Category Archives: information

Alex Hern

  • For people with computers, which is most of us, 2015 wasn’t great. But next year is probably going to be much, much worse.
  • The catastrophic data breach of the extramarital dating site Ashley Madison is currently an outlier in the history of hacking: for perhaps the first time, the information that was leaked was extremely personal, and damaging in its own right.
  • As we entrust ever more personal data to the cloud, breaches of this sort are inevitably going to increase. Connected home CCTV, direct message histories, chat transcripts or photo messages could all be devastating on a personal level if leaked.
  • The networks that control power plants, national grids and reservoirs rely heavily on obscurity to defend against attack: they aren’t directly connected to the internet, and use arcane coding. But that obscurity cannot be a long-term defence.
  • No hacker in history has ever been as successful at disrupting power to American homes as the squirrel that scampered into a substation in California and caused a power cut for 45,000 people.











Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

Simple Sabotage Field Manual

  1. Managers and Supervisors: To lower morale and production, be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions. Discriminate against efficient workers; complain unjustly about their work.
  2. Employees: Work slowly. Think of ways to increase the number of movements needed to do your job: use a light hammer instead of a heavy one; try to make a small wrench do instead of a big one.
  3. Organizations and Conferences: When possible, refer all matters to committees, for “further study and consideration.” Attempt to make the committees as large and bureaucratic as possible. Hold conferences when there is more critical work to be done.
  4. Telephone: At office, hotel and local telephone switchboards, delay putting calls through, give out wrong numbers, cut people off “accidentally,” or forget to disconnect them so that the line cannot be used again.
  5. Transportation: Make train travel as inconvenient as possible for enemy personnel. Issue two tickets for the same seat on a train in order to set up an “interesting” argument.

Simple Sabotage Field Manual (PDF file)



Eric E. Schmidt

Authoritarian governments tell their citizens that censorship is necessary for stability. It’s our responsibility to demonstrate that stability and free expression go hand in hand. We should make it ever easier to see the news from another country’s point of view, and understand the global consciousness free from filter or bias. We should build tools to help de-escalate tensions on social media — sort of like spell-checkers, but for hate and harassment. We should target social accounts for terrorist groups like the Islamic State, and remove videos before they spread, or help those countering terrorist messages to find their voice. Without this type of leadership from government, from citizens, from tech companies, the Internet could become a vehicle for further disaggregation of poorly built societies, and the empowerment of the wrong people, and the wrong voices.
The good news is, it’s all within reach. Intuition, compassion, creativity — these are the tools that we will use to combat violence and terror online, to drown out the hate with a broadly shared humanity that only the Web makes possible.

Kenneth Hansraj


The weight seen by the spine dramatically increases when flexing the head forward at varying degrees. Loss of the natural curve of the cervical spine leads to incrementally increased stresses about the cervical spine. These stresses may lead to early wear, tear, degeneration, and possibly surgeries. While it is nearly impossible to avoid the technologies that cause these issues, individuals should make an effort to look at their phones with a neutral spine and to avoid spending hours each day hunched over. Cervical spine surgeons need to pay attention to the alignment and therefore to the stresses about the spine when performing anterior discectomies and fusion along with arthroplasties.

Amy Cuddy

… the next time you reach for your phone, remember that it induces slouching, and slouching changes your mood, your memory and even your behavior. Your physical posture sculpts your psychological posture, and could be the key to a happier mood and greater self-confidence.


ARTICLE 19 recently visited Japan and met with a range of officials, academics, journalists, lawyers and members of civil society, who raised numerous concerns about freedom of expression and information in Japan, including the pressure on mainstream media to remain uncritical of government policies.
Threats to freedom of expression and information in Japan appear to be on the increase. These include threats to broadcasters of parliamentary investigations and the withdrawal of licenses under the Broadcasting Act; expanding secrecy following the adoption of the 2014 Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets; and proposed revisions to the Constitution which would limit freedom of expression and association.




しっかりと自分のこととして捉えないと、 。。。



Glenn Greenwald

What the Snowden disclosures actually revealed to the world was that the U.S. government is monitoring the Internet communications and activities of everyone else: hundreds of millions of innocent people under the largest program of suspicionless mass surveillance ever created, a program that multiple federal judges have ruled is illegal and unconstitutional.
That is why intelligence officials are so eager to demonize Snowden: rage that he exposed their secret, unconstitutional schemes.
But their ultimate goal is not to smear Snowden. That’s just a side benefit. The real objective is to depict Silicon Valley as terrorist-helpers for the crime of offering privacy protections to Internet users, in order to force those companies to give the U.S. government “backdoor” access into everyone’s communications. American intelligence agencies have been demanding “backdoor” access to encryption since the mid-1990s. They view exploitation of the outrage and fear resulting from the Paris attacks as their best opportunity yet to achieve this access.
The key lesson of the post-9/11 abuses — from Guantanamo to torture to the invasion of Iraq — is that we must not allow military and intelligence officials to exploit the fear of terrorism to manipulate public opinion. Rather than blindly believe their assertions, we must test those claims for accuracy. In the wake of the Paris attacks, that lesson is more urgent than ever.



東京新聞 戦後70年経済史取材班

人々は灯油やガソリンを買いだめし、関係ないトイレットペーパーや砂糖まで姿を消した。 。。。 「灯油を売ってもらえない。寝たきりの老人がいるのに…」。悲愴な声が訴える。



Alan Hilfer

Adversity often brings out the best in people. Last week my wife became a “sick passenger” on the A train at 59th Street in Manhattan. There was no shortage of people helping me to get her off the train and onto the platform, offering me support and assistance and calling EMS. The police were extremely helpful, monitoring the progress of the ambulance and guiding it to our location.
The inconvenience experienced by some is an opportunity for others to show altruism, a trait that exemplifies what it means in these times to be a New Yorker.




1 応募資格  以下(1)~(4)のすべてにあてはまる方
2 募集人数  1名




NSA high priority targets for Japan
This is an NSA database extract of significant Japanese political and economic telephone interception targets.

TOPI Selector Subscriber_ID Priority








  • 手が届かない本棚。飲み物を買わないと使えない閲覧席。商業施設のために「飾り」にされてしまった図書館。
  • 整理が行き届かず、必要な本が見つからない本棚
  • 店舗の接客に忙しく、図書館利用者に対応する余裕がないスタッフ
  • 商業施設化されたため、生徒の下校時の立ち寄りが禁止

武雄市で行われた、地域資料や映像資料の破棄や、系列の新古書店等からの在庫を蔵書として購入した問題はメディアでも報道されましたが、 地元だけにしかない地域資料を破棄することや、図書館の蔵書構成の考慮もせずに本を選んだり、海老名市で行ったように、本ですらない「メガネふき」や「タジン鍋」を、書店で流通しているからと言って選ぶことは、図書館を運営するノウハウを持つ会社であれば考えられないことです。

Jo-an Baldwin Peters

Have you found internet sources helpful?

Answer Options Response Percent
Not helpful 2.4%
Not very helpful 8.5%
Helpful 49.8%
Very helpful 39.4%

Respondent Comments:

  • Too much information; also too general
  • Too much information. Some information inaccurate or one-sided.
  • Too much information, need to find a trusted source.
  • Too much information without a moderator or guidance
  • Too much information that is technical in nature
  • Too much information and and some of doubtful quality
  • Too much information and people tend to write only negative experience but not positive – so internet research usually ends-up in depression and BIG scare.

John Gallaugher


Data rich, information poor

Despite being awash in data, many organizations are data rich but information poor. A survey by consulting firm Accenture found 57 percent of companies reporting that they didn’t have a beneficial, consistently updated, companywide analytical capability. Among major decisions, only 60 percent were backed by analytics—40 percent were made by intuition and gut instinct.

Fenway Strategies

Our approach to speechwriting is hands-on, personal, and collaborative. We’ll work directly with you to identify your core story, conduct the extensive research that brings a speech to life, draft remarks from start to finish, and revise the speech until you’re happy and confident with the final product. Our team has helped craft remarks for some of the world’s most prominent CEOs, philanthropists, celebrities, and government officials.


日経ビッグデータ 編


Reuters, スポニチ

SouthAfricaJapanSouth Africa’s Fourie du Preez, who plays his club rugby in Japan, described the result as the low point of his career and said the Springboks had been outsmarted. The scrum-half said: “I’ve been playing there for four years, so I knew what was coming. I tried to let the guys know during the week that they are a proper nation.
“They were probably just better prepared than us, they had a lot of focus areas where they targeted us. They just outsmarted us.


岩上安身, ウィキペディア



Impact Team

Avid Life Media has failed to take down Ashley Madison and Established Men, We have explained the fraud, deceit, and stupidity of ALM and their members. Now everyone gets to see their data.
Find someone you know in here? Keep in mind the site is a scam with thousands of fake female profiles. See ashley madison fake profile lawsuit; 90-95% of actual users are male. Chances are your man signed up on the world’s biggest affair site, but never had one. He just tried to. If that distinction matters.
Find yourself in here? It was ALM that failed you and lied to you. Prosecute them and claim damages. Then move on with your life. Learn your lesson and make amends. Embarrassing now, but you’ll get over it.
Any data not signed with key 6E50 3F39 BA6A EAAD D81D ECFF 2437 3CD5 74AB AA38 is fake.



Jennifer Granick

Twenty years ago, I attended my first Def Con. I believed in a free, open, reliable, interoperable Internet: a place where anyone could say anything, and anyone who wanted to hear it could listen and respond. I believed in the Hacker Ethic: that information should be freely accessible and that computer technology was going to make the world a better place. I wanted to be a part of making these dreams—the dream of Internet freedom—come true. As an attorney, I wanted to protect hackers and coders from the predations of law so that they could do this important work.
Today, the dream of Internet Freedom that brought me to my first Def Con is dying. The dream is dying because, for better or for worse, we’ve prioritized things like security, online civility, user interface, and intellectual property interests above freedom and openness.
As a result, the Internet is less open and more centralized. It’s more regulated. And increasingly it’s less global, and more divided. These trends: centralization, regulation, and globalization are accelerating. And they will define the future of our communications network, unless something dramatic changes.

How an organization identifies, reacts, and recovers from security incidents by hackers or anyone else with malicious intent, is referred to as “Incident Response.” Mitnick Security has an organized approach toward managing the aftermath of security violations of your organization. If there is evidence to suggest a violation of your organization’s security posture, then a security incident has likely occurred and requires a response from you, or a qualified team such as the one Mitnick Security will provide. Security incidents can range from a simple policy violation, scans, compromises, denial of service attacks, and malware infestations, all the way to an insider stealing thousands of credit card numbers. Until investigated thoroughly, it is never clear what has truly occurred.

Andy Greenberg

AS a young man, Kevin Mitnick became the world’s most notorious black hat hacker, breaking into the networks of companies like IBM, Nokia, Motorola, and other targets. After a stint in prison, he reinvented himself as a white hat hacker, selling his skills as a penetration tester and security consultant.
With his latest business venture, Mitnick has switched hats again: This time to an ambiguous shade of gray.

Kevin Mitnick

Some people think technology has the answers. For example, they trust the public telephone network, but I’ll show you what I mean.

(Kevin then asked me for my cell phone number and took out his phone — “It’s just an ordinary Nokia,” he explained. He tapped in some numbers and then asked me what number I would like to have call me. I told him 212-555-1212 — New York City’s information number — he tapped in a few more numbers and my phone rang. The caller Id showed 212-555-1212 was calling me. I answered; it was Kevin.)

It’s a little XML script I wrote. The point is, if you think that’s your office calling because even though you don’t recognize the voice (“it’s the new guy – today’s my first day”) it’s their phone number on the caller Id, think again. If you have a system that authenticates incoming [computer] connections via caller ID, I suggest you use something else.

Sophia Yan

Chinese authorities have arrested nearly 200 people for alleged online rumor-mongering about China’s stock market turmoil and a recent chemical factory explosion in Tianjin.
Among the arrested is Wang Xiaolu, a journalist for financial publication Caijing Magazine, “who has been placed under ‘criminal compulsory measures’ for suspected violations of colluding with others and fabricating and spreading fake information on securities and futures market,” according to Chinese state media.
Government officials have also been placed under arrest, including Liu Shufan, an official with the China Securities Regulatory Commission, who has been accused of bribery, fraud and completing under-the-table deals. At least four senior executives from Citic Securities, a top Chinese investment bank, were arrested on insider trading charges.
Roughly 165 online accounts have been shut down over related violations.
Wang, Liu and the Citic executives have confessed to the accusations, according to state media. Suspects are sometimes coerced or forced into signing confessions in China.
It’s not uncommon for people to be arrested in China for spreading rumors on any platform. In the past, Chinese authorities have punished individuals that allegedly spread false information about a bank’s solvency or incited crowds to protest.




怖さはこの無関心さである。大きな無関心層の存在である。昔は体を張っていた。情報は体を張って取りに行き、体をはって主張した。口角泡を飛ばし議論をする。そしてそれらをマスコミが報道し、我々は新聞やテレビを食い入るように見る。ところが今は様相が違う。ツールの進化にともない事件は瞬く間に動画配信され、多くのコメントが集約される。ネット上には情報があふれ、そしてツイッターで叩かれれば一貫の終わり。泡を飛ばす議論の前に結末が予想できる時代なのである。 逆にこれらの情報を民意として利用しない方法はない。一見賢いようだが、これでは本末転倒である。民意の集約は機械でもできるのであって、恐れることなく議論することこそ、我々に課せられた使命である。コミュニケーションの変化にとどまらず、この機能が低下することをもっとも怖れる。議論を避けて無関心となる者の中には、ネットやツイッターなどでの盛んな議論を知り、とくに参加する必要がないと感じている者もいるのかも知れない。あるいはこれだけデータが分析され情報が開示されている世界に安心感を抱いているのではないだろうか。しかしすべてが故意の操作が可能である。自ら考え、自ら主張しなくては個人の存在の意味すら危うい。

後藤 滋樹

悪者のプログラムを取り込んでしまうと、そのプログラムは利用者のパソコンの内部に保存されている情報を調べて、パソコンの利用者の仲間の情報を得る。さらにパソコンが接続されているネットワークの状況を知る。そのような材料を駆使して、重要な情報を外部に送信する。そのパソコンから他のパソコンやサーバーへの接続が可能であれば、被害が拡大する。悪者のプログラムは巧妙であり、各種の技術を組み込んで進化している。 is a leading news site with a view towards revealing the global trends that the mainstream media won’t touch.
The raison d’être for SOTT’s fully reproduced non-original content collection is something that makes us a bit different. We notice that a lot of material disappears from the web, and we database full articles for a particular purpose: analyzing the “energetic flows”. We have considered just databasing complete articles and making SOTT private, but as a non-profit organization, we are required to make the results of our work available to the public for free.




Richard Gunderman, David C. Stevens

IMG_0671It is no surprise that libraries are coping with a large number of patrons who are homeless or have mental illnesses. Public libraries are, after all, designed to be welcoming spaces for all.
This can leave libraries struggling with how to serve a population with very diverse needs.

Harvard University

Researchers have these responsibilities:

  1. Identifying confidentiality and data security obligations, based on laws, regulations, policies, and binding commitments such as data use agreements and participant consent agreements.
  2. Except in cases where it is the responsibility of a research oversight body, it is the responsibility of researchers to identify the appropriate data security level for research data.
  3. When the data security level has been established, researchers are responsible for creating and maintaining data documentation, implementing the security controls corresponding to the requirements of the data security level and developing and following a data security plan and procedures over the course of their projects.

Harold Burson

A major problem for us public professionals nowadays is that too many of us believe the communications part of our job is the totality of what we do. Many of us fail to realize public relations consists of two major components. The first has to do with influencing our employer’s behavior. While we commit ourselves to serve and get paid by our employer, we who choose careers in public relations also have an implied obligation to what we call the ‘public interest.’ To what’s best for society – which, in the long run, is what’s also best for our employer. Our function as public relations professionals is to help reconcile employer goals with the public interest.
The second component of public relations is effectively communicating information that reflects employer actions and behavior. It’s a necessary and important part of the equation.
The principal purpose of public relations is and has always been persuasion — persuading an individual or group of individuals to a specific course of action. To vote for one candidate over another. To vacation in a location deemed to be more favorable than others. To buy a certain brand of cereal or toothpaste or toilet tissue. To gain community goodwill so as to cultivate a loyal customer base.


明治から大正にかけての英和辞典を見ると、tradition の訳語には「口伝」「伝説」もしくは「交付」「引渡し」などとあるのが一般的で、大きな辞書になると「慣習」や「因襲」も見られるが「伝統」という語はまず出てこない。そもそも tradition はラテン語の tradere(渡す、伝える)に由来するから法律用語としての財産の引渡しも含め、伝えることや伝えられるものが語議の中心である。
一方漢語としての「伝統」は、もっぱら血統や学統を伝えること、もしくは伝えられた血統や学統のことで、いわば系図の表すことのできるようなものであった。tradition と重なるところがないわけではないが、方向はかなり違う。系統という意識が強いのである。
「tradition」と「伝統」が結びつくのは、大正も半ば以降のこと。自然主義に対する伝統主義、民族の伝統文化などのような言い回しが目立つことから推せば、守るべき価値のあるものであることを強調するために、単なる伝承や伝説を超えるものとして「伝統」が登場したと考えられる。昭和に入ってますます使われるようになるのも、日本の「伝統」が連綿と続くものとして強く意識される時代だったからだろう。現在でも「伝統」にともなう動詞は「守る」が多い。しかしtradition の肝心なところは「伝える」ことにある。“誰から伝わり”、“誰かに伝える”。そして“何を”、“どう伝えるか”は、いま生きている私たちに掛っている。



The New York Times Editorial Board

One of the great things about the Internet is that it does not have national borders. When a company in Tokyo sends a digital file to a company in New York, the data does not have to clear customs. But the outcome of a federal appeals court case could hinder that free flow of information.
The case involves digital files containing information on dental aligners, used to straighten teeth, sent over the Internet by a company in Pakistan to a business in Texas. Last year, the United States International Trade Commission, a relatively obscure federal agency, ruled that the Texas company, ClearCorrect, could not import those files because they violated patents owned by Align Technology.
Groups like the Motion Picture Association of America and the Recording Industry Association of America are supporting the commission’s view. They argue that, as trade increasingly becomes digital, the definition of “article” should include data. The Internet Association, which represents companies like Facebook, Google and Twitter, is asking the court to reverse the decision.

Jose Pagliery

ISISBotXHer name is ISIS-chan. And she’s how nerds around the world are trying to silence violent ISIS terrorist propaganda.


ISIS-chan wears the terrorist group’s black clothing. She has green eyes and dark hair. She’s 19. And if she’s holding a knife, it’s only because she loves to slice and eat delicious melons.


ISISBotBBCHacktivist group Anonymous is ramping up efforts to tackle sympathisers of the Islamic State group on Twitter.
It has published a list of Twitter accounts it claims are spreading propaganda in support of the group.
Some accounts have been flooded with images of Japanese anime characters to try to influence search engine results for phrases connected to IS.
Many other accounts have been suspended or shut down as a result of the group’s actions.

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パブリック・アーカイブズ宣言            PROMISE  皆さんへの約束



日本経済新聞, 日本国憲法






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With the tools we provide, developers on SourceForge create powerful software in over 430,000 projects; we host over 3.7 million registered users. Our popular directory connects more than 41.8 million customers with all of these open source projects and serves more than 4,800,000 downloads a day.
IT professionals come to SourceForge to develop, download, review, and publish open source software. SourceForge is the largest, most trusted destination for Open Source Software discovery and development on the web.


はて、どちらが真実なのか? 北京のメディア関係者に微信で聞いてみたら、すぐに返信が来た。

Tony Hall

The BBC is to cut more than 1,000 jobs, mainly by slashing layers of management and squeezing back office functions such as marketing and communications. Tony Hall, director general of the BBC, addressed staff in London and explained that the cuts are needed to make up for a funding shortfall of £150m in 2016-17 largely due to the faster-than-expected switch to online viewing.

A simpler, leaner BBC is the right thing to do and it can also help us meet the financial challenges we face.
We’ve already significantly cut the costs of running the BBC, but in times of very tough choices we need to focus on what really matters – delivering outstanding programmes and content for all our audiences.
My central proposition is this – before we do anything else that affects our services – we have to ensure we’re running the place as efficiently, effectively and simply as possible.

Ruth Reader

Google executives seem to keep leaving for companies based in China.

HugoBarraLast August Hugo Barra left his post at Google as vice president of Android to become VP of cell phone maker Xiaomi Global.

AndrewNgXIn May Baidu snatched up Deep learning guru Andrew Ng, who was leading Google’s Brain project.

JanePennerAnd last week Alibaba nabbed Jane Penner, who was heading up Google’s Investor Relations department.

That’s three employees in a year to leave Google for China’s growing tech sector.

Harold Abelson, Ross Anderson, Steven M. Bellovin, Josh Benaloh, Matthew Blaze, Whitfield Diffie, John Gilmore, Matthew Green, Peter G. Neumann, Susan Landau, Ronald L. Rivest, Jeffrey I. Schiller, Bruce Schneier, Michael Specter, Daniel J. Weitzner

Political and law enforcement leaders in the United States and the United Kingdom have called for Internet systems to be redesigned to ensure government access to information — even encrypted information. They argue that the growing use of encryption will neutralize their investigative capabilities. They propose that data storage and communications systems must be designed for exceptional access by law enforcement agencies. These proposals are unworkable in practice, raise enormous legal and ethical questions, and would undo progress on security at a time when Internet vulnerabilities are causing extreme economic harm.

  • Providing exceptional access to communications would force a U-turn from the best practices now being deployed to make the Internet more secure.
  • Building in exceptional access would substantially increase system complexity.
  • Exceptional access would create concentrated targets that could attract bad actors.

Keys Under Doormats: Mandating insecurity by requiring government access to all data and communications (PDF file)

Ha-Joon Chang

When you say things that people with money and power like, you get more exposure. You are taken more seriously, get invited to more important events, and you get more influence. In this way, the system is biased towards people saying things that are more defensive of the status quo, more defensive towards those with money and power.


CerfaUn cerfa est un formulaire administratif réglementé. Il s’agit d’un imprimé officiel dont le modèle est fixé par arrêté. L’appellation “cerfa” provient du nom de l’organisme public chargé d’éditer ces formulaires : le centre d’enregistrement et de révision des formulaires administratifs (CERFA).

Aaron Smith, Janna Anderson

  • Displacement of workers from automation is already happening
  • The consequences for income inequality will be profound
  • The educational system is doing a poor job of preparing the next generation of workers
  • The concept of “work” may change significantly in the coming decade
  • Technology is not destiny … we control the future we will inhabit

Moshe Y. Vardi

While AI has been proven to be much more difficult than Turing and other early pioneers believed, its inexorable progress over the past 50 years suggests that Herbert Simon was probably right when he wrote in 1956 “machines will be capable … of doing any work a man can do.” I do not expect this to happen in the very near future, but I do believe that by 2045 machines will be able to do if not any work that humans can do, then a very significant fraction of the work that humans can do. Bill Joy’s question deserves therefore not to be ignored: does the future need us? By this I mean to ask, if machines are capable of doing almost any work humans can do, what will humans do? As I have been raising this question over the past year, I have been getting various answers to this question, but I find none satisfying.


Between 2025 and 2035, intelligent robots with human-like capabilities will be able to do practically any job: nurse, social worker, construction worker, shop attendant, waiter, dentist, teacher, translator, cleaner, fire fighter, security guard, soldier…
So what job is safe ? What jobs will still exist in 10 years or in 20 years ?
I believe that the jobs most likely to survive this ‘second age of machines’, as it has been dubbed, are jobs where human contact and socialisation is essential. But when we think about it, it is much harder to think about jobs that really cannot be done by human-like robots. Perhaps psychotherapists, relationship counsellors, yoga teacher, hair dressers, party planners, nannies… You will notice that these are generally jobs done by women, and that is not surprising since men are better at systematising tasks like computers, and will therefore be more easily replaced by machines.

The Economist

  • The effect of today’s technology on tomorrow’s jobs will be immense—and no country is ready for it
  • Previous technological innovation has always delivered more long-run employment, not less. But things can change

Richard Waters

Future1Future2Rapid advances in artificial intelligence now threaten the jobs of educated white-collar workers.

The threat to jobs stretches beyond the white-collar world. Advances in artificial intelligence also make possible more versatile robots capable of taking over many types of manual work.
