Category Archives: belief

Andy Rooney

  • People will generally accept facts as truth only if the facts agree with what they already believe.
  • Not everyone has a right to his own opinion. If he doesn’t know the facts, his opinion doesn’t count.
  • All men are not created equal but should be treated as though they were under the law.
  • Computers may save time but they sure waste a lot of paper. About 98 percent of everything printed out by a computer is garbage that no one ever reads.

アルボムッレ スマナサーラ








Just a suggestion–if you’re going to ask whether or not the housing market in south Florida has hit rock bottom, you might want to ask someone other than the people with an interest in saying it has. I mean, what else do you expect realtors to say? They were saying the market had bottomed out 18 months ago. The reality?

NBC 6 found that overall sales prices have only dropped about 10 percent since the market’s peak in summer 2005. The median prices for homes then was $339,000; in 2008 it is $294,000. For condos, the median price was $220,000 in summer 2005, and that has dropped to $205,000.

The reality is that prices haven’t fallen nearly enough for this market, especially when you factor in the pullbacks in employment. I’ve said it more than once–the housing market will come back when some combination of income increases and price drops make it reasonable for working and middle-class families to own again. We’re not there yet.





Nick Squires

In Roman mythology, the bough was a tree branch with golden leaves that enabled the Trojan hero Aeneas to travel through the underworld safely.
They discovered the remains while excavating religious sanctuary built in honour of the goddess Diana near an ancient volcanic lake in the Alban Hills, 20 miles south of Rome.
They believe the enclosure protected a huge Cypress or oak tree which was sacred to the Latins, a powerful tribe which ruled the region before the rise of the Roman Empire.
The tree was central to the myth of Aeneas, who was told by a spirit to pluck a branch bearing golden leaves to protect himself when he ventured into Hades to seek counsel from his dead father.
In a second, more historically credible legend, the Latins believed it symbolised the power of their priest-king.
Anyone who broke off a branch, even a fugitive slave, could then challenge the king in a fight to the death. If the king was killed in the battle, the challenger assumed his position as the tribe’s leader.

The discovery was made near the town of Nemi by a team led by Filippo Coarelli, a recently retired professor of archaeology at Perugia University. After months of excavations in the volcanic soil, they unearthed the remains of a stone enclosure. Shards of pottery surrounding the site date it to the mid to late Bronze Age, between the 12th and 13th centuries BC.

James George Frazer

The_Golden_BoughIf in the present work I have dwelt at some length on the worship of trees, it is not, I trust, because I exaggerate its importance in the history of religion, still less because I would deduce from it a whole system of mythology; it is simply because I could not ignore the subject in attempting to explain the significance of a priest who bore the title of King of the Wood, and one of whose titles to office was the plucking of a bough—the Golden Bough—from a tree in the sacred grove. But I am so far from regarding the reverence for trees as of supreme importance for the evolution of religion that I consider it to have been altogether subordinate to other factors, and in particular to the fear of the human dead, which, on the whole, I believe to have been probably the most powerful force in the making of primitive religion. I hope that after this explicit disclaimer I shall no longer be taxed with embracing a system of mythology which I look upon not merely as false but as preposterous and absurd.



Sarah Brumble

Communist Mummies

File photo of the body of Vladimir Lenin in MoscowVladimir Ilych Lenin
Moscow, Russia
hobodyHo Chi Minh
Hanoi, Vietnam
Mao mummyChairman Mao Zedong
Beijing, China
kimilsung1Kim Il Sung
Pyongyang, North Korea
Moscow, Russia
eva-peron-1Eva Peron
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Norman Waddell

I’m not Buddhist or Taoist
not a Confucianist either
I’m a brownfaced whitehaired
hard up old man.
people think I just prowl
the streets peddling tea,
I’ve got the whole universe
in this tea caddy of mine.
In the fourth month of 1724 the priest Gekkai Genshō, then in his late forties, left the Zen temple in the castle town of Hasuike on the southernmost Japanese island of Kyushu, where he had served for thirty-eight years, and set out for the capital at Kyoto, some five hundred miles distant. After a decade or so which he apparently spent wandering around the Kyoto/ Osaka region, he took up residence in a small dwelling on the banks of the Kamo River in Kyoto, earning a living at the age of sixty by selling a new type of tea known as sencha, made by infusing leaves in a teapot.

He soon became a familiar figure around the capital, known simply by the sobriquet he had adopted, Baisaō, “the Old Tea Seller.” His shop was frequented by ordinary citizens as well as by many of those at the center of the city’s artistic, literary, and intellectual life.

In addition to selling tea at his place of residence, Baisaō was soon taking his shop outdoors. Shouldering his tea equipment, balanced in large portable bamboo-wicker baskets on the ends of a carrying pole, he could set up for business wherever he wished, choosing sites among the many celebrated scenic locales in Kyoto and the surrounding hills.

Going far away to China
to seek the sacred shoots
Old Eisai brought them back
sowed them in our land.
Uji tea has a taste infused
with Nature’s own essence
a pity folks only prattle
about its color and scent.
Brewing tea in a cluster of pines
customers one after another
imbibing for a single sen
one cupful of the spring;
Friends, please don’t smile
at my humble existence,
being poor doesn’t hurt you,
you do that on your own.







Inazo Nitobe

nitobefusaiFor my part, I respect the honest clear-minded atheist who denies that God exists and tries to offer thought out reasons for the denial. I respect the honest, critically minded agnostic who denies we can ever know whether God exists or not, and treats religious belief as a pure act of faith, incapable of being supported or challenged by rational analysis or empirical knowledge of the world.


Betorehemu貧しい人 迷っている人 悩む人
見捨てられた 社会・・・
わたしは これらの人びと
祈りながら ほほえみながら





般若波羅蜜多心經 (唐三藏法師玄奘譯)

觀自在菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時 照見五蘊皆空 度一切苦厄 舍利子 色不異空 空不異色 色即是空 空即是色 受想行識亦復如是 舍利子 是諸法空相 不生不滅 不垢不淨不增不減 是故空中 無色 無受想行識 無眼耳鼻舌身意 無色聲香味觸法 無眼界 乃至無意識界 無無明 亦無無明盡 乃至無老死 亦無老死盡 無苦集滅道 無智亦無得 以無所得故 菩提薩埵 依般若波羅蜜多故 心無罣礙 無罣礙故 無有恐怖 遠離顛倒夢想 究竟涅槃 三世諸佛 依般若波羅蜜多故 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 故知般若波羅蜜多 是大神咒 是大明咒是無上咒 是無等等咒 能除一切苦 真實不虛故 說般若波羅蜜多咒即說咒曰 揭帝揭帝 般羅揭帝 般羅僧揭帝菩提僧莎訶 般若波羅蜜多心經。





「インテリジェント・デザイン」 (intelligent design; ID) って言葉を聞いたことはあるかな? アメリカのある学区において進化論に対抗する理論として言及することが義務付けられそうになった――という一件はかなり話題になった。
ID の主題を簡潔に表すならば,こんな感じになる――宇宙や生物に見られる性質の中には,自然選択のような無作為なプロセスによって生み出されたとは考えにくいものが存在する。そこには何らかの「知性」によるはたらきかけがあったととらえるのが自然である。
これは要するに創造主――「神」の存在を示唆している。つまるところ ID っていうのは,創造主のアイデンティティーを特定しないかたちに直した創造論 (creationism) の一種なんだ。進化論をはじめとする唯物的な科学思想に対抗し,宗教における教義と調和しうるかたちの新しい科学思想を提示しようというのが,その提唱者たちの狙いであったとされる。
ただ実際のところは, ID は通常の自然科学の枠組みにおいて実証しうるようなものではなく,ありていに言って疑似科学であるとの認識が,科学コミュニティにおける合意となっている。
法廷においても「ID は科学よりもむしろ宗教的意味合いを持つ」との判定がなされており,これを公立学校の教育課程において義務付けることは,合衆国憲法の「国教樹立禁止条項」 (Establishment Clause) に抵触するという判決が下されている。


無憂樹 (信樹) 菩提樹 (覚樹) 娑羅双樹 (行樹)
お釈迦様がその木の下で生まれたされる お釈迦様がその木の下で悟りを開いたといわれる お釈迦様がその木の下で入滅されたといわれる


人間は常に正しく生きるということを意図しなければならぬ。天が応援してくれるか、妨害するか、そうしたことは一切判らないが、ともかく、人間はこの地上に於て、正しく生きることを意図し、それに向って努力しなければならないのである。そうした人間を、必ずや天は嘉してくれるに違いない。 “嘉す” とは、天が “よし” として下さることである。

Front National

Totalement désarmée par trente d’ans d’inaction et de reculades face à la mondialisation, la France doit revenir dans le jeu des Nations.
L’emploi, la réindustrialisation du pays, l’égalité entre les Français, l’aménagement du territoire et la vitalité des services publics en dépendent.
En raison de notre histoire nationale, c’est naturellement l’Etat qui sera le fer de lance de ce réarmement de la France : un Etat fort capable d’imposer son autorité aux puissances d’argent, aux communautarismes et aux féodalités locales.

Robert Farrar Capon

The world exists, not for what it means, but for what it is. The purpose of mushrooms is to be mushrooms; wine is in order to be wine: Things are precious before they are contributory. It is false piety that walks through creation looking only for lessons which can be applied somewhere else. To be sure, God remains the greatest good, but for all that, the world is still good in itself. Indeed, since He does not need it, it’s whole reason for being must be in it’s own goodness; He has no use for it; only delight.

Steve Hassan

Destructive mind control can be understood in terms of four basic components, which form the acronym BITE:

  1. Behavior Control
  2. Information Control
  3. Thought Control
  4. Emotional Control

It is important to understand that destructive mind control can be determined when the overall effect of these four components promotes dependency and obedience to some leader or cause. It is not necessary for every single item on the list to be present. Mind controlled cult members can live in their own apartments, have nine-to-five jobs, be married with children, and still be unable to think for themselves and act independently.


The Bible Belt is an informal term for a region in the south-eastern and south-central United States in which socially conservative evangelical Protestantism is a significant part of the culture and Christian church attendance across the denominations is generally higher than the nation’s average. The Bible Belt consists of much of the Southern United States extending west into Texas and Oklahoma. During the colonial period (1607–1776), the South was a stronghold of the Anglican church. Its transition to a stronghold of non-Anglican Protestantism occurred gradually over the next century as a series of religious revival movements, many associated with the Baptist denomination, gained great popularity in the region.

Steven Strogatz

Unfortunately, in the more than two millenniums since Euclid, the golden ratio has suffered from so much hype, numerology and wishful thinking that it’s become hard to separate the myth from the math. Many of its supposed occurrences in nature, anatomy, art and architecture don’t stand up to careful scrutiny. For example, you can find lots of books and Web sites claiming that the shell of the chambered nautilus obeys the golden ratio, but in reality, nautilus shells have average growth ratios between 1.24 and 1.43, quite far from 1.618.
So be skeptical the next time you see the golden ratio being used to sell blue jeans, stock tips or the perfect smile.


神道政治連盟は、世界に誇る日本の文化・ 伝統を後世に正しく伝えることを目的に、昭和44年に結成された団体です。 戦後の日本は、経済発展によって物質的には豊かになりましたが、 その反面、精神的な価値よりも金銭的な価値が優先される風潮や、 思い遣りやいたわりの心を欠く個人主義的な傾向が強まり、 今日では多くの問題を抱えるようになりました。 神政連は、日本らしさ、日本人らしさが 忘れられつつある今の時代に、 戦後おろそかにされてきた精神的な価値の大切さを訴え、 私たちが生まれたこの国に自信と誇りを取り戻すために、 さまざまな国民運動に取り組んでいます。

  • 世界に誇る皇室と日本の文化伝統を大切にする社会づくりを目指します。
  • 日本の歴史と国柄を踏まえた、誇りの持てる新憲法の制定を目指します。
  • 日本のために尊い命を捧げられた、靖国の英霊に対する国家儀礼の確立を目指します。
  • 日本の未来に希望の持てる、心豊かな子どもたちを育む教育の実現を目指します。
  • 世界から尊敬される道義国家、世界に貢献できる国家の確立を目指します。


十二支縁起 四諦 八正道




  • Doing good to others is not a duty, it is a joy, for it increases our own health and happiness.
  • Turn yourself not away from three best things: Good Thought, Good Word, and Good Deed.
  • Suffer no anxiety, for he who is a sufferer of anxiety becomes regardless of enjoyment of the world and the spirit, and contraction happens to his body and soul.
  • Taking the first footstep with a good thought the second with a good word and the third with a good deed I entered Paradise.
  • Let us be such as help the life of the future.
  • He who sows the ground with care and diligence acquires a greater stock of religious merit than he could gain by the repetition of ten thousand prayers.
  • Do not hold grain waiting for higher prices when people are hungry.
  • Form no covetous desire, so that the demon of greediness may not deceive thee, and the treasure of the world may not be tasteless to thee.




(お経は誰のために読むのですか? 亡くなった方を成仏させるため?)
でもね。読経の基本はいつまで経っても「願似此功徳 普及於一切 我等与衆生 皆共成仏道(願わくば此の功徳を以って、普く一切に及ぼし、我れ等と衆生と、皆共に仏道を成ぜんことを)」、つまりは世界中の人たちが幸せでありますように、なのです。


Did you know…

  • …that Buddhists have higher cancer rates than Eskimos?
  • …God is pissed off?
  • …that Religion is the longest running joke ever?
  • …that Jews souls are made out of bucky balls?
  • …Glenn Beck cries on television because he’s a Mormon?
  • …Zoroaster drives Uhurus Mazda?
  • …Bahais have the best bud?
  • …good Muslims only get 61 virgins after taxes?
  • …Mayan prophesies predicted Quantum Computing?
  • …the Shinto religion encourages rabid badger juggling?
  • …that Jesus Christ really hated sand?
  • …that Buddah became overweight after his dad called him a Commercialist?


日本神道: 雨乞い等の天変地異を司る霊能者を中心としたシャーマ二ズム。初詣、神輿、除夜の鐘ぐらいしか思いつかない人でも、日本人であれば信者に数えられてしまう。神社と寺院を見分けられなかったりと、信者には宗教という自覚がないのが特徴。空気が全てである。「右向け右、左向け左」が基本理念。スローガンは「出る杭は打て」「赤信号、みんなで渡れば怖くない」。全体主義と思われがちだがそれは誤った認識である。「誰も責任取りたくないからとりあえずみんなに合わせる」という究極の個人主義で、全体のことはほとんど考えていない。
天皇神道: 明治天皇とその子孫を崇拝する中高年達の宗教。信者達は崇拝対象がヘラヘラ笑ってる所を見ると、歓喜の表情で「万歳!万歳!」と絶叫する。日本神道の一種と考える専門家もいるがその教義や修行内容は厳重に隠されており、むやみやたらと暴こうとすると黒いスーツにサングラスをかけた人たちに連れ去られてしまう。八百万の神々信仰や土着信仰で成り立っていた古神道が、中央集権政府の思惑で、いつの間にか、天皇系の天照大御神をトップとする天皇神道になってしまったという。
儒教・道教: 孔子を開祖とする儒教と、他の概念を巻き込んで積極的に奇跡を起こそうとする道教は、似て異なるものだといわれているが、どちらもイスラム教同様に元々は生活習慣に関する決まりごとを定めた思想の一種で、後世のものが崇め奉って宗教化した。発生地域が中東とは違い食料が豊富であった事から、瑣末事に対する制約の多いイスラム教徒とは違い、『管子』にある「倉廩満ちて礼節を知り、衣食足りて栄辱を知る」の言葉どおり、家族づきあいから近所付き合い、宮仕えの心得などを編纂し、普及に努めてきた。
仏教: 開祖は良い所のお坊ちゃんなゴータマ・シッダッタ(釈迦)とされる。欲望なんかでガツガツしていない「真のブルジョアジー」らしく、「物事へのこだわり(執着)を捨てる」ことで幸せになれると説いたが、宗教の形態を維持することへの執着まで捨てたことから、非常にリベラルな形態となっており、多くの土着宗教の形態が持ち込まれ、何だか判らない「ごった煮の美術様式」を内包するものとなっている。あまりに多くの概念を混ぜ込んだため、質素を尊びながら絢爛豪華な寺院が立つなど終始一貫性に欠き、地域ごとに特色ある仏教が存在するようになった。
ヒンドゥー教: 南国インドらしい原色の、サイケデリックな美術様式に彩られた宗教。発生時期は不明だが様々な宗教が合流する形で形成された。ガンジス川を崇拝するため主にインド地域限定の宗教となっている。しかしインドは人口だけは豊富なため、世界第三位の信者を集める宗教となっている。これらの信者は回遊魚のように定期的にガンジス川で泳がないと生きてはいけないため、他の地域に広まる様子は見られない。
イスラム教: 主に中東方面で人気の宗教で物売りのムハンマド・イブン-アブドゥッラーフを開祖とする。開祖の見識によって様々な生活習慣の向上を目指した多くの戒律が策定されたが、これを神聖視した者たちが宗教にまで押し上げてしまった。7世紀頃の生活水準に合わせて様々な戒律が設定されたため、熱心なイスラム教徒はいまだに当時さながらの生活を送り、文明社会から取り残されるという弊害を生んでいる。

Michael Crichton

The fact is that we need the insights of the mystic every bit as much as we need the insights of the scientist. Mankind is diminished when either is missing.


  • 福島の人とは結婚しない方がいい
  • 福島では発がん率が上がり、奇形児が生まれる懸念がある
  • 茨城など放射能雲の通った地域にいた方々は極力結婚しない方がいいだろう
  • 結婚して子どもを産むと、奇形発生率がドーンと上がる
  • 被曝で遺伝子損傷と奇形児出産のリスクが高まることを訴えた
  • 一般論として私の見解を話した。差別する意図はなかった

Associated Press

Islamist extremists have targeted two Tunisian Olympic medalists for behavior and dress seen as un-Islamic.
Radicals on social media networks called on the government to strip Habiba Ghribi, the first Tunisian woman to win an Olympic medal, of her nationality because her running gear was too revealing. She won the silver in the 3,000-meter steeplechase.

And a Facebook campaign by extremist group Ansar al Chariaa is targeting swimmer Oussama Mellouli for drinking juice before racing during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Mellouli won gold in the 10-kilometer marathon and bronze in the 1,500-meter freestyle.



  • 人権を尊重し、共同のいとなみとしての医療と介護・福祉をすすめ、人びとのいのちと健康を守ります
  • 地域・職域の人びとと共に、医療機関、福祉施設などとの連携を強め、安心して住み続けられるまちづくりをすすめます
  • 学問の自由を尊重し、学術・文化の発展に努め、地域と共に歩む人間性豊かな専門職を育成します
  • 科学的で民主的な管理と運営を貫き、事業所を守り、医療、介護・福祉従事者の生活の向上と権利の確立をめざします
  • 国と企業の責任を明確にし、権利としての社会保障の実現のためにたたかいます
  • 人類の生命と健康を破壊する一切の戦争政策に反対し、核兵器をなくし、平和と環境を守ります

Associated Press

The combination of fasting for Ramadan and the need for doping control has created a quandary for a pair of Moroccan men’s soccer players at the Olympics.
Coach Pim Verbeek says two of his players found it “more or less impossible” to provide a urine sample after the team’s 2-2 draw with Honduras on Thursday.
The game was at noon, and the players had not had anything to eat or drink since 2:30 a.m.
Observant Muslims abstain from food and water from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan.
Verbeek says nine of his players are observing the Muslim fasting month. Because the days are long in Scotland, that means they are eating from 9:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m.

Jimmy Page

I had these pieces, these guitar pieces, that I wanted to put together. I had a whole idea of a piece of music that I really wanted to try and present to everybody and try and come to terms with. Bit difficult really, because it started on acoustic, and as you know it goes through to the electric parts. But we had various run-throughs where I was playing the acoustic guitar and jumping up and picking up the electric guitar. Robert was sitting in the corner, or rather leaning against the wall, and as I was routining the rest of the band with this idea and this piece, he was just writing. And all of a sudden he got up and started singing, along with another run-through, and he must have had 80% of the words there … I had these sections, and I knew what order they were going to go in, but it was just a matter of getting everybody to feel comfortable with each gear shift that was going to be coming.


  • 我らは、日本の精神的荒廃を嘆き、大和魂の振起を願う。
  • 我らは、日本人の心に宗教の復興を願い、原始福音の再興を祈る。
  • 我らは、無教会主義に立つ。従っていかなる教会・教派にも属せず、作らず、ただ旧新約聖書に学ぶものである。
  • 我らは、キリスト教の純化を願うが、日本の他の諸宗教を愛し、祖師たちの人格を崇敬するものである。
  • 我らは、政党・政派を超越して、愛と善意と平和をもって、日本社会の聖化を期し、社会正義と人間愛を宣揚するものである。


The Sun

I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, “If you see it in The Sun, it’s so.” Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus? – Virginia O’Hanlon
Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a sceptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men’s or children’s, are little. In this great universe of ours, man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.
He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The external light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.

Ajahn Chah

When the eye sees form what sort of things happens? When ear, nose, and tongue experience sounds, smells and tastes, what takes place? When the body and mind come into contact with touches and mental states, what reactions take place? Are there still greed, aversion and delusion there? Do we get lost in forms, sounds, smells, tastes, textures and moods?

National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States

One of only seven Baha’i temples in the world at present, this unique structure symbolizes unity and invites prayer to God. The quiet serenity of the Baha’i House of Worship reflects the spiritual truths of the Baha’i Faith: the oneness of God, the oneness of humanity and the oneness of religion. Like all Baha’i Houses of Worship, the temple in Wilmette is circular in shape, has nine sides and is surrounded by exquisite gardens and fountains.

Charles Darwin

It is impossible to answer your question briefly; and I am not sure that I could do so, even if I wrote at some length. But I may say that the impossibility of conceiving that this grand and wondrous universe, with our conscious selves, arose through chance, seems to me the chief argument for the existence of God; but whether this is an argument of real value, I have never been able to decide. I am aware that if we admit a first cause, the mind still craves to know whence it came and how it arose. Nor can I overlook the difficulty from the immense amount of suffering through the world. I am, also, induced to defer to a certain extent to the judgment of the many able men who have fully believed in God; but here again I see how poor an argument this is. The safest conclusion seems to be that the whole subject is beyond the scope of man’s intellect; but man can do his duty.


現在、あのー、素粒子物理学っていうのは、えー、革命前夜だと。もう、非常に大きな転換期っていうのは 。。。 それから、あの、まあ、現在、え、考えられている、標準理論の、次のステップですね、それは、やはり超対称性っていうやつなんです。 。。。 そのパートナーは、今のところ、重くって、まだ見つかっていないっていうふうに考えられていて、それが見つかったら、もう、それが一発でも見つかったら、超対称性が、えー、確証されるわけですね。そういうやつが、 。。。

List of agnostics

Samuel Beckett, Albert Camus, Thomas Carlyle, Franz Kafka, Vladimir Nabokov, Marcel Proust, Alexander Pushkin, John Steinbeck, Stendhal, Mark Twain, Émile Zola, Bill Gates, Hideaki Anno, Henry Fonda, Gilberto Gil, Dave Matthews, Brian May, Brad Pitt, Franz Schubert, Sting, Gautama Buddha, Noam Chomsky, Democritus, Epicurus, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Henry Huxley, Robert G. Ingersoll, Bertrand Russell, Rafael Nadal, …
Leslie Weatherhead, …


>In the United States, Salafism has been equated by some with radicalism and terrorism in some newspaper articles, books, and public discourse. However, “Salafism” is not inherently synonymous with violence, terrorism, or radicalism. Many Salafis throughout the world are doctrinally rigid, but peaceful.
It is important to distinguish between the following groups, thought of (perhaps) as concentric circles:

  1. “Jihadist Salafis” – such as the followers of al-Qaeda and like-minded local groups;
  2. “Salafis” – those who believe that the imitation of the behavior of the Prophet’s closest companions should be the basis of the social order;
  3. “Islamists” – a still broader category,which includes anyone who thinks that the precepts of Islam – however interpreted – should be fundamental to the political and social order; and,
  4. “Discontented Muslims” – people who identify themselves as Muslims,and who are unhappy with their life prospects, with the justice of their societies,and/or with the state of the wider world.

>Allison Josephs

>The idea behind modesty, or tznius (in Hebrew), in the most basic sense, is about privacy. It’s not about shame or looking unattractive. It’s the idea that some things are not meant for public consumption. Because of that, Jewish modesty is not just about how we dress, but also about how we behave, what information we share or don’t share with the larger world. It’s a sense of discretion that seems to have been lost on a society full of reality tv shows!
Modesty is for both men and women, though the rules are not exactly the same for each gender and I think it’s because Jewish law understands something about the female and male condition when it comes to sexuality. Women are generally more interested in showing off their bodies (think tank tops, miniskirts, and plunging necklines) than looking at scantily clad men. Men are generally more interested in looking at women’s bodies (ask yourself which magazine has more readers – Playboy or Playgirl) than showing off their own. (Most men – even in the heat of the summer wear shirts to around their elbows and shorts to their knees.)
Because of these natural inclinations, while women have some restrictions on what they can see of a man’s body, they’re more restricted in what they can show of their own. Similarly – although men can only show more of their body than women can, they’re allowed to see less of women’s bodies than women can see of theirs.


>Ο Ιησούς (8-2 π.Χ./Π.Κ.Ε. – 29-36), είναι το πρόσωπο η διδασκαλία του οποίου αποτέλεσε τη βάση για τη δημιουργία της Χριστιανικής θρησκείας.
Οι ακόλουθοί του τον προσδιόρισαν ως τον αναμενόμενο «Μεσσία» (Εβρ. μασιάχ), που σημαίνει «χρισμένος». Πίστευαν πως ήταν ο σωτήρας, ο εκλεκτός απεσταλμένος του Θεού που θα ελευθέρωνε το έθνος του Ισραήλ από τους εχθρούς του και θα αποτελούσε ευλογία για όλα τα έθνη. Το όνομα «Ιησούς» (Εβρ. יהושוע‎, Γεχοσούαχ) σημαίνει «η Σωτηρία του Γιαχβέ ενώ από τον τίτλο «Χριστός», που αποτελεί απόδοση του εβραϊκού όρου Μεσσίας, προέκυψε η ονομασία «Χριστιανός». (Πράξεις 11:26, Κείμενο)

>Claudia Fritza, Joseph Curtinb, Jacques Poitevineaua, Palmer Morrel-Samuelsc, Fan-Chia Taod

>Most violinists believe that instruments by Stradivari and Guarneri “del Gesu” are tonally superior to other violins—and to new violins in particular. Many mechanical and acoustical factors have been proposed to account for this superiority; however, the fundamental premise of tonal superiority has not yet been properly investigated. Player’s judgments about a Stradivari’s sound may be biased by the violin’s extraordinary monetary value and historical importance, but no studies designed to preclude such biasing factors have yet been published. We asked 21 experienced violinists to compare violins by Stradivari and Guarneri del Gesu with high-quality new instruments. The resulting preferences were based on the violinists’ individual experiences of playing the instruments under double-blind conditions in a room with relatively dry acoustics. We found that (i) the most-preferred violin was new; (ii) the least-preferred was by Stradivari; (iii) there was scant correlation between an instrument’s age and monetary value and its perceived quality; and (iv) most players seemed unable to tell whether their most-preferred instrument was new or old. These results present a striking challenge to conventional wisdom. Differences in taste among individual players, along with differences in playing qualities among individual instruments, appear more important than any general differences between new and old violins. Rather than searching for the “secret” of Stradivari, future research might best focused on how violinists evaluate instruments, on which specific playing qualities are most important to them, and on how these qualities relate to measurable attributes of the instruments, whether old or new.

>Eugen Weber

>All ages are marked by perils, lawlessness, social disorders and upheavals, breakdown of morality and family, perils [sic], turbulence and troubles that can serve as signs and stimulate expectations. They are portents; and there are always portents, always apocalyptic apprehensions, always fears and hopes to suggest millennial themes. Joining pessimism and optimism together, the millenarian message is infinitely adaptable to the circumstances at every age.

>John W. Hoopes

>The notion that December 21, 2012 will bring physical catastrophes, a transformation of consciousness, or even a New Age is an unanticipated and unintentional consequence of early speculation by credentialed academic experts. It has grown as a result of its subsequent interpretation through the lens of speculative, counterculture metaphysics by individuals with both academic and non-academic backgrounds. This article provides a historical review of the most significant contributions to the emergence of the 2012 phenomenon.

> – Roma

>Deferito alla Commissione di disciplina del Ministero degli esteri. E’ stato un articolo comparso il 29 dicembre sul quotidiano l’Unità a convincere il ministro Terzi dell’urgenza di un intervento sul caso di Mario Vattani, console italiano a Osaka e figlio d’arte (suo padre, Umberto, ex segretario generale della Farnesina, è tra i diplomatici più conosciuti d’Italia). Il console, però, risulta essere anche il leader del gruppo fasciorock «Sotto fascia semplice», noto negli ambienti neofascisti vicini a Casapound con il nome di Katanga.


The Muftı of Kesan (a small town in NW Turkey) is the order of the day in Turkey with his statements on Santa Claus.
Süleyman Yeniçeri (the last name means Janissary in Turkish) is hot topic in Turkey, after the mufti stressed his opinion about Santa Claus and the adoptation of Christian Christmas and new year habits into Turkish and Muslim Life. The brilliant statement of Yeniçeri was : ”New year celebrations are not part of our (Turkish) culture. There is no person as Santa Claus. There is one Saint Nick, yes, but he is merely a fabrication. It is yet not clear if santa or Saint nick has ever lived or not. Santa Claus uses chimneys or windows to enter homes. If he was a decent person, he would use the front door.
The brilliant mufti continued :” Why are we trying to impersonate the Christian lifestyle. Do they [Christians] try to copy our ways of living ? Christmas and New Year Celebrations are imports from Christian World. Christmas is not our rejoicing or holiday. Koran says do enter using the front door.


>On en se rend pas assez compte de l’énormité qui est advenue il y a 2’000 ans. Dans une société décrite comme très patriarcale et supposément esclavagiste des femmes, l’histoire de Jésus est un grand coup de pied dans ce que la modernité dit du passé.
Selon la théorie on devrait avoir l’image d’un couple dominé par l’homme. L’enfant est censément obéissant, la femme baisse les yeux, l’homme est bouffi d’orgueil et sûr de sa puissance et de sa paternité. Enfin, selon la doxa moderne.

Mais ce n’est pas du tout ce qui s’est passé. La story racontée, vraie ou fausse, réelle ou mythique, est très différente. Même mythique, elle dit quelque chose d’étonnant pour l’époque telle qu’on se la représente.
L’homme travaille le bois. Un métier simple. Pas de brillant social. Pas de position de notable. La femme qui est sa fiancée, Marie, devient enceinte avant même qu’ils se soient «connus» bibliquement.

>John Gay

>We must respect the other fellow’s religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart.

When men and women are able to respect and accept their differences then love has a chance to blossom.



ですから『山家学生式』は山の規則とでもいうべきもの。最澄はその中で、忘己利他 慈悲之摂 と書いておられます。…己れを忘れ他を利するは慈悲の極みなり、と読みます。



  1. 眼施 (がんせ)、慈眼施。常によいまなざしで見て、険しい目で見ない。慈しみに満ちた優しいまなざしですべてに接すること。温かい心は自らの目を通して相手に伝わる。
  2. 和顔施 (わげんせ)、和顔悦色施。悪い感情をあらわにして険しい表情をしない。いつもなごやかで穏やかな顔つきで人や物に接すること。喜びを素直に表情にあらわす。
  3. 愛語施 (あいごせ)、言辞施(ごんじせ)。柔らかい言葉を出し、粗暴な言葉を使わない。文字通り優しい言葉、思いやりのある態度で言葉を交わすこと。
  4. 身施 (しんせ)、捨身施。起ち迎えて礼拝す。自分の身体で奉仕をすること。身体で示すことをさし自ら進んで他のために尽くす。
  5. 心施 (しんせ)、心慮施。心に思いやりがあれば、深く供養を生ずる。他のために心をくばり、心底から共に喜び、共に悲しむ。他の痛みや苦しみを自らのものとして感じ取る。
  6. 牀座施 (しょうざせ)。席を作って座らせる、あるいは自分がすでに座っている席を譲って、座っていただく。競争相手にさえも自分の地位を譲って悔いなく過ごす。
  7. 房舎施 (ぼうしゃせ)。家の中に迎えて過ごしてもらう。風や雨露をしのぐ所を与えること。自分が半身濡れながらも、相手に雨がかからないように傘を差し掛ける。

philosophy dot lander dot edu

Pascal does not think that the atheist or the believer would be convinced by his argument. Instead, he directs the Wager to the curious and unconvinced.
I have a choice: either first I believe God exists or second I do not believe God exists.
First, if I believe God exists, and God in fact does exist, then I will gain infinite happiness. However, if I believe God exists, and God in fact does not exist, then I will have no payoff.
Second, if I do not believe God exists, and God in fact does exist, then I will gain infinite pain. However, if I believe God does not exist, and God in fact does not exist, then I will have no payoff.
Thus, I have everything to gain and nothing to lose by believing in God, and I have everything to lose and nothing to gain by not believing in God. On these grounds, one would be foolish not to believe.
Two main objections are often raised to Pascal’s Wager.
(1) To believe in God simply for the payoff is the wrong motive for belief. Such self-seeking individuals would not properly serve the Deity.
(2) In order to be sure of a payoff, an individual would not know which God or gods to believe in to cover the conditions of the wager. Would the Wager also hold for Zeus, Odin, or Mithra? One would have to believe in all gods to be sure, but if there were only one God in fact, then this strategy would defeat itself.



If there is a God, He is infinitely incomprehensible, since, having neither parts nor limits, He has no affinity to us. We are then incapable of knowing either what He is or if He is….
…”God is, or He is not.” But to which side shall we incline? Reason can decide nothing here. There is an infinite chaos which separated us. A game is being played at the extremity of this infinite distance where heads or tails will turn up. What will you wager? According to reason, you can do neither the one thing nor the other; according to reason, you can defend neither of the propositions.
Do not, then, reprove for error those who have made a choice; for you know nothing about it. “No, but I blame them for having made, not this choice, but a choice; for again both he who chooses heads and he who chooses tails are equally at fault, they are both in the wrong. The true course is not to wager at all.”
Yes; but you must wager. It is not optional. You are embarked. Which will you choose then? Let us see. Since you must choose, let us see which interests you least. You have two things to lose, the true and the good; and two things to stake, your reason and your will, your knowledge and your happiness; and your nature has two things to shun, error and misery. Your reason is no more shocked in choosing one rather than the other, since you must of necessity choose. This is one point settled. But your happiness? Let us weigh the gain and the loss in wagering that God is. Let us estimate these two chances. If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation that He is.
“That is very fine. Yes, I must wager; but I may perhaps wager too much.” Let us see. Since there is an equal risk of gain and of loss, if you had only to gain two lives, instead of one, you might still wager. But if there were three lives to gain, you would have to play (since you are under the necessity of playing), and you would be imprudent, when you are forced to play, not to chance your life to gain three at a game where there is an equal risk of loss and gain. But there is an eternity of life and happiness. And this being so, if there were an infinity of chances, of which one only would be for you, you would still be right in wagering one to win two, and you would act stupidly, being obliged to play, by refusing to stake one life against three at a game in which out of an infinity of chances there is one for you, if there were an infinity of an infinitely happy life to gain. But there is here an infinity of an infinitely happy life to gain, a chance of gain against a finite number of chances of loss, and what you stake is finite.

>Mark Alexander


Islam is different. As well as being a powerful political movement, it is a bona fide religion too. The West has fought long and hard for religious freedom; so it is far more difficult for us to criticize a religion that is not our own. It is even more difficult to stop someone practising his religion. Anyone who were to try to do so would be liable to the charge of discrimination, and Westerners do not like to be accused of that. Add to that, the power of political correctness, and further add to that the reluctance of people to fight for Christianity, and we find that we have boxed ourselves into a corner – a corner that will be difficult for us to get out of. Where are we going to find leaders willing to criticize another religion, d where, even if we found such people, are we going to find the people willing to follow them? As I write, it would appear that this is the start of the end game for the West! Is it to be downhill all the way for Islam now? Have we created the very conditions for Islam to overshadow us – conditions that Muslims could only have dreamed of some decades ago?





The Secular Web

Atheism is characterized by an absence of belief in the existence of gods. This absence of belief generally comes about either through deliberate choice, or from an inherent inability to believe religious teachings which seem literally incredible. It is not a lack of belief born out of simple ignorance of religious teachings.

The term ‘agnosticism’ was coined by Professor T.H. Huxley at a meeting of the Metaphysical Society in 1876. He defined an “agnostic” as someone who disclaimed both (“strong”) atheism and theism, and who believed that the question of whether a higher power existed was unsolved and insoluble. Another way of putting it is that an agnostic is someone who believes that we do not know for sure whether God exists. Some agnostics believe that we can never know.




>Anthony Grafton


The well-recognized complexity and opacity of alchemical literature has long constituted a barrier to its proper understanding. Indeed, since the eighteenth-century disappearance of its last serious practitioners within the community of chemists, alchemy has been the subject of several radically distinct schools of historical interpretation. The current understanding of alchemy among historians of science, not to mention the general public, remains strongly colored by one or more of these divergent schools of interpretation, which stem, respectively, from the Enlightenment rejection of obscurity and the later Romantic disenchantment with Newtonian science that led to a new embrace of the occult.

>Tehran Times


The Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance has banned the import of copies of the Holy Quran published in China via Iran’s customs’ offices, Deputy Culture Minister Bahman Dorri said here on Wednesday.
Copies of the Holy Quran published in China are littered with spelling mistakes and Chinese publishers are printing the Quran with spelling mistakes, Haji-Sharif had said.
He added, “Some cultural figures believe that publication of the Holy Quran outside Iran is due to a shortage of printing presses, but I must point out that development of the printing industry inside the country is one of the major policies of the ministry.”




道徳的秩序に対する期待 相手の能力に対する期待
相手が自分を搾取しようとする意図をもっていないという期待 安心 (assurance)- 相手が自分を搾取しようとすることが相手自身にとっての不利益になるからそうしないだろうという期待、すなわち「相手の自己利益の評価」にもとづく期待
信頼 (trust)
人格的信頼 個別的信頼

信頼性 <信頼される側の特性>


>Author Unknown


To believe is to know that
every day is a new beginning.
It is to trust that miracles do happen,
and dreams really do come true.
To believe is to know that wonderful
surprises are just waiting to happen,
And all our hopes and dreams
are within reach … only if we believe.

>Reinvestigate 9/11


A new opinion poll shows surprisingly high levels of doubt in the UK over the official story of the 9/11 attacks. The poll, conducted by ICM on behalf of Reinvestigate 911, found that more people agree than disagree that the official account of what happened on 9/11 might turn out to be wrong in important respects. Only 8% strongly agree that they have been told the full story of the 9/11 attacks.
Of those who expressed an opinion 37% agreed that rogue elements in the American intelligence services may have made a decision prior to 9/11 to allow a terrorist attack to take place. Richard Clarke, White House anti-terror co-ordinator at the time, said recently that the 9/11 attacks could have been foiled but for an explicit agreement within the CIA to withhold vital information from him and the FBI. Clarke says he cannot explain this behaviour. At the time the CIA were prohibited by law from operating in the US.
The results are mirrored by a HEC poll published today in France showing that 58% have doubts compared to 31% percent who accept the official story. Half suspect that US authorities deliberately allowed the attacks to take place while a third suspect they were implicated in the execution of 9/11.



代表選手という夢に向かってまい進し、いざ代表チームに合流して試合をすると、サッカーのスタイルやレベルの差、文化的な違和感、劣悪な環境に失望し、自分の選択に対する葛藤もあったようだ。 言葉も完全には通じず、自分でユニフォームを洗濯するなど、あらゆる面で馴染めなかったと思う。 それに気がついたので新幹線に乗って名古屋から東京へ行き、大世を叱った。 ‘いつからお前がそんなに偉くなったのか。初心に戻って努力しろ’と言い聞かせた。。。
プロ入団当時、大世はいつもベンチにいた。 朝鮮大学時代に活躍したといっても井の中の蛙だ。。。 また当時は横田めぐみさんら日本人拉致被害者問題で反北朝鮮感情がピークに達していた頃で、心理的な動揺もあったようだ。 こうしたことを乗り越えるには結局は練習しかない。
32年前に見合いで大世の父に会った。在日同胞でない人は理解しがたいかもしれないが、私たちのような夫婦は多い。 日本に帰化せず、韓民族として生きていくなら国籍は関係ない。
子どもをどの学校に通わせるかでひどく夫婦げんかをした。 夫は日本の学校に送ろうと言ったが、私は朝鮮学校を譲れなかった。 私は結婚前まで朝鮮学校初等部の教師を8年間務めた。 日本の学校に通えば、いくら国籍を維持しても、結局は日本人になってしまうという信念に変わりはない。
重要なことは民族的プライドと歴史と文化を教えることだ。 韓国国籍の父母も私たちの言葉と文化を学ばせるために朝鮮学校に子どもを通わせる。日本の学校に行けばいじめられることもあるが、朝鮮学校にはそういうものがなく堂々と通える。 韓国への敵対感のようものは私からしてない。 テレビをつければ韓国ドラマばかり見る。 韓国には3度行ったが、行く度にやはり自分の国だという気がし、今でも最も行ってみたいところだ。

Bertrand Russell

An agnostic thinks it impossible to know the truth in matters such as God and the future life with which Christianity and other religions are concerned. Or, if not impossible, at least impossible at the present time.

>Richard Dawkins


Many of us saw religion as harmless nonsense. Beliefs might lack all supporting evidence but, we thought, if people needed a crutch for consolation, where’s the harm? September 11th changed all that. Revealed faith is not harmless nonsense, it can be lethally dangerous nonsense. Dangerous because it gives people unshakeable confidence in their own righteousness. Dangerous because it gives them false courage to kill themselves, which automatically removes normal barriers to killing others. Dangerous because it teaches enmity to others labelled only by a difference of inherited tradition. And dangerous because we have all bought into a weird respect, which uniquely protects religion from normal criticism. Let’s now stop being so damned respectful!

Robert G. Ingersoll

Is there a supernatural power—an arbitrary mind—an enthroned God—a supreme will that sways the tides and currents of the world—to which all causes bow? I do not deny. I do not know—but I do not believe. I believe that the natural is supreme—that from the infinite chain no link can be lost or broken—that there is no supernatural power that can answer prayer—no power that worship can persuade or change—no power that cares for man.
I believe that with infinite arms Nature embraces the all—that there is no interference—no chance—that behind every event are the necessary and countless causes, and that beyond every event will be and must be the necessary and countless effects.
Is there a God? I do not know. Is man immortal? I do not know. One thing I do know, and that is, that neither hope, nor fear, belief, nor denial, can change the fact. It is as it is, and it will be as it must be.

We can be as honest as we are ignorant. If we are, when asked what is beyond the horizon of the known, we must say that we do not know.

>Søren Kierkegaard


Let us call this unknown something: God. It is nothing more than a name we assign to it. The idea of demonstrating that this unknown something exists, could scarcely suggest itself to Reason. For if God does not exist it would of course be impossible to prove it; and if he does exist it would be folly to attempt it. For at the very outset, in beginning my proof, I would have presupposed it, not as doubtful but as certain (a presupposition is never doubtful, for the very reason that it is a presupposition), since otherwise I would not begin, readily understanding that the whole would be impossible if he did not exist. But if when I speak of proving God’s existence I mean that I propose to prove that the Unknown, which exists, is God, then I express myself unfortunately. For in that case I do not prove anything, least of all an existence, but merely develop the content of a conception.

>Thomas Henry Huxley


And, again, it is an error to imagine that evolution signifies a constant tendency to increased perfection. That process undoubtedly involves a constant remodelling of the organism in adaptation to new conditions; but it depends on the nature of those conditions whether the direction of the modifications effected shall be upward or downward. Retrogressive is as practicable as progressive metamorphosis. If what the physical philosophers tell us, that our globe has been in a state of fusion, and, like the sun, is gradually cooling down, is true; then the time must come when evolution will mean adaptation to an universal winter, and all forms of life will die out, except such low and simple organisms as the Diatom of the arctic and antarctic ice and the Protococcus of the red snow. If our globe is proceeding from a condition in which it was too hot to support any but the lowest living thing to a condition in which it will be too cold to permit of the existence of any others, the course of life upon its surface must describe a trajectory like that of a ball fired from a mortar; and the sinking half of that course is as much a part of the general process of evolution as the rising.

>Joseph Polisi


If we get away from that word and think about what is of value to us and what we believe in and what has depth and profound meaning and longevity, then I don’t think you have to be too sheepish about it.