just begun to overcome its money troubles, and what a museum piece it had become.
To some extent, this was reflected in the ages of two prominent figures who were killed: the brilliant and much-loved cartoonists Jean Cabut (or Cabu) and Georges Wolinski were, respectively, 76 and 80. Most important, they belonged to the generation of May 1968 — the generation that had revolted against the heavy hand of Charles de Gaulle’s paternalism with a belief in unlimited liberty, unrestrained sexual behavior, drug taking and, above all, the freedom to mock all forms of moral and religious authority.
Charlie Hebdo’s relentless pursuit of provocation — or “la provoc” in slangy French — belongs to a very Parisian tradition. It dates to before the French Revolution, when it was termed “L’esprit frondeur,” or “slingshot wit.”
What also made Charlie Hebdo, founded in 1970, so French was a militant, aggressive secularism. This again is an old tradition in French culture — historically, a way of policing the power of the Catholic Church. May ’68 was also the revolt of the young against the old, and anti-religious satire a key part of that revolt.
But in contemporary France, the young rebels of ’68 have long since become the cultural establishment, even if they still espouse the leftist and libertarian ideals of their younger days. Charlie Hebdo, for all its vaunted anarchism, has been a member of the establishment for a very long time.
Or at least this is how the magazine is viewed out in the banlieues — the enormous and often wretched suburbs that surround all major French cities and that are home to a huge immigrant population, mainly from former French colonies in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. What is seen in the center of Paris as tweaking the nose of authority — religious or political — is seen out in the banlieues as the arrogance of those in power who can mock what they like, including deeply held religious beliefs, perhaps the only part of personal identity that has not been crushed or assimilated into mainstream French society.









Joo-Seng Tan

Organizations have entered a new era characterized by rapid, dramatic and turbulent changes. The accelerated pace of change has transformed how work is performed by employees in diverse organizations. Change has truly become an inherent and integral part of organizational life.
Several emerging trends are impacting organizational life. Of these emerging trends, five will be examined: globalization, diversity, flexibility, flat, and networks. These five emerging trends create tensions for organizational leaders and employees as they go through waves of changes in their organizations. These tensions present opportunities as well as threats, and if these tensions are not managed well, they will result in dysfunctional and dire organizational outcomes at the end of any change process.

Trends and Tensions in Organizations

Trends Tensions
Globalization Global vs Local
Diversity Heterogeneity vs Homogeneity
Flexibility Flexibility vs Stability
Flat Centralization vs Decentralization
Networks Interdependence vs Independence

高村美砂, Raymond Verheijen

高村: ガンバ大阪は昨年、初めて『サッカーのピリオダイゼーション』を元にしたフィジカルトレーニングを取り入れました。初年度ということもあり、全てが巧くいった訳ではないとは思いますが、いろんなプラスの効果を感じ取ることができたように思います。
Verheijen: 最初に私が素晴らしいと感じたのは、昨年、ガンバ大阪はJ2リーグでの戦いを強いられ『絶対にチャンピオンにならなければいけない』というプレッシャーの中で新シーズンを迎えたはずですが、にもかかわらず、彼らが新トレーニングを導入し、チームを変化させるんだというチャレンジをされたことです。これは尊敬に値する点だと思っています。しかもその結果として『チャンピオン』という目標を達成されましたからね。そこにはきっといろんな努力があったことでしょう。ただ、私が最初に申し上げておきたいのは、私が提唱するトレーニング理論は決してチャンピオンになるための方法ではない、ということです。というより、チャンピオンになるための方法なんてこのサッカー界のどこを探しても存在しません。すなわち、『サッカーのピリオダイゼーション』もチーム、個人としてのサッカーを向上させるための方法であるということをご理解いただければと思います。

Max Weber

Es ist das Schicksal unserer Zeit, mit der ihr eigenen Rationalisierung und Intellektualisierung, vor allem: Entzauberung der Welt, daß gerade die letzten und sublimsten Werte zurückgetreten sind aus der Öffentlichkeit, entweder in das hinterweltliche Reich mystischen Lebens oder in die Brüderlichkeit unmittelbarer Beziehungen der Einzelnen zueinander. Es ist weder zufällig, daß unsere höchste Kunst eine intime und keine monumentale ist…

Jürgen Habermas

What Weber depicted was not only the secularisation of Western culture, but also and especially the development of modern societies from the viewpoint of rationalisation. The new structures of society were marked by the differentiation of the two functionally intermeshing systems that had taken shape around the organisational cores of the capitalist enterprise and the bureaucratic state apparatus. Weber understood this process as the institutionalisation of purposive-rational economic and administrative action. To the degree that everyday life was affected by this cultural and societal rationalisation, traditional forms of life – which in the early modern period were differentiated primarily according to one’s trade – were dissolved.

Juan Leon

The way Black Friday looked in 1983 looks completely different from the way it looks in 2014. And that difference is perhaps an indication of the way we’ve changed as a society.
What used to be an innocuous, low-key event tied to the holiday spirit — an opportunity to buy gifts for Christmas — has become all too characterized by mobs, overhyped “deals,” and fighting.

Jim Uhls

brad pitt000We’ve all been raised on television.

We’re consumers. We are the byproducts of a lifestyle obsession.

You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake.

We’re a generation of men raised by women.

The things you own end up owning you.

Reject the basic assumptions of civilization, especially the importance of material possessions.

Comité invisible

N’être socialement rien n’est pas une condition humiliante, la source d’un tragique manque de reconnaissance – être reconnu : par qui? –, mais au contraire la condition d’une liberté d’action maximale.

Comité Invisible

Il va sans dire que l’attachement des Français à l’État – garant des valeurs universelles, dernier rempart contre le désastre – est une pathologie dont il est compliqué de se défaire. C’est surtout une fiction qui ne sait plus durer. Nos gouvernants eux-mêmes la considèrent chaque jour un peu plus comme un encombrement inutile, puisqu’eux, du moins, assument le conflit, militairement.
L’occasion d’une belle épopée qui nous verrait, tous ensemble, combattre les inégalités en même temps que le réchauffement climatique. Ce qui pour notre génération, qui est justement née dans la crise et qui n’a connu que cela – crise économique, financière, sociale, écologique – est, vous l’avouerez, relativement difficile à admettre. On ne nous refera pas le coup de la crise, du “on va repartir à zéro” et “il suffira de se serrer la ceinture pendant quelque temps”.

Mise au point (PDF)

Comité invisible

Il n’y a plus à réagir aux nouvelles du jour, mais à comprendre chaque information comme une opération dans un champ hostile de stratégies à déchiffrer, opération visant justement à susciter chez tel ou tel, tel ou tel type de réaction; et à tenir cette opération pour la véritable information contenue dans l’information apparente.

Comité invisible

« JE SUIS CE QUE JE SUIS. » Mon corps m’appartient. Je suis moi, toi t’es toi, et ça va mal. Personnalisation de masse. Individualisation de toutes les conditions – de vie, de travail, de malheur. Schizophrénie diffuse. Dépression rampante. Atomisation en fines particules paranoïaques. Hystérisation du contact. Plus je veux être Moi, plus j’ai le sentiment d’un vide. Plus je m’exprime, plus je me taris. Plus je me cours après, plus je suis fatiguée. Je tiens, tu tiens, nous tenons notre Moi comme un guichet fastidieux. Nous sommes devenus les représentants de nous-mêmes – cet étrange commerce, les garants d’une personnalisation qui a tout l’air, à la fin, d’une amputation. Nous assurons jusqu’à la ruine avec une maladresse plus ou moins déguisée.
En attendant, je gère. La quête de soi, mon blog, mon appart, les dernières conneries à la mode, les histoires de couple, de cul… ce qu’il faut de prothèses pour faire tenir un Moi ! Si « la société» n’était pas devenue cette abstraction définitive, elle désignerait l’ensemble des béquilles existentielles que l’on me tend pour me permettre de me traîner encore, l’ensemble des dépendances que j’ai contractées pour prix de mon identité. Le handicapé est le modèle de la citoyenneté qui vient. Ce n’est pas sans prémonition que les associations qui l’exploitent revendiquent à présent pour lui le «revenu d’existence ».

L’Insurrection qui vient (pdf)





Ryan Scott

At one point in time, the bow and arrow was considered to be the pinnacle of weapons technology and allowed armies, such as that of the Roman Empire, to rule with a heavy hand for many years. Just being able to not have to get up close and personal with the enemy was enough to give such a great military edge, but that won’t cut it in today’s world.
Ever since the first guns were fired, militaries around the world have constantly improved the weapons that they used in combat. Making guns that didn’t require reloading with each individual shot, developing automatic weapons, bombs and everything in-between.
Military technology has been pushed incredibly far and is at an amazing place right now. Many weapons used by modern soldiers are far beyond that of simple assault rifles and grenades. Many of the weapons being used today are like something straight out of an Arnold Schwarzenegger action movie. However, at the same time some of the most powerful weapons in today’s militaries are somewhat old technology, just tweaked a bit.



伝染病予防法で「伝染病患者ノ死体ハ火葬スヘシ」と規定され、伝染病対策としての火葬場が建設されたのが1897(明治 30)年。「系譜、祭具及墳墓ノ所有権ヲ承継スルハ家督相続ノ特権ニ属ス」と規定した明治民法の制定が、1898(明治 31)年。
「祭祀は継承するもの」という観念のもと、明治後期以降、代々の先祖を祭祀するための家墓が増加していったが、厚生労働省『衛生行政業務報告』によれば、1900(明治 33)年に 29.2%であった火葬率が 50%を超えたのは 1935(昭和 10)年なので、家墓が全国的に一般化するのは昭和に入ってからとみるのが妥当であろう。

Hannah Arendt

We can no longer afford to take that which was good in the past and simply call it our heritage, to discard the bad and simply think of it as a dead load which by itself time will bury in oblivion. The subterranean stream of Western history has finally come to the surface and usurped the dignity of our tradition. This is the reality in which we live. And this is why all efforts to escape from the grimness of the present into nostalgia for a still intact past, or into the anticipated oblivion of a better future, are vain.

David Barboza

WaldorfAstoria… like Japanese investors in the 1980s, Chinese buyers today have helped to push up the price tag for iconic buildings in the market …







Mark Weisbrot

The BRICS’ defection is part of a process that has been taking place over the past 15 years, in which middle-income countries have accumulated sufficient reserves to vote with their feet and break out of the IMF’s orbit. Although most economists and most of the major media have ignored it, the IMF’s loss of influence over economic policy in most middle-income countries is one of the most important developments in the international financial system in the past half-century. It has almost certainly contributed to the rebound of economic growth in most developing countries over the past decade. It is also, not coincidentally, a huge loss of influence for the U.S. government, which has traditionally used the IMF’s creditors’ cartel for its own imperial purposes.


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日本10年国債金利0358-img-03 米10年国債金利0358-img-05
ドイツ10年国債金利0358-img-07 NYダウ0358-img-06



Neil Howe, William Strauss

Generations by year of birth
Arthurian Generation (1433–1460) (Hero)
Humanist Generation (1461–1482) (Artist)
Reformation Generation (1483–1511) (Prophet)
Reprisal Generation (1512–1540) (Nomad)
Elizabethan Generation (1541–1565) (Hero)
Parliamentary Generation (1566–1587) (Artist)
Puritan Generation (1588–1617) (Prophet)
Cavalier Generation (1618–1647) (Nomad)
Glorious Generation (1648–1673) (Hero)
Enlightenment Generation (1674–1700) (Artist)
Awakening Generation (1701–1723) (Prophet)
Liberty Generation (1724–1741) (Nomad)
Republican Generation (1742–1766) (Hero)
Compromise Generation (1767–1791) (Artist)
Transcendental Generation (1792–1821) (Prophet)
Gilded Generation (1822–1842) (Nomad)
Progressive Generation (1843–1859) (Artist)
Missionary Generation (1860–1882) (Prophet)
Lost Generation (1883–1900) (Nomad)
G.I. Generation (1901–1924) (Hero)
Silent Generation (1925–1942) (Artist)
Baby Boom Generation (1943–1960) (Prophet)
Generation X (1961–1981) (Nomad)
Millennial Generation (1982–2004) (Hero)
Homeland Generation (2005–present) (Artist)

Neil Howe, William Strauss

Rather than puzzling over why 20-year-olds were self-absorbed moralizers in the 1960s but are busy and risk-averse achievers today, one must recognize them as members of distinct generations. To learn why they (or any two generations) are different, one can look at how they were raised as children, what public events they witnessed in adolescence, and what social mission they took on as they came of age.

Robyn Griggs Lawrence

Wabi-sabi reminds us that we are all transient beings on this planet—that our bodies, as well as the material world around us, are in the process of returning to dust. Nature’s cycles of growth, decay, and erosion are embodied in frayed edges, rust, liver spots. Through wabi-sabi, we learn to embrace both the glory and the melancholy found in these marks of passing time.

Henry Petroski

Our 60-year-old home is an example of how infrastructure can be built to stand strong, age gracefully and be almost maintenance-free. The foundation sits firmly on solid granite. From the full basement you can see how the exposed beams, joists and underside of the flooring were made of good wood, built to last.
When I see a commercial building under construction today, I see nothing like this in the materials and workmanship, perhaps because it is simply a function of finance, expected to survive only until it is fully amortized in a company’s budget.
I can see the same decline in quality when I try to do work on our house. When it was built, two-by-fours were actually only an eighth of an inch short of those nominal dimensions. Today, a two-by-four is a full half-inch shy.
Workmanship has declined in parallel. There continue to be expert craftsmen — carpenters, roofers, painters — who work with precision and pride, but they are increasingly being pushed out by cheaper labor with inferior skills (which is, of course, why the labor is cheaper).



Stephen R. Kellert

We live in a particularly challenging and ambiguous moment in human environmental history. It would appear that today no region of the world remains free from an array of fundamentally serious ecological threats. We used to think that places such as the polar regions or uncharted areas of the wet tropics could claim a degree of invulnerability to major human environmental impacts. The spectors of global atmospheric change, ever more ingenious forms of human encroachment, and developments in extraction technological, however, have largely eliminated such comforting thoughts. Perhaps only the newly discovered deep-sea trenches and their associated life can still claim to be largely beyond the realm of serious anthropogenic perturbation.

Freek Vermeulen, Phanish Puranam, Ranjay Gulati

No one disputes that firms have to make organizational changes when the business environment demands them. But the idea that a firm might want change for its own sake often provokes skepticism. Why inflict all that pain if you don’t have to?
That is a dangerous attitude. A company periodically needs to shake itself up, regardless of the competitive landscape. Even if the external environment is not changing in ways that demand a response, the internal environment probably is. The human dynamics within an organization are constantly shifting—and require the organization to change along with them. Over time, informal networks mirror the formal structure, which is how silos develop. Restructuring gets people to start forming new networks, making the organization as a whole more creative. It also disrupts all the routines in an organization that collectively stifle innovation and adaptability. Finally, restructuring breaks up the outdated power structures that may be quietly misdirecting a company’s resource allocation.
All these processes—silo formation, the accretionof deadening routines, and the emergence of corporate baronies—take place all the time. But when everything is going well, you tend not to notice them, just as many seemingly fit people don’t realize that their arteries are dangerously clogged.

Terry Bennett, ウィキペディア










Noreen Malone

lede-un-barNot so long ago, the North Delegates’ Lounge, the in-house bar of the United Nation’s headquarters in New York, was dark and smoky and filled with Barcelona chairs and white leather. It was “out of James Bond,” a female French-Canadian U.N. employee recalled wistfully. Then the lounge closed three years ago for a makeover (part of a larger building renovation), led in part by the designer Hella Jongerius and architect Rem Koolhaas. The pair opted for, or at least signed off on, furnishings in various shapes of molded plastic and shades of bright green. Now, “it’s like Ikea,” the woman said, gesturing with her drink and surveying the redone room. An even more devastating comparison occurred to her. “It’s like a terrible airport lounge. Look at the WELCOME sign!” She pointed out giant letters on a geometrically patterned white wall near the entrance that did bring on feelings of jet lag. Coats and laptop bags were scattered everywhere, under fluorescent lighting that would make James Bond squint. “This reflects poorly on the world.”


。。。    戦争っていう時代を経てきたわけですけど
冷静によくものを考えろということですね      。。。


novosti-vitaliy-ria-belousov.siSome 56 per cent of Russians still regret the dissolution of the Soviet Union, according to a poll published on the eve of the 90th anniversary of the foundation of the first Socialist state.
However, this is almost 10 per cent less than a decade ago, a survey by All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM) revealed.
A third of Russians do not mourn over the collapse of the Soviet Union 21 years ago. That is 6 per cent more than in 2002.
The majority of respondents who feel nostalgic about the end of the Soviet era are those above 45 years of age, with low education level, non-internet users and residents of capital cities of Russian regions. Youngsters, people with higher education and active web users – on the contrary – prefer life in modern Russia.


最近俺らの世界の法律もうるさくなってよ、知ってるか?都条例なんていうのができて、ヤクザ三人いただけで、一回は解散しろっていって中止命令がでて、それで解散しなかったら捕まる時代になったんだぞ、あと公共の施設、ホテルだとかそういう所に出入り禁止だとか、そういった我々の世界に対する国家の姿勢がすごく厳しくなってきた、そんななかで、お前らやっていかなければならない、もちろん俺もなんだけれど、どう思うそういうことは? ヤクザの本質がわかってない。。
(なんでそういう差別をつけたかっていうのは? 同じ人間として)
もちろんそれにあたっては、俺らにも悪いところがあった、例えばそういう暴力的な、活発に行動した部分とかな、それをどんどんどんどん、我々が世間を狭くして、自分たちの首をしめてきたというのは事実だけれど、俺なんかが20歳ぐらいの時、21歳くらいの時か、俺らがこういう夜の街を、警察みたいに夜の警察をやって、普通の人間たちも我々を頼ってきたもんだよ、そういう時代に、俺がひとつ心残りっていうか、そういう時代をお前らに少し味あわせてやりたかったなって、それは思うよ、ただそれでも、今こういう時代になっても、俺らはそれでも生きていかなければならないわけじゃないか、でこの司法の、法律がこうやってうるさくなって改正されて、どうやって生きていく? どうやって生きていけばいいと思う?

Thomas B. Edsall

The merging of lobbying into a much more encompassing collection of strategies and approaches is illustrated by the conglomeration of lobbying and other influence specialties under one corporate roof. The premier example of this can be found at WPP, a worldwide advertising, marketing and public affairs company, with 350 subsidiaries.
The list of WPP’s Washington firms keeps getting longer and includes Blue State Digital, Benenson Strategy Group, Burson-Marsteller, Direct Impact, Hill+Knowlton Strategies, Dewey Square Group, Penn Schoen Berland, PBN Hill+Knowlton Strategies, Prime Policy Group, QGA Public Affairs, Palisades Media Ventures, the Glover Park Group and Wexler & Walker Public Policy Associates.
When lobbying is merged into a behemoth of this scope, it is no longer lobbying as your parents understood the concept. It is now an integral part of a much broader system of corporate leverage and control, a system that has left the federal regulation of this new breed of influence strategists far behind.


Michio Kaku

How will we reach such a future? The key is to grasp the importance of science and science education. Science is the engine of prosperity.
Leaders in China and India realize that science and technology lead to success and wealth. But many countries in the West graduate students into the unemployment line by teaching skills that were necessary to live in 1950.
Years ago, pundits worried about a “digital divide.” It never happened, because access to computers became cheaper and cheaper. The real problem, however, is not access; it is jobs. Plenty of jobs are begging to be filled today, but those jobs require workers with a technical and scientific education. As Winston Churchill once said, “the empires of the future are the empires of the mind.”

The Telegraph

It seems it is all the fault of that well-known sexist William Shakespeare. Academics at the University of Surrey, who appear to have plenty of time on their hands, have been investigating why male precedes female so often in name pairings – as in Mr and Mrs, or Jack and Jill, or Romeo and Juliet. And it is the last of these that holds the clue.
Apparently it was the “sexist grammar” of the 16th century that put us into the habit of giving precedence to the man (who still leads the way in 79 per cent of pairings, say the academics, courtesy of Google) and we have never quite got out of it. It is this “outdated sexism” that prompts us to write “Dear Sir or Madam”, rather than the other way round. Then again, it may just be that it trips easier from the tongue or pen like that. Who knows? Indeed, who cares?

Jay Hart

ClintonIf the typical person ages one year at a time, the typical president, Dr. Michael Roizen told CNN in 2009, ages two years for every year they are in office.
And it shows.

Bill Clinton was 46 when he took office. He was 54 when he left.

George W. Bush was 54 when he took office. He was 62 when he left.

President Obama was 47 when he took office. He’s 52 now.


Ken Farsalas

Worldwide supply of oil has been able to keep up with demand, so far. Global production has increased from 64 million barrels per day in 1980 to more than 84 million barrels per day in 2006. Yet the data suggest that, even with advancements in drilling and completion technology, it may become more difficult for supply to keep pace with accelerating demand in the future. American oil production has declined 22% from 1980 to 2006.
The EIA says Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest producer and home to the world’s biggest oil reserves, produced 10.6 million barrels per day in 2006, little changed from 1980 production of 10.3 million barrels. The kingdom recently announced its intention to increase production capacity to 12.5 million barrels per day by mid-2009. Its ability to do so will be watched closely by those experts who contend that Saudi oil fields either have reached or will reach peak production in this decade.

Gordon Brown (Damian McBride)

If the banks are shutting their doors, and the cash points aren’t working, and people go to Tesco and their cards aren’t being accepted, the whole thing will just explode.
If you can’t buy food or petrol or medicine for your kids, people will just start breaking the windows and helping themselves.
And as soon as people see that on TV, that’s the end, because everyone will think that’s OK now, that’s just what we all have to do. It’ll be anarchy. That’s what could happen tomorrow.

Trading Economics

The benchmark interest rate in the United States was last recorded at 0.25 percent. Interest Rate in the United States is reported by the Federal Reserve. the United States Interest Rate averaged 6.12 Percent from 1971 until 2013, reaching an all time high of 20 Percent in May of 1981 and a record low of 0.25 Percent in December of 2008. In the United States, the authority for interest rate decisions is divided between the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (Board) and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The Board decides on changes in discount rates after recommendations submitted by one or more of the regional Federal Reserve Banks. The FOMC decides on open market operations, including the desired levels of central bank money or the desired federal funds market rate.






Jacques Attali

A l’inverse, les banques centrales ne parlent pas, en raison de la rigidité de leurs doctrines et de l’unicité de leurs objectifs, mais elles agissent : elles fournissent des sommes immenses à l’économie , permettant même, au mépris de toute orthodoxie, aux entreprises d’obtenir de l’argent en direct en échange de papier commercial, en utilisant pour cela des noms aussi discrets et obscurs que possible, ( le dernier qualificatif apparu dans les communiqués des gouverneurs de banques centrales étant « quantitative easing », soit « facilitation quantitative » ce qu’on devrait plutôt traduire par « planche à billet ») .
Mais cela ne pourra suffire : une entreprise ne pourra survivre par le seul jeu de ses réformes internes ni par le seul recours au papier monnaie : elle ne pourra en effet mettre en dépôt a la banque centrale du papier de ses clients si elle n’en a pas. Si le marché, une fois de plus, se révèle plus rapide et plus adaptable que la démocratie, on ira droit vers l’hyper inflation ( de plus de 20% par an) , forme extrême de la déloyauté, qui fera disparaitre les dettes, au détriment des préteurs. Déjà, bien des entreprises s’y préparent. Bien des démocraties y sombreront.



Hikikomori Reunion

S’intégrer ou ne pas s’intégrer telle est la question !
HikikomoriAttention, voici l’arrivée de deux esprits névrosés, addicts de japanime et de culture geek, le podcast Hikikomori Reunion est né… Hikikomori Reunion est un podcast qui traite en long et en large mais aussi, avec un esprit toujours décontracté : les nouveautés, les memes d’internet et les autres choses merveilleuses de ce F*CKIN’ MAD WORLD qui nous entoure.. Que pouvez vous retrouvez sur Hikikomori Reunion ? Des news sur les jeux vidéos, mangas, animés, série Tv, cinéma et musique, des test et review fait avec un grand professionnalisme ( Fake ) une rubrique archive qui vous feras découvrir l’histoire de grands sites internet comme XChan et enfin une partie où les news les plus horribles du net y sont dévoilés, mais toujours dans une ambiance de soirée entre amis qui discutent de leur passions.


1_12L’initiative 1:12 pourrait entraîner jusqu’à 2,5 milliards de francs de pertes annuelles pour les rentes vieillesse et jusqu’à 1,5 milliard pour l’impôt fédéral direct, d’après une enquête de l’Université de Saint-Gall, mandatée par l’Union suisse des arts et métiers.
L’initiative 1:12, qui prévoit que la différence de salaires dans une entreprise ne doit pas dépasser le rapport de un à douze, est loin d’être dirigée uniquement contre les rémunérations abusives, a relevé mardi Hans-Ulrich Bigler, directeur de l’usam. «En réalité, elle nous atteint tous et nous porte à tous préjudice», déclare-t-il.
L’étude montre que les pertes pourront atteindre jusqu’à 4 milliards de francs aux dépens de la caisse AVS et de l’impôt fédéral direct. Elle se base sur un scénario d’un plafond salarial de 500’000 francs et de nombreux départs de cadres à l’étranger.

David H. Autor

DavidAutorLabor-saving technological change necessarily displaces workers performing certain tasks — that’s where the gains in productivity come from — but over the long run, it generates new products and services that raise national income and increase the overall demand for labor. In 1900, no one could foresee that a century later, health care, finance, information technology, consumer electronics, hospitality, leisure and entertainment would employ far more workers than agriculture. Of course, as societies grow more prosperous, citizens often choose to work shorter days, take longer vacations and retire earlier — but that too is progress.
So if technological advances don’t threaten employment, does that mean workers have nothing to fear from “smart machines”? Actually, no.
Computerization is not reducing the quantity of jobs, but rather degrading the quality of jobs for a significant subset of workers. Demand for highly educated workers who excel in abstract tasks is robust, but the middle of the labor market, where the routine task-intensive jobs lie, is sagging. Workers without college education therefore concentrate in manual task-intensive jobs — like food services, cleaning and security — which are numerous but offer low wages, precarious job security and few prospects for upward mobility. This bifurcation of job opportunities has contributed to the historic rise in income inequality.

Mark van der Laan, Jiann-Ping Hsu, Karl E. Peace, Sherri Rose

The statistics profession has reached a tipping point. The need for valid statistical tools is greater than ever; data sets are massive, often measuring hundreds of thousands of measurements for a single subject. The field is ready for a revolution, one driven by clear, objective benchmarks by which tools can be evaluated.
The new generation of statisticians must be ready to take on this challenge. They have to be dynamic and thoroughly trained in statistical concepts. They have to work effectively on an interdisciplinary team and understand the immense importance of objective benchmarks to evaluate statistical tools. They have to produce energetic leaders who stick to a roadmap, but who also break with current practice when necessary.
Why do we need a revolution? Sadly, 99.99% of all data analyses are based on the application of so-called parametric (or other restrictive) statistical models that assume the data-generating distributions have specific forms. Many agree that these models are wrong. That is, statisticians know linear or logistic regression models and Cox proportional hazards models are specified incorrectly. But, they still use them to draw conclusions and then hope these conclusions are not too wrong.

Bryan Thomas

13STEINWAY1-articleLargeEdward Carrasco, at work on a Steinway at the factory in Queens. Steinway recently sold its building in Manhattan; now the company will have new owners.

Lysiane Gagnon

women-istanbulTen years ago, even a tourist could foresee the drama that has been unfolding in Turkey, where the staunchly conservative government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan faces demonstrations against autocracy and religious fundamentalism. The cultural gap between these “two Turkeys” was already visible in the streets of Istanbul, starkly illustrated by the attire of its women.
With their revealing, sexy outfits, many young women looked like they had been transplanted from Montreal on a hot summer day. An arguably equal number of young women were hidden under Islam’s dark garments, their faces half-masked by veils.
Mind you, these were not the hijabs worn by religious women in Cairo, who wrap their hair in sophisticated knotted scarves that highlight their beautifully made-up eyes and wear elbow-long sleeves but extra-tight jeans. On the contrary, in the fundamentalist parts of Istanbul, the female body was entirely erased from public view. There wasn’t a hint of the subtle twist of coquetterie that one could see in Cairo or even Iran, where “liberated” women artistically push back their veils to reveal the front part of their hair, like Madonnas in Italian Renaissance paintings.
Until this year, the two cultures – the one inspired by the West and the one embedded in the rural Muslim society – coexisted relatively peacefully in cosmopolitan Istanbul. But they were bound to collide.

Luke Williams

LukeWilliamsFiguring out a way to be the only one who does what you do is a provocative goal, but it’s absolutely unobtainable unless you make some significant changes to the way you think about competition and the business you’re in. I’m not talking about little tweaks here and there. I’m talking about a way of thinking that surprises the market again and again with exciting, unexpected solutions. A way of thinking that produces an unconventional strategy that leaves competitors scrambling to catch up. A way of thinking that turns consumer expectations upside down and takes an industry into its next generation. It’s what I call disruptive thinking.

ATS News

topelement (1)
Près de 40’000 logements ont été saisis en 2012 à la suite d’impayés, a annoncé vendredi la Banque d’Espagne qui a mené une enquête inédite.

Robert Frank

SwissBankSingaporeA report by WealthInsight says Singapore may soon overtake Switzerland as the world’s largest offshore wealth hub.
The reason: Switzerland may be falling out of favor with the wealthy, while Singapore is attracting more of the new wealth from Asia. Recent offshore wealth scandals and prosecutions in the United States and Europe have pierced the veil of Switzerland’s vaunted bank secrecy laws. Western countries are also tightening their tax codes and chasing tax shelters more aggressively.


行く川の流れは絶えずして、しかも もとの水にあらず。淀みに浮ぶ うたかたは、かつ消えかつ結びて、久しく止まる事なし。世の中にある人と住家と、またかくの如し。
玉敷の都の中に、棟を竝べ甍を爭へる、尊き卑しき人の住居は、代々を經て盡きせぬものなれど、これを まことかと尋ぬれば、昔ありし家は稀なり。或は、去年焼けて今年は造り、あるは、大家滅びて小家となる。住む人も、これにおなじ。處もかはらず、人も多かれど、いにしへ見し人は、二・三十人が中に、僅かに一人・二人なり。
朝に死し、夕に生るゝ ならひ、たゞ水の泡にぞ似たりける。知らず、生れ死ぬる人、何方より來りて、何方へか去る。また知らず、假の宿り、誰がために心をなやまし、何によりてか、目を悦ばしむる。その主人と住家と、無常を爭ふさま、いはば、朝顔の露に異ならず。或は、露落ちて花殘れり。殘るといへども、朝日に枯れぬ。或は、花は萎みて露なほ消えず。消えずといへども、夕べを待つことなし。

Roger Scruton

Pessimism, so obviously vindicated in retrospect, is almost always ineffective at the time. Why is this?
Our approaches to questions of that kind have been strongly influenced in recent years by evolutionary psychology, which tells us that we are endowed with traits of character and patterns of feeling that were “adaptive” in the conditions from which human societies first emerged. And what was adaptive then might be profoundly maladaptive today, in the mass societies that we ourselves have created. It was adaptive in those small bands of hunter-gatherers to join the crowd, to persecute the doubter, to go cheerfully forward against the foe. And from these traits have sprung certain patterns of thinking that serve the vital purpose of preventing people from perceiving the truth, when the truth will discourage them.
When truth threatens hope it is truth we usually sacrifice, often along with those who search for it.

Ray Kurzweil *

The Law of Accelerating Returns:

  • Evolution applies positive feedback in that the more capable methods resulting from one stage of evolutionary progress are used to create the next stage. As a result, the rate of progress of an evolutionary process increases exponentially over time. Over time, the “order” of the information embedded in the evolutionary process (i.e., the measure of how well the information fits a purpose, which in evolution is survival) increases.
  • A correlate of the above observation is that the “returns” of an evolutionary process (e.g., the speed, cost-effectiveness, or overall “power” of a process) increase exponentially over time.
  • In another positive feedback loop, as a particular evolutionary process (e.g., computation) becomes more effective (e.g., cost effective), greater resources are deployed toward the further progress of that process. This results in a second level of exponential growth (i.e., the rate of exponential growth itself grows exponentially).
  • Biological evolution is one such evolutionary process.
  • Technological evolution is another such evolutionary process. Indeed, the emergence of the first technology creating species resulted in the new evolutionary process of technology. Therefore, technological evolution is an outgrowth of–and a continuation of–biological evolution.
  • A specific paradigm (a method or approach to solving a problem, e.g., shrinking transistors on an integrated circuit as an approach to making more powerful computers) provides exponential growth until the method exhausts its potential. When this happens, a paradigm shift (i.e., a fundamental change in the approach) occurs, which enables exponential growth to continue.

Associated Press

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has upheld its decision to deny a license for a French company to build a third nuclear reactor at Maryland’s Calvert Cliffs.
The NRC released its order Monday denying a petition of review filed by UniStar Nuclear Operating Services, LLC.
In August, the NRC said it could not issue a license because the applicants are foreign-owned. The NRC noted rules of the 1954 Atomic Energy Act in its ruling.
The NRC noted Monday the length of time since the agency first issued substantive guidance on the foreign ownership portion of the law. The NRC is directing staff to review issues relating to foreign ownership and recommend whether the commission should consider modifications.
Monday’s order also notes the company is still seeking a U.S. partner.

Boris Johnson

Mayor-Boris-Johnson-at-th-006Encouraging more people to cycle is a key Mayoral priority. There will be unprecedented levels of investment in cycling over the next 10 years to improve cycle infrastructure and information. This will help secure the health, environmental and congestion benefits of a cycle revolution. The strategy will support this revolution by providing better information and training to promote behavioural change. It also supports improvements to infrastructure to make it easier and safer to travel by bike, and ‘mainstreaming’ cycling as a transport mode making it more attractive to a wider range of people. The aim is to achieve a five per cent modal share for cycling (currently two per cent) by 2026, which equates to an approximate 400 per cent increase compared to 2000.

Amanda Suutari

Industrial agriculture, as it is currently practiced, cannot continue indefinitely. There are many ‘negative tips’ associated with modern farming which link culture, economics, society, environment and equity. These include the following issues:

  • Agricultural, oil and water subsidies distorting market forces and leading to oversupply and depression of produce prices on world markets (and leading to floods of cheap produce such as rice and grain into areas where local farmers can’t compete);
  • The vulnerability of small and mid-size farmers to deflation of prices or volatility of markets for agricultural commodities, leading to their inability to compete with larger farmers;
  • Inability of small and mid-size farms to compete in increasingly global markets, leading to their bankruptcy and foreclosure, which in turn leads to the cycle of rural depopulation and eroding rural social fabric;
  • Subsidies on water and oil which lock farmers into industrial-scale irrigation, groundwater ‘mining’, which sets up a ‘time bomb’ where major aquifers of the world’s breadbaskets (such as the mid-west of the United States and Punjab State in India) may dry up rather suddenly;
  • Erosion of soil and escalating dependence on petroleum-based fertilizers and its impacts on rivers and other water bodies;
  • Dependence on fossil fuels on farms as well as for long-distance transportation of produce;
  • Erosion in local food security as farms consolidate and are located increasingly distant from urban regions, and distribution becomes more centralized;
  • The global trade of farm produce eroding local food marketing and distribution networks;
  • Escalating dependence on pesticides as pests develop resistance to ever-stronger pesticides;
  • The emergence of genetically modified food and its potential to ‘contaminate’ non-genetically modified crops on a regional and even continental scale;
  • The loss of co-adaptation and loss of resilience; for example, mono-cropping creating vulnerability to pest outbreaks, the vulnerability of dependence on global markets with their volatile fluctuations on prices;
  • The ‘addiction’ dynamic: the pesticide treadmill, the fertilizer/soil erosion treadmill, the dependence on subsidies.




ここでの問題のひとつはデジタルデバイド、ということになるだろう。 つまり、デジタルな経済(グローバル経済)に接続する術を持たない方々(もしくはそれを拒否する骨のある方々)の多くは、金融資本主義の果実を享受することは、難しいかもしれない。そして、労働力だけが、自らの商品なら、その商品価値の下落の中で、限りなく時給850円にという交換の原理の指し示しに向かい始める。

Erik Brynjolfsson, Andrew McAfee

Digital technologies are one of the most important driving forces in the economy today. They’re transforming the world of work and are key drivers of productivity and growth. Yet their impact on employment is not well understood, and definitely not fully appreciated. When people talk about jobs in America today, they talk about cyclicality, outsourcing and off-shoring, taxes and regulation, and the wisdom and efficacy of different kinds of stimulus. We don’t doubt the importance of all these factors. The economy is a complex, multifaceted entity.
But there has been relatively little talk about role of acceleration of technology. Computers are now doing many things that used to be the domain of people only. The pace and scale of this encroachment into human skills is relatively recent and has profound economic implications. Perhaps the most important of these is that while digital progress grows the overall economic pie, it can do so while leaving some people, or even a lot of them, worse off.
And computers (hardware, software, and networks) are only going to get more powerful and capable in the future, and have an ever-bigger impact on jobs, skills, and the economy. The root of our problems is not that we’re in a Great Recession, or a Great Stagnation, but rather that we are in the early throes of a Great Restructuring. Our technologies are racing ahead but many of our skills and organizations are lagging behind. So it’s urgent that we understand these phenomena, discuss their implications, and come up with strategies that allow human workers to race ahead with machines instead of racing against them.

Andrew McAfee

1) Manufacturing employment in China peaked in 1996; and 2) Companies all over the world are automating rapidly. Even though hourly manufacturing labor costs in China are only 4% of those in the US, it’s still attractive for Chinese factories to replace people with technology over time. This allows them to turn out more stuff with fewer people. How much more, and how many fewer? Take a look:
China’s manufacturing output was over 70% greater in 2008 than it was in 1996. Over the same period, manufacturing employment in the country declined by more than 25%.
Obviously, this is not because of outsourcing (companies outsource to China, not from China). It’s because technology is now so cheap, useful, and universally available that when more and more Chinese companies upgrade an old factory or build a new one, they don’t fill it up with cheap labor. They fill it up with hardware and software, just like we do in the US.