Category Archives: information

Tim Berners-Lee

Today, a key element of the openness that underpins the Web and the broader Internet is under threat. I’m talking about ‘net neutrality’ – the principle that each ‘packet’ of data must be treated equally by the network. In practice, this means that there should be no censorship. It also means that there should be no restrictions based on economic motivations.
Maintaining this net neutrality is critical for the future of the Web and the future of human rights, innovation and progress.

Laura Poitras

In 2006, I was placed on a secret watchlist after making a film about the Iraq War. In the following years I was detained and interrogated at the US border dozens of times.
My next film was about Guantanamo and the war on terror.
This film is the third part of a trilogy about America post 9/11.



Thomas Gilovich

… many questionable and erroneous beliefs have purely cognitive origins, and can be traced to imperfections in our capacities to process information and draw conclusions. We hold many dubious beliefs, in other words, not because they satisfy some important psychological need, but because they seem to be the most sensible conclusions consistent with the available evidence. People hold such beliefs because they seem, in the words of Robert Merton, to be the “irresistible products of their own experience.” They are the products, not of irrationality, but of flawed rationality.


同の字点のルーツ   「同」の異体字「仝」がもとになっていると言われています.また,中国で同じ役割で使っていた符号が変化したという説もあります.
同の字点の仲間   同の字点は同じ漢字を繰り返す時のものですが,同じかなを繰り返す時に使う「一の字点」(ゝ),「とてもとても」など2字以上を繰り返す時に使う,かなの「く」を長くしたような「くの字点」なども同じ仲間です.
仲間の総称   これらの符号は,繰り返し符号,反復符,踊り字,畳字,かさね字などいろいろに呼ばれていますが,広辞苑では「踊り字」という項目に説明があります.
同の字点以外の踊り字をあまり見ないわけ   同の字点以外の踊り字は,今では手書きの文章ぐらいでしか目にしなくなっています.これは,同の字点以外はできるだけ使わないほうが望ましい,という文章表記法の基準が1950年に文部省から出ているためです.
同の字点をパソコンで打ち込むには   いろいろなやりかたがあります.一番原始的なやり方は,「佐々木」と入れて「佐」「木」を消す方法.また,記号一覧や文字一覧にはかならずあります.変換で呼び出す場合は,パソコンによって異なるのでいろいろ試してみてください.たとえば,「おなじ」「どう(同)」「ノマ」など.

Bruce Schneier

IT is complicated: it is more like payroll services than like power generation. What this means is that you have to choose your cloud providers wisely, and make sure you have good contracts in place with them. You want to own your data, and be able to download that data at any time. You want assurances that your data will not disappear if the cloud provider goes out of business or discontinues your service. You want reliability and availability assurances, tech support assurances, whatever you need.
The downside is that you will have limited customization options. Cloud computing is cheaper because of economics of scale, and­ — like any outsourced task — ­you tend to get what you get. A restaurant with a limited menu is cheaper than a personal chef who can cook anything you want. Fewer options at a much cheaper price: it’s a feature, not a bug.

Sarah Laszlo

If someone’s fingerprint is stolen, that person can’t just grow a new finger to replace the compromised fingerprint — the fingerprint for that person is compromised forever. Fingerprints are ‘non-cancellable.’ Brainprints, on the other hand, are potentially cancellable. So, in the unlikely event that attackers were actually able to steal a brainprint from an authorized user, the authorized user could then ‘reset’ their brainprint.



Peter F. Drucker

What we call the Information Revolution is actually a Knowledge Revolution. What has made it possible to routinize processes is not machinery; the computer is only the trigger. Software is the reorganization of traditional work, based on centuries of experience, through the application of knowledge and especially of systematic, logical analysis. The key is not electronics; it is cognitive science. This means that the key to maintaining leadership in the economy and the technology that are about to emerge is likely to be the social position of knowledge professionals and social acceptance of their values.

Edward Snowden

Though we have come a long way, the right to privacy — the foundation of the freedoms enshrined in the United States Bill of Rights — remains under threat. Some of the world’s most popular online services have been enlisted as partners in the N.S.A.’s mass surveillance programs, and technology companies are being pressured by governments around the world to work against their customers rather than for them. Billions of cellphone location records are still being intercepted without regard for the guilt or innocence of those affected. We have learned that our government intentionally weakens the fundamental security of the Internet with “back doors” that transform private lives into open books. Metadata revealing the personal associations and interests of ordinary Internet users is still being intercepted and monitored on a scale unprecedented in history: As you read this online, the United States government makes a note.

Sarah Boxer

OkuraFor whatever reason, the Okura seems to be an acceptable loss to Japan. It is not purely Japanese enough, nor purely Modernist enough, to be saved. It is not a temple, not a tree, not a neighborhood, not a monument, not new enough, not old enough. It’s only obvious if you see it in person that the Okura’s end would mean not just the end of a building, but also the end of an idea and the end of an atmosphere and a topography.

Leonard Koren

Wabi-sabi represents the exact opposite of the Western ideal of great beauty as something monumental, spectacular and enduring. Wabi-sabi is not found in nature at moments of bloom and lushness, but at moments of inception or subsiding. … Consequently to experience wabi-sabi means you have to slow way down, be patient, and look very closely.

British Museum

Cyrus CylinderThis clay cylinder is inscribed in Babylonian cuneiform with an account by Cyrus, king of Persia (559-530 BC) of his conquest of Babylon in 539 BC and capture of Nabonidus, the last Babylonian king.
This cylinder has sometimes been described as the ‘first charter of human rights’, but it in fact reflects a long tradition in Mesopotamia where, from as early as the third millennium BC, kings began their reigns with declarations of reforms.

Edward J. Snowden

We are witnessing the emergence of a post-terror generation, one that rejects a worldview defined by a singular tragedy. For the first time since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, we see the outline of a politics that turns away from reaction and fear in favor of resilience and reason. With each court victory, with every change in the law, we demonstrate facts are more convincing than fear. As a society, we rediscover that the value of a right is not in what it hides, but in what it protects.

No Comment


Don’t Panic!   One call to /* No Comment */ and you can sit back and relax with a cup of coffee as we ensure a qualified rep to deals with your police station client. You can rest easy knowing your case is being dealt with professionally by our expert police station reps.

Ken Dilanian, Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said in a statement that data from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Interior Department had been compromised. The hackers were believed to be based in China.
DHS said its intrusion detection system, known as EINSTEIN, which screens federal Internet traffic to identify potential cyber threats, identified the hack of OPM’s systems and the Interior Department’s data center, which is shared by other federal agencies.
It was unclear why the EINSTEIN system didn’t detect the breach until after so many records had been copied and removed.

Gerald Sussman

New information and communication technologies not only disarm critical public awareness and worker resistance through the opiate of consumption, but also increase segmentation of production and labour across the world’s poorer periphery, which makes labor organizing and mobilization considerably more difficult. Unionizing efforts are widely understood to be the best hope for improving working conditions. Educating the public is another important objective. Mainstream media, which dominate public discourse, are now facing formidable challenges from progressive bloggers and radical informational websites. The labour of these informal knowledge workers is contributing to undermining the corporatist and militarist regime of propaganda. The contributors to McKercher and Mosco’s collection are part of that alliance of formal and informal communication workers who are building a foundation for democratic revolutionary change on behalf of workers everywhere.



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6歳の女の子のシングルマザーです。こういうお願いして本当に申し訳ないですが 2千円~3千円

Sam Perlo-Freeman

While total world military spending is mostly unchanged, some regions, such as the Middle East and much of Africa, are continuing to see rapid build-ups that are placing an increasingly high burden on many economies. These increases partly reflect worsening security situations, but in many cases they are also the product of corruption, vested interests and autocratic governance.

Julian Assange

Today WikiLeaks has released more than half a million US State Department cables from 1978. The cables cover US interactions with, and observations of, every country.
1978 was an unusually important year in geopolitics. The year saw the start of a great many political conflicts and alliances which continue to define the present world order, as well as the rise of still-important personalities and political dynasties.
The cables document the start of the Iranian Revolution, leading to the stand-off between Iran and the West (1979 – present); the Second Oil Crisis; the Afghan conflict (1978 – present); the Lebanon–Israel conflict (1978 – present); the Camp David Accords; the Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua and the subsequent conflict with US proxies (1978 – 1990); the 1978 Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia; the Ethiopian invasion of Eritrea; Carter’s critical decision on the neutron bomb; the break-up of the USSR’s nuclear-powered satellite over Canada, which changed space policy; the US “playing the China card” against Russia; Brzezinski’s visit to China, which led to the subsequent normalisation of relations and a proxy war in Cambodia; with the US, UK, China and Cambodia on one side and Vietnam and the USSR on the other.




Number of households
Household members
Persons per household

Michael C. Horowitz, Paul Scharre

We must recognize that autonomous systems are machines that people operate, not independent moral agents.
Weapons themselves do not comply with the laws of war. Weapons are used by people in ways that comply with, or violate, the laws of war. This means that as weapons incorporate greater autonomy, the human operator still has a responsibility to ensure that the actions he or she is taking are lawful.
Ensuring responsibility, not just accountability, is the real challenge. Accountability is a problem when there is an accident and it is unclear who is to blame. The real problem is that a responsibility vacuum might emerge, where people are being killed by autonomous weapons but no person is clearly responsible for the killing.
This could occur if bad training or poor system design led the operator to misunderstand the weapon. It also could happen if the system itself exhibits surprising behavior in a real-world environment that even the designers couldn’t have anticipated. In that case, it would be hard to blame the engineer. It could be that those who tested the weapons failed to anticipate that situation. Or it could be that the real world is simply too complex to foresee every problem.


近年自然科学の分野において複雑系やカオスと並んで自然を自律的なものとして捉える立場としてオートポイエーシスという考えが注目されている。これは自然を自ら作動しながらを生成しているものと観る考えであり、従来の思考のように原子や分子、もしくは細胞などの自然的存在の単位を既存のものとみなさず、物質とエネルギー、もしくは情報の流れの現れとして捉える立場である。このオートポイエーシスの考え方は “インプットもアウトプットもない” という言葉で表現されるが、この言葉は物語における「語られる物語そのもの」と「その物語を受け取る人間」との関係を明らかにするためにも有効な表現であろう。「語られる物語そのもの」は「その物語を受け取る人間」を前提として物語を展開するが、物語の中に直接その物語を受け取る人間が介入することは原則的にありえない。しかし、これら両者は常に互いを前提とするのであって、誰も見聞きしない物語は物語としては存在し得ない。ここには物語をめぐる「主体」と「客体」との連続した関係が成り立っているのであり、まさに “インプットもアウトプットもない” 一つの流れが成立しているのである。

BBC News

Jerry Nixon, a Microsoft development executive, said in a conference speech this week that Windows 10 would be the “last version” of the dominant desktop software.
His comments were echoed by Microsoft which said it would update Windows in future in an “ongoing manner”.
Instead of new stand-alone versions, Windows 10 would be improved in regular instalments, the firm said.
Mr Nixon made his comments during Microsoft’s Ignite conference held in Chicago this week.
In a statement, Microsoft said Mr Nixon’s comments reflected a change in the way that it made its software.
“Windows will be delivered as a service bringing new innovations and updates in an ongoing manner,” it said, adding that it expected there to be a “long future” for Windows.

David Rothkopf

Yet there is an ever more urgent need for a rethink of how, why, when, where, and by what means intelligence is gathered, analyzed, and utilized. It is still the early days of the information revolution. The pace of breakthroughs will only accelerate, and the consequences will shift from incremental improvements in productivity and connectivity to fundamental changes in the nature of society, power, war, and peace.
By 2020, it is estimated, 50 billion devices will be connected to the Internet—most of them embedded microprocessors that will offer real-time insights into every aspect of life on the planet. Furthermore, effectively every human being, every organization, and every government on Earth will be connected in a man-made system for the first time in history. Each of those billions of microprocessors and each connection on the web will be a potential entry point for surveillance and spying. What’s more, thanks to drones and nanodevices that can be hidden and embedded on targets by the millions, humans stand at the dawn of an era of potentially ubiquitous sensing. (This is not to speak of the gradual impact artificial intelligence will have on how people direct, conduct, and analyze what is gathered.)

Foreign Policy

fp_cover_mayjune2015-r2In this 88-page Spy Issue, FP writers and contributors examine the spy game in the 21st Century as “nations expend vast treasure and take extreme risks to root out secrets.”








文字という抽象物が、具象的なイメージでできあがっているというしろものなのだが、これがおもしろいというか興味がつきない。個々のモチーフが、なぜこんな形で組み合わされて、このある一文字を作っているのだろうか? そもそも、この人物はいったい何者なんだ? この動物は? 小さな文字に隠された小さな謎が、やがてヨーロッパ中世の基層文化への興味の扉を開いてゆきもする。

Vint Cerf

(46:48) If you have a back door, somebody will find it, and that somebody may be a bad guy, and or bad guys, and they will intend, intentionally abuse their access. So creating this kind of technology is super super risky. So I don’t think that that’s the right answer, you know. At the same time, I accept that the Government is there in part to protect their citizens from harm. So the question is, how do you do that. And there is this spectrum. Imagine if, on one hand, we live in a society where there is no privacy at all. Everything is known, everything you are planning to do is known. It might be a very safe society to live in, but might not be the one that you want to live in. On the other hand, what about the society where there is absolute privacy, nobody knows what you are planning to do at all, and bad stuff happens. So you feel that your privacy is protected but your safety is here been diminished. There must be some place in between, and it isn’t the same place for everyone, it isn’t the same place for every culture and it isn’t the same place for every nation. Our job in the US is to figure out where is the balance for us. And I think that the Congress is forced now to struggle with that, and they’re going to have to listen to these various arguments about protection and safety on the one hand, and preservation, privacy and confidentiality on the other, I am not persuaded that building back doors is the right way forward.

Maria Jan, Yarno Ritzen

Bloggers have increasingly become the target of governments and groups wanting to silence dissenting voices. In Ethiopia, six independent journalists were arrested in April 2014. In 2013, the Chinese government launched a campaign against “cybercrime”, leading to the detentions of many bloggers for charges including “rumour-mongering”. In Iran, journalist Siamak Ghaderi is still in prison for interviews and articles he published on his blog, including reports on the street protests during the 2009 elections.

United States Department of Defense

We live in a wired world. Companies and countries rely on cyberspace for everything from financial transactions to the movement of military forces. Computer code blurs the line between the cyber and physical world and connects millions of objects to the Internet or private networks. Electric firms rely on industrial control systems to provide power to the grid. Shipping managers use satellites and the Internet to track freighters as they pass through global sea lanes, and the U.S. military relies on secure networks and data to carry out its missions.
We are vulnerable in this wired world. Today our reliance on the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of data stands in stark contrast to the inadequacy of our cybersecurity. The Internet was not originally designed with security in mind, but as an open system to allow scientists and researchers to send data to one another quickly. Without strong investments in cybersecurity and cyber defenses, data systems remain open and susceptible to rudimentary and dangerous forms of exploitation and attack. Malicious actors use cyberspace to steal data and intellectual property for their own economic or political goals. And an actor in one region of the globe can use cyber capabilities to strike directly at a network thousands of miles away, destroying data, disrupting businesses, or shutting off critical systems.

DoD Cyber Strategy (PDF)

The New York Times Editorial Board

The Pentagon’s new 33-page cybersecurity strategy is an important evolution in how America proposes to address a top national security threat. It is intended to warn adversaries — especially China, Russia, Iran and North Korea — that the United States is prepared to retaliate, if necessary, against cyberattacks and is developing the weapons to do so.

Ben Brantley

Tell me. I want to know. I need to know. I have to know. Oh, I’m sorry you told me. I wish I didn’t know that.
The impulses behind those sentences have animated every human being who has walked this planet. And the odds are that, in some form or another, those instincts percolate throughout your waking hours every day.
It’s enough to keep any Homo sapiens’s head in full spin. Especially now, when the distribution and consumption of data have assumed the proportions of a Tower of Babel that seems ready to topple at any moment.

J. Peder Zane, Daniel Levitin

Of course, not all information is equal. Those exabytes do include a few great novels, stirring films and groundbreaking scientific discoveries. Most are flotsam wrapped in jetsam: insipid blog posts and text messages, YouTube videos of cuddly cats and pornographic acts, ignorance that poses as knowledge.

We are overloaded with junk. … It’s becoming harder and harder to separate the wheat from the digital chaff. The problem with the Internet is anyone can post, so it’s hard to know whether you are looking at a fact or pseudofact, science or pseudoscience.

Alyssa Katz

librarynytimesAs a former librarian and current social work student in New York, I was disheartened to read about the lack of funding for New York City’s libraries. Though libraries today are sometimes seen as outmoded institutions, in my experience they can still be transformative, especially for underserved populations.
Libraries serve not only as a resource for information about employment or housing, but they can also serve as a portal to new horizons, creating a shift in the way people view themselves and their lives.
As I have seen in my work in both fields, this is the most important step toward any type of change, individual or communal.
Though we may be tempted to think that the solutions to our social issues are found in the complexities of programming and policy making, let’s not underestimate the power of a library card.


The official homepage will be translated in english, chinese, and korean using a private automatic translation service.
Please note that as it is a machine translation from an automatic translation system, the translation may not always be accurate.
Also note that after the translation, the content may not be same as in the original japanese page.



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  • 児童書専門図書館としての役割
  • 子どもと本のふれあいの場としての役割
  • 子どもの本のミュージアムとしての役割


Yehuda E. Kalay

Hypervirtuality drops all relationship to the physical world and the laws of nature. It generally avoids the familiar. In fact the uniqueness and innovativeness of the experience, to the intentional exclusion of the familiar, is of primary importance. Each virtual world creates its own set of rules, which could challenge our sense of reality, materiality, time, and enclosure of space. Common building elements such as walls, doors, windows, or floors have no meaning there. Examples of hypervirtuality are the space travel sequence toward the end of Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 movie 2001: A Space Odyssey and Char Davies’s Ephémèr.
Of the four types of cyberspace (i.e., hyperreality cyberspaces, abstracted reality cyberspaces, hybrid cyberspaces, hypervirtuality cyberspaces), hypervirtuality seems the most fertile relative to the opportunities offered by the digital medium but also the furthest away from “place” experiences derived from everyday life experiences. There is a potential to expand the realm of sensory experiences by taking advantage of the computer’s ability to organize time, data, and space, completely unbounded by the laws of nature. However, by completely discarding the physical spatial metaphor, hypervirtuality also loses any sense of familiarity, along with the social and cultural cues that derive from it. The unlimited freedom offered by hypervirtuality, along with its complete rejection of place-making principles, makes this type of cyberspace a form of place-less art.


The INTP personality type (“the logician”) is fairly rare, making up only three percent of the population, which is definitely a good thing for them, as there’s nothing they’d be more unhappy about than being “common”. INTPs pride themselves on their inventiveness and creativity, their unique perspective and vigorous intellect. Usually known as the philosopher, the architect, or the dreamy professor, INTPs have been responsible for many scientific discoveries throughout history.

Grazia Marchianò

The liquid element interacting with the rocky solidity of the mountain conveys the Chinese and Japanese idea of landscape. Shan-shui is not, I should stress, a ‘view’ in the English sense of landscape but the thing itself: a piece of living nature in which the true spirit of landscape is sealed. Chinese and Japanese aesthetics of painting embody these principles, painting being aimed not at the imitation of outer forms but at the painter’s being absorbed by tones and atmospheres. At this point the texts say that the artist should avoid direct observation – looking with the eyes – in favour of indirect observing – looking, as it were, through the eyes.
Looking through the eyes makes wonder persist in the heart, granting it innocence and spontaneity. This is what is meant in Chinese by ‘natural mind’ (Chinese benxin). Xin, ‘mind’, is written with the same ideogram as ‘heart’. Consequently ‘mind-heart’ would be a heartfelt mind and at the same time a mindful heart. Taoism stresses how important it is for the mind-heart to be receptive to the heavenly principle, and attuned with the cosmic Way (Tao).

Albrecht Dürer, 辻本臣哉

Albrecht Dürerアルブレヒト・デューラーの《1500年の自画像》は、自らをイエス・キリストになぞらえて描かれている。当時、芸術家の地位が高まったとはいえ、自らを救世主に似せて表現することに、私は大きな違和感を持った。

The Economist

Until science unlocks the secrets of time travel, the world will have to make do with Belarus. Little seems to have changed in this landlocked country of 10m souls, tucked between Poland and Russia, since it emerged blinking into independence after the Soviet disintegration in 1991. Statues of Lenin dot the wide, well-ordered streets of Minsk, the capital. Inside bulky ministries, grim-faced officials recite tractor-production statistics as a guide to the strength of the economy, over three-quarters of which remains in state hands. Belarus is the only country in Europe to retain the death penalty: in 2014 three Belarusians were shot by executioners. Even the food, shrouded in gelatine, mayonnaise and dill, recalls the canteens and mess-halls of an earlier age.

Audrey Garric

L’information fait le tour du Web : l’Antarctique aurait connu, mardi 24 mars, la journée la plus chaude de son histoire avec pas moins de 17,5 °C enregistrés dans la station de recherche argentine Esperanza, selon le site de météorologie Weather Underground. Il a fait plus chaud ce jour-là sur le continent de glace du pôle Sud qu’à Paris, et même qu’à Nice, Marrakech, Athènes ou Alger, avance Le Parisien, qui va jusqu’à demander si « dans les décennies à venir, les touristes [se rendront] en Antarctique avec maillot de bain et crème solaire ». On en est loin…
En réalité, cette information masque des conditions climatiques en Antarctique bien plus complexes et pas encore totalement connues des scientifiques. Tout d’abord, la station de recherche Esperanza, de même que celle Marambio, qui a également enregistré 17,4 °C le 23 mars, sont situées à l’extrême pointe de la péninsule antarctique, à quelque 1 000 km du sud de l’Argentine et du Chili. Elles ne sont pas considérées par les scientifiques comme faisant à proprement parler du continent glacé. Car même si elles y sont rattachées, elles se situent au-delà du cercle polaire antarctique (avec une latitude de 63°23′59″ Sud). …



  1. 組織と情報化の意義について理解していること。
  2. 情報の取り扱いについて理解していること。
  3. 情報システムの基本操作が出来ること。
  4. 情報提供の技術とセンスを身につけていること。
  5. ネットワークにおけるルールやマナーを身につけていること。


  • YouTube has more than 1 billion users
  • Every day people watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and generate billions of views
  • The number of hours people are watching on YouTube each month is up 50% year over year
  • 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute
  • ~60% of a creator’s views comes from outside their home country
  • YouTube is localized in 75 countries and available in 61 languages
  • Half of YouTube views are on mobile devices
  • Mobile revenue on YouTube is up over 100% y/y

Management Study Guide

We are drowning in a sea of information. We are inundated with news, views, opinions, facts, and information every time we log in to the internet or turn on the TV. This constant barrage of information thrown at us nonstop in a 24/7 cycle makes us weary and lost in this never-ending repetitive world. Therefore, it is very important for professionals, students, and anyone who wants to focus and concentrate to learn the art of separating the wheat from the chaff and to lead productive lives that are meaningful and deep. For instance, knowing what is happening all over the world instantaneously and uninterruptedly would produce a fatigue in our minds and lead to exhaustion that can drain productivity and lead to loss of focus. One does not need to know all the news and happenings on Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, and on TV all the time. Unless one learns the habit of separating what one wants from what is available, most likely one would end up with what has been called information overload that denotes the extraordinary amount of information that we are being bombarded with constantly.

Eleanor J. Gibson

We live in interaction with a world of happenings, places, and objects. We can know it only through perceptual systems equiped to pick up information in an array of energy, such as the optical array. Furthermore, time is required for the adjustment of the perceptual system, for the monitoring of the information being acquired, and for the scanning required by most perceptual systems to pick up information (perceiving an object by touching, for example, or locating a sound source through hearing). Information, accordingly, is picked up over time. Thus if a stable world is to be discovered, there must be temporal invariants of some kind that make constancy of perception possible. I take for granted that perceptual acts extend over time. Perceiving and acting go on in a cycle, each leading to the other.





Joshua Steimle

Whether you’re at the helm of a huge corporation, a doctor doing cancer research, or the owner of a one-man online store, big data will make a difference in your bottom line. We are now able to harness big data to gain amazing insights into our work. As we embrace the power of data-driven decision-making, we move into an age of limitless connection, that will inevitably alter the way we think about the world for all time. Today’s generation of children are born into the digital age. Tomorrow’s generation will be born into the age of big data.

Gary King, Jonathan Shaw

The big data revolution is that now we can do something with the data.
The revolution lies in improved statistical and computational methods, not in the exponential growth of storage or even computational capacity. The doubling of computing power every 18 months (Moore’s Law) is nothing compared to a big algorithm — a set of rules that can be used to solve a problem a thousand times faster than conventional computational methods could.
New ways of linking datasets have played a large role in generating new insights. And creative approaches to visualizing data — humans are far better than computers at seeing patterns — frequently prove integral to the process of creating knowledge.

Chris Mattmann

NASA in total is probably managing several hundred petabytes, approaching an exabyte, especially if you look across all of the domain sciences and disciplines, and planetary and space science. It’s certainly not out of the realm of the ordinary nowadays for missions, individual projects, to collect hundreds of terabytes of information.

(NASA makes good use of Apache TIKA, an open-source tool for detecting and extracting metadata and structured text from documents, to decipher the 18,000 to 50,000 file formats available online.)
For us, file formats are where all the scientific observations, metadata, and information about the data are stored. We have to reach into files, crack them open, and pull this information out, because a lot of it feeds algorithms, analytics, and visualizations.


The Big Data technology and services market represents a fast-growing multibillion-dollar worldwide opportunity. In fact, a recent IDC forecast shows that the Big Data technology and services market will grow at a 26.4% compound annual growth rate to $41.5 billion through 2018, or about six times the growth rate of the overall information technology market. Additionally, by 2020 IDC believes that line of business buyers will help drive analytics beyond its historical sweet spot of relational (performance management) to the double-digit growth rates of real-time intelligence and exploration/discovery of the unstructured worlds.

China Daily

Conversation topics only heard in China

  • “Have you eaten?” – “Yes, and have you?”
  • “Your watch looks great! How much does it cost?” – “Not much. Got it on discount.”
  • “You have gotten fat! You need to lose weight!”
  • “Your Chinese is so good!”, “Wow, you can use chopsticks!”
  • “This is my treat.” – “This is my treat.” – “This is my treat.” – “This is my treat.”
  • “How much do you make each month?”, “How old are you?”, “Are you married?”
    (“Why aren’t you married? Would you like me to plan an appointment for you?”)
  • “You should drink hot water. You know, drinking cold water is bad for your stomach.”
  • “Which is better, living in US or China?”


SecondOpinionWhat happens when there is no second opinion? When nobody questions the evidence? When those in power are allowed to tell their story unchecked by the news media?

RT’s “Second Opinion” ad campaign kicked off in August 2014. Its aim: to bring attention to the importance of having a real diversity of voices in the global news media space, and to posit RT as the place to go for alternative viewpoints on current events.
The Iraq War, which serves as the theme of the campaign, is just one example of what can happen when mass media is all too willing to agree on a narrative. More than 11 years later, tens of thousands of people in Iraq and other countries have paid the price for that consensus, with no end to the quagmire in sight.

Jean Giraudoux

L’arbre est le frère non mobile des hommes. Dans son langage, les assassins s’appellent les bûcherons ; les croque-morts, les charbonniers ; les puces, les piverts.


まず、CDとDVD。ジョージ・ウインストンは捨てるほど古くもないでしょうし、映画音楽集、効果音集、落語等は安定して需要があるはずです。DVDについては、ナショナルジオグラフィックのコレクションを丸ごと廃棄していますし、「硫黄島からの手紙」「最高の人生の見つけ方」あたり、今でも需要があるでしょう。事実、いずれも「蔦屋書店 武雄市図書館」ではレンタルをしています。有償で。ハリー・ポッターシリーズや「地球が静止する日」等、最近の映画も処分されていますが、TSUTAYAの有料レンタルと競合するから処分したのではないかと疑ってしまうところです。
雑誌については、これを除籍してしまって良かったのかと言うものがいくつも見られます。「歴史九州」「日本歴史」「短歌」「コスモス」「みを」あたりを除籍しています。「みを」は佐賀県の郷土文化誌です。「観光客を誘致」と言いながら、「温泉」「温泉博士」も除籍しています。「温泉」「温泉博士」「コスモス」「みを」は、県立にも所蔵がない資料です 。 この様な郷土資料を残さないで、「雑誌はTSUTAYAで立ち読みすれば良い」というアーカイブを放棄した施設は、図書館を名乗る資格が無い と思います。
。。。 図書館でないものを「図書館」と称して指定管理料を受け取っている ということになります。図書館は「文化を便利に消費する施設」ではありません。文化を育てる使命を担っています。この様な事業者に公共図書館を委ねることができるのか、問い直す必要を感じます。


で、武雄にあった既存の図書館を全て見直して、現在のような形にした。年中無休で夜も開いている。朝も早くから開いていて、コーヒーを飲むことも出来るし、雑誌も購入出来る。また、本の分類はすべて生活分類だ。図書館法の分類ではなくて、代官山 蔦屋書店でやっているような身近な分類。人口5万人という地域で、近所は山だらけ。隣には高校がある。高校生は自習室でスターバックスのコーヒーを飲みながら勉強出来る。Wi-Fiも完備しているし、20万冊の本はすべて無料だ。映画や音楽もたくさんあり、当然、Tポイントも使える。
結果として、僕らがお手伝いをする前は1日800人前後だった来館者が、なんと4600人に増えた。「人口5万人の市でこんなに来て大丈夫か? 犬や猫までカウントしているのか?」というほど来るようになった。代官山 蔦屋書店を知る方々も、この図書館に来ると、皆、「代官山よりもすごい」と言う。それはそうだ。20万冊が無料で、しかもそれらが代官山 蔦屋書店と同じ分類で並んでいる。料理やら旅行やら、もうすさまじい量だ。その結果として、武雄市でTカードを持っている人は41%から一気に49%へ上がった。このままいくと沖縄や寒川町も追い抜く勢いだ。

Monitoring 1028 Alexa Top 1000 Domains: 147 are blocked in China
Monitoring 32436 Domains: 4085 are blocked in China
Monitoring 14672 Google Searches: 14331 are blocked in China
Monitoring 733 Google Sites: 595 are blocked in China
Monitoring 12882 HTTPs: 2574 are blocked in China
Monitoring 15843 IP Addresses: 5537 are blocked in China
Monitoring 171643 URLs: 49277 are blocked in China
Monitoring 23316 Weibo Searches: 416 are blocked in China
Monitoring 1169 Wikipedia Pages: 231 are blocked in China

Jean-François Julliard

One in three of the world’s Internet users does not have access to an unrestricted Internet. Around 60 countries censor the Internet to varying degrees and harass netizens. At least 119 people are currently in prison just for using the Internet to express their views freely. These are disturbing figures.
The Internet played a crucial role in the recent Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions but more and more governments try to manipulate online information and remove critical content. There is a greater need than ever to defend online free speech and protect cyber-dissidents. This day is also the occasion to pay tribute to the solidarity that Internet users show towards each other.


クレヨンを紙の上で無心に動かすように、私たちは目的地なく歩き始めることがあるだろうか? すべてが合目的的になっていないだろうか? 人間がこどもからおとなになっていくときに、私たちは世の中の動きを知り、この白い紙の冒険は、どんどんオーガナイズされていく。目的に貢献しないことはしなくなる。確かにその方が生きやすくはあるのだが、そうした人生を長くおくってきたある日突然、こう思ったりもする。『いや、待てよ。未来まで見通しが利きすぎてしまう人生って、むなしくないか・・・?』と。











  • いますぐサーチ: お子さまの居場所がスマホやケータイで確認できます。
  • みまもりサーチ: お子さまの移動した経路を確認できます。
  • 見つけてお知らせ: お子さまの居場所をお知らせします。
  • エリアでお知らせ: あらかじめ指定したエリアへお子さまが出入りしたとき、メールでお知らせします。
  • タイマーでお知らせ: 設定した時間になると、お子さまの居場所を通知します。
  • 電池残量でお知らせ: 電池が切れる直前に、お子さまがどこにいるかお知らせします。
  • 居場所お知らせメール: 自分から居場所を知らせたいときに、お母さまへ通知します。


SoundCloudMore trending tracks. More of your favorite artists. More of the music & audio you love. The SoundCloud app lets you hear more of what you want to hear. Sounds good, doesn’t it?
Tap to play and pause. Swipe to skip tracks. Slide the waveform to scrub. The app is beautifully simple to use. But your thumb won’t need to work too hard – it’s easier than ever to hear more of the world’s sounds.
The tracks you’ve liked and discovered, and your favorite playlists can all be found in your Collection. Which means you can listen to what you love again and again. And again.
The Profile screen organizes the tracks, playlists and likes of everyone on SoundCloud. Whether they’re posting original music or liking and reposting tracks. The important stuff can all be found right up front.




図書館における貸出に関連する制度としては、著作権法のほかに図書館法が存在する。我が国では、1951年まで図書館の利用は有料制であり、通例入館料が取られ、書籍類の貸出についても料金が徴収されていた。図書館法が制定されたことにより、同法第 17 条の規定により、公立図書館は無料公開制度の下で運営されている。
政府はこのような主張を受けて、2001 年以降、文化審議会の中で議論を行い、図書館側と著作者側との当事者間の協議を経て 2003 年には、作権分科会の「審議経過報告」の中で、「法改正を行う方向とすべき事項」に「図書館資料の貸出について補償金を課すこと」として、現在映画の著作物について認められている非営利・無料の貸与に係る補償金制度の対象を将来「書籍等」に拡大することによって対応するという方向性そのものに関しては、法制問題小委員会においては基本的に反対はなかったが、権利者側・図書館側双方に、具体的な補償金制度等の在り方について協力して検討したいという意向があることから、当面その検討を見守ることとし、その結論が得られた段階で、必要な法改正の内容を具体的に定めることが適当である旨を明記した。


SH1SoundHound gives you every gateway of music search.
If you hear a song playing, tap the orange button for blazing fast music recognition.
You can also find a song stuck in your head by singing or humming into the orange button!

SH2See lyrics move in sync with the music playing around you.
One of the most loved features inside SoundHound, LiveLyrics can also be experienced when you play your own music through the SoundHound Player (currently available exclusively on iOS devices).
LiveLyrics will have you loving lyric discovery.


第一条  この法律は、社会教育法 (昭和二十四年法律第二百七号)の精神に基き、図書館の設置及び運営に関して必要な事項を定め、その健全な発達を図り、もつて国民の教育と文化の発展に寄与することを目的とする。
第二条  この法律において「図書館」とは、図書、記録その他必要な資料を収集し、整理し、保存して、一般公衆の利用に供し、その教養、調査研究、レクリエーシヨン等に資することを目的とする施設で、地方公共団体、日本赤十字社又は一般社団法人若しくは一般財団法人が設置するもの(学校に附属する図書館又は図書室を除く。)をいう。
2  前項の図書館のうち、地方公共団体の設置する図書館を公立図書館といい、日本赤十字社又は一般社団法人若しくは一般財団法人の設置する図書館を私立図書館という。
第三条  図書館は、図書館奉仕のため、土地の事情及び一般公衆の希望に沿い、更に学校教育を援助し、及び家庭教育の向上に資することとなるように留意し、おおむね次に掲げる事項の実施に努めなければならない。
一  郷土資料、地方行政資料、美術品、レコード及びフィルムの収集にも十分留意して、図書、記録、視聴覚教育の資料その他必要な資料(電磁的記録(電子的方式、磁気的方式その他人の知覚によつては認識することができない方式で作られた記録をいう。)を含む。以下「図書館資料」という。)を収集し、一般公衆の利用に供すること。
二  図書館資料の分類排列を適切にし、及びその目録を整備すること。
第十七条  公立図書館は、入館料その他図書館資料の利用に対するいかなる対価をも徴収してはならない。
第二十八条  私立図書館は、入館料その他図書館資料の利用に対する対価を徴収することができる。

