Category Archives: knowledge


The Psychological Strategy Board was a committee of the United States executive formed to coordinate and plan for psychological operations. It was formed on April 4, 1951, during the Truman administration.
The Psychological Strategy Board defined psychological warfare as any nonmilitary action which influenced public opinion or foreign policy interest. This, therefore, includes, but is not limited to: trade and economic aid, cultural and educational exchange, threats to use force and diplomacy.
Diplomats and Politicians used carefully selected words and phrases, often referred to as buzzwords, to shape policies and influence domestic and international opinion. The most popular buzzword was ‘containment’ because it allowed U.S. officials to present their foreign policy objectives as “noble, restrained and fundamentally defensive.”

Kat George

mgid-uma-image-vh1You watched Disney cartoons as a child, but you probably never picked up on the racist subtext within. Why would you? You were a child! But now, in hindsight, we can see that unfortunately, some of our Disney favorites are actually glaringly racist.
For instance, did you know the original release of Fantasia had dark-skinned centaurs working as servants for light-skinned centaurs? That The Little Mermaid’s Sebastian is considered offensive to Jamaican culture? Or that the happy ending of Pocahontas white washes the brutal killings of Native Americans? There’s more where that came from.

Edmond Lau

Two years ago, when I quit my job at Quora to write my first book full-time, I didn’t really know what I was getting into. I had a romanticized notion that I’d travel around the world for a year, sipping lattes at cafes and happily typing out chapters, and then come back with a book that readers loved and that made a meaningful impact on their lives.
Reality followed a different path. Writing and traveling didn’t mix well for me. I’m too tempted to explore my surroundings while traveling to maintain any consistent writing schedule, so my best writing happened while I was home. Moreover, writing a book turned out to be significantly more complex and taxing than composing a series of long blog posts. From putting the first word onto paper to launching the paperback and digital versions of the book, the entire journey to complete the 77,225 word manuscript took me 22 months — nearly twice as long as I originally expected. And while writing was certainly rewarding overall, it was also at times painful, lonely, and frustrating.


Colliding brane cosmology is actually a ‘cyclic model’, i.e., it does not require a beginning of time, because the two (or more) branes must have existed before our current cosmic expansion started. In fact the ekpyrotic model says that it could be an ‘eternal’ process of collisions and ‘heat death’ due to expansion, because the two branes would move only a short distance apart before approaching again for another collision. The ‘short distance’ could however take billions of years to accomplish, by which time each brane has expanded a significant amount.

Syrian Network for Human Rights

The Russian military intervention added insult to injury for Syrian people where it was supposed to alleviate one of the burdens characterized by ISIL and put an end to it according to Russian officials who criticized the deceleration of accomplishments on behalf of the International Coalition.
However, three months have passed since the Russian intervention and no clear signs of putting an end to ISIL are seen. 85-90% of the Russian air strikes were on regions under the control of armed opposition and often on densely populated areas, markets, neighborhoods, hospitals and vital facilities.
Additionally, the Russian air strikes targeted dozens of military regions for armed opposition groups which are fighting ISIL and the Syrian regime at the same time. We faced several difficulties in locating these targets and in recording the number of injured or killed individuals due to extreme secrecy on behalf of the armed opposition groups since to them this information is considered as military secrets. Therefore, what we were able to record is the bare minimum of what we were able to document. However, in some cases, SNHR’s teams were able to document the target of neighborhoods, markets and different vital facilities.

James Altucher

No matter who you are, no matter what you do, no matter who your audience is: 30 percent will love it, 30 percent will hate it, and 30 percent won’t care. Stick with the people who love you and don’t spend a single second on the rest. Life will be better that way.

The only things that really matter in this world are the relationships you have with the people you love, and the meaningful things that you do. Haters don’t fit anywhere into that. Don’t devote any mental space to them.

Dan Ariely

Let me start with a fundamental observation: most people don’t know what they want unless they see it in context. We don’t know what kind of racing bike we want–until we see a champ in the Tour de France ratcheting the gears on a particular model. We don’t know what kind of speakers system we like–until we hear a set of speakers that sounds better than the previous one. We don’t even know what we want to do with our lives–until we find a relative or a friend who is doing just what we think we should be doing. Everything is relative, and that’s the point.

… we live simultaneously in two different worlds–cone where social norms prevail, and the other where market norms make the rules. The social norms include the friendly requests that people make of one another. Could you help me move this couch?…The second world, the one governed by market norms, is very different. There’s nothing warm and fuzzy about it. The exchanges are sharp-edged: wages, prices, rents, interest and costs-and-benefits.


  • デジタルファブリケーションの進化で、誰もが好きなデザインを選んでカスタムできる。
  • 自分で3Dデータを作り、3Dプリンターで出力するなど、新しい発想でもの作りができる。
  • デジタルファブリケーションの普及で、大企業でなくても作りたい製品を作ることができる。
  • 大量生産・大量消費の仕組みによらず、1点ものを作ることができる。
  • ソフトウェアやITの世界は、情報を公開することで大きくなって、次々と社会を変えてきた。
  • ものづくりの世界ももっとオープンにすることで、新しい何かが生まれる。
  • データを無料で公開すれば、みんなで作り、改良していこうという流れが生まれる。
  • データをサイト上にアップするだけで、全世界へ自分の製品を販売することができる。
  • ものづくりはターゲットが細分化され、大量生産ではもはやフィットしなくなってきている。
  • 自分でカスタマイズしたりいじったりするやり方に、メーカーは対応できていない。
  • デジタルファブリケーション、そしてオープンイノベーションが、解決策になる。

Richard E. Nisbett

I have presented a large amount of evidence to the effect that Easterners and Westerners differ in fundamental assumptions about the nature of the world, in the focus of attention, in the skills necessary to perceive relationships and to discern objects in a complex environment, in the character of causal attribution, in the tendency to organize the world categorically or relationally, and in the inclination to use rules, including the rules of formal logic. Two major questions arise in light of these contentions. Does it matter? Is it going to continue?

Richard E. Nisbett

East Asians live in an interdependent world in which the self is part of a larger whole; Westerners live in a world in which the self is a unitary free agent. Easterners value success and achievement in good part because they reflect well on the groups they belong to; Westerners value these things because they are badges of personal merit. Easterners value fitting in and engage in self-criticism to make sure that they do so; Westerners value individuality and strive to make themselves look good. Easterners are highly attuned to the feelings of others and strive for interpersonal harmony; Westerners are more concerned with knowing themselves and are prepared to sacrifice harmony for fairness. Easterners are accepting of hierarchy and group control; Westerners are more likely to prefer equality and scope for personal action. Asians avoid controversy and debate; Westerners have faith in the rhetoric of argumentation in areas from the law to politics and science.




  • 現代日本社会の学校教育では、○か×か、イエスかノーかといった二項対立的思考や正解か不正解かの二者択一の選択、あるいは正解は一つだけという発想を教えている。正解は一つという発想は、判断基準を損か得かという二項対立的な基準に集約化し、感情における好きか嫌いか、快か不快かといった感情や情緒しか持てない人間を出現させてしまうことになったのではないだろうか。
  • 知識は溜まって知恵となり、使いこなして知性になる。その集積が品性へ繋がる。
  • 知性は単に年を重ねれば身につくものではなく、ましてやお金で買えるものでもない。
  • 「知性の乏しい人」とは、感情に支配されて損か得かという二者択一の判断基準でしか物事を考えず、自己規制なく行動する人であり、自分をダメ人間であると思い込んでいる人。
  • 「知性の豊かな人」とは、何事にも主体的に取り組み、物事のバランス感覚に優れ、自己コントロールができる、対人関係において安心して付き合える人。




CRISPRA DNA-editing technology called CRISPR has rapidly become one of the most popular ways to alter genomes. Concerns about its risks temper excitement about its usefulness. It has already been used to modify human embryos, and the technology could alter wild animal populations; it works in everything from wheat to mice. Nature brings together research, reporting and expert opinion on gene-editing and its implications.

Puping Liang, Yanwen Xu, Xiya Zhang, Chenhui Ding

Genome editing tools such as the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)-associated system (Cas) have been widely used to modify genes in model systems including animal zygotes and human cells, and hold tremendous promise for both basic research and clinical applications. To date, a serious knowledge gap remains in our understanding of DNA repair mechanisms in human early embryos, and in the efficiency and potential off-target effects of using technologies such as CRISPR/Cas9 in human pre-implantation embryos. In this report, we used tripronuclear (3PN) zygotes to further investigate CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing in human cells. We found that CRISPR/Cas9 could effectively cleave the endogenous β-globin gene (HBB). However, the efficiency of homologous recombination directed repair (HDR) of HBB was low and the edited embryos were mosaic. Off-target cleavage was also apparent in these 3PN zygotes as revealed by the T7E1 assay and whole-exome sequencing. Furthermore, the endogenous delta-globin gene (HBD), which is homologous to HBB, competed with exogenous donor oligos to act as the repair template, leading to untoward mutations. Our data also indicated that repair of the HBB locus in these embryos occurred preferentially through the non-crossover HDR pathway. Taken together, our work highlights the pressing need to further improve the fidelity and specificity of the CRISPR/Cas9 platform, a prerequisite for any clinical applications of CRSIPR/Cas9-mediated editing.

CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing in human tripronuclear zygotes (PDF file)

Jesse Kirkpatrick, Andrew Light

Recently in China, scientists genetically engineered a beagle to double its muscle mass. The scientists juiced up the aptly named Hercules by “editing” a gene called myostatin. While scientists have been able to edit genes for some time, the advent of a powerful tool called CRISPR has made gene editing — the insertion, deletion or modification of a gene in an organism — easier, cheaper and more precise. Although the case of the super-beagle raises potential ethical considerations related to the implications of inducing such dramatic changes in an animal, it also points to a broader set of issues that merit wider attention.

Turning Points

If you could alter your DNA, what changes would you make? Would you choose to grow a stronger jawline or add muscles that would help you run faster? Have you ever wished for gills or wings?
A team of Chinese researchers may have been asking themselves the same questions when they announced in 2015 that they had tried to alter the DNA of nonviable human embryos. Their experiment failed: Many of the embryos showed unexpected mutations.
Scientists around the world called for a moratorium on all such research, but perhaps someday some individuals will try to change their DNA, regardless of the risks.

Ji Shisan

Humans supervise these AI programs and make the ultimate decisions, but white-collar workers are understandably starting to worry about the day when AI can go it alone.
Don’t panic: Though the AI Revolution is underway, it is unlikely to eliminate many office jobs within the next five to 10 years. Current AI research and usage only targets specific tasks, like image recognition or data analysis, while most jobs require workers to draw on a broad range of skills.
But I think it’s important to understand why the job market will change. There have been important advances in AI in recent years, especially in the area known as deep learning. Rather than telling a computer exactly how to do a task with step-by-step programming, researchers employing a deep learning system step back and let it apply techniques such as pattern recognition and trial and error to teach itself how — techniques humans use. To be clear, “artificial intelligence” does not mean that such machines are sentient, as they are portrayed in science fiction; only that given more data, they may perform a task better.

Larry Chang

Better than a thousand sayings composed of meaningless statements is a single meaningful statement on hearing which one becomes calm.
~ Buddha, c. 563-283 BCE ~

The words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels.
~ Hazrat Khan, 1882-1927 ~

Donald Simanek

Who says there’s no poetry in mathematics? Consider this equation:

math-limerickThis equation translates to:
Integral z-squared dz
From 1 to the cube root of 3
Times the cosine
Of three pi over 9
Equals log of the cube root of e.

Before you send me critical emails, I already know that the “log” is “natural log” or “log to the base e”. This limerick apparently dates from that period in history when physicists understood the convention that “log” without qualification meant “natural log” and that if any other kind of log was meant, you had to specify its base explicitly in the notation.

Eigil Hanke

WorldPopulation2The future looks bleak, and even a vaste amount of television hours with optimistic statements about alternative energy and energy saving devices can not change this. Overpopulation is the biggest threat to the future of mankind. The exploding population in the world – doubled just since 1960 – has increased the effects of other problems such as global warming, the shrinking ozone layer, acid rain and so forth.

Corey J. A. Bradshaw, Barry W. Brook

The planet’s large, growing, and overconsuming human population, especially the increasing affluent component, is rapidly eroding many of the Earth’s natural ecosystems. However, society’s only real policy lever to reduce the human population humanely is to encourage lower per capita fertility. How long might fertility reduction take to make a meaningful impact? We examined various scenarios for global human population change to the year 2100 by adjusting fertility and mortality rates (both chronic and short-term interventions) to determine the plausible range of outcomes. Even one-child policies imposed worldwide and catastrophic mortality events would still likely result in 5–10 billion people by 2100. Because of this demographic momentum, there are no easy ways to change the broad trends of human population size this century.


焚くほどは風がくれたる落ち葉かな  一茶 文化12(1815)年
焚くほどは風がもてくる落ち葉かな   良寛 文政 2(1819)年


Hannah Arendt

It is true that the totalitarian state tried to establish holes of oblivion into which all deeds, good and evil, would disappear but just as the Nazis’ feverish attempts, from June, 1942, on, to erase all traces of their massacres—through cremation, through burning in open pits, through the use of explosives and flame-throwers and bone-crushing machinery—were doomed to failure, so all efforts to let their “opponents disappear in silent anonymity” were in vain. The holes of oblivion do not exist. Nothing human is perfect, and there are simply too many people in the world to make oblivion possible. One man will always be left alive to tell the story. Hence, nothing can ever be “practically useless”—at least, not in the long run. It would be of great practical usefulness for Germany today—and not merely for her prestige abroad but for her sadly confused inner condition—if there were more stories like Schmidt’s to tell. For the lesson of such stories is simple and within everybody’s grasp. Politically speaking, it is that under conditions of terror most people will comply but some people will not, just as the lesson of the countries to which the Final Solution was proposed is that “it could happen” almost anywhere but it did not happen everywhere.


  • Over the last 1,000 years human impacts on the land have increased, mainly through deforestation and increased use of pastures.
  • Such problems have intensified over recent years with unprecedented population growth and urbanisation since 1920, resulting in increased human impacts not only on individual species, but also on whole ecosystems.
  • The fast pace of development has led to many unwanted results. Exotic species get destroyed faster than we can discover them and ancient ecosystems are getting disturbed in our scientific explorations.


Q:   理科の先生が世界の人口が爆発的に増加したとき、自然と人口を減らすために大災害や戦争が起こると言ってました。

A:   恒常性というやつですね。地球の生態系のバランスを保つために、色んな要因でヒトの個体数が調整されている(みたいな)考え方です。





[人名用漢字] [音]チ(呉)(漢)



Alexander Light

Even in a corrupted semi-democracy, like ours, it is hard to believe that paradoxes like: “war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength” could make any sense — but they do.

Charles, Prince of Wales

Prince-CharlesFor many years I’ve tried to highlight the danger to our most precious and fragile landscapes if traditional practices disappear. It can take less than a generation for skills of knowledge handed down from one generation to the next to be lost forever, which is why I am delighted to hear of the ambitious project to create a Traditional Knowledge World Bank since this idea recognizes just how important traditional approaches and practices are.
Oddly enough, I tried very hard, I suppose it must be some twenty-five years ago, to raise interest in exactly this kind of initiative, but in those days nobody could see the point of what I was trying to get at. Any mention of the word “traditional” and use tend to be written off as old fashioned, out of touch and irrelevant. Traditional knowledge and practice, however hand on to the new generation a vital understanding or effective skill, which have been tried and tested for centuries. Traditional knowledge is therefore very much forward-looking, you might even call it visionary.

李白, 吉川幸次郎, Ezra Pound



While my hair was still cut straight across my forehead
I played about the front gate, pulling flowers.
You came by on bamboo stilts, playing horse,
You walked about my seat, playing with blue plums.
And we went on living in the village of Chōkan:
Two small people, without dislike or suspicion.

Jeffrey M. Perkel

Recently, new tools have enabled researchers to make precision modifications in just about any organism they want, with nucleotide-level precision, incredibly rapidly. Most work by introducing a double-stranded DNA break at a specific location, which the cell then repairs. The differences lie in how the systems introduce the break, and the ease with which new sequences can be targeted.
ZFNs: The first genomic-editing strategy uses custom DNA endonucleases called zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs). Zinc fingers are transcription factors; each finger module recognizes three to four bases of sequence, and by mixing and matching those modules researchers can more or less target any sequence they wish.
TALENs: Transcription activator-like effector nucleases, or TALENs, are dimeric transcription factor/nucleases built from arrays of 33 to 35 amino acid modules, each of which targets a single nucleotide. By assembling those arrays just so, researchers can target nearly any sequence they like. Especially cheaper. Labs can build custom TALENs for a fraction of what ZFNs cost. Addgene sells individual TALEN plasmids for $65 apiece, and complete kits for a few hundred dollars. Dan Voytas’ popular Golden Gate TALEN 2.0 kit costs $425.
CRISPR/Cas: The new kid on the block, genome-editing-wise, is the so-called CRISPR/Cas system. The subject of tremendous excitement in the research community—of 480 papers in PubMed on the topic, 160 have been published this year—CRISPR/Cas is like a DNA-targeted form of RNA interference.

Anna Petherick

NatureOutlookThe term ‘genetic engineering’ has been around since the early 1970s, along with the idea that, by altering DNA, scientists can cure genetic disease or create superhumans. Reality, however, was much less exciting. It is only in the past few years that researchers have developed the tools that allow them to engineer the genome with the precision and ease originally envisioned — to be able to edit any DNA base anywhere in any genome. A CRISPR–Cas9 plasmid, the most recent of the widely used genome-editing tools, now costs US$65 or less. It can be ordered online, arrives in the post and requires little specialist training to use.
It is this availability and simplicity that has allowed genome editing to become common practice. Agricultural scientists and infectious disease experts are doing it, as are synthetic biologists. Epigeneticists have modified DNA-editing tools to manipulate their objects of study. Biotechnology companies are springing up, aiming to develop treatments based on genome editing. But some diseases are more amenable than others. One of the most advanced therapies is one that shuts HIV out of immune cells.
With so much activity, a thorough and inclusive discussion of the implications of this technology is vital.


知識を得たとしても、次の日にその知識を完全に忘れてしまったら、意味がない。それは得てないのと同じである。 では、知識を得てその後も死ぬまで忘れなかったとしても、その知識が使われることが一生なかったのなら、やはりそれは意味があったのだろうか? きっとそれは意味がない。 使えない知識は、ないのと同じであろう。 ならば意味とは、知識を得てそしてそれが使われるときにやっと生じるものに違いない。 だが、知識を使うとはなんなのだろうか。 料理本や人間関係などについて書かれたいわゆるハウツー本などは、書かれていることが身近なのでその知識の使い方は容易に想像できる。 しかし科学の本などはどうなのだろう。たとえば僕が今読んでいるヒッグス粒子についての本も、そっちの研究に進まない限り多分二度とヒッグス粒子なんてものにお目にかかることはあるまい。 僕が書いた無限の話も、無限がこの世に存在しないのであれば、僕らには無限の世界で起こる不思議な現象なんて一生関係ない話である。 こういったものは全て無価値なのだろうか。 無価値とするならば、それは娯楽の範疇にいれるべきだ。なぜなら「へえー無限って面白いね」で話が終わりとなるわけだから。 おおよそ問題が拗れるのは例えば無限についての事柄が学問となって大学など教えられているということだ。 学問は、ある人にとっては娯楽かもしれないが、多くの学生にとって娯楽ではない。 苦労してわざわざ勉強した事柄が、実は無価値な娯楽であり、やってもやらなくてもどっちでもいいことだった、なんてことだったらツライ。


  • Зна́ние — форма существования и систематизации результатов познавательной деятельности человека. Знание помогает людям рационально организовывать свою деятельность и решать различные проблемы, возникающие в её процессе.
  • Зна́ние в широком смысле — субъективный образ реальности в форме понятий и представлений.
  • Зна́ние в узком смысле — обладание проверенной информацией (ответами на вопросы), позволяющей решать поставленную задачу.
  • Зна́ние (предмета) — уверенное понимание предмета, умение обращаться с ним, разбираться в нём, а также использовать для достижения намеченных целей.
  • Зна́ние — в теории искусственного интеллекта и экспертных систем — совокупность информации и правил вывода (у индивидуума, общества или системы ИИ) о мире, свойствах объектов, закономерностях процессов и явлений, а также правилах использования их для принятия решений. Главное отличие знаний от данных состоит в их структурности и активности, появление в базе новых фактов или установление новых связей может стать источником изменений в принятии решений.
  • 3на́ния фиксируются в образах и знаках естественных и искусственных языков. Знание противоположно незнанию (отсутствию проверенной информации о чём-либо).




「知るは理解を 理解は愛を」は私の活動のフィールドであるガールスカウトにおいて世界中で使われた活動のテーマです。

「知るは理解を 理解は愛を」(PDF ファイル)


Now beauty, as we said, shone bright among those visions, and in this world below we apprehend it through the clearest of our senses, clear and resplendent. For sight is the keenest of the physical senses, though wisdom is not seen by it — how passionate would be our desire for it, if such a clear image of wisdom were granted as would come through sight — and the same is true of the other beloved objects; but beauty alone has this privilege, to be most clearly seen and most lovely of them all.

Kelley L. Ross

The “standard analysis” of knowledge in recent philosophy has been of knowledge as “justified true belief.” In a “belief,” someone mentally assents to some proposition; if this belief is “true,” then there is some fact about reality that makes the proposition true; and then if the belief is “justified,” it means that the believer has some evidence or good reason for the belief.
Such a definition of knowledge goes back to Plato, where it is extensively discussed in his dialogue, the Theaetetus [201c-210b]. Whenever “justified true belief” is mentioned, credit is usually given to Plato for it. However, what is rare in that respect is acknowledgement that Plato rejected this definition of knowledge.

Karl Popper

The tabula rasa theory is absurd: at every stage of the evolution of life and of the development of an organism, we have to assume the existence of some knowledge in the form of dispositions and expectations. Accordingly, the growth of all knowledge consists in the modification of previous knowledge – either its alteration or its large-scale rejection. Knowledge never begins from nothing, but always from some background knowledge.



  • 年末に「よいお年をお迎えください」というのは、OK。
  • 年越しそばは、1年間無事に働いたことへの感謝を込めて食べるものなので、OK。
  • 正月飾りは、基本はNG。特に外に飾る門松・しめ飾りはやめたほうがいい。鏡餅もNG。
  • 年始の挨拶の「明けましておめでとうございます」はNG。
  • 「昨年はお世話になりました。今年もよろしくお願いします」だとOK。
  • お年玉は、あげてもOK。ただ、紅白の水引がついたぽち袋は使わないほうがいい。
  • おせちは、祝い事の料理になるので、控えた方がいい。
  • 初詣。お寺には、行ってもOK。神社の場合は、各神社によって違う。
  • 浄土真宗では、忌中や喪中はない。キリスト教にも、忌中や喪中はない。

Jen Christensen

You may have just learned that processed meat such as bacon, sausage and ham may cause cancer and unprocessed meat may be “probably carcinogenic to humans,” according to a new World Health Organization report. Or that cheese and sugar can be as addictive as a drug. Or that even veggie hot dogs may not be completely meat-free (or even human tissue-free), we recently learned.
So what in the world is there left to eat so you can stay healthy?
Doctors say it’s easy: Eat more like a Greek. Yes, your parents were right to push you to finish your veggies. The Mediterranean diet — one heavy on veggies, nuts and fruit, with limits on meat and dairy — is the way to go. Study after study has shown it is the key to help you live longer and puts you at a lower risk for cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It even keeps your brain younger and healthier. And while you will feel better and potentially live longer on a diet that favors veggies and fruits, it will also help you maintain a healthy weight and a thinner waist line, which is good for your overall health, self-esteem and mental well-being too.

Gian Carlo Di Renzo et al.

Widespread exposure to toxic environmental chemicals threatens healthy human reproduction. Industrial chemicals are used and discarded in every aspect of daily life and are ubiquitous in food, water, air, and consumer products. Exposure to environmental chemicals and metals permeates all parts of life across the globe. Toxic chemicals enter the environment through food and energy production, industrial emissions and accidents, waste, transportation, and the making, use, and disposal of consumer and personal care products.



石牟礼道子, Mark Knopfler


A long time ago came a man on a track, walking thirty miles with a sack on his back
and he put down his load where he thought it was the best, he made a home in the wilderness
he built a cabin and a winter store, and he plowed up the ground by the cold lake shore
and the other travelers came walking down the track, and they never went further, and they never went back
then came the churches, then came the schools, then came the lawyers, and then came the rules
then came the trains and the trucks with their loads, and the dirty old track was the telegraph road
then came the mines, then came the ore, then there was the hard times, then there was a war
telegraph sang a song about the world outside, telegraph road got so deep and so wide, like a rolling river


ありゃ、士族の衆の同志々々の喧嘩じゃったで。天皇さんも士族の上に在す。下方の者は、どげんち喜うだげな。 。。。

Happiness Research Institute

  • People on Facebook are 55% more likely to feel stressed.
  • People taking a break from Facebook are 18% more likely to feel present in the moment.
  • People on facebook are 39% more likely to feel less happy than their friends.
  • After one week without facebook the treatment group:
    • reported a significantly higher level of life satisfaction.
    • experienced an increase in their social activity –
      and an increase in their satisfaction with their social life.
    • experienced less concentration difficulties.
    • felt they wasted their time less.
  • Instead of focusing on what we actually need, we have an unfortunate tendency to focus on what other people have.

The Facebook experiment – Does social media affect the quality of our lives? (PDF file)

Alfred Nobel

All science is built on observations of similarities and differences.
A chemical analysis is of course nothing other than this, and even mathematics has no other foundation. History is a picture of past similarities and differences; geography shows the differences in the earth’s surface; geology, similarities and differences in the earth’s formation, from which we deduce the course of its transformations. Astronomy is the study of similarities and differences between celestial bodies; physics, a study of similarities and differences that arise from the attraction and motive functions of matter. The only exception to this rule is religious doctrine, but even this rests on the similar gullibility of most people. Even metaphysics – if it is not too insane – must find support for its hypotheses in some kind of analogy. One can state, without exaggeration, that the observation of and the search for similarities and differences are the basis of all human knowledge.

Scott H Young

Once upon a time, a student was in a physics class. He had achieved an otherwise perfect score, but the marker had graded him poorly on one question. The question had asked him how he would measure the height of a building using a barometer. The student had written down, “Go to the top of the building. Drop the barometer and count the seconds until it smashes on the sidewalk below. Then use the formula for acceleration by gravity to determine the height of the building.”
Of course, having referenced a barometer, the tester expected the student to use air pressure as a tool for measuring height. Since this answer did not demonstrate that the student knew how to solve questions about air pressure, he couldn’t pass that portion of the test. When the student brought up that his answer did solve the question being asked, the professor made a compromise. He said that he would let the student answer the question again with a different method. And if the student solved the problem again, he would award him the marks for the question.
Immediately the student responded that he would use the barometer to bang on the door of the landlord in the building. When the landlord answered the door, he would ask, “How tall is this building?”
At once, the professor saw what the student was doing. He asked him if he knew of any other methods to reach the answer. The student said that he did.He recommended tying a long string to the barometer and measuring the length of the string. Or swinging the string as a pendulum and inferring the height by the motion it created. The professor decided to award the student the marks. As the story goes, the student was a young Niels Bohr, later becoming the famous physicist and discovering the nature of electrons inside atoms.
This student didn’t just know how to get the answer. He also understood the entire scope for which the problem existed. Instead of seeing the problem in the same terms he had been taught, he could easily view it a number of ways.



o 情報    information
o 知識    knowledge      *すぐれた僧

o の付いたものは「漢語外来詞詞典」にあるものである。「漢語外来詞詞典」は中国で出版された外来語辞典である。つまり、中国に逆輸入された和製漢語である。



  1. その国の国語表記に用いられている文字の総体
  2. 漢字に倣って中国以外の国で作られた漢字体の文字
    1. 日本で漢字に倣って作られた文字
    2. 日本以外で漢字に倣って作られた文字。韓国の国字・字喃などを参照。
  3. 次のように漢字仮名交じりにすること
    1. 漢文を、日本文で漢字仮名交じりにして平易に説明する。普通「漢籍国字解」という。この「漢籍」の部分に題名を入れることもある。
    2. キリシタン版のローマ字を漢字仮名交じりにする。「ローマ字本」に対して「国字本」という。国字の前に題名を入れることもある。
  4. 2.以外の方法で作られた日本の仮名や朝鮮のハングルのこと


和製漢語は、特に近代以降、中国に逆輸出されたものも少なくない。これを日本の大陸侵攻と結びつけて考える向きもあるが、むしろ、中国が近代化を遂げる過程で、特に日清・日露戦争前後の中国人留学生によって、日本語の書物が多く翻訳されたことが与って大きい。中国語になった和製漢語の例として、「意識」「右翼」「運動」「階級」「共産主義」「共和」「経済」「左翼」「失恋」「社会主義」「進化」「接吻」「唯物論」など種々の語がある。中国でもみずから西洋語の翻訳を試み、華制新漢語なるものを作り出していたが、しばしば和製漢語と競り合うようになることもあった。 「中華人民共和国」の「人民」「共和国」も和製漢語であり、中国の国家名にまで使われ、現在の体制にも必要不可欠な概念も含まれている。






  • 日本における情報は名詞(広辞苑):概念
    • 「あることがらについての知らせ
    • 「判断を下したり、行動を起こしたりするために必要な種々の媒体を介しての知識」
  • 英語における情報は動詞:行動を伴う
    • Informationの語源はinfomare
      • 形のないものに形を与えること
    • literacyの定義はliterate
      • 人が情報を扱える状態にある


Manabu Kuramoto



今日,我々は書籍,メディア,インターネットを通じて多くの情報を得ることができるが, 同時に世の中には信頼性が保証されていない情報も蔓延している.そのような状況にも関わらず,信頼性を確認する有効なシステムは存在しない.そこで本プロジェクトでは,不確かな知識の信頼性の判断支援を行うシステムを提案した.提案システムでは自然言語形式で入力された知識の信頼性を判断するための情報を Web 情報の集約によって提示する.提示する信頼性判断情報は Web における知識の認知度に基づくものであり,「肯定/否定の印象分布」「情報ソースの分布」から分析によって生成される.さらにこれらの分析結果は時間と共に変化すると考えられるため,時間的要素を考慮して Web 情報を集約し信頼性判断情報を提示する仕組みに開発した.


William Hall, Leonard Koren

concreteConcrete takes a fresh look at the world’s most versatile and abundant building material. Collating fascinating and beautiful concrete buildings by some of the most celebrated architects of the last century, it features familiar projects from Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright alongside work from some of the leading lights of contemporary architecture including Zaha Hadid, Herzog & de Meuron, and many lesser-known newcomers.
Arranged to promote comparison and discussion, the selected projects take the reader on a global tour of inspiring and intriguing structures: a German skatepark sits beside an Italian rooftop test track, a Japanese crematorium alongside a Portuguese swimming pool and a Brazilian government building next to a Chinese opera house.
Illustrated with extraordinary photographs, each project includes an extended caption providing a commentary on the building.
An essay by Leonard Koren, author of the best-selling Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers, offers an evocative and perceptive view of concrete through the author’s experience of studying architecture in California and living in Tokyo.
Concrete is a beautiful and informative visual exploration of a material often considered dull and cold but actually full of spectacular potential.

al-Ahed News

saudi-princeThe Saudi prince, Abd al-Muhsen bin Walid bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, was arrested along with four other individuals.
They were charged with attempting to smuggle around two tons of Captagon pills on their private jet to Saudi Arabia.
Police had launched an investigation into the smuggling case.
Captagon pills had “the typical effects of a stimulant” and produce “a kind of euphoria – you’re talkative, you don’t sleep, you don’t eat, you’re energetic,” according to Lebanese psychiatrist Ramzi Haddad.
The drugs are reportedly the Takfiri “ISIL” militants’ favorite narcotics.

Todd Kashdan

Recent years have seen renewed attention to curiosity―recognizing, seeking out, and preferring things that are new, unusual, and outside of one’s normal experience. Curiosity includes two components, the mindful immersion component—rapt attention to interesting things and people—and the exploratory striving component—the desire to learn about whatever captured their attention. By increasing exposure to information and experiences that were not previously available, curiosity serves a broader function of building knowledge, skills, and social relationships.
When exposed to new information and experiences, there is often tension with prior ideas that may no longer fit. When our existing ideas about ourselves and the world are inadequate for integrating new information, this prompts us to revise our pre-conceived notions. These changes are in the service of broadening who we are, our relationships with other people, and the larger world.

Bridget Hart

Being abroad makes you feel like you can’t take even an hour of your time for granted. Even as I sit in my room while I write this post, I am thinking about what else I could be doing, what else I could be experiencing outside this building.

Mircea Eliade

Les instincts de l’homme restent intacts, voici la simple vérité qu’oublient les « rationalistes ». Or, sa soif de salut fait partie de l’ordre naturel des choses. Quoi qu’il lui arrive, quels que soient les changements qui s’opèrent en lui, l’homme veut, espère, croit faire son salut, trouver le sens central de son existence, valoriser sa vie.




細 川   一



W. Eugene Smith, Aileen M. Smith

ある日私たちは、おしゃべりが長くなってしまい、遅くならないよう私は彼を町まで車で送った。私も高校生も心配になってきた。もし私といっしょにいるところをだれかに見られたら? 駅について、私は彼に跳びおりるように言った。彼は急いで跳びおり、私はあたりを見まわした。私たちの車を知っているものがいて、彼が跳びだすのを見られたのではないかと、いささか不安になりながら。しかし彼はもう車から離れていて、歩くうしろ姿は、ぶらぶら家路につく高校生たちと変るところがなかった。


 — あんた何者かね?
 — はあ、あの、シュフ、主婦です。あの、水俣病を書きよります。まあだほんのすこし。豚も養いよりますけん、時間がなくて。家の事情もいろいろ・・・・・・。
 — ふむ、キミ荒木精之を知っとるかね。
 — 知ってます。
 — いや、荒木君はキミを知っとるかネ。
 — ご存知です。
 — つまりキミは荒木氏からみれば、熊本では何番目の文士かね?
 — さあ? はあ、文士だなんて、ぜんぜん、その・・・・・・。


 そのようなことはしかし予想されないことではなかった。 水俣市全体が異様なボルテージを高めつつあったから。 三十四年暴動直後にくっきりと変わって行った市民の水俣病に対する感情がそっくりそのまま再現しつつあったのである。会社に対して裁判も辞さぬと朝日新聞に決意表明をした胎児性死亡患者岩坂良子ちゃんの母親上野栄子氏の家には、チッソ新労が洗濯デモをかけるぞというデマ情報が入っていた。


大地が 呼吸 生き埋めになってる 東京の 東京の大地も それから大都会というのの特徴は 大地を生き埋めにして その上にコンクリートが物量となってこの大都会ができてて あの異様な建物の感じをその時 近代の卒塔婆だと思います 卒塔婆 今度 世紀が変わるとしたら まったく異なる世紀が生み出されるといいなと 思いますけど









  • 好き嫌いじゃなくて無関心
  • 何か世間でスポーツが盛り上がってるシーズンは非国民扱い
  • 読書や音楽のほうがずっと楽しい
  • スポーツ全般長すぎる
  • 運動苦手だから興味がない
  • 楽しさがわからない
  • やるのも見るのも楽しくない
  • 辛いって分かっているのにわざわざ取り組む事が理解できない
  • オリンピックでさえあまり興味の無い私は夫から非国民だと言われたことがある
  • 人が走ってる姿を見てもつまらない
  • 汗を流している男性より、涼しげでサラサラな髪を風になびかせる男性の方が好き
  • どのチームが勝つか負けるかどうでもいい
  • 「信じられない」って人いるけど、その人だって私の趣味には興味なし、お互い様
  • スポーツに無関心だから、オリンピック招致にも反対だった
  • どこの国の人が優勝しようが連覇しようがどうでもいい
  • 人がやってるの見て何が楽しいのかわからない
  • 興味ないし、なんであんなに熱くなれるのかと思う




Claude Sergent

Pourquoi la neige est-elle blanche ?
Pas vraiment
Parce qu’elle réfléchit 95 % du rayonnement solaire visible. Celui-ci est une lumière blanche résultant du « mélange » de différentes couleurs allant du violet au rouge. Chacune de ces couleurs correspond en fait à une longueur d’onde que chaque corps absorbe plus ou moins selon ses caractéristiques physiques.
Les ondes qui ne sont pas complètement absorbées sont réfléchies : ce sont elles que nous voyons. Par exemple, les feuilles des arbres nous apparaissent vertes car toutes les longueurs d’onde de la lumière, sauf celle de la couleur verte, sont absorbées par la chlorophylle. Quand la composition en chlorophylle évolue au cours des saisons, l’absorption des radiations est modifiée et nous percevons un changement de pigmentation des feuilles.
Dans le cas de la neige, le principe est le même. Mais le corps étant de nature différente, l’absorption ne se fait pas dans les mêmes proportions. Au contact du manteau neigeux, une partie du rayonnement solaire « rebondit ». L’autre partie pénètre dans le cristal, en étant plus ou moins déviée selon l’angle d’incidence. Puis elle émerge, après avoir été très faiblement absorbée. Le même phénomène a lieu lorsque le rayonnement émergent atteint un cristal voisin. Et ainsi de suite. Chaque cristal de glace est composé de multiples facettes, de sorte que le rayonnement solaire finit par émerger du manteau neigeux dans toutes les directions. Au terme de ce processus, toutes les longueurs d’onde ont été réfléchies dans les mêmes proportions. C’est pourquoi le rayonnement réfléchi par la neige nous apparaît blanc, avec une légère teinte bleutée, puisqu’en réalité les cristaux de glace absorbent légèrement moins le rayonnement bleu.

Mathilde Damgé

Les feuilles d’automne sont-elles « mortes » ?
Mais non !
A mesure que la lumière naturelle baisse, la chlorophylle s’efface, et le vert avec elle. Pourpres, dorées, les feuilles des arbres changent de couleur. Ce changement augure certes d’une fin prochaine, lorsqu’elles vont tomber, mais il est avant tout le signe d’un réflexe de survie des végétaux. Il s’agit d’un moyen de défense contre les insectes, qui décident, l’hiver arrivant, d’aller se réfugier au chaud dans un tronc d’arbre. Ce dernier, qui doit économiser ses ressources, va se rendre le moins attrayant possible. Il va « rapatrier » les acides aminés (qui attirent les insectes), contenus dans les feuilles, vers les branches et le tronc pour renforcer cette partie de l’arbre pendant l’hiver.
Ensuite, pourquoi certaines feuilles deviennent-elles rouges et d’autres jaunes ? Des chercheurs israéliens et finlandais ont travaillé sur la question. Les feuilles rouges constituent en fait un héritage très ancien : il y a 35 millions d’années, quand de larges parties du globe étaient recouvertes de forêts tropicales, certaines espèces ont commencé à produire des feuilles rouges pour se protéger des insectes. Elles sont encore là aujourd’hui. En Europe, où le jaune domine, les Alpes n’ont pas protégé les terres des glaciations. Ce refroidissement a entraîné l’extinction de nombreuses espèces d’arbres et avec, elles, d’insectes. Les arbres qui ont survécu n’ont plus eu besoin de se parer de rouge car les insectes dont ils devaient se protéger avaient disparu.

Thomas L. Friedman

Having watched all the debates and seen all these people running for president, I can’t suppress the thought: Why would anyone want this job now? Do you people realize what’s going on out there? Obama’s hair hasn’t gone early gray for nothing. I mean, Air Force One is great and all, but it now comes with Afghanistan, ISIS and the Republican Freedom Caucus — not to mention a lot of people, places and things all coming unstuck at once.

(Donald Trump in America, Marine Le Pen in France, the ISIS caliph in the Arab world, and Vladimir Putin in Russia.) They all promise to bring back the certainties and prosperity of the Cold War or post-Cold War eras — by sacking the traditional elites who got us here and by building walls against change and against the superempowered angry men. They are all false prophets, but the storm they promise to hold back is very real.

Richard Dobbs

Up until the year 2000, over 95 percent of the next generation were better off than the previous generation. Suddenly, the number of people who don’t believe they will be better off than their parents goes from zero to 25 percent or more.
When you are advancing, you buy the system; you don’t care who’s a billionaire, because your life is improving. But when you stop advancing, you can lose faith in the system. Because in one way or another they can be perceived as not working for you.

Richard Dobbs, James Manyika, Jonathan Woetzel

DisruptionThe world not only feels different. The data tell us it isdifferent. Based on years of research by the directors of the McKinsey Global Institute, No Ordinary Disruption: The Four Forces Breaking All the Trends is a timely and important analysis of how we need to reset our intuition as a result of four forces colliding and transforming the global economy:

  • the rise of emerging markets,
  • the accelerating impact of technology on the natural forces of market competition,
  • an aging world population,
  • and accelerating flows of trade, capital, people, and data.



明治以降栽培技術が飛躍的に進歩しましたし、品種改良も繰り返し行なわれましたから、野菜自体の味、形、色等が江戸時代とは大分違ってきているのです。それだけではありません。例えば今、お店に並んでいるニンジンには、たいがい葉が付いていませんよね? ところが、1697年に書かれた「本朝食鑑」を見ると、ニンジンは「人参菜」と記されており、8、9月には葉や茎を茹でて食べ、冬から春にかけては根の部分を食べると書いてあるのです。品種自体の違いもありますが、葉の部分を出荷時に切り取ってしまう現在とは、食べ方、食べる部分も随分違いますでしょ?

日本料理は目で食べるものといいますでしょ? もちろん、江戸時代の写真は残っていないのですが、錦絵などを見ると、当時も随分彩りに気を使っていることが分ります。また、料理書の中に記されている心得にも、彩りに気を配るようにとあるのです。