Category Archives: perception



Ha-Joon Chang

People have strong opinions on all sorts of things – gay marriage, Iraq, abortion, global warming – without having any qualifications to make informed judgments. I don’t have a degree in international relations but I have a view on Afghanistan. How come everyone thinks that economics is too difficult, too technical? People make strong judgments on the basis of having some basic knowledge about international politics or some climate science, they are not making this judgment based on sophisticated expert knowledge, and that’s all I’m asking when it comes to economic matters as well.
Unfortunately we economists have been very successful in convincing people that what we do is very difficult and that people won’t understand it even if we explained it to them. There has also been a lot of political interest in keeping economics away from democratic debate, keeping it away from the general public by making people believe that it is very difficult. There is therefore a lack of a real debate except yes, monetary policy should be run by the Bank of England or the Federal Reserve Board, or utility regulation can be done by some special committee. After a while you realise that there’s no substance to democracy because all of the important decisions have been farmed out to these expert groups. That’s what needs to change.

Laure Noualhat

«Les questions climatiques sont un coup supplémentaire porté à la défense de nos libertés», prévient Marlo Lewis. Son think tank libertarien au budget de 5 millions de dollars annuels est en partie financé par des magnats du pétrole, tout comme le Heartland Institute qui organise la conférence, mais là n’est pas le problème. Voici le nœud du problème : l’idéologie prônée ici est à 100% libertariennne. Ces anarcho-capitalistes nourrissent leur aversion de tout interventionnisme étatique avec cette nouvelle denrée que sont les politiques climatiques. Taxe carbone, soutiens aux énergies renouvelables, réglementations thermiques, changements de comportement individuel,…, tout les horripile. Et surtout, ils brandissent la menace «collectiviste» cachée sous les oripeaux verts de l’environnementalisme bon teint. Pire, les écolos seraient des criminels… Ainsi, Paul Driessen, consultant spécialisé sur ces questions, estime que «l’impérialisme vert» est à l’origine de millions de morts en Afrique. «Les écologistes veulent priver les pays africains du DDT alors que c’est la seule arme efficace contre la malaria. Ils veulent empêcher ces pays d’avoir accès aux énergies comme le gaz, le charbon ou le pétrole alors qu’elles sont à la source de tout développement. Savez-vous qu’un milliard de personnes n’a pas accès à l’électricité ? Comment imaginer un développement sans énergie ? Les panneaux solaires, c’est largement insuffisant.»






空間全体を一気に把握したがる男性脳は、概念という空間においても同様だそうです。「全体を見通せて、かつ自分が全体のどの位置にいるか」をつかめないと疲弊するのだとか。たとえば、ゴールの見えない女性のおしゃべり(笑)どこへ行くのかわからない話に延々付き合わされると、男性たちの免疫力は落ちていく・・・ また、目的の場所になかなか辿り付かない女性のお買い物。「バッグを買う」と言ったはずの妻が、寝具売り場に寄り、靴売り場にも長居したりして、いったいいつになったらこの買い物は終わるのか・・・? お心当たりのある方はご注意ください。

Marwan Bishara

But not one foreign power big or small was able to win a single asymmetrical war against a people resisting colonialism throughout the entire 20th century.
This definite and paradoxical conclusion – the most instructive, and yet ignored of all lessons of war is categorical: Not one great power possessing superior firepower has won against a weaker, less organised and less professional resistance against occupation.
Not the French, not the English, not the Belgians, the Dutch, the Spanish, the Portuguese, the Italians, the Soviets, the Chinese, the Afrikaners, etc. Not one! In the end, they all lose. And if they don’t, then it’s not the end.
In each and every case, the indigenous population was designated terrorist, or fanatic, extremist, destructive, insensitive, or all of the above when they stood up to their occupier. Similar if not identical to the stuff we hear from Israelis nowadays.

Amit Singh

There is speculation that Louis van Gaal will arrive at Manchester United and make a swift decision over the future of several of his players. Van Gaal will have to decide whether or not to offer contract extensions to Chris Smalling, Tom Cleverley, Javier Hernández, Shinji Kagawa, Darren Fletcher, and Ashley Young, with all of their futures in doubt now that the Dutch man is at the helm.

Chris Smalling- Sell
Tom Cleverley- Sell
Javier Hernandez- Keep
Shinji Kagawa- Keep
Darren Fletcher- Keep
Ashley Young- Sell

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Future state is an illusion for the ever present state. It is not length of life, but depth of life. It is not duration, but a taking of the soul out of time, as all high action of the mind does; when we are living in the sentiments we ask no questions about time.
I confess that everything connected with our personality fails. Nature never spares the individual. We are always balked of a complete success. No prosperity is promised to that. We have our indemnity only in the success of that to which we belong. That is immortal, and we only through that.
As soon as thought is exercised, this belief is inevitable; as soon as virtue glows, this belief confirms itself. It is a kind of summary or completion of man.

Justin E. H. Smith

The adequate account of any conceptual innovation or discovery in philosophy would be the one that also gives an account of its place in the broader context of human culture and history, and that would reveal its inextricable connection to cultural practices and human concerns that at first glance appear rather far removed from the concerns of the philosopher. This is an impossible goal, of course, but we can at least tend toward it, as toward the limit of an infinite series, if we wish. If we do not learn to see this effort as intrinsic to the study of philosophy, the recent calls for greater inclusiveness of other standpoints within philosophy will remain mere half-measures.

Ministère de l’Agriculture de l’Alimentation de la Pêche de la Ruralité et de l’Aménagement du territoire – MAAPRAT, France

En moyenne, les Français jettent 20 kg de déchets alimentaires chaque année, dont 7 kg de produits non consommés encore emballés ! C’est toute l’Europe qui est concernée : nos voisins belges jettent l’équivalent de 174 euros de nourriture à la poubelle chaque année, et en Grande-Bretagne, 25% des aliments achetés sont jetés ! Un gaspillage qui a non seulement des conséquences sur le budget des ménages mais qui est aussi un non-sens environnemental !
Notre société a évolué, ses codes aussi. Notre façon de nous alimenter et notre rythme de vie ont bien changé. Plus pressé et moins attentif, le consommateur interprète souvent mal les dates de consommation, ne se préoccupe pas de l’organisation de son réfrigérateur. Pire encore, il est sans cesse sollicité par les campagnes promotionnelles des grandes surfaces, souvent mal adaptées à sa consommation personnelle. Mais le consommateur n’est pas le seul fautif. La restauration collective, par exemple, ne prend pas assez en compte les besoins de ses utilisateurs. Trop pleines, les assiettes des cantines finissent régulièrement au fond de la poubelle !
Enjeux éthiques, économiques, sécuritaires, environnementaux … on ne compte plus les conséquences du gaspillage alimentaire. Pour réduire cet impact les gestes du quotidien sont simples. Acheter des quantités adaptées, examiner les dates de péremption, respecter la chaîne du froid, ranger logiquement les aliments au réfrigérateur, le nettoyer régulièrement, cuisiner les restes, pratiquer le compost, préférer les fruits et les légumes de saisons … sont autant de solutions pour réduire les déchets et éviter le gaspillage.

Wladimir van Wilgenburg

Al-Monitor witnessed Iraqi soldiers on June 1 randomly firing shots in the air in the streets of Mosul, and stopping and harassing the local population.
The inhabitants of Mosul see the Iraqi army as a Shiite occupation army from Baghdad, and some civilians welcomed the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) when they entered Mosul and removed all Iraqi army checkpoints.
“The Iraqi army oppressed the people, they stole their money,” said Ali Ahmed, a driver, who was shot while fleeing Mosul.
According to Ahmed, the local population in Mosul welcomed ISIS. “The people in Mosul do not like Daash (militants belonging to ISIS), or Maliki, but they now feel better under Daash, and water and electricity returned.”
Ahmed al-Ghadra, 74, a former resident of Mosul, told Al-Monitor the army mistreated him. “The Arab Iraqi people want Maliki to go to prison. He is a traitor. Fourteen Daash members come, and the whole Iraqi army flees. The people of Mosul do not want the Iraqi army in Mosul. I’m an old man, and they stopped me for one hour at a checkpoint, using bad language.”
More witnesses confirm that ISIS treated the civilian population well, and told them that they would only punish those who work with Maliki. Basma Mohammed told Al-Monitor that the situation was horrible in Mosul. “We had no water, no food in Mosul, but now everything is back. They [ISIS] told the people to go back to Mosul.”

Agnès Giard

Du coït à la légende de l’eau qui «rend femme»
A l’origine, le mot «coït» ne renvoie pas au sexe mais aux citadins. Il existe en effet dans les villes un principe émollient, lié à la nature érotique de ce lieu où des centaines d’inconnus vous croisent tous les jours, vous frôlent dans les transports publics et vous rendent… perméable.


Australian Government

  • The 2014‑15 Budget is part of the Government’s Economic Action Strategy to repair the budget and build a strong and prosperous economy.
  • The substantial savings decisions in this Budget put Australia back on track to a sustainable and responsible budget position, with surpluses projected to build to well over one per cent of GDP by 2024-25, taking into account future tax relief.
  • Debt in 2023‑24 is projected to be nearly $300 billion lower, even when assuming future tax relief, at $389 billion compared with the $667 billion at the 2013‑14 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook.

John Passant

(Australian federal budget 2014-15)
This was a Budget of the rich, by the rich, for the rich. It was about redistributing wealth from the poor and the working class to the rich and capital.




FX というのは、投機で損得をするゲームではない。他人を破綻させて、そのとき失った金を奪い取る、強奪ゲームである。ここでは、利口な者が(無から湧き出た)金を得るのではない。他人を不幸にさせた者が、他人のものであった金を奪い取るのだ。
FX の本質は、合法的な泥棒である。他人をなるべく不幸にさせた者だけが、大儲けできる。一方、「才覚によって金儲けができる」と信じた阿呆は、金を奪われ、命を奪われる。



不入権; 地子・諸役免除; 自由通行権の保障; 平和領域、平和な集団; 私的隷属からの解放; 貸借関係の消滅; 連坐制の否定; 老若の組織。

海民; 山民; 鍛冶・鋳物師; 楽人・舞人・獅子舞・遊女・白拍子; 陰陽師・医師・歌人; 博奕打・囲碁打; 巫女・勧進聖・説教師; 商人・交易人; そのほか非農業民。

Хироказу Кодзима

chirokazu_kodimaСначала я очень боялся… потому что у вас люди не улыбаются, особенно на улице или в автобусе, а потом узнал, что в вашей культуре просто улыбаться не принято.
В Японии, если работаешь в магазине, 800 раз в день нужно кланяться покупателям. Например, когда говоришь “Здравствуйте”, “Спасибо большое”, “Добро пожаловать”. Поклон и улыбка — это наша культура. В Гродно кассиру ты говоришь “Спасибо”, а он только отвечает “Пожалуйста”. Еще интересно, что когда в транспорте много народу, люди передают деньги на талончик. У нас так не делают, поэтому, когда я только приехал, думал, дают мне деньги, чтобы помочь, и я говорил: “Спасибо большое, у меня есть деньги”.
Девушки? М-м-м… лица очень красивые, но к характеру надо привыкнуть. Японки спокойные, а европейки, наоборот, активные. В японских семьях глава семьи всегда — мужчина. Его все слушают и уважают. В Беларуси женщина — сильная, она может указывать и править. Но да… девушки у вас очень красивые.

Walter Parchomenko

WeakAmericanIn many respects this is a book about nothing. More specifically, it’s about the trivial, banal and yet often fascinating events of daily existence which are aggravated greatly by living in a foreign, largely non-English speaking culture.

In addition to providing aching souls with a bit of laughter, it is my hope that my stories will help clear up some important culturally based misunderstandings Americans typically have of Slavs and shed light on their psychology and behavior, in particular.






Deccan Heraldによると、同政府は現地時間15日、正式に「ドラえもん」の放映中止を求める声明を発表。理由については「『ドラえもん』を視聴することによって、子どもたちの教育環境に悪影響を及ぼすのは好ましくないため」と説明している。かねてより「ドラえもん」をめぐっては「のび太のように勉強をサボったり、ウソをつく子どもが増えている」といった批判があった。

Michael E. Mann

The overwhelming consensus among climate scientists is that human-caused climate change is happening. Yet a fringe minority of our populace clings to an irrational rejection of well-established science. This virulent strain of anti-science infects the halls of Congress, the pages of leading newspapers and what we see on TV, leading to the appearance of a debate where none should exist.
In fact, there is broad agreement among climate scientists not only that climate change is real (a survey and a review of the scientific literature published say about 97 percent agree), but that we must respond to the dangers of a warming planet. If one is looking for real differences among mainstream scientists, they can be found on two fronts: the precise implications of those higher temperatures, and which technologies and policies offer the best solution to reducing, on a global scale, the emission of greenhouse gases.
In my view, it is no longer acceptable for scientists to remain on the sidelines.
How will history judge us if we watch the threat unfold before our eyes, but fail to communicate the urgency of acting to avert potential disaster? How would I explain to the future children of my 8-year-old daughter that their grandfather saw the threat, but didn’t speak up in time?



tengokuスクリーンショット 2014-01-12 8.01.49



Jimmy So

F. Scott Fitzgerald was born in 1896, famous by 1920, forgotten by 1936, and dead by the end of 1940. In the ’20s, he introduced himself to party guests as “one of the most notorious drinkers of the younger generation,” or as “F. Scott Fitzgerald, the well-known alcoholic.” His friend Ernest Hemingway experienced such stagecraft firsthand when, during a trip with “Poor Scott,” Fitzgerald was convincing himself that he was dying of “consumption of the lungs” and demanded that Hemingway find a thermometer to ascertain whether a fever boiled in his blood. “He did have a point, though, and I knew it very well,” Hemingway wrote in A Moveable Feast. “Most drunkards in those days died of pneumonia, a disease which has now been almost eliminated. But it was hard to accept him as a drunkard, since he was affected by such small quantities of alcohol.”



Georges Perec

Nous avons un mot pour la liberté, qui s’appelle le clinamen, qui est la variation que l’on fait subir à une contrainte… [Par exemple], dans l’un des chapitres de La vie mode d’emploi, il fallait qu’il soit question de linoleum, il fallait que sur le sol il y ait du linoleum, et ça m’embêtait qu’il y ait du linoleum. Alors j’ai appelé un personnage Lino – comme Lino Ventura. Je lui ai donné comme prénom Lino et ça a rempli pour moi la case Linoleum. Le fait de tricher par rapport à une règle ? Là, je vais être tout à fait prétentieux : il y a une phrase de Paul Klee que j’aime énormément et qui est : Le génie, c’est l’erreur dans le système.

Guy Deutscher

Since there is no evidence that any language forbids its speakers to think anything, we must look in an entirely different direction to discover how our mother tongue really does shape our experience of the world. Some 50 years ago, the renowned linguist Roman Jakobson pointed out a crucial fact about differences between languages in a pithy maxim: “Languages differ essentially in what they must convey and not in what they may convey.” This maxim offers us the key to unlocking the real force of the mother tongue: if different languages influence our minds in different ways, this is not because of what our language allows us to think but rather because of what it habitually obliges us to think about.
Consider this example. Suppose I say to you in English that “I spent yesterday evening with a neighbor.” You may well wonder whether my companion was male or female, but I have the right to tell you politely that it’s none of your business. But if we were speaking French or German, I wouldn’t have the privilege to equivocate in this way, because I would be obliged by the grammar of language to choose between voisin or voisine; Nachbar or Nachbarin.

Guy Deutscher

8444621Anyone who has tried to learn a foreign language knows only too dearly that languages can be full of pointless irregularities that increase complexity considerably without contributing much to the ability to express ideas. English, for instance, would have losed none of its expressive power if some of its verbs leaved their irregular past tense behind and becomed regular. And the same applied, to a much greater degree, to other European languages, which have many more irregularities in their word structures.


「みどり」という語が登場するのは平安時代になってからであるが、これは本来「瑞々しさ」を表す意味であったらしい (現在でも「みどりの黒髪」、「嬰児(みどりご)」などの用法が残っている)。それが転じて新芽の色を示すようになったといわれる。英語のグリーンも「草」(grass)や「育つ」(grow)と語源を同じくするといわれ、いずれにしても新鮮さのイメージを喚起する色である。
言語ごとの色の分節の食い違いは、最も一般的には色の分け方に物理学的な根拠がなく、ソシュール言語学が主張するように最終的にはそれが文化によって分節されていることによる。 しかし、グルー言語が熱帯をはじめ比較的温暖な地域に多いことから、これは野外活動により浴びる紫外線から網膜を保護するために加齢とともに水晶体が黄変して、青色のような短波長の感度が低下し、実際に区別が困難になるためであるとする学説もある (lens-brunescence hypothesis)。現代でも高齢者は白内障による視界の黄変化により白と黄色、青と黒、緑と青などの区別が困難となる。

Guy Deutscher

スクリーンショット 2013-12-23 0.06.59The difference between these two pictures demonstrates Magnus’s revised theory.
The picture on the top is what Europeans see, and the picture on the bottom is what Magnus argued the ancients would have seen: the red hues are just as vivid, but the cooler colors green and blue are much less so.
This lack ofvividness, he said, would account for their lack of interest in finding separate names for such colors, and it would also explain the reports from the respondents to his questionnaires, which frequently mentioned the greater hesitation among the natives in distinguishing the cooler colors for which they had no names.

Why does the egocentric system feel so much easier and more natu­ ral to handle? Simply because we always know where “in front of” us is and where “behind” and “left” and “right” are. We don’t need a map or a compass to work this out, we don’t need to look at the sun or the North Star, we just feel it, because the egocentric system of coordinates is based directly on our own body and our immediate visual field. The front-back axis cuts right between our two eyes: it is a long imaginary line that extends straight from our nose into the distance and which turns with our nose and eyes wherever and whenever they turn. And likewise, the left-right axis, which cuts through our shoulders, always obligingly adapts itself to our own orientation.
The system of geographic coordinates, on the other hand, is based on external concepts that do not adapt themselves to our own orienta­ tion and that need to be computed (or remembered) from the position ofthe sun or the stars or from features ofthe landscape. So on the whole, we revert to the geographic coordinates only when we really need to do so: if the egocentric system is not up for the task or if the geographic directions are specifically relevant (for instance, in evaluating the merits ofsouth-facing rooms).


Culture: Ensemble des moyens mis en œuvre par l’homme pour augmenter ses connaissances, développer et améliorer les facultés de son esprit, notamment le jugement et le goût.

Culture: cultivation, the state of being cultivated, refinement, the result of cultivation, a type of civilization.


культура: Совокупность достижений человеческого общества в производственной, общественной и духовной жизни.

Kultur: Gesamtheit der geistigen und künstlerischen Errungenschaften einer Gesellschaft.

文化: その人間集団の構成員に共通の価値観を反映した、物心両面にわたる活動の様式の総体。また、それによって創りだされたもの。






小野小町に想いを寄せる深草の少将が、求愛をしたところ、「百夜、通い続けたら晴れて契りを結ぶ」との約束をされた。深草少将は、深草から小野小町の住む山科 小野の里まで約5kmを毎晩通い続けていた。
(伝説1) 小野小町は、深草少将が毎日運んできた榧の実で深草少将の通った日を数えていた。99日目の雪の日、深草少将は、99個目の榧の実を手にしたまま死んでしまう。小野小町は、深草少将の供養のため、99個の榧の実を小野の里にまいたという。
(伝説2) 深草少将は、99日まで通い、100日目の最後の晩、大雪のため途中で凍死してしまう。
(伝説3) 小野小町は、深草少将が毎日運んできた99本の芍薬を植え続けてきた。100日目の夜、秋雨が降り続く中、途中の森子川にかかった柴で編まれた橋で、100本目の芍薬を持った深草少将が橋ごと流されてしまう。小野小町は、月夜に船を漕ぎ出し、深草少将の遺骸を探し、岩屋堂の麓にあった向野寺に安置して、芍薬1本1本に99首の歌を詠じ、「法実経の花」と称した。その後、小野小町は、岩屋堂に住み、香をたきながら自像をきざみ、92才で亡くなった。
(伝説4) 深草少将の死後、小野小町は、深草少将の怨霊に取り憑かれて物狂いになり、乞食の老女となった。




Rashoumon老人与孩子的“罗生门”远未结束 真相在哪里?


この美白化粧品の薬害問題が勃発して、カネボウはすぐに海外発売分も回収したようですが、海外で同じ被害が出ているのか? もし日本で集中的に白斑などの被害が出ているのなら、日本の利用者たちの健康状態や生活環境に問題があるということです。その一番ありうる可能性は、放射能汚染でしょう。
放射線障害で免疫系や特定組織や特定器官の健康が冒されれば、疫学的にはっきりわかるような疾病の発生や流行が起きます。 これからも東北関東圏で特筆すべき流行病などが起きれば、放射能汚染との関係を疑ったほうがいいでしょう。




  • 成人病の真実高血圧症「三七〇〇万人」のからくり
  • コレステロール値は高くていい
  • 糖尿病のレッテルを貼られた人へ


Dylan Stableford

drone_635x250_1382983366Amnesty International released a report on U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan, concluding that as many as 900 civilians might have been killed and 600 seriously injured in the attacks since 2004, when the controversial program began.
The United States launched between 330 to 374 drone strikes in Pakistan between 2004 and September 2013, according to the report. And those strikes have created a culture of fear on the ground.
“I wasn’t scared of drones before,” Nabeela, an 8-year-old whose grandmother, Mamana Bibi, was killed by a 2012 drone strike, says in the report. “But now when they fly overhead I wonder, ‘Will I be next?'”


consommation3Ce dessin dénonce bien le problème. On veut soi-disant être écolo, mais on refuse de se rapprocher de la nature. On aspire à être des employés de bureau vivant en ville, faisant du shopping dans la dernière boutique verte à la mode, se prenant pour des citoyens du monde avec nos voyages ultra-polluants (un aller-retour France-Antilles c’est plus de 200 000 litres de kérosène brûlés dans l’atmosphère, en général pour… se dorer la pilule sur une plage et se croire dans un zoo à photographier l’exotisme local que notre présence contribue à détruire).
Même les verts sont dans ce délire de “croissance verte”. Continuer à agrandir nos villes, continuer à produire, à consommer des ressources, continuer le système capitaliste et consumériste, mais en version verte.

Michael Moore

  • There are nearly 50 million Americans without health insurance.
  • The Medicare Part D plan will hand over $800 billion of our tax dollars to the drug and health insurance industry.
  • A baby born in El Salvador has a better chance of surviving than a baby born in Detroit.
  • French policy on childcare and household assistance for new parents.
  • There is a company in France, SOS Medecins, which will perform doctor house calls at any time.
  • Cuba is one of the most generous countries in providing doctors to the third world.
  • In the U.S., health care costs run nearly $7,000 per person. But in Cuba, they spend around $251 per person.
  • In Cuba, access to health care is universal.
  • Cuba has a lower infant mortality rate and a longer average lifespan than the United States.
  • 18,000 Americans will die this year simply because they’re uninsured.

Sergei Vasilenko

EuroValueMany Western trumpeters, who periodically accuse Russia of the absence of freedom of speech and human rights abuses, say that nothing of the kind can exist in Europe, because there are European values there​​.
Do you know what a European value is? Probably not. Do not worry, you’re not alone. Nobody knows what European values are, because they simply do not exist. This is just another propaganda cliché, which is very good to use, when there is essentially nothing to say, but is necessary to attract audience.
There are many of such clichés or stamps. Do you know what a civilized country is? Or enlightened humanity? Freedom of speech? Public opinion? Political consensus? Human rights? Civil society? There is no exact answer to these questions, because they are all nothing but clichés that someone needs.
European prosperity is based on the exploitation and plunder. Since antiquity, European “democrats” of the time had slaves, who were not considered human beings. Democracy did not extend to them. The colonial era is a logical continuation of ancient history, but with greater ferocity. European slave traders and entrepreneurs devastated Africa. They were plundering the continent for centuries. European settlers wiped out the native American population almost completely, with the help of their weapons and new diseases.
And these people are trying to impose “European values” on Russia? Please…

William Pesek

KurodaAs Haruhiko Kuroda tries to spur Japan’s inflation rate, he faces a worrying question: What if his Bank of Japan predecessor was right about why he will fail?
ShirakawaIn June 2011, then-BOJ Governor Masaaki Shirakawa faced extreme pressure to double the monetary base, a step Kuroda took just days after replacing him in March. When Shirakawa, a University of Chicago-trained economist, was asked why he’d refused to budge, he offered a surprising excuse: Japan’s aging population, whose fixed incomes would be eaten away by rising prices. Politicians thought the rationale was a copout. Shinzo Abe’s first act as prime minister was to dump Shirakawa.
Turns out, Shirakawa was on to something. In the new paper “Shock from Graying: Is the Demographic Shift Weakening Monetary Policy Effectiveness?,” International Monetary Fund researcher Patrick Imam offers convincing evidence that aging societies in Japan, Germany and, to some extent, the U.S. can no longer be manipulated so easily by central bank policies.
Why? Changes in official interest rates are about influencing long-term expectations and short-term behavior. Cutting rates is meant to make buying a new house, opening a business, splurging on a flat-screen TV or betting on stocks more attractive today than next year. But such activity is disproportionately conducted by the young. That’s Japan’s problem. Today, 1 in 4 Japanese is older than 65; by 2060, that group will swell to more than 40 percent of the population.
Even that isn’t the whole story. Along with ugly demographics, Kuroda faces a Japanese public that has learned not only to live with deflation but also to enjoy it. Just as there is good inflation, though, many in Japan have benefited from good deflation.




James McWilliams

costa-rica-coffeeWith the possible exception of sugar, coffee has historically created more suffering per acre than any other global commodity. Even with the gradual end of slavery and the colonial contracts that underwrote plantation brutality, the quest to grow enough coffee to keep the world caffeinated remained an agricultural endeavor marked by economic marginalization and chronic exploitation. Today, the legacy endures.
… Whereas the Fair Trade model is more like an insurance policy—farmers sell raw beans through a co-op and are promised a floor price per pound in return—the Thrive model takes the farmer’s beans on consignment and provides growers a platform to track the commodity as it moves upstream. In this arrangement (unlike with Fair Trade), farmers are invested in the substantial value that’s added after harvesting, because, as the commodity travels to the end user, they retain ownership.
Rather than release raw beans into a moving commodity market, where other interests will add value and reap the rewards, Thrive hangs onto the beans for the growers while overseeing the roasting, packaging, exporting, marketing, distribution, and sale of the consigned product through a vertically integrated and relatively short supply chain. At the point of sale, if roasted coffee is sold for, say, $7.50/lb. the grower will get $3.75.

Madagascar Tribune

Quand ils font la guerre, elle devient mondiale
Quand ils ont une opinion, elle est internationale
Quand ils s’expriment, ils le font au nom de la communauté internationale
Quant à leurs valeurs, elles sont universelles
Quand ils ont une crise, elle est mondiale

Graham Lloyd

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s latest assessment reportedly admits its computer drastically overestimated rising temperatures, and over the past 60 years the world has in fact been warming at half the rate claimed in the previous IPCC report in 2007.
More importantly, the draft report appears to suggest global temperatures were less sensitive to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide than was previously thought.

Wikipedia, ウィキペディア

Extreme weather includes unusual, severe or unseasonal weather; weather at the extremes of the historical distribution—the range that has been seen in the past. The most commonly used definition of extreme weather is based on an event’s climatological distribution: Extreme weather occurs only 5% or less of the time. According to climate scientists and meteorological researchers, extreme weather events have been rare. Some extreme weather events have been attributed to man-made global warming, with a 2012 studies indicating an increasing threat from extreme weather.


Scott Page

ScottPageWe all differ in how we see and interpret things.

Each of us sees the thing, whatever it is, in our own way. We commonly refer to the ways we encode things as perspectives.

The right perspective can make a problem easy.

We see how most scientific breakthroughs and business innovations involve a person seeing a problem or situation differently.

When forming committees and teams, we should choose people who come from different backgrounds and have diverse identities. If not, we’re shutting out perspectives.We’re slamming the door on potential savants.

Stephen Toulmin

Stephen ToulminOur intellectual grasp extends throughout the cosmos, and has brought to light the material processes going on at every scale-from the thermonuclear furnaces of the stars, down through the protein-factories of the cytoplasm, to the changes of wave-pattern which take place when an atom swallows a photon. And this intellectual grasp is paralleled and completed when we turn to the practical sphere. We have exceeded the dreams of the craftsmen, the alchemists and the medicine-men, and by now we have the means either to satiate or to destroy ourselves.

Su Mwamba

Crafts – traditionally – were about using a handmade process to achieve an end result, usually something practical, like a rug or chair or clothing. Not to say that these items couldn’t also be decorative, but the main aim was function. Contemporary crafts are less about practicality and function, and generally something a crafter chooses to do because they enjoy the crafting process itself. It’s a leisure activity rather than a means to an end.
Art, in both traditional and contemporary terms, is generally about aesthetics rather than function. That burning question – “…but is it art?” – usually relies on some deeper layer of meaning being embedded in the piece. Whether the artist consciously or subconsciously has ‘something to say’, it is there within the finished piece.

Bert Bolin

As a scientist, I have been engaged in the interplay between scientific analysis and politics for many years, and I have tried here to present an analysis of what has happened over the last 40 years and where we stand today.
The analysis has shown that a penetrating examination of the facts is an absolute necessity when trying to understand and deal with the major societal and political issues that confront us when we try to resolve the global climate change issue. The analyses must be accepted as trustworthy by the international scientific community and should therefore be carried out as far as possible as an independent and open scientific endeavour. The IPCC reports have been produced in a manner aimed at securing this status. They have largely been free from influence by politicians and stakeholders of different kinds. Nevertheless, government representatives have attended the final plenary sessions, when the summaries for policy makers were finally agreed and the extracts of the key scientific conclusions formulated in simple terms without compromising the basic scientific analyses in the supporting documents. This is a fundamental prerequisite for successful climate negotiations, and decisions about the joint efforts to be made by the parties to the Climate Convention. The development of a strict procedure of the kind that has been achieved by the IPCC has been essential and has also been taken as a model for other efforts of a similar kind.

Daily Mail

article-2000292-0C7428A300000578-335_468x532A Kuwaiti woman who once ran for parliament has called for sex slavery to be legalised – and suggested that non-Muslim prisoners from war-torn countries would make suitable concubines.
Salwa al Mutairi argued buying a sex-slave would protect decent, devout and ‘virile’ Kuwaiti men from adultery because buying an imported sex partner would be tantamount to marriage.
For example, in the Chechnyan war, surely there are female Russian captives,’ she said.
So go and buy those and sell them here in Kuwait. Better than to have our men engage in forbidden sexual relations.
Her unbelievable argument for her plan was that ‘captives’ might ‘just die of hunger over there’.
She insisted, ‘I don’t see any problem in this, no problem at all’.
In an attempt to consider the woman’s feelings in the arrangement, Mutari conceded that the enslaved women, however, should be at least 15.


WhatonearthhappenedThe problem is the content. In fact, the sub-title of the book should probably be “How white, male Europeans ruined everything” because that is the dominant theme of the book. For example, the chapter on “Hunter-Gatherer” was sub-titled “How humans lived in a state of nature for 99 per cent of their history on earth without permanent homes, full-time jobs or private possessions”, concluding that “Stone Age man lived well, happily and mostly in peace.” Really?
But the real aim of the author becomes known when he turns to the 19th century. For example, his comments on colonialism: ” …, etc., etc. ” You see? Those nasty white, male Europeans, with their evil Capitalism, are responsible for everything, even down to this day. Africa’s failure has nothing to do with indigenous factors such as the absence of the rule of law, the systematic violence, the mass corruption, the absence of civil society and individual freedom, and the the rival gangs of looters who call themselves political parties. No, had they never been touched by those white, male Europeans and their evil Captilist system, Africa would doubtlessly be in a state of primordial bliss today.

日本サッカー協会, 韓国サッカー協会





Adnan Rasheed


From Adnan Rasheed to Malala Yousafzai

You have talked about justice and equality from the stage of an unjust institution, the place where you were standing uttering for justice and equality, all the nations are not equal there, only five wicked states have the veto power and rest of them are powerless, dozens of time when all the world untied against the Israel only one veto was enough to press the throat of justice.
The place you were speaking to the world is heading towards new world order, I want to know what is wrong with the old world order? They want to establish global education, global economy, global army, global trade, global government and finally global religion. I want to know is there any space for the prophetic guidance in all above global plans? Is there any space for Islamic sharia or Islamic law to which UN call inhumane and barbaric?

Laurent Fabius

On dit souvent que le monde actuel est multipolaire, mais ce n’est pas vrai. Le monde a longtemps été bipolaire, sous la domination conjointe et opposée des États-Unis et de l’URSS puis le monde, pendant un certain temps, a été unipolaire, à l’époque de la chute du mur de Berlin où une domination presque sans partage était exercée par les États-Unis d’Amérique. Nous espérons que demain, et nous y travaillons, Mexique et France, le monde sera multipolaire, et que ces pôles seront équilibrés mais aujourd’hui, quitte à choquer, je dirais que le monde n’est pas bipolaire, qu’il n’est pas unipolaire, qu’il n’est pas encore multipolaire, il est zéro-polaire.
Cette absence de grandes relations structurantes rend difficile la résolution des crises, comme nous le voyons malheureusement en ce moment dans toute une série de parties du monde et notamment avec la tragédie en Syrie.
Construire une nouvelle régulation politique, économique, sociale et environnementale du monde est un des grands défis des années et des décennies prochaines.

Charles Pépin

Notre bonheur ne dépend pas d’abord de notre réflexion, mais de notre santé, de nos amours, de nos richesses… répète le sens commun. Nombreux sont pourtant les hommes qui possèdent tout cela, mais ne trouvent pas le bonheur. Ce qu’il leur manque est de l’ordre de la réflexion : ils ne savent pas appréhender la valeur de ce qu’ils ont. Mais qu’ils soient si nom- breux n’est pas surprenant. Paradoxalement, c’est bien là le plus dur : pour percevoir combien l’exis- tence est un miracle ou un privilège, pour savoir saisir la chance d’être ce qu’on est et cesser de s’abîmer à essayer de devenir ce que l’on n’est pas, il faut peut- être… une authentique philosophie, et pas simplement une bonne humeur d’imbécile heureux, ni même une simple sagesse populaire.

Luke Mastin

The over-riding dictum of Pythagoras’s school was “All is number“ or “God is number”, and the Pythagoreans effectively practised a kind of numerology or number-worship, and considered each number to have its own character and meaning. For example, the number one was the generator of all numbers; two represented opinion; three, harmony; four, justice; five, marriage; six, creation; seven, the seven planets or “wandering stars”; etc. Odd numbers were thought of as female and even numbers as male.

Сергей Василенков

50583284722Коммунисты Молдовы заявили о возможности проведения в стране “бархатной революции”. Осенью Молдова должна подписать соглашение об ассоциации с Евросоюзом и еще больше отдалиться от России. В этой ситуации сценарий какой-нибудь “мирной” революции вполне реален. А может, посредством дестабилизации кто-то хочет опять поднять “Приднестровский вопрос”?



Vlasta Lederer

I hereby announce publicly
that my son


was treacherrously murdered on 9th August 1991,
by a mercenary gang of Chetniks while holding a camera in his hand,
and that, thanks to the Chetnik collaborator, General Raseta,
he was denied any chance of survival.

Gordan Lederer’s mother,

Vlasta Lederer, Ph.D.,
consultant, spec. anaesthesiology and reanimatology

Vjesnik, 14th August 1991.



  1. 今ヨリ十年バカリ前、伊藤サンノ指揮ニテ韓国王妃ヲ殺害シマシタ。
  2. 今ヨリ五年前、伊藤サンハ兵力ヲ以ッテ五カ条ノ条約ヲ締結セラレマシタガ、ソレハミナ韓国ニトリテハ非常ナル不利益ノ箇条デアリマス。
  3. 今ヨリ三年前、伊藤サンガ締結セラレマシタ十二ケ条ノ条約ハ、イズレモ韓国ニトリ軍隊上非常ナル不利益ノ事柄デアリマシタ。
  4. 伊藤サンハ強イテ韓国皇帝ノ廃位ヲ図リマシタ。
  5. 韓国ノ兵隊ハ伊藤サンノタメニ解散セシメラレマシタ。
  6. 条約締結ニツキ、韓国民ガイキドオリ義兵ガ起リマシタガ、ソノ関係上、伊藤サンハ韓国ノ良民ヲ多数殺サセマシタ。
  7. 韓国ノ政治、ソノ他ノ権利ヲ奪イマシタ。
  8. 韓国ノ学校ニ用イタル良好ナル教科書ヲ伊藤サンノ指示ノモトニ焼却シマシタ。
  9. 韓国人民ニ新聞ノ購読ヲ禁ジマシタ。
  10. ItoHirobumiナンラアテルベキ金ナキニモカカワラズ、性質ノヨロシカラザル韓国官吏ニ金ヲ与ヘ、韓国民ニナンラノ事モ知ラシメズシテ終ニ第一銀行券ヲ発行シテオリマス。
  11. 韓国民ノ負担ニ帰スベキ国債二千三百万円ヲ募リ、コレヲ韓国民ニ知ラシメズシテ、ソノ金ハ官吏間ニオイテ勝手ニ処分シタリトモ聞き、マタ土地ヲ奪リシタメナリトスト聞キマシタ。コレ韓国民ニトリテハ非常ナル不利益ノ事デアリマス。
  12. 伊藤サンハ東洋ノ平和ヲ攪乱シマシタ。ソノ訳ト申スハ、日露戦争当時ヨリ、東洋平和維持ナリト言イツツ、韓皇帝ヲ廃シ、当初ノ宣言トハコトゴトク反対ノ結果ヲ見ルニ至リ、韓国民二千万ミナ憤慨シテオリマス。
  13. 韓国ノ欲セザルニモカカワラズ、伊藤サンハ韓国保護ニ名ヲ借リ、韓国政府ノ一部ノ者ト意思ヲ通ジ、韓国ニ不利益ナル施設ヲ致シテオリマス。
  14. 今ヲ去ル四十二年前、現日本皇帝ノ御父君ニ当ラセラル御方ヲ伊藤サンガ失イマシタ。ソノ事ハミナ韓国民ガ知ッテオリマス。
  15. 伊藤サンハ、韓国民ガ憤慨シオルニモカカワラズ、日本皇帝ヤ、ソノ他世界各国ニ対シ、韓国ハ無事ナリト言ウテ欺イテオリマス。

Persian Football

Iran’s football federation IRIFF has sent an official complaint to FIFA against South Korea’s football association due to the behavior of the Korean crowd for throwing glass bottles at the Iranian Team Melli players after Iran beat South Korea in Korea to grab a direct birth alongside Korea for 2014 world cup in Brazil.

IranKorea0Under the watchful eye of FIFA observers, when the world Cup qualifier between S Korea and Iran ended 0-1 for Iran, Korean fans were throwing glass and plastic water bottles at Iranian national team players.
Also, It has been observed that S Korean coaching staff threw a couple of punches at Iranian reserve keeper Sosha Makani, when he was celebrating Iran’s win.

Therefore to protest the dangerous behavior by Korean crowd at Ulsan stadium, Iran’s football federation IFF has complained in writing to FIFA.
In this letter, IFF has provided documented evidence in support of their claim.

Patricia Tourancheau

ClementUne vidéo de l’agression de Clément Méric, le 5 juin, relance la polémique sur le contexte de la mort du jeune homme. Selon RTL, les images présenteraient le jeune militant antifa comme l’agresseur du skinhead Esteban Morillo, qui lui a porté le coup mortel. Colère immédiate des membres du collectif Action antifasciste Paris-Banlieue auquel appartenait Clément Méric, qui crient à la calomnie.
De son côté, la police, en possession de la bande dès le lendemain de l’agression, ne partage pas du tout cette «interprétation».

Jerry Minchinton

I refuse to feel bad just to make others feel better.


Once you grasp that all your actions need not be perfect, you will eliminate a substantial amount of stress and discomfort from your life. Guilt is a combination of feelings;

Anger, because you have behaved below your standards;
Shame, because you believe you have done something that is beneath you; and
Embarrassment, because of what you think others think.

Guilt is the wish that you could undo something you have done.


これまで私は、すべての人間を虫に例えて、いやな虫は殺虫剤で殺していく!(笑)みたいな。毒されてたな(笑)と思うんですけど、畑で教わったことは大きいですね。これまで、なんであんなに闘争的だったんだろ? って反省して。自然は生態系の中でみんなで生きて行く、いろんな生物が共存共栄して成り立っている、ということを畑で教わって、考え方変わりましたね。

dubious the third, Skeptic

Syria indeed cannot be compared to Iraq. Unlike Saddam, the Syrian leader was not installed by the US, but the next Syrian leader will be, whether the Syrians like it ot not.
Most of the insurgents in Syria are not Syrians, but are the US/NATO backed islamists who have been used to install US puppets in Egypt, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Stop pretending it’s got anything to do with democracy or the will of the Syrian People, when it’s so obvious that it’s just another colonial war by the empire, and like the other countries in the middle east, the goal is to destabilise, and put in an unstable replacement regime that must toe the US line or be removed.
We have “stayed the course” for 10 years in Iraq, and now 12 years in Afghanistan. Then in between, we took a minor detour and ventured into Libya.
So what did we achieve ? Are the results favourable ? Are situations any better than before we got involved ?


Many taken-for-granted, daily practices, happenings or social institutions in the Western world are prohibited in countries like Saudi Arabia. Anything the authorities consider to be “haram” – going against Islamic Law – and therefore having the potential to lead local Muslims astray, is forbidden. The only Constitution is the Quaran, which tends to be conservatively interpreted for general rules and guidelines on how to live as a good follower of Islam. Hence, there aren’t actual, written laws prohibiting the following 10 practices and institutions in the country, but they are nevertheless enforced with enthusiasm by local authorities.

  1. Socializing between women and men
  2. Cats and dogs
  3. Camera phones
  4. Movie theatres
  5. Single women roaming alone
  6. Freedom of religion
  7. Woman’s sports
  8. Female drivers
  9. Music lessons in public schools
  10. Valentine’s day

Karl Lindemann

KariThe U.S. government has considerable interest in the Middle East, especially with those countries that either control large oil reserves or have potential influence over the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. However, it has been our long-standing policy to ally ourselves with governments rather than the people. If the so-called Arab Spring has taught us one thing, it is that the tyrannical governments we support are inherently unstable. And once those governments get overthrown, we lose all ability to influence policy. This is best exemplified in Egypt, where a recent Gallup poll shows 70% of the population is in support of ending U.S. military and economic aid. Although in the short-term it may prove difficult, the U.S. needs to immediately end its support of all oppression in the Middle East, and decide humanitarianism is both a morally and strategically superior policy.





Stéphane Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartosek, Jean-Louis Margolin

The_Black_Book_of_Communism_(front_cover)Estimated number of victims

  • 65 million in the People’s Republic of China
  • 20 million in the Soviet Union
  • 2 million in Cambodia
  • 2 million in North Korea
  • 1.7 million in Africa
  • 1.5 million in Afghanistan
  • 1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe
  • 1 million in Vietnam
  • 150,000 in Latin America (mainly Cuba)
  • 10,000 deaths “resulting from actions of the international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power.”

Scott Creighton

from that time” becomes “from this time on” and “from this moment
little change, big difference

There is a campaign of propaganda underway this week in Korea and I will show you that this latest crisis is nothing more than a continuation of that warmongering effort.

Hélder Câmara

dom-helder-camara05Quando dou comida aos pobres, me chamam de santo.
Quando pergunto porque eles são pobres, chamam-me de comunista.

(When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint.
When I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist.)

F. William Engdahl

ShaleGasUSaAt a time when much of the world is looking with a mix of envy and excitement at the recent boom in USA unconventional gas from shale rock, when countries from China to Poland to France to the UK are beginning to launch their own ventures into unconventional shale gas extraction, hoping it is the cure for their energy woes, the US shale boom is revealing itself to have been a gigantic hyped confidence bubble that is already beginning to deflate. Carpe diem!

Dan Gardner

risk1We are the safest and healthiest human beings who ever lived, and yet irrational fear is growing, with deadly consequences — such as the 1,595 Americans killed when they made the mistake of switching from planes to cars after September 11. In part, this irrationality is caused by those — politicians, activists, and the media — who promote fear for their own gain. Culture also matters. But a more fundamental cause is human psychology.






  • お金は政府や中央銀行ではなく、民間銀行によってつくられ、市中にばらまかれている。貨幣の創出・破壊を行うのも供給量を決めるのも民間銀行なのだ。
  • 民間銀行の信用創造は経済の発展に大きく寄与してきた。実際、民間銀行が企業に資金を提供してきたおかげで経済は成長してきた。しかし、だからといって、信用創造を与えるのが民間銀行でなくてはならないという理由はどこにもない。
  • 民間銀行の信用創造は、1930年の世界大恐、日本のバブル崩壊、リーマン・ショックなどを起こし、バブルと不況、公的債務、持続性不可能な成長、貧富の格差拡大、巨大な投機マネーの跋扈などの原因となっている。
  • 信用創造とは何か?法定準備金が10%なら預かったお金の90%まで貸せるので、90万円を借り手の口座に入れ、そのうちの81万円を次の借り手にの口座に入れ。。ということを繰り返して、100万円から1000万円近くの通帳マネーを生み出すことだ。
  • 信用創造といえば聞こえはいいが、銀行に入ってきた現金は最初の100万円のみ。増えていった預金残高は銀行が通帳と帳簿に記載しただけだ。銀行は、無から生み出したお金に利子をつけて貸しているのだ。
  • 経済学では、銀行が預金と貸出を連鎖的に繰り返すことによりマネーサプライが増加し経済の発展的循環につながると説明されるが、それはまた縮小させて大きなダメージを与える危険性があるということでもある。
  • 銀行券は実際に印刷して作り出し、消去するには焼却しなければならないが、預金は目に見えることなくつくったり壊したりできる。恐慌の時にも、銀行券が焼却されることはなく、預金は帳簿上で消され、一般の人々が気付くことはなかった。
  • 信用創造は、最初は数か国だけで行われていたが、今では全世界で行われている。その結果、通帳マネーの増減が好景気や不景気に及ぼす影響の大きさは過去にないほど大きくっており、計り知れない脅威を私たちにもたらす。




A tradition is a belief or behavior passed down within a group or society with symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past. Common examples include holidays or impractical but socially meaningful clothes (like lawyer wigs or military officer spurs), but the idea has also been applied to social norms such as greetings. Traditions can persist and evolve for thousands of years—the word “tradition” itself derives from the Latin tradere or traderer literally meaning to transmit, to hand over, to give for safekeeping. While it is commonly assumed that traditions have ancient history, many traditions have been invented on purpose, whether that be political or cultural, over short periods of time.