Category Archives: perception







Hamid Dabashi

The question is not which brand of journalism closely approximates to the truth. None do completely: They all come close to truth with their specific fusion of blindness and insights. The question for the world at large is how The New York Times and its Israeli shadow, Haaretz, have lost their monopoly of telling the truth in a manner that best safeguards their common interests in normalising the interests of US/Israeli military domination of the globe – for that is their paramount function.
Al Jazeera just adds one lens, a very modest lens, like all other lenses predicated on both its blindness and insights, limitations and abilities, and it is precisely that modesty which has exposed all other news venues, chief among them “the papers of record”, for what they are: a vested interest in telling us how to think. Al Jazeera does not replace or supplant The New York Times or Haaretz or the BBC. It just puts them in their rightful place: just one quick “freewheeling” click away from Al Jazeera, and then let the chips fall where they may!


かなり綿密な「美のデータベース」が、普遍的な共有財産として存在しないと、「見立て」は成立しない。これが成立するというのは、かなりハイブローな文化性の証左と言っていい。 卑近な例で言えば、春の彼岸に食べるモチを牡丹に見立てて「ぼたもち」と称し、同じものでも、秋の彼岸になると萩に見立てて「おはぎ」と称するというのは、そうした共有財産がないと成立しない。 ところが、最近はこの財産の共有性が薄れてきているので、平気で、春でも「おはぎ」秋でも「ぼたもち」といったりする。


「野に咲く花は美しい」ことは皆さんご存知だと思います。では、なぜ人は花を摘み取り飾るのでしょうか? 人は、自然の姿が美しいことを知っていながらも生活空間に花を飾り、その華やかな彩りを取り入れ、自らの感性を刺激しながら暮らしたいから、と考えます。そう考える一方で、実は私自身がこの考え方に少し抵抗を感じていました。なぜなら、綺麗な花を自分の手の届くところに飾りたいという人間のエゴが見え隠れしているように感じるからです。しかし、このエゴを含めても、花を飾ることには意味があるのだと思うようになりました。









Malcolm Gladwell

outliersOnce a musician has enough ability to get into a top music school, the thing that distinguishes one performer from another is how hard he or she works. That’s it. And what’s more, the people at the very top don’t work just harder or even much harder than everyone else. They work much, much harder.
It’s not how much money we make that ultimately makes us happy between nine and five. It’s whether or not our work fulfills us. Being a teacher is meaningful.




Paul Valéry

Je ne puis développer à présent ces considérations à peine indiquées et me borne à répéter ce que j’ai dit assez souvent : prenons garde d’entrer dans l’avenir à reculons… C’est pourquoi je n’aime pas trop que l’on parle de reconstruire la France : c’est construire une France que j’aimerais que l’on voulût.



John M. Dederer

NiceIn Paris they employed drive-bys: pull up to a restaurant, open fire, then move to another site. In Brussels, they used bombs on defenseless soft targets outside airport security. In Orlando, it was a lone wolf. Now at Nice they reverted to 9/11 tactics but instead of planes they used a truck as a delivery system.
They’re smart and willing to die. That’s a bad, bad combination.

Andrew C. Revkin

Over Memorial Day weekend, a toddler fell into a gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo. What happened next would lead to a fierce debate: Fearing the boy was in danger, a zoo worker shot and killed the gorilla, a 17-year-old western lowland gorilla named Harambe. The boy was unharmed. Many people, including animal welfare advocates, condemn the gorilla killing. Others – among them renowned primate expert Jane Goodall – say the zoo had no choice. Now the incident is raising a larger question: what is the value of keeping animals in captivity? Do the benefits zoos provide – like education, conservation, even entertainment – outweigh the risks to human and animal safety? A conversation about the value of zoos today, and how they could look different in the future.


Badiaキアンティ・クラッシコ リゼルヴァ2007 バディア・ア・パッシニャーノは、オレンジがかったチェリー・ルビー。発展した印象がありますが、輝きがあり、活き活きとしています。香りは、中程度の広がりで、濃縮感があり、深みも感じられます。潰したブラックベリー、キナやカルダモンのような甘苦系スパイス、スモークの香りやタバコ、土っぽい香りが複雑性を与えます。時間とともに、紅茶、ヴィンテージのポートのような芳香豊かで、濃縮感のある、複雑な香りへと益々発展してゆきます。味わいは、なめらか、スムーズ、口当たりの甘み、ボディの広がりがバランスよく調和しています。キレイな酸味が、味わいにきめ細かさと緻密を与え、大変心地よい。後半にかけて、密度が高く、ヴォリュームのある渋みが、酸味とミネラル感と共に長い余韻をつくります。

Christine Lagarde

History has told us time and again that building barriers, moving to protectionism — thinking that you can just deal with international, totally interconnected issue such as… terrorism, such as refugees — behind borders is an illusion and is very conducive to extremely disruptive situations. We’ve seen that in Europe, we’ve seen that in many parts of the world. Walls don’t actually have the situation for the better.

Jeff Jacoby

The United States has been far more successful at assimilating and integrating Muslim immigrants into American society and culture than has Western Europe. There are no Muslim ghettoes here like those in Molenbeek or the Paris suburbs, where authorities turn a blind eye to antisocial behavior and aggressive incitement by radicals preaching jihad.
Americanization — E Pluribus Unum — is not only a key ingredient in the American Dream. It also keeps us safe.







Henley and Partners

World’s best passports (by number of countries granting visa-free access)
Germany (177), Sweden (176), United Kingdom (175), France (175), Italy (175), Finland (175), Spain (175), United States (174), Denmark (174), Netherlands (174), Belgium (174), Japan (173), Singapore (173), Austria (173), South Korea (172), Luxembourg (172), Canada (172), Switzerland (172), Ireland (172), Norway (172), Portugal (172), Greece (171), New Zealand (171)

World’s worst passports (by number of countries granting visa-free access)
Liberia (43), North Korea (42), Burundi (42), Myanmar (42), Bangladesh (39), Sri Lanka (39), Lebanon (39), Congo (Dem. Rep.) (39), Kosovo (38), Yemen (38), South Sudan (38), Iran (37), Sudan (37), Eritrea (37), Ethiopia (37), Nepal (37), Palestinian Territories (37), Libya (36), Syria (32), Somalia (31), Iraq (30), Pakistan (29), Afghanistan (25)

Albert Einstein

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe”, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.

Marvin Steinberg

We don’t know the true extent of the problem because hardly anyone identifies it as a gambling problem — they see it as a “financial problem” or an “investing problem.”


North Korea’s recently launched satellite has achieved stable orbit but is not believed to have transmitted data back to Earth, U.S. sources said of a launch that has so far failed to convince experts that Pyongyang has significantly advanced its rocket technology.
Sunday’s launch of what North Korea said was an earth observation satellite angered the country’s neighbors and the United States, which called it a missile test. It followed Pyongyang’s fourth nuclear test in January.
“It’s in a stable orbit now. They got the tumbling under control,” a U.S. official said on Tuesday.
That is unlike the North’s previous satellite, launched in 2012, which never stabilized, the official said. However, the new satellite was not thought to be transmitting, another source added.
BBC: long-range rocket
首相官邸: 北朝鮮が『人工衛星』と称するミサイル
読売新聞: 事実上の長距離弾道ミサイル
NHK: 北朝鮮ミサイル 事実上の長距離弾道ミサイル
共産党: 事実上の弾道ミサイル
社民党: 北朝鮮によるロケット


橋爪大三郎: デモは「表現の自由」の一種。民主主義社会では、どんな少数者も自由に意思表明できる権利がある。一方、民主主義の意思決定は多数に従うのが原則だ。つまり表現の自由と民主主義の政治は、相携えつつも異なった原理に基づく。デモで政治的主張をすればただちに実現すると期待してはならない。
渡辺靖: デモで困るのは、自分は絶対に正しいと信じ、妥協を敗北としか考えられなくなる場合だ。怒りの感情を持つのはいいとしても、他人の発言を威圧して封じようとしたり、怒りを持たない人を「市民としての自覚が足らない」と責めたりするやり方には、疑問を感じる。私自身は「自分は間違っているかもしれない」「自分が正義であると考えること自体おこがましい」と考え、穏健で中庸に立つ生き方を取っていけたらと思う。
小林正弥: 本来、健全な議論の場が機能していて政治家が健全な政策決定をしているという安心感があれば、首相官邸前に人は行かないかもしれない。いまの民主党政権はそうなっていないと疑いをもっている人がたくさんいるから、デモが起こる。その意味では民主主義の機能不全の表れだ。

Zmitser Bandarenka

– Some experts claim that Moscow does not view Belarus as an equal partner anymore, and that Lukashenka has destroyed an opportunity “to ride on the sea-saw” between Moscow and Brussels himself. Is it so?
– Putin does not have room for manoeuvre now, as prices for oil could be even lower than $30 a barrel.
Imagine: a husband wanted to buy a fur coat to his wife, or promised a holiday at the sea, but could not offer that because of the financial crisis. And then a neighbour comes and says: lend me some money for a bottle, once again. And it is clear that he won’t return the money ever. The situation could be the following: “It is nothing to speak of, dear Aliaksandr – neither I nor you have money – why do you come? Just solve this difficulty yourself.”
– You say that there is no exact information. Why do they hold it back?
– Because Putin and Lukashenka cannot say frankly to the people: “Save yourselves, next year the situation will make you recall the years 1990 and 1989 as better years.”
Experts say that today’s oil price of $ 37 is lower than it was in the late 1980s. Therefore, the situation is very serious, but the “brothers-dictators” cannot tell people that. So they puff out their chests and try to pretend that they govern the process. And in my opinion, they do not govern it any more.



Douglas MacArthur

Well, the German problem is a completely and entirely different one from the Japanese problem. The German people were a mature race.
If the Anglo-Saxon was say 45 years of age in his development, in the sciences, the arts, divinity, culture, the Germans were quite as mature. The Japanese, however, in spite of their antiquity measured by time, were in a very tuitionary condition. Measured by the standards of modern civilization, they would be like a boy of twelve as compared with our development of 45 years.
Like any tuitionary period, they were susceptible to following new models, new ideas. You can implant basic concepts there. They were still close enough to origin to be elastic and acceptable to new concepts.
The German was quite as mature as we were. Whatever the German did in dereliction of the standards of modern morality, the international standards, he did deliberately. He didn’t do it because of a lack of knowledge of the world. He didn’t do it because he stumbled into it to some extent as the Japanese did. He did it as a considered policy in which he believed in his own military might, in which he believed that its application would be a shortcut to the power and economic domination that he desired …
But the Japanese were entirely different. There is no similarity. One of the great mistakes that was made was to try to apply the same policies which were so successful in Japan to Germany, where they were not quite so successful, to say the least. They were working on a different level.

F. William Engdahl

We’re about to be plunged into a new oil war in the Middle East, this one with a possible nuclear dimension. Wars for control of oil have been instigated for more than a century since the dawn of the petroleum era around the time of the First World War.
This war for control of oil, however, promises to be of a scale that will change world politics in a spectacular and highly destructive manner. It is on one level, a Saudi war to redraw the national borders of the infamous Anglo-French Sykes-Picot carve-up of the bankrupt Ottoman Turkish Empire of 1916. This new war has as its foolish goal bringing the oil fields and pipeline routes of Iraq and Syria, and perhaps more of the region, under direct Saudi control, with Qatar and Erdogan’s Turkey as Riyadh’s partners in crime. Unfortunately, as in all wars, there will be no winners.

Lindsey Kaufman

Despite its obvious problems, the open-office model has continued to encroach on workers across the country. Now, about 70 percent of U.S. offices have no or low partitions, according to the International Facility Management Association. Silicon Valley has been the leader in bringing down the dividers. Google, Yahoo, eBay, Goldman Sachs and American Express are all adherents. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg enlisted famed architect Frank Gehry to design the largest open floor plan in the world, housing nearly 3,000 engineers. And as a businessman, Michael Bloomberg was an early adopter of the open-space trend, saying it promoted transparency and fairness. He famously carried the model into city hall when he became mayor of New York, making “the Bullpen” a symbol of open communication and accessibility to the city’s chief.

Vladimiro Pelliciardi

For many centuries the population of Ladakh has led a self-reliant existence mainly based upon subsistence agriculture (self-sufficient in food-grain production), pastoralism and caravan trade. Since several decades, Leh District, a part of Ladakh, whose population is doubled from about 70000 in 1981 to 145000 in 2011, is no more self-sufficient in food-grain production. To overcome the demand-supply imbalance a large quantity of rice and flour wheat is imported every year by traders, cooperatives and central government. However to be self-sufficient is an important issue for this land locked territory which has not trade restrictions but severe constraint in transportation. Importing goods to Ladakh necessitates the shipping of goods by truck across the Himalayas, with passes as high as 5300 m, covering the distance of Manali to Leh (480 km) or Srinagar to Leh (420 km) will takes about three days.

LEI Wageningen UR

Cash crops (defined as farm output that is sold on a formal agricultural market) are an integral part of strategies to improve food security, both at the level of governments as well as farm households in developing countries with a substantial agricultural sector.
Cash crops bring substantial wage and employment opportunities to the rural economy, even if these are characterised by rather strong income fluctuations. Over time, cash crops provide a stimulus to agricultural innovation, by raising capital for agricultural investment and accelerating the build-up of institutions that enable further commercialisation. An important caveat is, however, that for cash crops to be successful, economic and environmental risks linked to cash crops have to be prevented or limited. This may require various risk-coping strategies. Many farm households balance the benefits and risks of cash crop and food crop production in their cropping decisions to sustain their livelihood and food security.










Des stades aux entrées payantes sont pleins de gens qui pensent que ceux qu’ils applaudissent sont trop payés, et les bibliothèques à l’entrée gratuite sont vides des gens qui pensent que les livres sont trop chers …

高野秀行, 清水克行



Piero Scaruffi

The worst genocides of the 20th and 21st Centuries

Ze-Dong Mao (China, 1958-61, 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50) 60,000,000
Adolf Hitler (Germany, 1939-1945) 12,000,000
Leopold II of Belgium (Congo, 1886-1908) 8,000,000
Jozef Stalin (USSR, 1932-39) 7,000,000
Hideki Tojo (Japan, 1941-44) 5,000,000
Ismail Enver (Ottoman Turkey, 1915-20) 2,550,000
Pol Pot (Cambodia, 1975-79) 1,700,000
Kim Il Sung (North Korea, 1948-94) 1,600,000
Menghistu (Ethiopia, 1975-78) 1,500,000
Yakubu Gowon (Biafra, 1967-1970) 1,000,000
Leonid Brezhnev (Afghanistan, 1979-1982) 900,000
Jean Kambanda (Rwanda, 1994) 800,000
Saddam Hussein (Iran 1980-1990, Kurdistan 1987-88) 600,000
Tito (Yugoslavia, 1945-1980) 570,000
Suharto/Soeharto (Indonesian communists 1965-66) 500,000
Fumimaro Konoe (Japan, 1937-39) 500,000
Jonas Savimbi (Angola, 1975-2002) 400,000
Mullah Omar – Taliban (Afghanistan, 1986-2001) 400,000
Idi Amin (Uganda, 1969-1979) 300,000
Yahya Khan (Pakistan, 1970-71) 300,000
Ante Pavelic (Croatia, 1941-45) 359,000
Benito Mussolini (Ethiopia, Libya, Yugoslavia, 1934-45) 300,000
Mobutu Sese Seko (Zaire, 1965-97) 250,000
Charles Taylor (Liberia, 1989-1996) 220,000
Foday Sankoh (Sierra Leone, 1991-2000) 200,000
Suharto (Aceh, East Timor, New Guinea, 1975-98) 200,000
Ho Chi Min (Vietnam, 1953-56) 200,000
Michel Micombero (Burundi, 1972) 150,000
Slobodan Milosevic (Yugoslavia, 1992-99) 100,000
Hassan Turabi (Sudan, 1989-1999) 100,000
Syngman Rhee (South Korea, 1948-50) 80,000
Richard Nixon (Vietnam, 1969-1974) 70,000

Bill Ayers

There was a big hullabaloo during the 2008 presidential election over your relationship to Obama.
What is or was your relationship to him?

I brief him every Monday in the White House, and he never listens! No. The truth is exactly what he said and what the campaign said in 2008. David Axelrod said we were friendly, that was true; we served on a couple of boards together, that was true; he held a fundraiser in our living room, that was true; Michelle [Obama] and Bernardine [Bernardine Dohrn, a spouse of Bill Ayers and a co-founder of the Weather Underground] were at the law firm together, that was true. Hyde Park in Chicago is a tiny neighborhood, so when he said I was “a guy around the neighborhood,” that was true. Today, I wish I knew him better and he was listening to me. Obama’s not a radical. I wish he were, but he’s not.
But were you excited when Obama was elected president in 2008?
Politics has very little to do with ideals.

Gary Klein

We have found that people draw on a large set of abilities that are sources of power. The conventional sources of power include deductive logical thinking, analysis of probabilities, and statistical methods. Yet the sources of power that are needed in natural settings are usually not analytical at all – the power of intuition, mental simulation, metaphor, and storytelling. The power of intuition enables us to size up a situation quickly. The power of mental simulation lets us imagine how a course of action might be carried out. The power of metaphor lets us draw on our experience by suggesting parallels between the current situation and something else we have come across. The power of storytelling helps us consolidated our experiences to make them available in the future, either to ourselves or to others. These areas have not been well studied by decision researchers.



Yuval Noah Harari

Like gods and human rights, nations are fictions. A mountain is something real. You can see it, touch it, smell it. But the United States or Israel are not a physical reality. You cannot see them, touch them or smell them. They are just stories that humans invented and then became extremely attached to.
Not all people believe in God, or in human rights, or in the United States of America. But everybody believes in money, and everybody believes in the dollar bill. Even Osama bin Laden. He hated American religion, American politics and American culture — but he was quite fond of American dollars. He had no objection to that story.
To conclude, whereas all other animals live in an objective world of rivers, trees and lions, we humans live in dual world. Yes, there are rivers, trees and lions in our world. But on top of that objective reality, we have constructed a second layer of make-believe reality, comprising fictional entities such as the European Union, God, the dollar and human rights.

Yuval Noah Harari

It is relatively easy to accept that religious networks of cooperation are based on fictional stories. People build a cathedral together or go on crusade together because they believe the same stories about God and Heaven. But the same is true of all other types of large-scale human cooperation. Take for example our legal systems. Today, most legal systems are based on a belief in human rights. But human rights are a fiction, just like God and Heaven. In reality, humans have no rights, just as chimps or wolves have no rights. Cut open a human, and you won’t find there any rights. The only place where human rights exist is in the stories we invent and tell one another. Human rights may be a very attractive story, but it is only a story.



Marina Vinogradova

7 reasons you should never date a Russian woman
They are too beautiful for you: The dedication that Russian women have to look beautiful is just scary. For the majority of them life is like a podium, and so they have to look sparkling even on the way to get a newspaper or walking the dog.
Loyalty is not cool: A Russian girl will be your most devoted friend, your best advisor, critic and even your doctor if you are sick. If you think loyalty is unnecessary and boring, don’t date Russians.
They are too independent: A Russian woman can stop a galloping horse and enter the burning house. Girls in Russia do not believe in ideal relationships and think that even if their Prince Charming finds them, they have to be able to live on their own.
Her high expectations: Russian women are very demanding. They don’t want just a guy who will love them madly. They want the best man alive to love them madly. Good old manners are very important.
The challenge of breaking the ice.: Russians are reserved and try to keep the distance before you become close to them. Any Russian girl can create an impression of Ice Queen, even if she likes you (especially if she really likes you!).

Alain Délétroz

Est-il raisonnable d’affirmer que l’Occident est antirusse et qu’il n’a de cesse de traîner Moscou dans la boue? La politique de Vladimir Poutine aujourd’hui irrite et, certes, fait naître un discours très critique dans les médias des démocraties, mais l’Occident serait-il pour autant antirusse? Non! Cette affirmation n’a tout simplement aucun fondement historique.
La France, par exemple, a toujours été bien plus méfiante des visées de l’Angleterre que de celles de son allié russe. Et réciproquement! Durant les deux guerres mondiales, les démocraties occidentales se sont bien battues aux côtés des Russes contre les Reich allemand et autrichien, et non l’inverse.

Guy Mettan

Depuis Napoléon, le discours antirusse est toujours le même: la Russie est une ennemie, elle est expansionniste, elle veut nous envahir. Son tsar, son leader, son président sont des tyrans, des despotes qui ne rêvent que d’asservir leur peuple et les peuples voisins. Poutine est un kleptocrate, un corrompu, un espion, un autocrate, un homophobe, un Staline, un Hitler, un envahisseur, une menace pour le genre humain et pour l’innocente et paisible Europe.
Ce discours, qu’on pourra sans doute lire sous la plume de mon contradicteur, est inlassablement répété par les dirigeants et les médias dominants en Europe depuis deux siècles pour une seule et unique raison: il sert à justifier les agressions et les invasions que les Européens, et aujourd’hui les Américains, mènent contre la Russie depuis le schisme religieux de 1054.



  1. 焼かれ尽くしたが見事再興し、現在でも世界有数の文化都市として君臨する京都
  2. 理由はどうあれ欲望の為なら盗賊同様が、道徳心と知識欲を手に入れてしまった平民
  3. 財布の紐は女が握っていた方が良い、と認めざるを得ない結果を示した日野富子
  4. 良書を熟読した者こそが正しく判断出来る、と認めざるを得ない功績を残した一条兼良
  5. 何のかんの言いながらも四畳半文化(侘び寂び)を築いてしまった足利義政
  6. 知恵こそ必要なり、正しい考え方こそ必要なり、を各地で説き、「やっぱり偉い人なんだな」と民衆にその後何百年もそう思わせている公家=官僚
  7. 知恵こそ必要なり、正しい考え方こそ必要なり、を各地で説き、「やっぱり偉い人なんだな」と民衆にその後何百年もそう思わせているお寺&宗派&食いっぱぐれしない僧侶達
  8. 京都が焼き尽くされた事により、逆に、京都の財や商や技や知などを手に入れた近隣地方都市
  9. 京都の知識人達が全国へ逃げた事で各地に出来て、今も観光資源として生き続けている「小京都
  10. だから結局「応仁の乱」の勝者は誰か?で永遠に決着つかずでメシが食えてる歴史学者、作家等々

Lord Taylor of Gryfe

My Lords, does the Minister agree that, in comparison with other sports, boxing is the only sport in which an individual enters into a ring to inflict damage on his opponent? Would not those two individuals in the ring be arrested if they did the same thing outside the ring?




なぜ広島の土壌は放射線で汚染されなかったのか? 大量の放射性物質はどこに消えたのでしょうか?



Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Quand je vois à travers l’épaisseur de l’eau le carrelage au fond de la piscine, je ne le vois pas malgré l’eau, les reflets, je le vois justement à travers eux, par eux. S’il n’y avait pas ces distorsions, ces zébrures du soleil, si je voyais sans cette chair la géométrie du carrelage, c’est alors que je cesserais de le voir comme il est, où il est, à savoir : plus loin que tout lieu identique. L’eau elle-même, la puissance aqueuse, l’élément sirupeux et miroitant, je ne peux pas dire qu’elle soit dans l’espace : elle n’est pas ailleurs, mais elle n’est pas dans la piscine. Elle l’habite, elle s’y matérialise, elle n’y est pas contenue, et si je lève les yeux vers l’écran des cyprès où joue le réseau des reflets, je ne puis contester que l’eau le visite aussi, ou du moins y envoie son essence active et vivante.



Heimlich A. Loki

I recently saw a brilliant slogan on a t-shirt. It read “sure it works in practice, but does it work in theory?” What a wonderful inversion! It made me laugh. And think. And that’s a dangerous thing.
Pragmatism has become the iron-clad law of this age. Anything can be justified if it is done as an appeal to practicality. The most artless, destructive, useless activities can be passed off as strictly necessary. The most idiotic, contemptuous, miserly, and shallow behaviour in corporations and institutions can be justified to infinity through an appeal to practicality.

Chris Auld

David Orrell, a mathematician who works on biological problems, recently published a book called Economyths: Ten Ways Economics Gets It Wrong. Economyths is a terrible, willfully ignorant, deeply anti-intellectual book. The characterization of economic thought presented is ridiculous. The level of scholarship is abysmal.
A few of the amazing (-ly wrong) things I learned about economics from this book:
・ Economists insist on using math.
・ Economists just don’t understand scarcity.
・ Economists have never heard of emergent properties.
・ Economists categorically reject bubbles everywhere and always.
・ Economists believe economic growth is always and everywhere a good thing.
・ Economists believe money and happiness are the same thing.




  • 日本のように人口減かつ低成長の国では、過去に蓄積された資産が相続によって一部の富裕層により集中し、格差拡大の要因になります。
  • 確かに日本の格差は米国ほどではない。しかし、上位10%の富裕層の所得は、国民所得全体の30~40%まで広がっています。日本がゼロに近い低成長なのに、上位の所得が増えているということは、裏を返せば、実質的に購買力を減らしている人がいるということです。日本の最高所得税率は1960~70年代より下がっています。上位10%の所得が増えているのに、税率が低い状態では格差が広がるばかり。所得税の累進性を高めるべきです。
  • 消費増税は正しいのかどうか。むしろ低所得者への課税を弱め、富裕層の資産課税を強めるべきです。紙幣を増刷することもいいのかどうか。税制改正より紙幣を刷る方がやりやすいですが、緩和したマネーがどこへ行っているのか分かりません。金融政策だけでなく、財政改革、教育改革、累進性のある税制改革も必要です。

Andrew Hussey

French-IntifadaFrench-Intifada2The specific aim of this book, then, is to examine the major role that French colonial wars in North Africa have played in the worldwide process of decolonization. Torture, collective killings and ethnic cleansing were all deployed by the French in North Africa as weapons of war. On the Muslim side, insurgency, terrorism, and assassination were legitimized as tools against the European oppressor. From this point of view, this book becomes the new story of an old nation whose identity as the world capital of liberty, equality and fraternity is at every step challenged and confronted by antagonisms with its cultural opposite – the secular Republic against the politics of its dispossessed colonial subjects.
From this dual perspective, my argument will be that France was not – as most French historians like to think – the sole agent of history during its colonial period, but that the countries of the Maghreb also had a direct influence on the twists and turns of French history. And that this process, largely ignored by contemporary French intellectuals, still continues in the banlieues.
However much the French media or intellectuals try to reduce the problem to familiar domestic issues, the fact is that France itself is still under attack from the angry and dispossessed heirs to the French colonial project.As long as this misunderstanding persists, the ‘long war’ will endure: ‘Na’al abouk la France‘ (‘Fuck France’).






矢口新: ナンピン買いは、戦術的にリスクとリターンとが見合わない拙い手法です。正解は、「ナンピン買いはどのような場合でも避ける」となります。
友成正治: 株式投資で儲かる人と儲からない人の根本的な違いは、ナンピンするかしないかである。儲け続けている人は、みんなナンピン買いをしているのである。
初心者の株式投資道場: 下手なナンピンすかんぴん。下げのトレンドに入っている銘柄は「ナンピン買い」より「損切り」を行うべきですね。
株式投資で幸せインカムゲイン生活: ナンピンは絶対ダメと言う人もいますが、私はナンピンに対していいイメージがあります。ナンピンは長期投資家と相性がいいものだという見方をしています。


「Center for American Progress (CAP)」を訪れる世界各国の人々と交流する中で、私は、世界各国・地域との相互依存関係において、日本に関して 3 つのことを懸念している。
第 1 は、いわゆる内向き傾向である。米国への日本人留学生が減り続けている一方で、中国人留学生が圧倒的に増えている。 … またビジネススクールにおいて日本人の英語力の低さと経験不足が見られ、アジアの他の国々の学生に対する競争力の低下が懸念される。
第 2 の心配は、歴史認識による孤立化である。 … 日本の政治家の靖国参拝や NHK 会長の発言などが事態を悪化させてもいるが、過去 1 年半の間に日本を孤立させようという試みがなされているということを日本は認識すべきであろう。

第 3 の心配は、日本の政治指導者やメディアや官僚の一部の人たちにある、過去の固定観念にもとづく米国への見方である。その固定観念とは、米国での重要な決定は、経済・文化に関してはニューヨークでなされ、政治に関してはワシントンでなされ、学問・知識に関してはボストンあるいはケンブリッジでなされる、という見方である。米国は過去 50年間で劇的に変化し、現在は非常に多様化してきている。西海岸のカリフォルニア、とりわけシリコンバレーなどでの変化は目を見張るものがある。然るに、日本の放送局は西海岸に駐在員をほとんどおいていない。日本が過剰に「継続性、安定性、前例主義」にこだわり、米国についての過去の固定観念にもとづく見方をすることは、多様化する米国を理解するにあたって、障害になりうる。 それは地域や性別や年齢や政党に関する多様性についても言えることである。米国では女性の職場での活躍が近年極めて進んでいるという事実も認識する必要がある。





Terry Fong

Surprising Things About Switzerland

  • ground level is floor "zero" and the floor above is "one".
  • banks do not charge ATM fees.
  • nudity (and more) on network TV is not unusual.
  • the post office is also a bank.
  • there is no mail pick-up at home.
  • there are no binder clips.
  • on many buses, you buy tickets and get change from the driver
  • you have to bag your own groceries at grocery stores.
  • all stores are usually closed by 7 pm.
  • gas stations sell good bread.
  • you cannot turn right on red.
  • SMS text messaging is free for received texts, only the sender pays.

BuzzFeed Community

16 Things Russians Do That Americans Might Find Weird

  1. Dressing up to go to the store.
  2. Sitting down for a minute before heading on a trip.
  3. Making really long and complicated toasts.
  4. Telling anecdotes as often as possible.
  5. Congratulating one another on getting out of a shower or sauna.
  6. Answering “how are you?” honestly and fully.
  7. Not smiling at strangers.
  8. Celebrating New Year’s more enthusiastically than Christmas.
  9. Constantly rewatching old Soviet cartoons.
  10. Calling all females “girl”.
  11. Sitting down at the table for a meal and staying there for hours.
  12. Always keeping your bags.
  13. Preparing way more food than is necessary for when friends come over.
  14. Living with their parents.
  15. Meeting complete strangers and then becoming friends with them immediately.
  16. And never showing up to someone’s house without a gift in hand.

Karen Dawisha

PutinsKleptocracyMr Putin transformed an oligarchy independent of and more powerful than the state into a corporatist structure in which oligarchs served at the pleasure of state officials, who themselves gained and exercised economic control…both for the state and for themselves. The result is that 110 individuals control 35% of Russia’s wealth.

More than half of the $50 billion spent on the Sochi Olympics simply disappeared into the pockets of Putin’s cronies.

Wolfgang Wagner, Michal Onderco

The appropriate policy towards so-called ‘rogue states’, i.e. regimes whose defining feature is the violation of international norms, has been among the most divisive issues in European foreign policy making. Whereas some EU member states prefer a confrontational approach to states like Iran and North Korea, others plea for a more accommodating policy. This paper argues that EU member states’ policies towards ‘rogue states’ are heavily influenced by domestic cultures of control because the problem of recurrent violations of community norms as posed by renegade regimes to the international community is similar to the problem posed by criminals in domestic society. Thus, states with a retributive culture of control follow a confrontational policy towards renegade regimes, fed by a ‘criminology of the other’ that is based on the assumption that certain criminals are simply evil and therefore intrinsically different from the rest of community. In contrast, states with a ‘penal-welfarist’ or’rehabilitative’ culture of control follow a more accommodationist policy, aiming at the resocialisation of the renegade into the community. To control for additional influences on policies towards ‘rogue states’, the paper also examines the impact of commercial interests and of the lobbying activities of ethnic identity groups.

Confrontation or Accommodation? – European Policies towards ‘Rogue States’ (pdf)

The Economist

Both loved and loathed at home, Margaret Thatcher stirred similarly polarised feelings abroad. They began across the Channel. In office she had a tricky time with French leaders, whatever their political stripe. François Mitterrand once said that she had the mouth of Marilyn Monroe and the eyes of Caligula. Jacques Chirac, a former president on the right, was caught at a European summit declaring: “What more does that housewife want from me? My balls on a plate?”

Rachel Reid

There are definitely multiple perspectives for evaluating art although I think that people choose one type over another because of the way that they were raised in their society or culture. The way that someone was brought up and influenced definitely plays into what kind of art they appreciate and tend to be more drawn towards. … Overall, each individual can be responsible for making the type of art that they truly appreciate and can be proud enough of their creativity to show to others so that others can really appreciate.
Because of this, I hope that in the future, I can appreciate art no matter where it comes from or what society it is from. I feel as if I am already very appreciate of all different types of art, but I hope that I can value every single type of art that someone has passionately created.




Ellie Zolfagharifard

Professor Howard Wiseman and his colleagues propose that:

  • The universe we experience is just one of a gigantic number of worlds. Some are almost identical to ours while most are very different;
  • All of these worlds are equally real, exist continuously through time, and possess precisely defined properties;
  • All quantum phenomena arise from a universal force of repulsion between ‘nearby’ (i.e. similar) worlds which tends to make them more dissimilar.

Tribune de Genève, Keystone

Les pires erreurs d’arbitrage de l’histoire du Mondial
BRA HRV, BRASILIEN KROATIEN, GRUPPE A, EROEFFNUNGSSPIEL, FUSSBALL, FIFA WM, FIFA WM 2014, FUSSBALL WELTMEISTERSCHAFT, WM2014, FIFA SOCCER WORLD CUP 2014,C’est la première bourde arbitrale dans cette édition 2014. Légèrement accroché par le Croate Lovren, le Brésilien Fred se laisse tomber de manière spectaculaire et abuse l’arbitre Yuichi Nishimura qui siffle penalty. Le Brésil gagne finalement 3-1. (12 juin 2014)



Kelly April Tyrrell

Flu_Lab_Tour13_1844The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Yoshihiro Kawaoka has been recognized as a 2014 Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Award recipient for his efforts to understand and prevent pandemic influenza.
He joins a list of prominent innovators, scientists and engineers selected for the award over the past decade for their world-changing contributions, including: SpaceX and Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk; XPRIZE Foundation founder Peter Diamandis; and humanitarian engineer Amy Smith.



Citing its battle damage assessment “up until now,” the Pentagon has denied any civilian casualties as a result of airstrikes in Syria, saying that reports remain unconfirmed and videos posted on social media showing civilians underneath rubble are fake.

A Tomahawk Land-Attack Missile is launched from the guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea in the

F. William Engdahl

Mikheil Saakashvili, who cleverly marketed himself as “anti-corruption,” appointed several of his family members to lucrative posts in government, giving one of his brothers a position as chief adviser on domestic issues to the Baku-Ceyhan Pipeline project, backed by British Petroleum and other oil multinationals.
Since coming to power in 2004 with US aid, Saakashvili has led a policy of mass-scale arrests, imprisonment, torture and deepened corruption. Saakashvili has presided over the creation of a de facto one-party state, with a dummy opposition occupying a tiny portion of seats in the parliament, and this public servant is building a Ceaucescu-style palace for himself on the outskirts of Tbilisi. According to the magazine, Civil Georgia (Mar. 22, 2004) until 2005, the salaries of Saakashvili and many of his ministers were reportedly paid by the NGO network of New York-based currency speculator Soros—along with the United Nations Development Program.

Mark Bittman

We can change what seems inevitable; it will just take sacrifice and hard work, …

We have to think bigger, and we have that opportunity. The same things that can fix climate can fix many other problems — agriculture, health care, inequality, campaign finance — because to be successful the climate movement must be a pro-democracy movement. That would change everything.



@Dour Scot

It depends on what you want to improve. If you consider that Japan has maximised productivity at the expense of quality of life, there may be a case for improving working conditions and living conditions for the same economic situation. Life quality and happiness are important policy goals, just like GDP. In Germany or Switzerland people work until 5pm and the countries run beautifully. Same in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland. The individual is crushed in Japan, but for what? Could it be that the country works as well when people just have a normal life outside work?

Karl E. Case, Ray C. Fair

The debate over income redistribution is a very old one that raises the passion of many people. By definition, income redistribution means that some people will be made worse off in order to make others better off.
The central argument against the redistribution of income relies on efficiency. Labor, like any resource, is paid its marginal product. Some people have skills and talents that yield a high marginal product, and others do not. This is considered the cruel fate of the marketplace. A person’s marginal product can always be improved by learning a new skill that has a higher marginal revenue product than their current skill. However, in the end, it is the revenue that people bring to firms that determines their compensation. If people were no longer being rewarded for their productivity, there would then be no incentive to get an education or invest in new goods. If the government were to redistribute income, there would be no incentive for people to take dangerous jobs or difficult jobs or even jobs that require more effort than other jobs.
The philosophical argument in favor of income redistribution relies on the fundamental premise that a society that is wealthy is morally obligated to help those who are not as fortunate. This belief has been exposited in different forms from the Old Testament to recent political campaign speeches. Some forms of this argument are: utilitarian justice; social contract theory—rawlsian justice; the works of Karl Marx; and income distribution as a public good.


ひょろっと作者のつぶやきみたいな感じで出てくるそれは、普通の小説作法から外れている。自由に大胆に取り入れて、それがかえって読ませる要因にもなっている。 。。。

Alaa Al Aswany

… This Egyptian capacity for tolerance and assimilation is now in doubt. Last year, the bank HSBC named Egypt the least foreigner-friendly of 37 countries surveyed, and the Deutsche Welle broadcast service reported on “the wave of xenophobia” against foreigners in Egypt. Protests, whether organized by Islamists or their opponents, it was said, often end with demonstrators ripping up photographs of President Obama and chanting anti-American slogans.
Have Egyptians succumbed to xenophobia?
… When Egypt has lapsed into xenophobia, it has always been because of the paranoia and aggression of dictators, not of the people. Many Egyptians feel that Western governments misunderstood their support for the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood government of President Mohamed Morsi, but they do not bear a grudge and they certainly have no hostility toward foreigners.

矢野ほづみ, 朝木直子



ヌース(知性から転送; nous)は、理性、知性、精神、魂等々を意味するギリシャ語。


「知性」と「知能」は、何が違うのか? 実は、この二つは、全く逆の意味の言葉なのです。端的に、この二つの言葉の定義を述べましょう。