Category Archives: business

AgriFuture Consulting (AFC)

比較的傷みにくい食品の期限を賞味期限としています。 したがって、この期限を過ぎた食品がすぐに食べられないということではありません。

傷みやすい食品の期限を消費期限としています。 したがって、この期限を過ぎた食品は、安全および健康のために食べないようにすることが必要です。
腐敗; 微生物の働きによって食品中のタンパク質が変質し、これによって食品の色、香、味、および形質などが変化することを言います。
変敗: 微生物の働きによって食品中の糖質や脂質が変質し、食品の色、香、味、および形質などが変化することを言います。

UNODC, ExplicitImplicity

  • money_laundering_scheme_bigPlacement: moving the funds from direct association with the crime.
  • Layering: disguising the trail to foil pursuit.
  • Integration: making the money available to the criminal, once again, with its occupational and geographic origins hidden from view.


Placing “dirty” money in a service company, where it is layered with legitimate income, and then integrated into the flow of money is a common form of money laundering.


Eco私の住む新潟市に角田山という山があります。 ある日、この山に足を踏み入れた私は、その荒れ果てた山の姿に呆然としました。
その山は、戦後に杉の木が植えられましたが、その後、林業が廃れていき、 誰も整備をする人がいなくなったため、野ざらしの状態でした。 木は生え放題で、太陽の光が十分に当たらず暗く、深く根付かないために大雨にも弱い。 そんな山でした。 この山をなんとかしたい。 そんな気持ちから、私は山に入るようになりました。  痩せ細った木を間伐し、太陽の光が十分あたるようにしました。 山は少しづつですがキレイになっていきました。
ところが、問題が出てきました。整備によって出る大量の「木くず」です。 処分するには莫大な費用がかかるし、また処分場への運搬にも費用がかかる。 なんとかいい方法はないかと悩んでいました。
そんな時、知ったのが「ペレット」です。 1970年にカナダで生まれたペレットは、木くずを利用して燃料にでき、価格も安い。 また、重油に比べるとほとんど二酸化炭素を出さないことから、地球環境にも良いということ。


もり ひろし

そんな反省から、2006年に国連環境計画などが共同提案したのが「責任投資原則 (PRI)」と呼ばれるガイドライン。これは機関投資家向けの行動規範のこと。投資意思を決定する際、ESG: 環境 (Environmental)、社会 (Social)、企業統治 (corporate Governance) の3項目を重視すべしとしている。
実は近年では、機関投資家の間でも「ESG への配慮が利益増大につながる」との認識が広がるようになった。投資の世界でも、社会的責任と利益が相反しない経済システムが模索されるようになっている。


  • Through 2015, 85% of Fortune 500 organizations will be unable to exploit big data for competitive advantage.
  • By 2015, at least 20% of all cloud services will be consumed via internal or external cloud service brokerages, rather than directly, up from less than 5% today.
  • Through 2015, 80% of social business efforts will not achieve the intended benefits due to inadequate leadership and an overemphasis on technology.
  • By 2020, 75% of enterprises’ information security budgets will be allocated for rapid detection and response approaches, up from less than 10% in 2012.
  • By 2016, 20% of enterprise bring your own device (BYOD) programs will fail due to deployment of mobile device management measures that are too restrictive.

Business analytics — solutions used to build analysis models and simulations to create scenarios, understand realities and predict future states. Business analytics includes data mining, predictive analytics, applied analytics and statistics, and is delivered as an application suitable for a business user.
Business intelligence — leverage technology and best practices to deliver management insight from enterprise applications and data. Combine business intelligence tools and applications with effective structure, quality improvement and information governance and learn to maximize payback while minimizing risk.






topelement (1)Les vendanges valaisannes 2013 resteront dans les annales comme étant la plus petite récolte jamais encavée depuis la fin des années 50.
La médiocrité de la récolte 2013 s’explique notamment par un printemps maussade, avec notamment un mois de mai aux températures inférieures à la norme. «La coulure et le millerandage ont été particulièrement marqués», précise le canton. La grêle a aussi frappé le vignoble de Saxon.
Si la quantité est faible, la qualité est toutefois au rendez-vous. Le millésime 2013 «se caractérise notamment par une acidité totale plus élevée. Elle apporte une fraîcheur bienvenue dans nos vins. Les vins qui ont fini de fermenter révèlent des profils aromatiques qualitatifs remarquables. La typicité de chaque cépage est très présente», souligne l’Office valaisan de la vicitulture.

Alexander S. Friedman

ASFriedmanInvesting is a bit like exploring a remote jungle. It’s probably not a good idea to recklessly charge through the forest, believing we can tell where every snake, spider, or jaguar might be hiding. We just cannot possibly know. But equally, we won’t get very far if we try and hike in full body armor.
The best approach is to be cognizant of the risks that surround us, so we can react calmly if they emerge, but to keep moving along our predetermined path and deviate only if we see clear openings or obvious danger en route.
If you roll the dice often enough you’ll roll snake eyes eventually. And in recent years we need only look to Lehman Brothers’ collapse or the Eurozone crisis to see the severe impact such events can have on risky assets. Within a month of Lehman’s collapse the S&P500 had fallen close to 30%, and the Eurozone crisis caused the region’s banks to trade back at levels not seen since the late 1980s.
Worse, it is very difficult to predict the timing, concentration, or severity of such events, let alone those of true “black swan” events such as natural disasters, epidemics, flash crashes, or wars. We live, and have always lived, in a highly uncertain world that has gotten more unstable for investors as technology has accelerated the velocity of information.
Investors are faced with a persistent dilemma, then. Investors today need to take risks. But they cannot predict them, and want as little exposure as possible.
The ambush predators, including some that we don’t even know exist, are still lurking, but for now the path through the forest is wider.
Overall, we expect global economic growth to pick up to 3.4% in 2014, from 2.5% this year, making 2014 the first year of accelerating global growth since 2010.

It’s a jungle out there (PDF)

ST. SAWAI オリオンズ

(セント・サワイ オリオンズ)









25-Year NYC Taxi Driver Says Nissan NV200 Fits the Bill25-Year NYC Taxi Driver Says Nissan NV200 Fits the Bill

The Nissan NV200 taxi is hitting the streets of New York City and beyond. The new taxi has been available at select dealerships in New York City since late October.
One of the first to purchase this vehicle, which was designed and constructed specifically with NYC taxi drivers and passengers in mind, was Greek immigrant Demetrios Rizos. He has worked as a New York City taxi driver for 25 years and has been picking up fares driving the Nissan NV200 for about a month now.
“I love this car. It’s a good choice, I think a very good choice,” said Rizos.

Botho Molosankwe

mandela-sign-1The man who has been blasted on social networks and accused of providing “fake” sign language interpretation at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service says he suffered a schizophrenic episode.
Thamsanqa Jantjie said his schizophrenia, for which he takes medication, has not only left many people angry and accusing him of being an impostor, but it was also the reason he was medically boarded a few years ago, resulting in him having to rely on a social grant now.
SAHe doesn’t know whether it was the magnitude of what he was doing or the happiness he felt throughout the day that might have triggered the attack while on stage.
Suddenly he lost concentration, and started hearing voices and hallucinating.
Afterwards, it all went downhill and he just signed things that didn’t make sense.
The Star spoke to SA Interpreters’ Thoneka Ngqase, but she asked that she be contacted later because she was in a meeting. She never answered her phone after that or responded to SMSes.


(1) 当社が関与したすべてのファンドについて、取り扱い状況を至急把握し報告すること。
(2) 本件についての適切な顧客説明、顧客への適切な対応など投資家保護のために万全の措置を講じること。
(3) 無登録金融商品取引業務を直ちに停止し、適切な再発防止策を講じること。
(4) 金融商品取引業務(投資助言業)を適切に行うための経営管理態勢、業務運営態勢及び法令遵守態勢を整備すること。
(5) 広告審査に係る内部管理態勢を整備すること。
(6) 本件行為の責任の所在の明確化を図ること。
(7) 上記(1)から(6)について、1ヶ月以内に書面で報告すること。


仮想通貨 Bitcoin(ビットコイン)の発明者である「中本哲史」氏が、ビットコインで初めて10億ドル長者(ビリオネア)になった可能性が高くなった。今年、最もホットな投資手段の一つとなったビットコイン界隈から、初のビリオネアが日本人となった。

Isabelle de Foucaud

Un «cheval de Troie». C’est ainsi que le cabinet d’audit KPMG définit le délinquant économique moyen dans sa dernière étude internationale sur les fraudeurs. «La plupart des fraudeurs se cachent à la vue de tous», précisent ses auteurs. Dans 61% des cas, ceux-ci travaillent en effet au sein de l’entreprise qui subit leurs méfaits. Et généralement, ils prennent leur temps pour passer à l’acte car, dans 44% des cas, ils sont employés depuis plus de six ans avant de frapper.
Quel est le profil type du fraudeur en col blanc? Il est âgé de 36 à 55 ans dans 70% des cas et exerce généralement des fonctions au sein de la direction (y compris celle de PDG) du groupe visé par ses actes frauduleux, ou peut être un cadre supérieur au sein des services marketing, commerciaux ou financiers. Il s’entoure le plus souvent (70%) de complices.
Son mode opératoire évolue constamment, avertit KPMG. «Les fraudes sont comme les souches de la grippe: vous pouvez soigner celle qui sévit aujourd’hui, mais l’année suivante le virus aura muté dans une forme aussi grave voire pire», résume Phil Ostwalt, coordinateur des Études du département «Global Forensic» de KPMG. Il faut dire que les fraudeurs ont de plus en plus recours aux nouvelles technologies, ce qui leur permet d’inventer sans cesse de nouveaux types d’activités illégales.



Supermodel Bar Refaeli, 28, has bemoaned her inability to snag a man after her six-year relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio ended in 2011. The TODAY anchors wonder if maybe men are too intimidated by the Israeli fashion model, but we can’t help but wonder: What’s wrong with this picture?


1つ目は「冠婚葬祭や学校の合宿の際などに利用する布団の貸し出し」。30組 (3150円/組) で利益率は9割。


Tribune de Genève

teaserbreitLe plus gros diamant au monde de couleur orange intense a été vendu aux enchères à Genève pour la somme de 29 millions de francs par la maison Christie’s.
Les diamants orange vif sont extrêmement rares dans la nature. Les pierres de ce type ont généralement un poids qui n’excède pas trois à quatre carats, une fois taillées.

Andrew E. Kramer

RussianServiceFinding attractive cabin crews has never posed much of a problem for Aeroflot. Training Russians to be nice to customers, well, there’s the rub for the Russian airline and many other Russian businesses. But Aeroflot seems to have done it.
Aeroflot, which says its classic Soviet emblem of a winged hammer and sickle now represents a smile, has been at the forefront of a broad and transformative trend in the Russian service industry brought about by the rising demands of middle-class consumers.
Skytrax, a company in Britain that surveys passengers after flights, found that Aeroflot had the best service of any airline in Eastern Europe this year, a mini Velvet Revolution for a region accustomed to old ideas of Russian service.
Aeroflot beat American carriers like Delta and airlines offering old-school European service like Austrian Airlines.

梶本博司 (+d, h concept)

Upside Down Umbrella




Terrific Mentors International

To solve any of life’s problems you need..
IQ: Intelligence Quotient is the ‘smarts’ skills It is logical and cognitive, involving abstract thought, understanding, reasoning, communication, learning from past experiences, planning, problem solving.
EQ: Emotional Quotient underpins your interpersonal skills It handles the underlying emotions of the heart and our response behaviour.
HQ: Handlig Quotient reads situations presented through IQ and EQ and enables us to give the most effective and appropriate response. It is how you apply your IQ and EQ in different situations and to achieve specific results.
CQ: Creativity Quotient is your associative ‘ah-ha’ moment. Creativity is the ability to perceive relationships. It is how to make good handling memorable and enjoyable, and a source of new ideas, innovation and development.
WQ: Wisdom Quotient applies your practical experience to IQ and EQ. Wisdom is the ability to capitalise on tacit knowledge and intuition to produce the desired results. A situation handled well and imaginatively still requires a blend of practical experience and intuitive philosophy


「お兄さん、夜景がキレイで雰囲気がいい個室居酒屋どうッスか? お通しとおつまみをひとり2品ずつ頼べば、通常xxxx円の飲み放題が2時間xxx円。おつまみはxxx円からあるので、安心してください!」

Online Publishers Association

(We would like to get a sense of how your organization defined native advertising …)

  • 93%: Integration into the design of the publisher’s site andlives on the same domain
  • 86%: Content either provided by, produced in conjunctionwith or created on behalf of our advertisers that runswithin the editorial stream
  • 79%: Clear delineation and labeling as advertising content

Best practices for native advertising include:

  • Transparence: native advertising assets should be clearly labelled
  • Discoverability: native should be discoverable as any other content
  • Value: native advertising should provide the same value as any other content


John de Graaf, ‎David K. Batker

How is it that with so much wealth, so many people are so desperate? So unhappy? So stressed and strapped for time? Vanishing jobs, benefits, and retirement don’t help. Where’s the progress in that? How do we compete more aggressively? By paying people a dollar a day? Or by producing and consuming even more stuff?
Just what is “the economy”? What’s it for? Is it working for us, or are we working for it? can it work better? We’d better hope so. We’d better make it so.

Tribune de Genève

L’accord de libre-échange entre la Suisse et la Chine signé, reste à se plonger dans le document de plus mille pages pour en dégager les opportunités et les menaces qu’il représente. Pour l’heure, les premières réactions sont plutôt positives.

SuisseChineJohann Schneider-Ammann et le ministre chinois du commerce Gao Hucheng.

Michael Pettis

Hyman Minsky argued that it is not possible to design a crisis-proof financial system. Banks, after all, act as middlemen between savers, who value stability above all, and borrowers, who usually want to take risks with their loans. History suggests he was right. No growing economy has sustained a stable financial system.
We should design a financial system that, in “normal” times, intelligently allocates capital to wealth-creating businesses and government projects, even if it means periodic crises. We should allow localised – manageable – banking crises to occur more often.
The US has a few large, universal institutions that control ever-greater shares of financial assets. He would, instead, have opted for a much more fragmented system with more moving parts that failed and were replaced as a matter of routine. Large banks prefer stability to rapid growth, and US banks are now so large that they can impose their preferences on to the US economy.
What might in fact be best for the US and the world may be more and smaller banks, tougher and even ruinous competition, more bankruptcies, more kinds of financial institutions and a regulator whose main function is to enforce transparency and to manage periodic crises with countercyclical measures.


boss-vs-leaderThis simple graphic depicts the difference between a Bad Boss and a Good Leader. I love it, because it highlights some key attributes, including:

  1. Role of the Team: The Bad Boss expects the team to serve them. The Good Leader serves the team.
  2. Command vs. Participate: Bad Bosses command others to do what they are no longer willing to do themselves. Good Leaders never ask from the team, what they are unwilling to do themselves.
  3. Role of the Mission: Bad Bosses sit on top of the mission. They use the mission to promote themselves. In contrast, Good Leaders focus on the mission for the mission’s sake.
  4. Expectations of Self: Bad Bosses expect to reap rewards from the hard work that got them to their position. The Good Leader understands the workload only increases as they progress.

It’s easy to spot a Bad Boss or a Good Leader, especially when compared against each other. This simple graphic helps clarify that image.


Chief Investment Officer (CIO) Chief Information Officer (CIO)
The executive position responsible for a company’s investment portfolios. The chief investment officer (CIO) usually oversees a team of professionals that have responsibilities such as managing and monitoring investment activity, managing pensions, working with external analysts and maintaining good investor relations. They will also develop short-term and long-term investment policies. A company executive who is responsible for the management, implementation and usability of information and computer technologies. The CIO will analyze how these technologies can benefit the company or improve an existing business process and will then integrate a system to realize that benefit or improvement.
For example, a CIO could be responsible for the investment activities of a university’s endowment. They would report to the trustees, develop a strategic asset-allocation plan and make recommendations on investments or use of outside money managers.
The role of the CIO is often combined with other areas of finance within a company and taken on by the chief financial officer (CFO). The corporate title CFO is seen much more often than the CIO.
The number of CIOs has increased greatly with the expanded use of IT and computer technology in businesses. The CIO will deal with matters such as creating a website that allows the company to reach more customers or integrating new inventory software to help better manage the use of inventory.


在过去的两周里,我们收到了许多关于 Apple 在中国维修和保修政策的反馈。我们不仅对这些意见进行了深刻的反思,与相关部门一起仔细研究了 “三包” 规定,还审视了我们维修政策的沟通方式,并梳理了我们对 Apple 授权服务提供商的管理规范。我们意识到,由于在此过程中对外沟通不足而导致外界认为 Apple 态度傲慢,不在意或不重视消费者的反馈。对于由此给消费者带来的任何顾虑或误会,我们表示诚挚的歉意。
Tim Cook
Apple CEO


A futures sell order worth $6 billion, equal to 4 million ounces or 124.4 tonnes of gold, by a large investment bank sent prices plummeting and spooked the markets contributing to the decline. The order was believed to have been placed through Merrill Lynch’s brokerage team.
The futures market then saw a further wave of selling of contracts worth some $15 billion, equivalent to 10 million ounces of selling or 300 tonnes, in just 35 minutes.
Investment banks and hedge fund speculators can manipulate the paper or futures gold price in whichever direction they want in the short term due to the massive 20 to 1 leverage they can utilise.
Gold futures with a value of over 400 tonnes were sold in hours and this is equal to 15% of annual gold mine production. The scale of the selling was massive and again underlines how one or two large banks or hedge funds can completely distort the market by aggressive, concentrated leveraged short positions.


The enormous value of whistleblowers has once again been demonstrated with the release this week of an investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists into off-shore holdings of people and companies in more than 170 countries and territories hiding trillions of dollars in income and assets.
An anonymous whistleblower sent to the ICIJ 2.5 million electronic files containing what the organization calls “the biggest stockpile of inside information about the offshore system ever obtained by a media organization.”
Kudos to the 86 journalists from 46 countries who analyzed the data and followed up with additional reporting to put together the incredible and detailed expose, “Secrecy for Sale: Inside the Global Offshore Money Maze.”
But the biggest kudo should go to the whistleblower who had the guts to expose a high-stakes, secretive world that fosters and hides large-scale fraud, money laundering, tax evasion, corruption and other wrongdoing.
The investigation looked into what it called “a well-paid industry of accountants, middlemen and other operatives” that has “helped offshore patrons shroud their identities and business interests, providing shelter in many cases to money laundering or other misconduct.”
This industry, the report says, includes many of the world’s top “brand-name” banks, including UBS, Clariden and Deutsche Bank, that “have aggressively worked to provide their customers with secrecy-cloaked companies in the British Virgin Islands and other offshore hideaways.”

Mark Knopfler

Given the crackdown by Russian authorities on groups including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, I have regretfully decided to cancel my upcoming concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg in June. I have always loved playing in Russia and have great affection for the country and the people. I hope the current climate will change soon.


Robert J. Shiller

Why did investors react so strongly to the rating change, which, after all, was merely the opinion of a few analysts on a committee? And why did the market swing so much day to day, even when there was no significant news?
John Maynard Keynes supplied the answer in 1936, in “The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money,” by comparing the stock market to a beauty contest.
In fact, the best explanation for the market’s back-and-forth swings is that each day we are conducting a Keynesian beauty contest, and reassessing what others think that still others are thinking. On days without much news, the market is simply reacting to itself. And because anxiety is running high, investors make quick, sometimes impulsive, responses to relatively minor events.
The only thing to fear is fear itself, Franklin D. Roosevelt said of the Great Depression, and he was right. We are constantly trying to reassess the fear of others, and others’ fear that others are also afraid.
This may sound like a crazy game, but if others are playing it, we must, too. The outlook for the economy depends on how this convoluted beauty contest plays out.



Paul Craig Roberts

There was a time not that long ago when US corporations accepted that they had obligations to their employees, customers, suppliers, the communities in which they were located, and to their shareholders. Today they only acknowledge obligations to shareholders. Everyone else has been thrown to the wolves in order to maximize profits and, thereby, shareholders’ capital gains and executive bonuses.

The Inquisitr

BlackSwanMila Kunis has discovered stocks, but market experts think the Black Swan actress could be walking into a trap.
The actress made an appearance on CNBC on Friday morning to talk about her newfound interest in investing, saying that she’s learning to keep her money somewhere other than cash.
But Mila Kunis may have discovered the stock market at a dangerous time, experts say. They say that whenever amateurs start making moves in the market after a run-up of big gains, it’s usually a sign that a crash is ahead. Joseph Kennedy, who earned a fortune off stock market speculation, once said in the 920s that he knew it was time to get out of the market when shoeshine boys were giving out stock tips.
Kennedy was lucky — he was able to avoid the brunt of the 1929 stock market crash that led to the Great Depression. If his wisdom was true, Kunis’ introduction to the market should also be her exit.
The market certainly is bullish. The Dow Jones reached an all-time high, and the S&P 500 is very close to its all-time record as well. Whether the market is headed for a crash or not, Mila Kunis certainly found a good time discover stocks.

Automobile Production

2011 2010 2005 2000
World 80,092,840 77,629,127 66,482,439 58,374,162
China 18,418,876 18,264,667 5,708,421 2,069,069
USA 8,653,560 7,761,443 11,946,653 12,799,857
Japan 8,398,654 9,625,940 10,799,659 10,140,796
Germany 6,311,318 5,905,985 5,757,710 5,526,615
S. Korea 4,657,094 4,271,941 3,699,350 3,114,998
India 3,936,448 3,536,783 1,638,674 801,360
Brazil 3,406,150 3,381,728 2,530,840 1,681,517
Mexico 2,680,037 2,345,124 1,624,238 1,935,527
Spain 2,353,682 2,387,900 2,752,500 3,032,874
France 2,294,889 2,227,742 3,549,008 3,348,361
Canada 2,134,893 2,071,026 2,688,363 2,961,636
Russia 1,988,036 1,403,244 1,351,199 1,202,589
Iran 1,648,505 1,599,454 817,200 141,546
UK 1,463,999 1,393,463 1,803,109 1,813,894
Thailand 1,457,798 1,644,513 1,122,712 325,888


NestleFor a company to be successful in the long term and create value for its shareholders, it must also create value for society. We call this Creating Shared Value (CSV). Creating Shared Value encourages businesses to create economic and social value simultaneously by focusing on the social issues that they are uniquely capable of addressing.
In 2006, Nestlé became the first organisation to adopt this approach, but our history of working together with society stems back to our roots. For maximum impact, Nestlé has focused its Creating Shared Value efforts and investments on three areas – nutrition, water and rural development – as these are core to our business activities and vital for our value chain.
CSV builds on a strong base of performance in environmental sustainability and compliance, as illustrated in the CSV Pyramid above. In addition, we recognise the vital role of our people and the importance of engaging and collaborating with other organisations.



Michael E. Porter, Mark R. Kramer

csvThe capitalist system is under siege. In recent years business increasingly has been viewed as a major cause of social, environmental, and economic problems.
Even worse, the more business has begun to embrace corporate responsibility, the more it has been blamed for society’s failures.
A big part of the problem lies with companies themselves, which remain trapped in an outdated approach to value creation that has emerged over the past few decades. They continue to view value creation narrowly, optimizing short-term financial performance in a bubble while missing the most important customer needs and ignoring the broader influences that determine their longer-term success.
The purpose of the corporation must be redefined as creating shared value, not just profit per se. This will drive the next wave of innovation and productivity growth in the global economy. It will also reshape capitalism and its relationship to society. Perhaps most important of all, learning how to create shared value is our best chance to legitimize business again.
The concept of shared value recognizes that societal needs, not just conventional economic needs, define markets. It also recognizes that social harms or weaknesses frequently create internal costs for firms—such as wasted energy or raw materials, costly accidents, and the need for remedial training to compensate for inadequacies in education. And addressing societal harms and constraints does not necessarily raise costs for firms, because they can innovate through using new technologies, operating methods, and management approaches—and as a result, increase their productivity and expand their markets.


Mayor of London Boris Johnson held a meeting last Friday with representatives of some of the UK’s biggest cycling manufacturers and retailers. Aiming to brainstorm ways to encourage more cycling in London – with a specific focus on fixing the issues of safety and security – sadly, the Mayor is misguided if he thinks he is inviting the right people to City Hall…
Whilst high level cycling industry big-wigs undoubtedly have a passion for bikes and all that goes with them, it’s questionable how focussed they are on the real issues at hand.
Representatives of big corporations are ultimately, no matter how well intentioned, going to be driven by their bottom line and profit margins.
Increasing bike security? As cyclists we all know the answer to this is better and more frequent cycle parking, given the same kind of street patrols and CCTV as vehicle parking, and the Metropolitan Police making at least a token start at taking cycle theft seriously. The industry, I suspect, will recommend we buy bigger, and stronger locks – maybe even two, or three per bike (which is now becoming the standard in London).
It’s great that the Mayor and his people are seeking out industry opinion, but if they want to know how to really make 2010 London’s cycling year they could start with talking to our city’s cycling groups, dare I say it, it’s cycling bloggers, and – shock-horror-gasp! – even the city’s cyclists themselves.

Brian Roberti

When hedge funds shop for business-critical systems, the first step in mitigating selection risk should be to conduct a thorough evaluation of requirements: functionality, operational efficiency, ability to integrate with third-party applications, and ability to meet local reporting and regulatory obligations.
To help prepare for the system evaluation step, it’s best to assume that vendors often overpromise and under-deliver. In order to debunk their “we do everything” myth, requirements are best framed within an evaluation matrix, specifying desired systems components weighted by priority, and then considered in respect to what is supplied “out of the box.”
Naturally, the process must involve key stakeholders from across the business functions — representing technology, operations and accounting — all of whom will have their own set of priorities. Employing the services of a consultative third party can add value, providing an arbitrational and objective view that takes much of the emotion out of the process.


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Robert Hariman

JapanIt’s from Japan, not New York, and the white line of the graph is from the Nikkei exchange, not the Dow, but these details are not relevant to what is being shown. The data and the people on the street are both reflected in a brokerage window–a transparent surface that, through the photograph, becomes a medium for reflection.
The more that profits are disconnected from jobs, and the greater the disparities in income within corporations and societies, the more the virtual economy displaces material benefits. One reason it need not happen is that the same policies can benefit both capital and labor: for example, stimulus money from the Fed and other central banks can both support investment and create jobs. But that’s not a market solution, which is a problem in some quarters. So look again at the photograph: those white masks are another example of what happens when the side-effects of economic development are not checked by government regulation, and the fatigue evident on some of the faces is another clue that being driven by capital can have very real consequences that are not reflected in stock market data.

Peter Eavis

The economy may be struggling to recover, but by one closely watched measure the fear that not long ago paralyzed the markets has lifted.
The oldest and most popular gauge of the stock market on Tuesday surged past the nominal high it last reached more than five years ago, before the financial crisis hit with full force.
In the past, such a recovery would have led to celebrations on Wall Street and spread optimism about the economy. But the gain by the Dow Jones industrial average — the stocks of 30 American corporate giants like Coca-Cola, ExxonMobil and Microsoft — was a more downbeat event.
Wall Street executives were not dismissing the rally out of hand, but after several years of turbulence they were not cracking open the Champagne either.
The strength of the stock market is not strongly reflected in the real economy. Consumer confidence is well below the level it hit during the last high in October 2007. The unemployment rate was then 4.7 percent, compared with 7.9 percent now.

Sam Lo

SamLoAfter coming within points of an all-time high, stocks have begun to stumble, and volatility appears to be returning to the markets.
This has led some market pros to declare that an amazing four-year rally in stocks is over and that we’re on the precipice of a new crash.
And there is certainly no shortage of logic to support that view.
Massive U.S. federal budget cuts are looming, political instability in Europe is returning, and currency values around the world are falling.
And by many measures, U.S. stocks look due for a comeuppance. Valuations are elevated, profit margins are at all-time highs, and there are signs of investor complacency everywhere.

Clive Maund

If the dollar breaks down we would expect to see the broad market advance to accelerate noticeably, breaking it out to clear new all-time highs, probably leading to a parabolic ramp into the traditional “sell in May and go away” time. However, if the H&S top in the dollar aborts, which COTs suggest is very possible, then we may be the top in the broad market right now and various sentiment indicators indicate that a top is close at hand.
CliveMaund1So how does the broad market S&P500 index chart look right now? On its 15-year chart we can see that after climbing a wall of worry for several years it is now arriving at very strong resistance approaching and at its 2000 and 2007 highs, and psychology is shifting with market participants heading in the direction of euphoria. A Triple Top reversal here would be a highly satisfactory technical development, although we must bear in mind that in real terms, stock values are way below what they were in 2000, once we factor in inflation during the intervening years. Also, regardless of the state of the economy, money spirited into existence by the Fed could drive markets considerably higher.

Louis Basenese

The harsh reality is that you’re being lied to every day – over and over again.
Wall Street is lying to you. The talking heads on television are lying to you. Your banker is lying to you. Your local Congressman is lying to you. Even your own broker is lying to you (mostly because he’s being lied to).
Consider: Behavioral science tells us that bankers and politicians are lying to us 93% of the time. And that Wall Street is 13 times more likely to tell a lie than the truth.
They win and we lose because our brains have been conditioned to cooperate in their con game.
But I believe you deserve the truth.
And to see that you get it, I’ve assembled a team of unbiased, seasoned investment professionals who pick apart the market’s biggest headlines on a daily basis.
To challenge Wall Street’s most widely accepted wisdom. And uncover the real intentions behind the greatest moneymaking machine of all time.
Along the way, we’ll also expose the profit trends others simply don’t have the experience to detect (or the courage to broadcast).
Bottom line, the most informed investor always wins. And getting you clued in is our top priority.

Smart Pants


University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

UPMCbThe University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) is a $10 billion integrated global nonprofit health enterprise that has 55,000 employees, 3,200 physicians, 20 hospitals, 4,200 licensed beds, 400 outpatient sites and doctors’ offices, a 1.5 million-member health insurance division, as well as commercial and international ventures. UPMC is closely affiliated with its academic partner, the University of Pittsburgh. It is considered a leading American health care provider, as it has ranked in US News & World Report “Honor Roll” of the approximately 15 to 20 best hospitals in America for over a decade.

Larry Greenberg

Prior to the summer of 1971 when most dollar exchange rates were fixed, a dollar was worth 360 yen. In the 1970s, Japan’s currency appreciated 50% to 240 per dollar, and it climbed another 67% to 144/USD by the end of the 1980s. When the euro was launched at the end of 1998, one only needed 113.5 yen to obtain a dollar and 133 yen to get a euro. Little net movement occurred between then and the start of the world financial crisis in early August 2007 when a dollar and euro fetched 119 yen and 134 yen. However, the yen has been stronger than 90/USD since mid-2010 and pricier than 80/USD for almost two months. Early this week, it touched 103.89 per euro, its strongest level against the common European currency since June 14, 2001. Since the outbreak of the financial crisis just over four years ago, Japan’s currency has advanced about 56% against the dollar and some 27% relative to the euro.
This chronic strength in the yen violates many conventional wisdom about what factors make a currency strong or weak.
Japan is basically on it’s own so far as intervention is concerned, and to intervene heavily and frequently would violate its written pledge as a member of the G20 and G7 to “refrain from competitive devaluation of currencies.”

Thomas Bertrand, Bento&co

thomasbertrandÊtre au Japon, cela pouvait apparaître comme un désavantage (c’est loin, les frais de port coûtent plus chers, etc…), Mais c’est en fait un énorme avantage : être proche des fabricants de nos produits avec qui nous tissons des relations de confiance. Nous travaillons avec des fabricants qui, pour la plupart, ne pensaient pas vraiement vendre en grande quantité leurs produits hors du Japon.
Nous essayons d’avoir une sélectionde produits cohérente avec l’image de notre site et donc des produits de qualité. Nombreux sont ceux qui aimeraient pouvoir acheter chez nous des boîtes Hello Kitty ou autres, malheureusement, ce genre de produits sont souvent de très mauvaises qualité et ne sont pas fabriqués au Japon.

International Co-operative Alliance

A co-operative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.

Co-operatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. In the tradition of their founders, co-operative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.

The co-operative principles are guidelines by which co-operatives put their values into practice.
1. Voluntary and Open Membership
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6. Co-operation among Co-operatives
7. Concern for Community

The Economist

(sk) このデータをとったとき(2012年7月)、1ドル=78.22円だったので、ビッグマック指数の1ドル=73.95円に比べて-5%。 今(2013年2月)1ドル=93円程度なので、ビッグマック指数に比べて-20%。もっと円安が進めば、BRICS並みの数になっていく。それがいいことなのか、悪いことなのか。

Tyler Durden

There is a rising roar of bulls stampeding to the Japanese stock market. Whether due to Abe’s apparent “this time it’s different” cratering of the JPY to aid exports (and avoid deflation) or just plain old momentum (as the Nikkei 225 is nominally up almost 8% in January). However, just a little reminder that this return is priced in those increasing worth-less JPY. For all those exuberant overseas investors eying the gains, the reality is that, in USD, Japan’s stock market is almost perfectly Unchanged since 12/28 – Currency Wars indeed…
Screen shot 2013-02-02 at 13.54.35

Marketing Japan: Great work, Abe… Deeper in debt and nothing to show for it except the destruction of the purchasing power of the yen.)


Respondents expecting global market share to decrease/increase up to 2018

Decrease Increase
Volkswagen Group -3% 81%
BMW -5% 70%
BAIC -5% 70%
Toyota -7% 68%
SAIC -10% 61%
Hyundai/Kia -14% 61%
FAW -9% 53%
Geely -11% 51%
Nissan -14% 50%
Dongfeng -13% 48%
Changan -14% 47%
Chery -13% 46%
Tata (incl. JLR) -20% 50%
Brilliance-Jinbei -14% 40%
Daimler -15% 41%
Ford -23% 44%
General Motors -23% 44%
Avtovaz -14% 32%
Honda -23% 34%
BYD -21% 31%
Fiat Group (incl. Chrysler) -28% 37%
Mazda -26% 29%
Renault -31% 33%
PSA -29% 31%
Suzuki -29% 29%
Mitsubishi -33% 23%
Subaru/Fuji Heavy -34% 19%

(YoY: Data from 2012/2013)
Note: Percentage of respondents expecting market share to ‘remain stable‘ are not shown
Source: KPMG’s Global Auto Executive Survey 2013



Tom Petruno

Optimistic stock investors reap rewards worldwide in 2012Market pessimists believe that stock markets since 2009 have been driven largely by cheap credit supplied by central banks, particularly the Federal Reserve. Critics say the Fed’s latest decision to ramp up purchases of Treasury bonds, aimed at pumping more money into the economy, smacks of desperation.
Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, however, has insisted that the Fed still has plenty of tools left to help the U.S. recovery gain speed. Wall Street, by and large, believes Bernanke.
“If they can print money,” Stovall said, “are the central banks ever really out of bullets?”

Heidi Moore

Wall Street stock exchangeThe Fed is the largest owner and the largest buyer of Treasury bonds. It holds $1.7tn in US government debt, nearly double the amount it did three years ago.
Part of the Fed’s rationale in keeping Treasury yields low is to encourage investors who would buy bonds to avoid Treasuries and move to corporate bonds instead, where companies could use the cash.
The Fed also wants to keep rates low to encourage consumers to spend money.
Treasury bonds are considered the safest kind of investment because they are backed by the federal government, which guarantees they will be paid. So when investors are worried about risk, they run to the safest investment possible: treasuries.
When investors sell their treasuries, it means they perceive there is less risk in the US economy and that things are getting better.
A lot of things could happen to change that perception, of course – anything from Washington dysfunction to bad economic news – but for the time being, let’s enjoy the rare pause in nonstop disaster and crisis.


TenHamaSen第三セクター天竜浜名湖鉄道 経営分析・将来展望プロジェクトチームは、静岡県浜松総合庁舎で最終会合を開き、「地域経済・社会で非常に重要な役割を果たしており、廃線による影響は非常に大きい」として、天浜線の全線存続を求める結論をまとめた。一方、プロジェクトチームは「5年以内に営業利益をゼロ以上にすること」との意見も付けた。

Jim Wolf

Contractors such as Lockheed, Boeing, Northrop and Raytheon Co expect regional demand for their products and services to help them offset Pentagon belt-tightening forced by U.S. deficit-trimming measures.
These four companies are best-placed to benefit because of their work with satellites, radar, tracking stations and missile interceptors.
300px-Global_Hawk_1… the administration formally proposed a $1.2 billion sale of Northrop Grumman’s high-flying RQ-4 “Global Hawk” spy drones and related gear to South Korea. The Global Hawk carries cloud-piercing Raytheon sensors to scan large areas for enemy forces by day or night.
The administration told Congress two days before Pyongyang’s rocket launch that Tokyo was seeking a potential $421 million “Aegis” system upgrade for a pair of guided-missile destroyers to better defend against ballistic missile attacks.
Japan also has agreed to host a second land-based X-Band radar station – a possible prelude to purchase of Lockheed’s Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system, designed to intercept enemy missiles inside the atmosphere and in space.
AIR_F-35_Left_Wingover_Rear_View_lgThe highest-profile U.S. offering now is Lockheed Martin’s radar-evading F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft, whose three variants make up the Pentagon’s costliest arms program.
Japan already has selected the F-35 to replace aging F-4s as its next mainstay fighter, a deal valued at more than $5 billion. The F-35 is being considered by Singapore and South Korea, which is also weighing rival bids from the Eurofighter Typhoon and Boeing’s F-15 Silent Eagle. The Korean competition is for a 60-plane order valued at more than $7 billion.
U.S. arms sales to India, now at a cumulative $8 billion from near zero in 2008, are expected to keep on booming. India plans to spend about $100 billion over the next decade to upgrade its arsenal, partly as a counter to China. India and China fought a brief, high-altitude border war in 1962.
Taiwan, meanwhile, is retrofitting all of its 145 existing F-16A/B fighters with cutting-edge radar capabilities, advanced electronic warfare suites and other upgrades. Lockheed Martin received a $1.85 billion contract to start the work.



  • 一般的な傾向として最初はビギナーズラックで儲かりますが、その後どんどん負けるようになります。
  • FXと言えども、ただの値動きに過ぎません。本質的には勝率は5割。なのに負け組が出るのは、感情的になるからです。それは、欲が絡むから。
  • 「儲けるコツなど何でも良いので教えていただきたいです。」こういう書き方されている時点で、トピ主さんは向いてないです。
  • 本当に儲けてる人はここには書かないですよ。儲ける道に繋がる有益な情報は有料です。また、有料=良い情報ではありません。情報を取捨選択して自分のスタイルを作るのです。
  • こんなことを聞いている時点でNGです。簡単に教えてもらえると思ってること自体が間違ってます。
  • はじめに結論から言うと、必要なのは「潤沢な資金」と「鋼の精神力」の2点だけです。だからこそ、皆FXでボロボロになるというパラドクスでもあります。
  • どうしてこのようなサイトで不特定多数の方に意見を求めるのか理解できません。仮に儲かる方法が書き込まれていても、それが本当かどうか、どうやって検証するのですか。
  • トピを読むかぎり、他の人の意見もあるようにFXに向いて無いと思います
  • 確かに利益を出せる人は凄いですが、そんなのひとつまみくらいです。
  • 薄給なので、そのたしにFXですか?そういう人は絶対に手をださないことです。

mauvais-traderStatistiquement, si vous tradez les devises sur le forex sans aucune stratégie avec un ratio risque / rendement de 1:1, la probabilité de réussite après une longue série de trades est de 50%. En théorie, la plupart des traders devraient donc approximativement atteindre le seuil de rentabilité (breakeven) sur du long terme. Alors pourquoi la majorité des traders perdent de l’argent sur le forex ?


RenaultAprès PSA, c’est au tour de Renault d’annoncer de fortes suppressions d’emplois en France. La direction du constructeur automobile a annoncé aux syndicats qu’elle prévoyait de réduire ses effectifs de 7 500 postes dans l’Hexagone d’ici à fin 2016.

David Knox Barker

25121_a_largeCentral banks and governments have spent other people’s money to try to save and return to the glory days of this long wave cycle. They will not accept that the old cycle must end. The passing of the old provides the room for a new global economy through innovation, hard work and capital formation. More debt that is only seeking to save banks and businesses best left to their just rewards is not the answer.

Malcolm Moore

AKYBBH_2440212bThe Shanghai Food and Drug Administration told the Oriental Daily newspaper that it has launched a formal investigation and would shortly publish its findings.
KFC’s problems in China began on December 18 when CCTV, the national broadcaster, aired allegations that poultry farms in north China supplying KFC had used excessive amounts of antibiotics and growth hormones.
KFC said it would “actively co-operate” with the Shanghai authorities, and told the state-run China Daily newspaper it “strictly” abides by Chinese regulations.
It admitted that excessive amounts of antibiotics had been found in raw chicken in 2010 from two of its suppliers and that it has now terminated a contract with Liuhe, one of China’s biggest poultry companies.
McDonald’s, which also bought meat from Liuhe, terminated its contract on December 19.
Nevertheless, CCTV said: “KFC’s control and management over food safety cannot be trusted completely by customers”.
Meanwhile, Shanghai and Beijing have both vowed to blacklist food companies which breach regulations, as the Chinese authorities try to reassure the public that their food is safe.

Lucky Magazine

Outfits men love on women

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Hedge Fund Letters

Mr. Bass explains this anomaly by the high savings rate that has been prevalent among Japanese institutions and individuals. These savings in turn have been reinvested into Japanese bonds, accounting for 95% of Japanese debt to be held domestically.
According to his analysis, though, the situation in Japan is alarmingly changing. First, population growth in Japan peaked in 2004 and since then has been in a steady decline. Second, traditionally, there is no openness to immigration, therefore there will be no outside infusion in the population. Third, the composition of the population itself is biased towards senior citizens — 23% of Japanese are over 65 years of age, compared to 13% in the US and 8% globally. As the dynamics of Japan’s demographics play out, the government of Japan will have to seek out international markets to finance their debt. If they have to pay rates, say, comparable to AAA-rated France, all their income will go to servicing the debt.

mug_periodic_tableThe letter J does not appear anywhere on the periodic table of the elements.
magnet_periodic_tableIn 1869, the Russian chemist Mendeleev noted that the repeating patterns of behavior could be arranged in a sequence of elements, giving rise to the periodic table of the elements.
sweat_shirt_periodic_tableThe periodic table of the elements is the most important chemistry reference there is. It arranges all the known elements in an informative array.