Category Archives: real

Science Fictions (Stuart Ritchie)

Science, the discipline in which we should find the harshest scepticism, the most pin-sharp rationality and the hardest-headed empiricism, has become home to a dizzying array of incompetence, delusion, lies and self-deception.


  Ik = 40%E + 25%V + 35%L


複数のSIMカードを搭載できる携帯電話は、中国で生まれました。 これは合法マーケットがユーザーのニーズを満たすことができていないことに向けた反応です。 発展途上国においてよくあるのは、地域によってサーヴィスが異なっていたりすることです。ですからもし、あなたが都市にいて、母親が田舎に、弟がまた別の都市に暮らしていたとすると、両方と通話するためには、別のサーヴィスに加入しないといけなくなっていまします。ところが中国製の電話でなら、端末上でサーヴィスの切り替えができるのです。ここには大きな市場があるのですが、システムDの起業家たちは、真っ当な合法企業よりもとっくの昔にそのことに気づいていたわけです。

System D: The Gray Economy

System D is the underground or gray economy where approximately 20% of the world’s population works and is about 20% of the world’s total economic activity.
The term System D is adapted from the French word débrouillard. A débrouillard is a resourceful and self-reliant person that can figure out how to get what they need regardless of the obstacles. It was born from the mistrust of outsiders “etrangers” in medieval France when there was a real fear of trusting others for help. It possibly explains the against-the-grain French way of doing things which at times is not understood by foreigners. Interestingly there are few Frenchmen débrouillard from the past 50 years as the former French Colonies of Africa and Asia produce the débrouillards of today.
The obstacles in the gray economy are usually the laws, price controls or taxes put in place by the state.

Neither artificial nor intelligent

Hervé Bourlard remains sceptical about the term artificial intelligence and how it’s being used today. He says there is no such thing as “artificial intelligence” as no system reflects the slightest human intelligence. Even a two- or three-month-old baby can do what an AI machine would never be able to do.
Take a glass of water on a table. An infant knows full well that, if the glass is turned upside down it becomes empty. “That’s why they enjoy tipping it over. No machine in the world can understand this difference,” Bourlard says.
What this example demonstrates also holds true for common sense, a distinctive human ability that machines cannot – and according to Bourlard – never will be able to imitate.

“There is no intelligence in artificial intelligence. It is wrong to call it that, we should rather talk about machine learning。”
――Hervé Bourlard



どんな ものなのか






いや あと30メートル行けば



覚悟というか 諦めというか
ただ 状況を受け入れるという感じ
もう どうしようもないという感じなのだ
プラトンによればとか デカルトによればとか
ロックによればとか ヒュームによればとか バークリーによればとか
うるさい うるさい という感じだけれど
ひとことでいえば 観念は
いや 主観的な像だとか
いや 心に残る印象だとか

会議に遅れれば 時間の観念がないといって罵られ
意見を変えないと 固定観念に縛られてといって批判され
こだわりを持てば それは強迫観念だと決めつけられる
いずれにしても 観念という言葉が出てくると ろくなことがない

観念という言葉を使うと ろくなことはない







でも実際は 見たり聞いたり感じたりすることとは












人は ある波長の電磁波を色と感じる

人が感じることのできない波を 鳥が感じる
鳥が感じることのできない波を 人が感じる

君が感じることのできない波を 僕が感じる
僕が感じることのできない波を 君が感じる


ものに色がなければ ものは見えない
見えないものを あるとはいえない

起きている時に 夢を追いかけ
寝ている時に 幻を追いかける
あるはずのないものを 追いかける





見えないものが あるのかどうか
見えないものが あったとしても
あるかどうかは わからない

どこからくるのか わからないもの


見ていない景色は なんなのか
思い込みが なくなれば
見たら なにかが変わるのか


開けてはいけないものを 開けてしまったり
見てはいけないものを 見てしまったら

なにが起きるかは わからないけれど





でも僕は 無を想像できない


そう 君がいるところに




















でも あまり自分自分と言っていると








  • 3700人のうち有病率26パーセントと仮定すると実際にウイルス感染している人は962人です。
  • ウイルス感染していない人は、3700人- 962人=2738人です。
  • 有病率26パーセントの感染症に感度95パーセントのウイルス検査を3700人に行った場合、962人× 95パーセント=913.9人が陽性と判定されます。
  • 有病率26パーセントの感染症に特異度95パーセントのウイルス検査を3700人に行った場合、2738人× 95パーセント=2601人が陰性と判定されます。




Jessica Wildfire

Something else always comes along to claim your loyalty. The concept means almost nothing. Other words do a way better job at describing our relationships.

The last thing you want is someone hanging around only due to a false sense of loyalty, pride, or obligation. Screw that. You deserve better.

Loyalty usually offers nothing but a couple of trinkets and a t-shirt. It takes everything, though. Blind trust. Sacrifice. Someone who wants your loyalty doesn’t give a shit about you.

The best thing you can ask for in a relationship is long term mutual interest with benefits. That doesn’t sound very romantic. But it works really well. And it’s a lot harder to find that than you think.





Nathaniel Branden

Living consciously is a state of being mentally active rather than passive. It is the ability to look at the world through fresh eyes. It is intelligence taking joy in its own function. Living consciously in seeking to be aware of everything that bears on our interests, actions, values, purposes, and goals. It is the willingness to confront facts, pleasant or unpleasant. It is the desire to discover our mistakes and correct them. Within the range of our interests and concerns, it is the quest to keep expanding our awareness and understanding, both of the world external to self and of the world within. It is respect for reality and respect for the distinction between the real and the unreal.

Le Monde

Le cobaye était :
Claude Simon, écrivain français majeur et Prix Nobel de littérature en 1985, une récompense qui fut « accueillie dans son pays avec indifférence, voire hostilité ».
La question était :
« Serait-il publié aujourd’hui s’il envoyait ses épreuves à une maison d’édition ? »
Les auteurs étaient :
« Deux amis en désaccord sur la question. » Le premier est « Serge Volle, un homme discret de 70 ans », écrivain et peintre résidant en Ardèche ; le second est présenté comme « un ami écrivain très connu dont il ne veut pas dire le nom ».
C’est l’ami écrivain connu qui affirme qu’aucun éditeur aujourd’hui « n’accepterait de publier Claude Simon ». Un jugement drastique sur l’édition actuelle que Serge Volle a voulu vérifier. Il a envoyé, pendant l’été, une cinquantaine de pages d’une des œuvres les plus connues de Simon, Le Palace (Editions de Minuit, 1962) « à dix-neuf éditeurs, petits et grands ».
Sur les dix-neuf éditeurs, sept n’ont pas répondu et douze ont refusé.


保存料     自分で作ったおにぎりなら1日も経てば乾燥するけれど。。。
人工甘味料   合成した人工調味料で甘みをつけるのが体にいいわけが。。。
旨味調味料   スナック菓子を食べていると、途中でやめられなくなる。。。
着色料・発色剤 あの毒々しい色をしたものを体のなかに入れるなんて。。。

Robert Lang

Edgeless cities are a sprawling form of development that accounts for the bulk of office space found outside of downtowns. Every major metropolitan area has them: vast swaths of isolated buildings that are neither pedestrian friendly, nor easily accessible by public transit, and do not lend themselves to mixed use. While critics of urban sprawl tend to focus on the social impact of “edge cities” developments that combine large-scale office parks with major retail and housingedgeless cities, despite their ubiquity, are difficult to define or even locate. While they stay under the radar of critics, they represent a significant departure in the way American cities are built and are very likely the harbingers of a suburban future almost no one has anticipated.


戦い続ける人の心を 誰もがわかってるなら
戦い続ける人の心は あんなには燃えないだろう


There is no beginning of the infinite, for in that case it would have an end. But it is without beginning and indestructible, as being a sort of first principle; for it is necessary that whatever comes into existence should have an end, and there is a conclusion of all destruction. Wherefore as we say, there is no first principle of this [i.e. the infinite], but it itself seems to be the first principle of all other things and to surround all and to direct all, as they say who think that there are no other causes besides the infinite (such as mind, or friendship), but that it itself is divine ; for it is immortal and indestructible, as Anaximandros and most of the physicists say.

Michael J. Sandel

There are some thing money can’t buy, but these days not many. Today, almost everything is up for sale. Here are a few examples.
A prison cell upgrade:$82 per night. In Santa Ana, California, and some other cities, non-violent offenders cay pay for better accommodations -a clean, quiet jail cell, away from cells for nonpaying prisoners.
Access to the car pool lane while driving solo : $8 during rush hour. Minneapolis and other cities are trying to ease traffic congestion by letting solo drivers pay to drive in car pool lanes, at rates that vary according to traffic.
The service of an Indian surrogate mother to carry pregnancy: $6,250. Western couples seeking surrogates increasingly outsource the job to India, where the practice is legal and the price is less than one-third the going rate in the United States.
The right to immigrate to the United States : $500,000. Foreigners who invest $500,000 and create at least ten jobs in an area of high unemployment are eligible for green card that entitles them to permanent residency.
The right to shoot an endangered black rhino:$150,000. South Africa has begun letting ranchers sell hunters the right to kill a limited number of rhinos, to give the ranchers an incentive to raise and protect the endangered species.
The cellphone number of your doctor : $1,500 and up per year. A growing number of “concierge” doctors offer cell phone access and same-day appointments for patients willing to pay annual fees ranging from $1,500 to $25,000.
The right to emit a metric ton of carbon in the atmosphere: 13 euros (about $18). The European Union runs a carbon emissions market that enables companies to buy and sell the right to pollute.
Admission of your child to a prestigious university:? Although the price is not posted, officials from some top universities told The Wall Street Journal that they accept some less than stellar students whose parents are wealthy and likely to make a substantial financial contributions

Dan Kurland

Texts are commonly classified as fiction or nonfiction. The distinction addresses whether a text discusses the world of the imagination (fiction) or the real world (nonfiction).
The distinction between fiction and nonfiction has been blurred in recent years. Novelists (writers of fiction) have based stories on real life events and characters (nonfiction), and historians (writers of nonfiction) have incorporated imagined dialogue (fiction) to suggest the thoughts of historical figures.



Lana Wachowski, Andy Wachowski

The_Matrix_PosterHave you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

What is real? How do you define real? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

I’m going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries; a world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.



Mark Townsend

hitmenThey are classified as novices, journeymen, dilettantes or masters. They are Britain’s hitmen – killers who ply their deadly trade in return for cash, and who for the first time have become the subject of a major academic study.
Using off-the-record interviews with informants, interviews with offenders and former offenders, court transcripts and newspaper archives, academics from Birmingham City University identified patterns of hitman behaviour in an attempt to demystify their secret world.
The reality of contract killing in Britain tended to be striking only in its mundanity. Far from the media portrayal of hits being conducted inside smoky rooms, frequented by members of an organised crime gang, British hits were more usually carried out in the open, on pavements, sometimes as the target was out walking their dog, or going shopping, with passersby watching on in horror.
The average cost of a hit was £15,180, with £100,000 being the highest and £200 the lowest amount paid. The average age of a hitman was 38 with the youngest aged 15 and the oldest 63.

Rudy Rucker

The Transrealist writes about immediate perceptions in a fantastic way. Any literature which is not about actual reality is weak and enervated. But the genre of straight realism is all burnt out. Who needs more straight novels? The tools of fantasy and SF offer a means to thicken and intensify realistic fiction. By using fantastic devices it is actually possible to manipulate subtext. The familiar tools of SF—time travel, antigravity, alternate worlds, telepathy, etc.—are in fact symbolic of archetypal modes of perception. Time travel is memory, flight is enlightenment, alternate worlds symbolize the great variety of individual world-views, and telepathy stands for the ability to communicate fully. This is the “Trans” aspect. The “realism” aspect has to do with the fact that a valid work of art should deal with the world the way it actually is. Transrealism tries to treat not only immediate reality, but also the higher reality in which life is embedded.
The characters should be based on actual people. What makes standard genre fiction so insipid is that the characters are so obviously puppets of the author’s will. Actions become predictable, and in dialogue it is difficult to tell which character is supposed to be talking. In real life, the people you meet almost never say what you want or expect them to. From long and bruising contact, you carry simulations of your acquaintances around in your head. These simulations are imposed on you from without; they do not react to imagined situations as you might desire. By letting these simulations run your characters, you can avoid turning out mechanical wish-fulfillments. It is essential that the characters be in some sense out of control, as are real people—for what can anyone learn by reading about made-up people?

Kalu Rinpoche

illusion-realityWe live in illusion and the appearance of things. There is a reality. We are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything. That is all.

Marie Prieur

GeneveFrance«J’habite en France voisine», lance une jolie blonde dans un bar de Carouge. Vu la grimace de son interlocuteur, elle ajoute précipitamment: «Mais je suis Genevoise! Seulement voilà, les loyers sont moins chers de l’autre côté. » L’anecdote, en plus d’être véridique, est révélatrice des problèmes qui agitent le Grand Genève.
En premier lieu, la difficulté des Genevois de trouver un logement dans le canton. Rien que pour 2011, ils sont 4000 à avoir quitté Genève pour s’installer en périphérie. Direction la France voisine pour 2500 d’entre eux. Chaque année, ils viennent par milliers grossir les rangs des frontaliers.
Au point que désormais, à Genève, un actif sur trois habite en dehors des frontières cantonales. Sans compter tous ceux qui affirment n’avoir en France qu’une résidence secondaire alors qu’en réalité, ils y habitent toute l’année, voire scolarisent leurs enfants dans les écoles …
D’où la question, provocatrice, posée par la Tribune de Genève: jusqu’à quand la France acceptera-t-elle d’être la banlieue de Genève?

Jean Baudrillard

Such is simulation, insofar as it is opposed to representation. Representation stems from the principle of the equivalence of the sign and of the real (even if this equivalence is Utopian, it is a fundamental axiom). Simulation, on the contrary, stems from the Utopia of the principle of equivalence, from the radical negation of the sign as value, from the sign as the reversion and death sentence of every reference. Whereas representation attempts to absorb simulation by interpreting it as a false representation, simulation envelops the whole edifice of representation itself as a simulacrum.
Such would be the successive phases of the image:
it is the reflection of a profound reality;
it masks and denatures a profound reality;
it masks the absence of a profound reality;
it has no relation to any reality whatsoever;
it is its own pure simulacrum.


ABΜε έντονη αυτοκριτική διάθεση για τη στάση που τηρεί η Εκκλησία στον καιρό της οικονομικής κρίσης εμφανίστηκε ο αρχιεπίσκοπος Ιερώνυμος στην εισηγητική του ομιλία προς τους ιεράρχες κατά τη χθεσινή, πρώτη συνεδρίαση της Ιεραρχίας της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος.
«Αν θέλουμε να είμαστε ειλικρινείς, θα πρέπει πρώτα να ομολογήσουμε τη δική μας κρίση και να πάρουμε τις ευθύνες μας… Θα πρέπει πρώτα να έχουμε την αυτογνωσία ποιοι πραγματικά είμαστε και πώς μας βλέπει ο κόσμος, όχι μόνο ο στενός μας κύκλος, αλλά αυτοί στους οποίους απευθυνόμαστε, δηλαδή όχι μόνο όσοι δηλώνουν Ορθόδοξοι, αλλά και όλοι οι Έλληνες», τόνισε ο κ. Ιερώνυμος.
Και πρόσθεσε: «Θα πρέπει να ομολογήσουμε ότι πολλοί από εμάς δεν έχουμε ακόμη συνειδητοποιήσει τι συμβαίνει, ζούμε σε μια εικονική πραγματικότητα, έχουμε κλειστεί στο παρελθόν, αρνούμαστε να δούμε τη στενόχωρη αλήθεια που μας περιβάλλει».

Dana Ford

billy-ray-harris2Darling, who is from Kansas City, Missouri, said she was devastated when she realized she’d lost her ring.
She almost never takes it off, but it was giving her a bit of a rash so she did, zipping it in her coin purse for safe keeping.
Later, she absentmindedly emptied the contents of that purse into the collection cup of Billy Ray Harris, who is homeless and often stays under a bridge in Darling’s hometown.
It wasn’t until the next day that she realized her ring was gone.
Harris“It was horrible. It was such a feeling of loss,” Darling said. “It meant so much to me beyond just the financial value.”
She went back to look for Harris, but he was gone. She returned the next day and found him.
“I asked him … ‘I don’t know if you remember me, but I think I gave you something that’s very precious to me,’ and he says, ‘Was it a ring? Yeah, I have it, I kept it for you,'” Darling said.
She was floored.
GiveForwardBillyRayHarrisTo show their appreciation, Darling and her husband set up an online fundraiser for Harris. The donations and praise have poured in.
CNN affiliate KCTV caught up with Harris and asked him how he felt about all the attention he’s attracted since returning the ring.
“I like it, but I don’t think I deserve it,” he said.
“What I actually feel like is, ‘what has the world come to when a person who returns something that doesn’t belong to him and all this happens?'” Harris said.
But for her part, Darling said she is just grateful for what he did. Many others, she said, would have kept the ring, or sold it.

Lawrence Malkin

During a conference of experts in monetary matters held at the German Ministry of Finance, the following plan was discussed:

“Offensive against Sterling and Destruction of its Position as World Currency”

This plan, which was unanimously approved, contemplates in the first place the necessity of careful preparation and perfect execution of the work enabling the proposed aims to be realised in all the countries of the Near East as well as in North Africa, in the British Colonies and in South America.

counterfeit-5-pound-noteIt was decided to proceed with the printing in the printing works of the Reichsbank of 30 billions of forged bank notes of £1 and of 2 billions of various other notes. The transfer of these forged notes to foreign countries would be effected through the diplomatic bags of the Ministry of the Navy.

Gerolf Steiner

authorThe first edition of the H. Stumpke’s (G. Steiner’s pseudonym) book “Bau und Leben der Rhinogradentia” was issued in 1960 in the most known and serious German publishing house “Gustav Fischer Verlag” (Stuttgard; Jena) specializing in publishing of guides, textbooks and theoretical monographies. The book made so stunning success that at the end of the same year it was republished. Originally the monography had caused a shock, of course: zoologists could not understand a dirty trick for a long time – the trust to publishing house with a well-known emblem – tail-shaking fish – was too high… When the joke appeared revealed, Steiner had been forgiven for professionalism and that pleasure which every reader gets both from the text, and from humour, and from magnificent illustrations. It is not so surprising that the book was republished some times in German (last edition was in 1998 with color illustrations) and was translated to French, English and Japanese languages.

Pierre-Paul Grassé

grasse-6Biochemists and biologists who adhere blindly to the Darwinism theory search for results that will be in agreement with their theories and consequently orient their research in a given direction.
La stigmergie se manifeste dans la termitière, par le fait que le travail individuel de chaque ouvrier constructeur stimule et oriente celui du voisin.
A library does not fabricate information, it receives it from without, classifies and stores it. The medieval copyists made mistakes that altered, vitiated the texts they were supposed to reproduce. Who dares assert that their errors are the work itself?

Matthew Albanese

Every aspect from the construction to the lighting of the final model is painstakingly pre-planned using methods which force the viewers perspective when photographed from a specific angle. Using a mixture of photographic techniques such as scale, depth of field, white balance and lighting I am able to drastically alter the appearance of my materials.


Владимир Путин

armsВ текущем году мы выходим на рекордный уровень по экспортным поставкам военной продукции. Их объем превысил $14 млрд, то есть план на год перевыполнен.
Россия, конечно, продолжит сотрудничество со своими традиционными партнерами в сфере ВТС, но не менее важно для нас выходить на новые рынки, расширять номенклатуру поставок и сервисных услуг.
Нужно уметь как говорится, показать товар лицом.

Nick Bostrom

A technologically mature “posthuman” civilization would have enormous computing power. Based on this empirical fact, the simulation argument shows that at least one of the following propositions is true:
(1) The fraction of human-level civilizations that reach a posthuman stage is very close to zero;
(2) The fraction of posthuman civilizations that are interested in running ancestor-simulations is very close to zero;
(3) The fraction of all people with our kind of experiences that are living in a simulation is very close to one.
If (1) is true, then we will almost certainly go extinct before reaching posthumanity.
If (2) is true, then there must be a strong convergence among the courses of advanced civilizations so that virtually none contains any relatively wealthy individuals who desire to run ancestor-simulations and are free to do so.
If (3) is true, then we almost certainly live in a simulation.
In the dark forest of our current ignorance, it seems sensible to apportion one’s credence roughly evenly between (1), (2), and (3).
Unless we are now living in a simulation, our descendants will almost certainly never run an ancestor-simulation.

Adam Taylor

Germany’s gold reserves are amongst the highest in the world and they have been kept almost entirely overseas due to Cold War fears of a Soviet invasion. Almost half of Germany’s gold is kept in Manhattan — deep in the heart of the Financial District at the New York Fed.
But some German politicians seem to be getting uncomfortable with trusting the US with this system. They want to actually see the gold, to make sure its still there. Some even want it back. A campaign called “Bring back our Gold” was launched in May, and seems to be making an impact on mainstream politics.






  1. レジョネールよ、君は信義と忠誠をもってフランスにつくす志願兵である。
  2. それぞれのレジョネールは、国籍、人種、宗教にかかわらず君の戦友である。君は常に同じ家族の者達が団結しなければならないように、その強い連帯感を常に示さなければならない。
  3. 伝統の尊重、上官を慕い、規律と仲間意識をもつことは、君の力となり、勇気と素晴らしい美点となるだろう。
  4. レジョネールであることに誇りを持ち、身だしなみ、謙虚であるがそれにふさわしい振る舞い、あるいは清潔な兵舎の中に常にそれを示さなければならない。
  5. 精鋭兵士よ、君は厳しさを持って鍛錬し、最も大切な物として武器を手入れし、常に身体への配慮を怠ってはならない。
  6. 任務は絶対に尊重するものである、最後まで実行し、作戦においてもし必要ならば命をかけて実行しなければならない。
  7. 戦闘において、君は憎しみや偏見なしに行動し、敗者を尊重し、決して仲間の亡骸、負傷者、武器を見捨ててはならない。



Roberto Saviano

Dans de nombreux pays occidentaux, la lutte contre le trafic de drogue se fait à reculons, surtout en temps de crise, quand la liquidité monétaire est vue comme une oasis dans le désert.
(Sans surprise, la mafia est très présente en Italie et dispose de 65 milliards d’euros de liquidités chaque année.) Les organisation criminelles siphonnent 100 milliards d’euros de l’économie légale, une somme équivalente à 7 % du produit intérieur brut (PIB italien). L’argent finit dans les mains des mafiosi plutôt qu’à l’Etat ou des Italiens qui respectent la loi, eux.
(Les coupures de 500 euros représentent 70 % de la valeur totale des billets en circulation en Espagne.) En 2006, la Banque centrale espagnole avait enquêté sur le grand nombre de billets de 500 euros en circulation, explique-t-il. Les organisations criminelles les aiment car ils ne prennent pas beaucoup de place. Un petit coffre-fort de 45 centimètres de long peut accueillir jusqu’à 10 millions d’euros.

Eleanor Harding

Women have long suspected they still do more of the housework than their husbands.
And the next time there’s a row over the chores, they’ll have proof.
Eight out of ten married women do more housework than their partners, according to figures compiled by the Institute for Public Policy Research.
The think tank found only one in ten married men do the same amount as their wives. Around the same proportion do more.
Only 3 per cent of married women spend fewer than three hours a week on housework, with almost half doing 13 hours or more.
Experts say the gender imbalance is still alive in the British household and are calling for men to do their fair share. The revolution in gender roles is unfinished business.


没入観を得るための Virtual Reality 技術や Artificial Reality 技術などの意味での Virtual は Real の対極ではない。逆に、限りなく Real に近い状態だ。
ここでは Reality を増した結果を Virtual と呼んでいることになるので、Real と Virtual がほぼ同義語になっている。

デフォルメされたアバターによりコミュニケーションする SNS などを Virtual と呼ぶのは Virtue を Abstract するという感じだ。
ここでは Reality を減らした結果を Virtual と呼んでいることになるので、Virtual と Real がほぼ対義語になっている。

Richard Dawkins

I would mind more if I could claim that The Selfish Gene had become severely outmoded and superseded. Unfortunately (from one point of view) I cannot. Details have changed and factual examples burgeoned mightily. But, with an exception that I shall discuss in a moment, there is little in the book that I would rush to take back now, or apologise for. Arthur Cain, late Professor of Zoology at Liverpool and one of my inspiring tutors at Oxford in the sixties, described The Selfish Gene in 1976 as a ‘young man’s book’. He was deliberately quoting a commentator on A. J. Ayer’s Language Truth and Logic. I was flattered by the comparison, although I knew that Ayer had recanted much of his first book and I could hardly miss Cain’s pointed implication that I should, in the fullness of time, do the same.

Art Markman

If you are in a place that has some unfamiliar objects, but they are set up similarly to a situation you have experienced before, you will get a feeling of knowing, but you won’t actually retrieve any specific memory for the place. That feeling of familiarity is quite helpful, of course. If you walk into a new restaurant, but it is configured like many other restaurants that you have visited in the past, then it is good for you to feel like you are in a familiar place. Your knowledge about restaurants will help you figure out what to do next.
If the configuration is nearly identical to one that you experienced before, though, then you may get a powerful feeling of knowing. That is, you may get a sensation of déjà vu. In the end, though, the experience of déjà vu is just an extreme reaction of the system that your memory uses to tell you that you are in a familiar situation.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

It has been more profitable for us to bind together in the wrong direction than to be alone in the right one. Those who have followed the assertive idiot rather than the introspective wise person have passed us some of their genes. This is apparent from a social pathology: psychopaths rally follower.

Pete Earley

Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations, who held the same rank as an ambassador serving in an embassy overseas, was not expected to live in Riverdale. In April 1995, the representative was Sergei Lavrov, a seasoned diplomat who would later become the Russian minister of foreign affairs under President Putin.
“Ambassador Lavrov was constantly changing apartments in Manhattan, paying as much as $30,000 per month in rent, and moving from one part of the city to another,” Sergei would later recall. “He was required to alert the SVR each time he moved so our technical experts could make certain his apartment was free of FBI listening devices. But Lavrov was moving without telling us and I suspect he was more afraid and concerned about SVR bugs han he was about anything the Americans might hide in his apartment.”


>Catholic: “I have a large fortune….I am going to buy Citibank.”
Protestant: “I am very wealthy and will buy Exxon Mobil.”
Muslim: “I am a fabulously rich prince…. I intend to purchase Microsoft.”
Jew: “I’m not selling.”

>Clara Moskowitz, Mike Wall, Tariq Malik

>A view from the Solar Dynamics Observatory shows Comet Lovejoy as a thin, faint streak emerging from behind the sun.
A newfound comet defied long odds Thursday, surviving a suicidal dive through the sun’s hellishly hot atmosphere.
Comet Lovejoy plunged through the sun’s corona at about 7 p.m. ET, coming within 87,000 miles of our star’s surface. Temperatures in the corona can reach 2 million degrees Fahrenheit, so most researchers expected the icy wanderer to be completely destroyed.

>Kevin O’Flynn

>The real and the fake have long entwined — just look at a certain someone’s smooth cheeks and forehead, or watch the news on Channel One — but reality began to bubble up, again and again, like a TV channel that flickers and starts showing the other side.

>Htesorf Enur

>If there a bit problem, do not solve it. If solved, a smaller problem will become a big problem.
If there is a dream, do not realize it. If realized, you will simply lose your dream.

>Kathryn Cramer


I checked you out of the library. You were due back in two weeks for synchronization, but I kept you out much longer, running up huge fines. The librarian was very nice and didn’t make me pay right away, but said that she had very little discretion; that the fines were set by the library system and your publisher.
I am a writer and I was looking for an acting teacher to help me improve how I read my work out loud. Although, of course, your publisher didn’t tell me your real name, your bio on the package really spoke to me. I thought we would get along, and we did, from the very first moment that you were uploaded into my card slot.
Suddenly, there you were. It surprised me that you were my height. I’m not sure if that is an artefact of the software: virtual teachers scaled to the same size as their students, or whether you really are (or were) five foot six.
I was ready to work. I began to read aloud from the draft of my novel, and I could tell before you even said anything that the narrative voice just didn’t work. She wasn’t in the story, but aloof, above it all. This moment felt almost like telepathy, but I imagine it was accomplished by transmissions from the software of the emotional colouring of what you were about to say.
… I went to the library again this morning and checked you out. We’ve got two weeks.

>S. Morris Engel, Angelika Soldan, Kevin Durand


If we consider a hole and ask, “Does a hole exist?” it would certainly seem clear that it does. For example, Kenny could step in a hole and twist his ankle. If we asked Kenny if the hole exists, he might well think we had become addled to ask such a silly and obvious question. “Of course it exists,” he might say, “after all, I just stepped in it, and I couldn’t very well have stepped in something that doesn’t exist!” However, if we consider the matter a bit further, an oddity within the reality of holes becomes apparent. A hole, it seems, exists differently from, say, a tree. The tree defines its own boundaries, it exists independently of other entities, and it has physical extension. A hole, on the other hand, does not exist independently. While we might say, “I stepped in a hole,” it is clear that what is meant there is that “I stepped in a hole in the ground.” A hole is always a hole in something else. Thus, it does not establish its own boundaries, it does not exist independently of the entity within which it is, and it does not have physical extension. A hole does not take up space; rather, it is an absence or a privation. Thus, a hole is not a something:, it is a nothing.



Does a hole exist? What is a hole?
Does a hole in something actually exist, or is it merely an absence of matter?
Take for example – a hole in a piece of paper.

>L. J. Hurst


Things exist. But then so do holes. How does a hole exist – it is defined by its surrounding solidities (earth, doughnut, wood etc). But if we can talk of the earth and the doughnut and the wood we know we are talking of something existing that is also physical. But there can be holes in arguments, in budgets, in understanding – again we know what arguments, budgets ad understanding are – though they are not physical. Mustn’t the opposite also exist? Mustn’t non-being also be, in order to identify what is?

>Νίκος Δήμου


Ον και μη ον. Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε συνώνυμα γι αυτό το ολέθριο ζευγάρι. Ζωή – θάνατος. Παρουσία – απουσία. Κάτι – τίποτα.
Το τίποτα, το κενό, το μηδέν είναι, βέβαια, ο κυρίαρχος πόλος. Κερδίζει πάντοτε στο τέλος.



  • 穴は存在するか
  • 穴は回転するか
  • 水と空気の境界は水なのか空気なのか
  • 物どうしが触れ合うことは本当に可能なのか


If you let me bite you, the bite to me
the physical pain of bite to you
the feeling and thought of bite for me
the mental feeling of pain to you

when walking on the street I saw my friend cross the street, she is real to me, but my friend didn’t see me, so I am not real to her. (same moment, same existence, one is real, one is not) I am real to myself always, my body, my thoughts, my feeling, my spirit and soul are all real to myself.
some people consider that future is not real, Past is also not real anymore. they are gone. only the present time is considered Real.But then how to define the present time? in hours, in minutes, or seconds? 
everything happened in your past can be real still because they were installed in your memory, you safekeep box. But if you forgot some, then those you forgot are not real to you any more.

>Jared Roy Endicott

Have you ever been to the future? Neither have I. No one has ever been to the future, because the future is not real. We are only ever in the present, now and always. The present cannot be escaped from. The present is the horizon of realization. The present perpetually realizes from the pattern of resonances and dissonances created by earlier incarnations of the continually unfolding current state of things. These previous presents form a testimonial that we call the past. The past is therefore, and nothing more than, the record of realization. The past is all of reality post-realization. If the present is the horizon of realization and the past is the record of realization, then the future lies over, or beyond, the horizon of realization. The future is pre-realization. Being in a context of pre-realization the future is not yet, and not currently, real. Furthermore, since realization is always happening only in the present, the future is never a realized thing. The future is thus not real.

>Margery Williams


“Does it hurt?” asked the Rabbit.
“Sometimes,” said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. “When you are Real you don’t mind being hurt.”
“Does it happen all at once, like being wound up,” he asked, “or bit by bit?”
“It doesn’t happen all at once,” said the Skin Horse. “You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”





Je ne suis pas un nouveau riche, je suis un ancien pauvre.

Dieu a partagé : il a donné la nourriture aux riches et l’appétit aux pauvres.


>FALSE is one of the early purveyors of independent fashion anarchism. The brand has been functioning as an evolving propaganda to Le Messie’s visions on societies illusions. His mixed media artworks constantly work on re-emerging themes of breaking down social bourgeois structural views laid on by the so called “mass elite”. Often harboring dark under-line meanings, his strong influence to mystical aesthetics often draw about a deep question into the relation of his art and it’s viewer, often functioning in it’s own individual life-like form. All garments are individually hand-screened and hand-finished by FALSE. FALSE is parent brand to Better Off Dead, Fallacy Of Rome, FALSE Sounds& Anti-Anti.

>River of Change


In my mind the game becomes reality and a true fear
Passes through me, into my soul, into my eyes
The speed, the wind of my face, the chest rises and drops
My legs leave the the road behind my back, with frenzy
Sometimes the insignificant things of life become essential
Sometimes the gleams in the dark of life that give the strength to go on…
I reach the light, I raise my arms, I stop and cry like a child

I shout towards the sky, my joy for a beauty and useless victory

>Aaron Helton


All of this was a long-winded introduction to something I’ve been thinking about in specific terms for a while. I have been unable to find a name for it, so I will have to coin one and hope it makes sense: speculative nonfiction (alternatively, fictional nonfiction; alternatively to that, history jamming). I think of it as the world of nonfictional items that exist within fictional spaces, things that were created to support a fictional narrative. These items can be as fundamental as world-building elements or as obscure as references to nonexistent books. Often they can be objects, people, and places as well. For people who write fiction, most of these are throw-away elements, things that are used once or a limited number of times and discarded. Even narrative works can fall under this guise. Fictional biographies, for instance.
The idea opens up a great deal of possibility, and I think there are plenty of people like myself who would love to explore it. Presently practitioners of anything similar are pigeon-holed in genre-type alternate history (at best) or (at worst) fanfic, their works forming gray-market derivatives from their canonical sources. Given a broad enough timeline view (scale is key here), it is entirely possible that these derivative works and alternate histories could be functionally indistinguishable from the canonical sources or factual histories. And it is conceivable that future reconciliation efforts might reduce these variants and non-canonical narratives into a new canonical form, much like the collection of works we call The Bible. …

>Walt Whitman


The past and present wilt–I have fill’d them, emptied them.
And proceed to fill my next fold of the future.
Listener up there! what have you to confide to me?
Look in my face while I snuff the sidle of evening,
(Talk honestly, no one else hears you, and I stay only a minute longer.)
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
I concentrate toward them that are nigh, I wait on the door-slab.
Who has done his day’s work? who will soonest be through with his supper?
Who wishes to walk with me?
Will you speak before I am gone? will you prove already too late?






>Auguste Comte


From the study of the development of human intelligence, in all directions, and through all times, the discovery arises of a great fundamental law, to which it is necessarily subject, and which has a solid foundation of proof, both in the facts of our organization and in our historical experience. The law is this: that each of our leading conceptions – each branch of our knowledge – passes successively through three different theoretical conditions: the theological, or fictitious; the metaphysical, or abstract; and the scientific, or positive.

>Susanna Kaysen


People ask, How did you get in there? What they really want to know is if they are likely to end up there as well. I can’t answer the real question. All I can say is, it’s easy.
And it is easy to slip into a parallel universe. There are so many of them: worlds of the insane, the criminal, the cnp-pled, the dying, perhaps of the dead as well. These worlds exist alongside this world and resemble it, but are not in it.
In the parallel universe the laws of physics are suspended. What goes up does not necessarily come down; a body at rest does not tend to stay at rest; and not every action can be counted on to provoke an equal and opposite reaction. Time, too, is different. It may run in circles, flow backward, skip about from now to then. The very arrangement of molecules is fluid: Tables can be clocks; faces, flowers.

>Ron Suskind


The aide said that guys like me were ”in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who ”believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ”That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. ”We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”