Category Archives: learning



Robert McNeel

Why does VBScript have Null, Nothing and Empty, and what are the differences between them?
When you declare a variable in VBScript, the variable’s value before the first assignment is undefined, or Empty.

Dim varValue ‘ Empty value

So basically, Empty says I am an uninitialized variant. If you need to detect whether a variable actually is an empty variant and not a string or a number, you can use IsEmpty. Alternatively, you could use TypeName or VarType, but I prefer IsEmpty.
Nothing is similar to Empty but subtly different. Empty says I am an uninitialized variant, Nothing says I am an object reference that refers to no object. Objects are assigned to variables using the Set statement. Since the equality operator on objects checks for equality on the default property of an object, any attempt to say:

If varValue = Nothing Then

is doomed to failure – Nothing does not have a default property, so this will produce a run-time error. To check to see if an object reference is invalid, use:

If varValue Is Nothing Then

Null is more obscure. The semantics of Null are very poorly understood, particularly amongst people who have little experience with programming. Empty says I’m an uninitialized variant, Nothing says I’m an invalid object and Null says I represent a value which is not known. Null is not True, not False, but Null! The correct way to check for Null is much as you’d do for Empty: use IsNull (or TypeName or VarType.)


Does “nothing” exist?
No, nothing does not exist, concretely. It’s an abstract thing. A name for the opposite of ‘everything’, that inevitably exists and whitout which, we could not live. Everything and nothing are clear opposites. Everything is relative, but nothing is not, everything has to exist, but nothing can not. Almost exactly like black and white, that are spectres. White is all light, while black is no light. Therefore you can say white and black are symbolic colours for everything and nothing.



須田夏野, 田中幹子, 伊藤武彦, 白髭克彦

体の形づくりの過程では、適切な場所で、適切な量の細胞が増殖したり、分化したり、あるいは死んだりすることで、器官や組織が正しい形につくられる。細胞が自主的に死ぬ “細胞死”は、発生過程でおこる重要な現象の一つであり、様々な器官や組織の形成過程でみられる。特に四肢の発生過程では、手首や指の間で細胞死がおこることが知られており、細胞死の数が少ない場合には指の間に水かきができる。このよく知られた現象がどのようなメカニズムによって制御されているのかという問題については、細胞死をおこす領域に特異的に発現している BMP が関与していることはわかっていたが、BMP シグナルから細胞死がどのように実行されるのかについてはわかっていなかった。
Cellそこで、BMP シグナルと細胞死をつなぐ因子の候補として、ほかの器官の形成過程で BMP シグナルに制御されており、かつ、細胞死や細胞増殖などに関わる複数の遺伝子を標的にすることが知られていた AP-1 転写因子 MafBに着目し、四肢の細胞が生きるべきか、死ぬべきかの運命を制御する仕組みを解明した。
(上)MafB (緑)のヘテロ二量体(異なる二種のタンパクの結合体)のパートナーが cJun (青)であった時は、p63 や p73 といった細胞死を促進する遺伝子(紫)の発現が活性化され、細胞は死ぬ運命に導かれる。
(下)MafB (緑)の二量体パートナーが cFos (橙)で あった場合は、細胞は生きる運命に導かれる。
また、MafB、cJun、cFos 遺伝子のうち、細胞死がおこる領域に特異的であった MafB 遺伝子の発現が BMP シグナルによって制御されていることも見出した。



でも,「いま考えている系」 というのが宇宙一大きな系だったとしたら,上のことばの約束ごとは全てご破算にしなくてはならない。このときは,C からの力も含めてすべてが〝内力〟ということになる。

Vali Nasr

The Shia-Sunni conflict is at once a struggle for the soul of Islam — a great war of competing theologies and conceptions of sacred history — and a manifestation of the kind of tribal wars of ethnicities and identities, so seemingly archaic at times, yet so surprisingly vital, with which humanity has become wearily familiar. Faith and identity converge in this conflict, and their combined power goes a long way toward explaining why, despite the periods of coexistence, the struggle has lasted so long and retains such urgency and significance. It is not just a hoary religious dispute, a fossilized set piece from the early years of Islam’s unfolding, but a contemporary clash of identities. Theological and historical disagreements fuel it, but so do today’s concerns with power, subjugation, freedom, and equality, not to mention regional conflicts and foreign intrigues. It is, paradoxically, a very old, very modern conflict.
For the quarter century between the Iranian revolution in 1979 and September 11, 2001, the United States saw the Middle East far too often through the eyes of the authoritarian Sunni elites in Islamabad, Amman, Cairo, and Riyadh, who were America’s major local allies. Even in Western scholarly tomes on Islam, the Shia received only cursory treatment. As the Middle East changes and the Sunni ascendancy continues to come under challenge, the U.S. perspective on the region must change as well. Responding to European objections to the war in Iraq, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld famously distinguished the “old Europe,” which opposed the war, from the “new Europe,” which was more likely to support it. The war has also drawn a line (albeit in a different way) between an “old” and a “new” Middle East. The old Middle East lived under the domination of its Arab component and looked to Cairo, Baghdad, and Damascus — hose ancient seats of Sunni caliphs — as its “power towns.” The region’s problems, ambitions, identity, and self-image were primarily, if not exclusively, those of the Arabs. The dominant political values of the old Middle East are a decades-old vintage of Arab nationalism.
This Middle East, now passing uneasily away, was at its core a place by, for, and about the Sunni ruling establishment. The new Middle East coming fitfully into being — its birth pangs punctuated by car bombs but also by peaceful protests and elections — is defined in equal part by the identity of Shias, whose cultural ties and relations of faith, political alliances, and commercial links cut across the divide between Arab and non-Arab.


々  々 同上記号
ゝ  ゝ 平仮名繰返し記号
ヽ  ヽ 片仮名繰返し記号
ゞ  ゞ 平仮名繰返し記号(濁点)
ヾ  ヾ 片仮名繰返し記号(濁点)
〻  〻 二の字点、ゆすり点
〳  〳 くの字点上
〴  〴 くの字点上(濁点)
〵  〵 くの字点下
〱  〱 くの字点
〲  〲 くの字点(濁点)


ある人は、実は w に投票したかったのだが、w に当選の見込みがなかったので、2番目に好ましい x に投票したのかもしれない。また、ある人は、実は x を最も支持していたのだが、政治はバランス・オブ・パワーだと考えているため、あえて y に投票したのかもしれない。こうなると、当選者は最も多くの人々に支持されたから当選したとは必ずしも言えない可能性が出てくる。これは、世の多くの人々が投票による多数決制度を民主的制度の根幹と捉えていることを考えると、投票制度の極めて重大な欠陥と言えるだろう。





Remote Telecine: Digital Garden の Bay-204 と Company3 (US) や Rushes (UK) の grading rooms を専用回線でつなぎ、日本のクリエイターと世界 トップクラスのカラリストたちの感性を real time で共有できる color grading services




      「三輪山を しかも隠すか 春霞 人に知られぬ 花や咲くらむ」  『古今和歌集』巻2 94番歌紀貫之
      「三輪山を しかも隠すか 雲だにも 心あらなも かくさふべしや」  『万葉集』巻1 18番歌額田王


東北日本の東の海中では、約1億年前に太平洋東部で生まれた太平洋プレート(比重の大きい海洋プレート)が、東北日本を載せた北アメリカプレート(比重の小さい大陸プレート)に衝突している。重い太平洋プレートは、軽い北アメリカプレートにぶつかって、斜め下40 – 50°の角度で沈み込んでいる。プレートが衝突して沈み込む部分は海溝となり、衝突した岩盤が互いに動くことで、地震が発生する。地下深く沈んだ太平洋プレートから分離された水が、周辺の岩石の融点を下げるため、マグマが発生し、多くの火山を生成する。太平洋プレートに衝突され押された北アメリカプレートは、圧縮応力を受けてひび割れ、たくさんの断層が発生し、北上山地などが生まれた。

Joseph Stromberg

You come in from a summer hike covered with itchy red mosquito bites, only to have your friends innocently proclaim that they don’t have any. Or you wake up from a night of camping to find your ankles and wrists aflame with bites, while your tentmates are unscathed.
You’re not alone. An estimated 20 percent of people, it turns out, are especially delicious for mosquitoes, and get bit more often on a consistent basis.


Dyes Pigments
Soluble Insoluble
Vulnerable to fading Resistant against fading
Functional groups bond between dye and substrate Functional groups do not bond; typically requires a binder.
Structure alters Retains particulate form
Often combustible Relatively less combustible
Typically organic Typically (but not always) inorganic
Longevity – shorter Longevity – longer

Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

Japan struggled to revive growth. GDP increased significantly in the first half of 2013, following the announcement of an ambitious economic programme. This included open-ended Bank of Japan asset purchases (until inflation reaches 2%), short-run fiscal stimulus alongside the phasing-in of tax hikes, and the commitment to implement growth-enhancing structural reforms. However, growth slowed markedly in the second half of 2013. The current account also deteriorated amid a marked depreciation of the yen. Growth bounced back strongly in early 2014 in anticipation of the first consumption tax hike in April, but the rise was expected to be partly reversed.

Urban Dictionary

Doesn’t Cut the Mustard
This phrase originates from the Old English craft of Mustard making.
The chief mustard maker or Mustardeer would make their mustard in large oaken barrels, allowing each barrel to mature for a number of months. This maturing of the mustard produced a thick, leathery crust at the top of the barrel which would need to be removed before the contents could be tested.
The consistency of the crust would be such that a specialised cutting implement was required to remove it. Initially a modified scythe was used but this often lead to the crust being ‘dragged’ at certain points and falling into the rest of the mustard causing it to lose some of its distinctive flavour.
Over many years a specialised blade was developed that had an extremely thin leading edge which widened towards the centre and then tapered at the trailing edge although not to a sharp point. This allowed the blade to skim the majority of the topcrust off, leaving a very thin slice which would be left on to protect the mustard.
Due to the coarse, leathery nature of the topcrust the blade, over time, would develop dull spots along it’s length and thus required constant monitoring.
When it was time to remove the topcrust the senior Mustardeer would instruct his apprentice to pass him the blade and would attempt to slice thorough the top leathery layer. The Mustardeer would know immediately if the blade was not sufficiently keen enough to complete the task and he would pass the blade back to the apprentice and say to him “I’m sorry, but That Doesn’t Cut the Mustard”
The phrase has since passed into common usage describing anything that does not meet a certain standard.

    Don’t give me your crap excuses, That Doesn’t Cut the Mustard.
    The computer you sold me is not upto the task for which I purchased it. Im sorry but it doesn’t cut the mustard.


NorthTrue north differs from magnetic north, which varies from place to place and over time due to local magnetic anomalies. A magnetic compass almost never shows true north. In fact over millions of years, magnetic north wanders considerable and occasionally reverses so that the magnetic north pole has been near the geographic south pole at some periods in the earth’s history. In the arctic region, a magnetic compass is not very useful.
To find true north from a magnetic compass you have to know the local magnetic variation and how it is varying over time. For ordinary folk this is difficult (although good maps will have magnetic deviation marked on them).

From Websters Online
    Finding true north is essential for accurate navigation.

Hence the metaphor. In life’s journey we are often uncertain where we stand, where we are going and what is the right path for us personally. Knowing our true north would enable us to follow the right path.

Jonathan Schlefer

AssumptionsThere are no mathematical requirements for Assumptions, but there are thinking requirements. The book is about what economists do in their secret lives as economists, when they aren’t dashing off op-eds to tell everybody else what to believe, pulling the wool over undergraduates’ eyes in textbooks, or otherwise engaging in public relations. What economists otherwise do is make simplified assumptions about our world, build imaginary economies based on those assumptions – otherwise known as models – and use them to draw practical lessons. In fact, we all do much the same thing less formally when we think about economies, since the real world is way too complicated to understand in all its multitudinous detail. I explain the structure of models in words because nobody disputes the math, and readers of this book don’t need to be dragged through it. But grasping the intuitions that good models capture still demands thought. And the real disputes arise about assumptions that underlie a model, how to interpret it (what might this abstraction legitimately be interpreted as implying?), and whether it is at least not wildly inconsistent with experience. Where these disputes arise, my approach, as it was at Technology Review, is not to simplify but to roll up my sleeves and explain.




・・・ その教えは理屈のみに終わらず、とても実践的なのだ。道元禅師は、とにかく日常生活を大事にする。
そして、「坐る」という実践。 ・・・ 「何のために坐るのか。何のためでもない。ただ坐る」と説いている。
・・・ 道元禅師はこういう人だと、一言ではなかなか言えない。100人が見たら、100人の違う道元禅師が見えてくるだろう。


示シテ云ク 世間ノ人多分云ク 學道ノコヽロザシアレドモ世ハ末世ナリ 人ハ下劣ナリ 如法ノ修行ニハタユベカラズ 只隨分ニヤスキニツキテ 結縁ヲ思ヒ 他生ニ開悟ヲ期スベシト 今マ云フ 此ノ言ハ 全ク非ナリ 佛敎ニ正像末ヲ立ルコト 暫ク一途ノ方便ナリ 在世ノ比丘必ズシモ皆スグレタルニアラズ 不可思議ニ希有ニアサマシク 下根ナルモアリキ 故ニ 佛ケ種々ノ戒法等ヲマフケ玉フコト 皆ワルキ衆生 下根ノ爲ナリ 人人皆ナ佛法ノ器ナリ カナラズ非器ナリト思フコトナカレ 依行セバ必ズ證ヲ得ベキナリ 既ニ心アレバ 善惡ヲ分別シツベシ 手アリ足アリ 合掌歩行ニカケタル事アルベカラズシカアレバ 佛法ヲ行ズルニハ器ヲエラブベキニアラズ 人界ノ生ハ皆ナ是レ器量ナリ 餘ノ畜生等ノ生ニテハカナフベカラズ 學道ノ人只明日ヲ期スルコトナカレ 今日今時バカリ 佛法ニ隨テ行ジユクベキナリ


Kate Bahn

Impostor syndrome—the feeling that, regardless of your accomplishments, you’re still about to be unmasked as a fraud—is an all-too-common affliction among academics. Ironically, it’s the successful who tend to suffer from it: In order to feel like you’re faking it, you need to have already reached a certain level in your discipline. Think of it as a twisted version of the Socratic paradox—the more you know, the more you feel like you know nothing.
… While both men and women experience impostor syndrome, women are far more susceptible. Given the messages of inadequacy that many women have internalized throughout their lives, it’s hardly surprising that many of us are wondering if we can hack it.
… What’s alarming is that the more education and professional skills women acquire, the less confident we seem to feel.
… studies have shown that women generally apply only to those jobs for which they’re totally qualified, whereas men tend to have no compunction about applying if they meet some, but not all, of a job’s requirements. Women are less likely to tout their own research and more likely to be saddled with excessive service commitments than men are, too.






baribara「かわいい女性と飲みたい!」(あべけん太 ダウン症)

Elizabeth Howell


Diagram of a wormhole, or theoretical shortcut path between two locations in the universe.   Quarks, fundamental particles seen here in a three-dimensional computer-generated simulation.


Two nascent black holes formed by the collapse of an early supergiant star.   The HST WFPC2 image of gravitational lensing in the galaxy cluster Abell 2218, indicating the presence of large amount of dark matter.






ヨウ化銀は、マイナス5度からマイナス10 度くらいになると水蒸気を凍らせ、雨を降らせるが、そのためには今の時期なら高度5000メートルほどの高さまで到達させなくてはならない。
東京都の装置 で発生させたヨウ化銀が自然の上昇気流に乗ってその高さまで確実に上がっていくかどうかに疑問があり、信頼性に乏しい方法だ。






Léonce Verny

Léonce Verny dirige le grand arsenal naval de Yokosuka, premiers chantiers navals modernes du Japon, de 1866 à 1875. Il crée, également, une école d’ingénieurs et une école d’architecture navale puis conduit un large programme de construction de phares, notamment ceux de Kanonzaki et de Jogashima. Le souvenir de Verny dure encore : sa statue existe toujours sur le port de Yokosuka et la ville célèbre chaque année sa mémoire en novembre.

Construction de l’arsenal Yokosuka

Daphne Koller

Daphne KollerAs a society, we can and should invest more money in education. But that is only part of the solution. The high costs of high-quality education put it off limits to large parts of the population, both in the United States and abroad, and threaten the school’s place in society as a whole. We need to significantly reduce those costs while at the same time improving quality.
(Daphne Koller is one of the founders of Coursera, an online education platform.)

Khan Academy

khan-logoA free world-class education for anyone anywhere.

Khan Academy is an organization on a mission. We’re a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education for anyone anywhere.

All of the site’s resources are available to anyone. It doesn’t matter if you are a student, teacher, home-schooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years, or a friendly alien just trying to get a leg up in earthly biology. Khan Academy’s materials and resources are available to you completely free of charge.



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「哲学」の直接の原語は英語のphilosophyあるいはそれに当たるオランダ語で、これは古代ギリシア語のphilosophiaの音をそのまま移したものです。philosophiaは、philein (愛する)という動詞と sophia (知恵ないし知識)という名詞を組み合わせてつくられた合成語であり、「知を愛すること」つまり「愛知」という意味です。
この言葉は最初、紀元前6世紀頃のピュタゴラス教団の創始者が、ho philosophos「知識を愛する人」という形容詞として使いました。hoは男性の定冠詞です。形容詞に定冠詞を付けると、その性質をもった人間ないし物を意味するというあれですね。ピュタゴラスは、世界にはho philargyros「商人のように金銭を愛する人」とho philotimos「軍人のように名誉を愛する人」と、自分のような「知識を愛する人」の3種類の人がいると言っているのです。

Christopher Moore

How did the name philosophos come to be? Two views are now popular. Some say it first meant “lover of wisdom.” Others say it first meant “intellectual curious person” before later acquiring a specialized disciplinary meaning defined by Plato. Two views were popular in ancient times. Both take it as Pythagoras’ selfapplied name. One has Pythagoras demurring that the name sophos is appropriate only for god. The other has him distinguishing philosophoi from the people who care for either honor or money.
This paper argues against these four views. It conjectures instead that philosophos was coined as a bemused, ironic, perhaps derisive name-calling name meaning “wanting to become sophos,” where sophos names the elite cultural status for which the Seven Sages are archetypes.

The name-calling origins of the philosophos (PDF)

Anne-Elisabeth Celton

carambarEn 1954, le contremaître d’une confiserie du nord de la France décida d’ajouter du cacao au caramel. La machine se serait déréglée et au lieu de fabriquer des caramels de taille normale, aurait produit un caramel en forme de barre. Les blagues ne sont arrivées que plus tard.

Richard Saul Wurman

Richard-Saul-WurmanWhat is critical is to understand what it is like not to understand. My definition of learning is to remember what you are interested in. If you don’t remember something, you haven’t learned it, and you are never going to remember something unless you are interested in it. These words dance together. ‘Interest’ is another holy word and drives ‘memory’. Combine them and you have learning. If that is so, and I believe it is, then our entire system of education is bankrupt because what is taught to you is not what you are interested in, and it is not taught to you in a method that can accentuate the interest so you build up a whole fibrous web of learning for yourself. Not an interest you have that doesn’t connect with everything else in the world. So why not go in through your interests? But that is not how our school systems are set up. You memorize things you are not interested in, throw them up on a test, and then you forget them.


ヒッグス粒子を発見したのは、ジュネーブの素粒子物理学の研究所「CERN」にある、Large Hadron Collider (LHC) という加速器を用いた実験グループです。全周が約27キロメートルと、山手線のサイズに相当する巨大な加速器と呼ばれる装置を用い、3,000人以上の研究者やスタッフの努力の結果、とうとう発見に至ったのです。
スクリーンショット 2013-07-21 17.35.23本セミナーでは、素粒子を理解してきた歴史や最先端の研究、大型の基礎科学実験の意義や派生技術、経済効果など幅広い話題を、素粒子物理学実験を専門とする東京大学大学院理学系研究科・教授の駒宮幸男氏に分かりやすくお話しいただきます。特に、我が国が有力なホスト国の候補となっている、次世代加速器「国際リニアコライダー」(ILC)の概要についてもその全貌をご紹介します。

Exhilaration n. An overwhelming feeling of joy; extreme happiness.
(French: euphorie; Spanish: euforia, excitación; German: Heiterkeit; Italian: allegria)

exhilarationThe word exhilarate comes from the Latin exhilarare, meaning literally “to thoroughly make cheerful.” And that is just what occurs when we experience feelings of exhilaration, we are made thoroughly happy.
At that moment, every thing is good and all of the bad things in life are forgotten.

D. Andrew Beal

If Ax + By = Cz, where A, B, C, x, y, and z are positive integers with x, y, z > 2, then A, B, and C have a common prime factor.

The above conjecture and prize was announced in the December 1997 issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Since that time Andy Beal has increased the amount of the prize for his conjecture. The prize is now this: $1,000,000 for either a proof or a counterexample of his conjecture. The prize money is being held by the American Mathematical Society until it is awarded. In the meantime the interest is being used to fund some AMS activities and the annual Erdos Memorial Lecture.



Секс в японском стиле
1. Существует определенный класс японок, которым ужасно интересно сделать ЭТО с иностранцем.
2. Русский. Как много в этом звуке… Есть свои плюсы и минусы. Для коротких похождений на стороне легче называть себя американцем.
3. Иностранцы, приезжающие в Японию, обычно очень легко находят себе японскую подружку, причем, не будем себе льстить, многие из этих подружек достаются не одному поколению иностранцев.
4. Единожды подсев на иностранного бойфренда, японки назад к соплеменникам уже не возвращаются.
5. В Японии с этим проще, чем в СССР моей молодости или даже в той же Америке.

Marvin Minsky

marvin_minskyYou don’t understand anything until you learn it more than one way.
If you just have a single problem to solve, then fine, go ahead and use a neural network. But if you want to do science and understand how to choose architectures, or how to go to a new problem, you have to understand what different architectures can and cannot do.

Jared Diamond

jared-diamond_originalIt’s striking that Native Americans evolved no devastating epidemic diseases to give to Europeans, in return for the many devastating epidemic diseases that Indians received from the Old World.


Étymologie – Mot composé de mode et -eux.
À la mode.

  • Tout comme elles, gardez vos talons hauts et modeux pour des occasions spéciales et portez des chaussures plus confortables quotidiennement.

Traductions – anglais : fashionable


中国式 目の体操 (ツボ指圧)

  • 天応(眉頭から2~3㎜下がった所の眼窩の内側の少しへこんだ所)
  • 晴明(目頭と鼻の付け根の間の小さなくぼみ)
  • 四白(正面を向いたときの黒目の真下1.5~2㎝位の所で骨のくぼんだ所)
  • 太陽(目尻とまゆ尻の端の中間の高さからやや耳の方へ下がったこめかみのくぼみの所)

Henry McDonald

Magdalene-LaundriesThe Irish State has finally said sorry to 10,000 women and girls incarcerated in Catholic Church-run laundries where they were treated as virtual slaves.
Taoiseach Enda Kenny was forced into issuing a fulsome apology on Tuesday evening to those held in the Magdalene Laundries in Ireland.
The apology in the Dáil (Irish parliament) came about two weeks after a damning 1,000-plus page report was released detailing the way women and girls were maltreated inside the nun-controlled laundries.

Fallen woman

The term fallen woman was used to described a woman who has “lost her innocence”, and fallen from the grace of God. In 19th-century Britain especially, the meaning came to be closely associated with the loss or surrender of a woman’s chastity. Its use was an expression of the belief that to be socially and morally acceptable a woman’s sexuality and experience should be entirely restricted to marriage, and that she should also be under the supervision and care of an authoritative man. Used when society offered few employment opportunities for women in times of crisis or hardship, the term was often more specifically associated with prostitution which was regarded as both cause and effect of a woman being “fallen”. Today, as a result of greater understanding of women’s sexuality, changing attitudes to women’s role, greater employment opportunities and an acceptance that theologically, men as well as women are capable of falling from grace, the term is considered to be anachronistic although it retains strong literary associations and has considerable historical importance.

Hermann Bausinger

But it is a product of the technical world, an indirect result of technology, which creates not only a new world of objects but also new social and spiritual realities.


現在の為替レートで各国の賃金水準などを比較した場合に、大きな差が出る場合がある。例えば日本は一人当たり GDP が 37000ドル程度であるが、ベトナムはおよそ 500ドルである。これを単純比較すると日本の賃金水準が 70倍程度高いことになるが、ベトナムは日本よりも物価が安いため、所得が低いからといって購買できる量に 70倍もの差がつくわけではない。こうした実情を踏まえ、物価を考慮した購買力平価で調整した後の一人当たり GDP は日本が 30000ドル、ベトナムが 3000ドル程度となり、その差は 10倍程度になる。


(1) 長期的にはインフレ率の高い国の通貨は、価値が下がって下落する
(2) 円はずっとインフレ率が低いままなので、強くなってきたのはむしろ当然


Money-creationIn economics, money creation is the process by which the money supply of a country or a monetary region (such as the Eurozone) is increased. A central bank may introduce new money into the economy (termed ‘expansionary monetary policy’) by purchasing financial assets or lending money to financial institutions. Also, in a broader sense, it could be said that commercial banks introduce new money by multiplying base money created by the central bank through fractional reserve banking; this expands the amount of broad money (i.e. cash plus demand deposits) in the economy.
Central banks monitor the amount of money in the economy by measuring monetary aggregates such as M2. The effect of monetary policy on the money supply is indicated by comparing these measurements on various dates. For example, in the United States, money supply measured as M2 grew from $6407.3bn in January 2005, to $8318.9bn in January 2009.

Embassy Tokyo (Japan)

While Akie Abe seems intent on maintaining a higher profile than her predecessors, her role in the new administration is as yet undefined. So too is the bureaucratic apparatus necessary to support her activities; Japan has had to wrestle for the first time with creation of an office to support a “professional” first lady. Kuni Miyake, a former MOFA bureaucrat, has already come on board as Mrs. Abe’s Chief of Staff. In a conversation with Embassy Tokyo’s DCM, Miyake seemed intent on pursuing an ambitious outreach to other first ladies, a move designed to boost Akie Abe’s and PM Abe’s domestic popularity. In addition to Miyake, Mrs. Abe has a full-time staff member managing her wardrobe and appearance. Mrs. Abe has made clear, however, that she does not play a role in policy formulation or personnel matters. For example, she noted in her extensive magazine interview in Bungei Shunju that she was not consulted on cabinet appointments and had no idea who her husband would select until the day they were announced. She did describe the stress her husband seemed to be under as he pondered who to tap for his cabinet. To show that she can still fulfill the role of a traditional political wife, she also underscored in the interview that her most important job is to “make a relaxing atmosphere at home.”


chocolateチョコレートの起源は、マヤなど中米の古代文明で王族や支配階級の人たちに好まれたカカオの種子をすりつぶしてつくる飲み物でした。約4000年前から中米で神聖なものとして珍重されたカカオの飲み物は、16世紀にヨーロッパへと渡ります。そこで19 世紀半ば、私たちの知る「食べるチョコレート」へと生まれ変わります。

Simon Wren-Lewis

The New Classical revolution was in part a response to that tension. In methodological terms it was a counter revolution, trying to take macroeconomics away from the econometricians, and bring it back to something microeconomists could understand. Of course it could point to policy in the 1970s as justification, but I doubt that was the driving force. I also think it is difficult to fully understand the New Classical revolution, and the development of RBC models, without adding in some ideology.
Does this have anything to tell us about how macroeconomics will respond to the Great Recession? I think it does. If you bought the ‘responding to the last crisis’ narrative, you would expect to see some sea change, akin to Keynesian economics or the New Classical revolution. I suspect you would be disappointed. While I see plenty of financial frictions being added to DSGE models, I do not see any significant body of macroeconomists wanting to ply their trade in a radically different way. If this crisis is going to generate a new revolution in macroeconomics, where are the revolutionaries? However, if you read the history of macro thought the way I do, then macro crises are neither necessary nor sufficient for revolutions in macro thought. Perhaps there was only one real revolution, and we have been adjusting to the tensions that created ever since.

Robert Waldmann

Noted Economist Paul Krugman asks if economics is a Science.
Mainly he critiques Adam Ozimecs argument that it is.
I think that economics isn’t a science yet (although lots of economists working with micro data and either prforming experiments or finding natural experiments are acting as scientists).
The claim is that economic theories have bowed to facts. The one example presented by Ozimek in which this actually happened is the abandonement of the Phillips curve by academic ecnomists (actual policy makers still use it all the time).
… The claim that economics is a science is fundamentally based on the one hisorical episode in which the evidence was so overwhelming that it convinced Keynsians that Keynes had been right all along.
Newton wept.
The decision (which was very widely shared) that the Phillips curve hypothesis meant that economists had to assume rational expectations doesn’t follow. It is a logical fallacy. The argument is that if they had assumed rational expectations, they wouldn’t have made that conjecture.
In any case, the reaction of economic schools of thought to rejection of their current model is twofold. First “models are false by definition” and second “OK here is a new model with the same policy implications.” This holds in Cambridge MA too. It didn’t take long for new Keynesians to get the conclusions they wanted out of models with rational expectations. Scientists do not always reach the same conclusions no matter how many hypotheses are rejected by the data.

Paul Krugman

Adam Ozimek weighs in on the debate over economics as a science, and argues in favor thusly:

Another question is, if economics weren’t a science, then would previous paradigms so have been done in by empirical outcomes? The old Keynesian Phillips Curve held that there was a tradeoff between inflation and unemployment. When that relationship broke down during the stagflation of the 70s, the Phillips Curve was invalidated, and this helped shift macro away from old Keynesianism and towards the new classical paradigm. Real Business Cycle models of the 80s were also invalidated by reality: it was clear that money mattered, and in the real world it was hard to find technology shocks to explain actual recessions.

Um, there’s a problem here. Yes, the old Keynesian Phillips curve was abandoned in the face of evidence. But while real business cycle theory has indeed been “invalidated by reality”, as far as I can tell it’s still going strong in freshwater departments.
The point is that while economics certainly did have some of the characteristics of a science three decades ago, you can make a good case that significant parts of the field have lost those characteristics since then.

Adam Ozimek

ModeledBehavior1The lesson to take from this isn’t that if you don’t believe economics is a science then you must reject climate science or believe guns deter crime. It’s that if you’re going to hold economics research to an extremely high burden of proof, then you should be prepared to subject all of your beliefs to such standards. What this will leave you with is mostly weak beliefs about the world for a lot of stuff that matters to you, whether it be about medicine, history, biology, psychology, criminal justice, climate science, or economics. Maybe widespread weak beliefs are a better approximation of the truth, I don’t know, but I do know very few people do or are willing to reason like that consistently. Maybe they should. But even here the vast majority of humanity has more belief changing to do than economists. …
The point here is that in the long-run economic paradigms and methodologies are judged by their ability to explain the real world. Even if individual contributions within the field may contain what looks like un-scientific analysis, the field proceeds as a science.

Adolf Hitler

Furthermore the influence wielded by the Jews in the United States has consistently and steadily increased during the last quarter of a century. And since the entry of the United States into the war was quite inevitable, it was a slice of great good fortune for us to have at our side an ally of such great worth as Japan. But it was also a slice of great good fortune for the Jews. It gave them the chance they had so long been seeking to implicate the United States directly in the conflict, and it was a master stroke on their part to have succeeded in dragging the Americans unanimously and enthusiastically into their war. The Americans, mindful of their disillusionment in I9I9, were by no means anxious once again to intervene in a European war. On the other hand they were more obsessed than ever with the idea of the Yellow Peril. Trying to teach the Jews a trick or two is like carrying coals to Newcastle, and you can be quite sure that all their plans are conceived with Machiavellian astuteness. I myself am quite convinced that in the case we are discussing they took a very long view which envisaged the overthrow by a white Power of the Empire of the Rising Sun, which had risen to the status of a world Power and which had always sternly resisted contamination by the race of Jewry.
For us, Japan will always remain an ally and a friend. This war will teach us to appreciate and respect her more than ever. It will encourage us to draw more tightly the bonds which unite our two countries. It is of course regrettable that the Japanese did not enter the war against Russia and at the same time as ourselves. Had they done so, Stalin’s armies would not now be besieging Breslau or squatting in Budapest. We should have liquidated Bolshevism by the time winter came, and Roosevelt would have hesitated to take on adversaries as powerful as our two selves. In the same way I am sorry that Japan did not capture Singapore as early as 1940, immediately after the defeat of France. The United States was then on the eve of a presidential election and would have found it impossible to intervene. That, then, was one of the turning points of the war.
In spite of everything, we and the Japanese will remain staunchly side by side. We will conquer or die together. Should we be the first to succumb, I can’t see the Russians continuing to maintain the myth of `Asiatic solidarity’ for the sake of Japan!

Eric Goldman

shutterstockI can think of a few explanations for a hard/soft distinction among intellectual properties.
First, patents often cover physical devices, so they often have a physical tangibility, while copyrights, trademarks and other IPs may be more intangible by comparison (even though patents protect “ideas,” which is as intangible as they come).
Second, the hard/soft distinction might imply some difference in the degree of the practice’s difficulty, i.e., the perception that patent law, and any associated technology, are complicated and “hard,” while other IPs are relatively easy and “soft” by comparison.

Quentin Meillassoux

Quentin_Meillassoux … parce que la pensée ne saurait sortir d’elle-même pour comparer le monde « en soi » au monde « pour nous », et ainsi discriminer ce qui est dû à notre rapport au monde et ce qui n’appartient qu’au monde. Une telle entreprise est en effet autocontradictoire : au moment où nous pensons que telle propriété appartient au monde en soi – nous le pensons, précisément, et une telle propriété se révèle donc elle-même essentiellement liée à la pensée que nous pouvons en avoir. Nous ne pouvons nous faire une représentation de l’en-soi sans qu’il devienne un «pour-nous» ou, comme le dit plaisamment Hegel, nous ne pouvons « surprendre » l’objet « par-derrière», en sorte de savoir ce qu’il serait en lui-même …: ce qui signifie que nous ne pouvons rien connaître qui soit au-delà de notre relation au monde. …

Francis Wolff

800px-Francis_WolffEverything is inside because in order to think anything whatsoever, it is necessary to ‘be able to be conscious of it’, it is necessary to say it, and so we are locked up in language or in consciousness without being able to get out. In this sense, they have no outside. But in another sense, they are entirely turned towards the outside; they are the world’s window: for to be conscious is always to be conscious of something, to speak is necessarily to speak about something. To be conscious of the tree is to be conscious of the tree itself, and not the idea of the tree; to speak about the tree is not just to utter a word but to speak about the thing. Consequently, consciousness and language enclose the world within themselves only insofar as, conversely, they are entirely contained by it. We are in consciousness or language as in a transparent cage. Everything is outside, yet it is impossible to get out.

Trivia Proofing

The banana can now only continue with human help. Since the domesticated banana plant now works by asexual reproduction, people have to help it produce more seeds. Wild bananas originally had larger seeds, but since people produced it to have smaller seeds so it would be better for consumption, it now has smaller seeds. Those smaller seeds make it harder for the banana plant to reproduce itself.



Ben S. Bernanke

The Federal Reserve’s approach to supporting credit markets is conceptually distinct from quantitative easing (QE), the policy approach used by the Bank of Japan from 2001 to 2006. Our approach–which could be described as “credit easing“–resembles quantitative easing in one respect: It involves an expansion of the central bank’s balance sheet. However, in a pure QE regime, the focus of policy is the quantity of bank reserves, which are liabilities of the central bank; the composition of loans and securities on the asset side of the central bank’s balance sheet is incidental. Indeed, although the Bank of Japan’s policy approach during the QE period was quite multifaceted, the overall stance of its policy was gauged primarily in terms of its target for bank reserves. In contrast, the Federal Reserve’s credit easing approach focuses on the mix of loans and securities that it holds and on how this composition of assets affects credit conditions for households and businesses. This difference does not reflect any doctrinal disagreement with the Japanese approach, but rather the differences in financial and economic conditions between the two episodes. In particular, credit spreads are much wider and credit markets more dysfunctional in the United States today than was the case during the Japanese experiment with quantitative easing. To stimulate aggregate demand in the current environment, the Federal Reserve must focus its policies on reducing those spreads and improving the functioning of private credit markets more generally.

Willem Buiter

I propose the following taxonomy for measures the central bank may take, other than changing the official policy rate, changing reserve requirements or changing the exchange rate.
Quantitative easing is an increase in the size of the balance sheet of the central bank through an increase it is monetary liabilities (base money), holding constant the composition of its assets. Asset composition can be defined as the proportional shares of the different financial instruments held by the central bank in the total value of its assets. An almost equivalent definition would be that quantitative easing is an increase in the size of the balance sheet of the central bank through an increase in its monetary liabilities that holds constant the (average) liquidity and riskiness of its asset portfolio.
Qualitative easing is a shift in the composition of the assets of the central bank towards less liquid and riskier assets, holding constant the size of the balance sheet (and the official policy rate and the rest of the list of usual suspects). The less liquid and more risky assets can be private securities as well as sovereign or sovereign-guaranteed instruments. All forms of risk, including credit risk (default risk) are included.





