Monthly Archives: June 2015

Jerry A. Coyne

The battle between science and religion is regularly declared over, with both sides having reached an amicable truce. “Accommodationists” on both the religious and scientific sides assure us that there is no conflict between these areas, that they deal with separate spheres of inquiry (science deals with the natural world, religion with meaning, morals and values), or even that they can somehow help each other via an unspecified “dialogue.”
But despite these claims, the dust hasn’t settled. Why the continuing publication of accommodationist books if the issue was resolved long ago? Why do 55 percent of Americans aver that “science and religion are often in conflict”? Why are less than 10 percent of all Americans agnostics or atheists, yet that proportion rises to 62 percent of all scientists at “elite” universities, and to 93 percent among members of the National Academy of Sciences? In a poll taken in 2006, 64 percent of Americans claimed that if science contradicted one of the tenets of their faith, they’d reject the science in favor of their faith. Clearly, there is still friction between science and religion, even if some scientists can leave their faith at the laboratory door.
In fact, the conflict between science and religion—at least the Abrahamic faiths dominant in the U.S.—is deep, endemic, and unlikely to be resolved. For this conflict is one between faith and fact—a battle in the long-fought war between rationality and superstition.

Cristina Luiggi

Isaac Newton was just 23 years old when, while on a brief hiatus from Cambridge University, he developed his theory of gravitation. “For in those days I was in my prime of age for invention, and minded mathematics and philosophy more than at any time since,” he later wrote in a letter to a fellow scholar.
Similarly, at age 26, Einstein published the paper on the photoelectric effect that would win him a Nobel Prize 16 years later in 1921. Marie Curie was around 30 when she, along with her husband Pierre, discovered the radioactive elements radium and polonium.
But according to economists Benjamin Jones and Bruce Weinberg, young scientists making groundbreaking contributions to their fields are becoming an endangered breed. In a study published yesterday (November 7) in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they reported that the chances a Nobel Prize winner at the turn of the 21st century produced their winning work by the age 30 or even 40 is close to zero.

Benjamin Jones

If people are naturally very productive in their 20s, either because there is some innate physiological advantage or because they are just very energetic and have strong incentive, but instead they’re saddled with having to learn all this accumulated knowledge, that does suggest that we are taking a chunk out of people’s innovative capabilities at a time in their lives when those capabilities are potentially very high. That suggests there’s a really strong opportunity cost. That doesn’t mean that’s an easy problem to solve because it is necessary for these scholars to become experts before they can really make a big contribution. It’s also the case that there’s more to know and you just can’t know everything. One implication is that people become much narrower experts. That also makes people’s creativity a bit narrower.

Edward Tenner

There’s now a staggering amount of relevant information young academics need to consume before embarking on significant careers. …
It’s an open question whether the extension of the human lifespan, and the growing preference of academics for remaining active past 65, plus new electronic tools and instruments, are winning the race against the need to acquiring the additional knowledge accumulated over the last hundred years.






知恵袋 ・・・ 仲間の内でいちばん知恵のある人。
知恵者 ・・・ 知恵のすぐれている人。
知恵歯 ・・・ 親しらず歯のこと。
知恵が無い ・・・ 工夫が足りない。
知恵が回る ・・・ よく気がつく。頭の回転がはやい。すぐにその場にふさわしい判断ができる。
知恵の持ち腐れ ・・・ すぐれた知恵を持っていながら、実際には活用できないこと。
知恵は小出しにせよ ・・・ 知恵は一度に出し尽くしてしまわず、時に応じて出すのがよい。
知恵を借りる ・・・ よい考えや方法を教えてもらう。
知恵を絞る ・・・ 懸命に考えてよい意見を出そうとする。
知恵を付ける ・・・ 入れ知恵をする。そそのかす。
知恵比べ ・・・ 知恵の優劣をきそいくらべること。
浅知恵 ・・・ あさはかな考え。
悪知恵 ・・・ 悪い方面によく働く知恵。奸知。
さる知恵 ・・・ 気がきいているようで、実はあさはかな知恵。こざかしい知恵。
入れ知恵 ・・・ 他人に知恵をつけること。他人からつけられた知恵。多く、悪いことにいう。
知恵の輪 ・・・ 玩具。いろいろな形の金属の輪を組み合わせたり、解いたりして遊ぶもの。
知恵熱 ・・・ 乳児にみられる原因のわからない発熱。


CerfaUn cerfa est un formulaire administratif réglementé. Il s’agit d’un imprimé officiel dont le modèle est fixé par arrêté. L’appellation “cerfa” provient du nom de l’organisme public chargé d’éditer ces formulaires : le centre d’enregistrement et de révision des formulaires administratifs (CERFA).




All men by nature desire to know. An indication of this is the delight we take in our senses; for even apart from their usefulness they are loved for themselves; and above all others the sense of sight. For not only with a view to action, but even when we are not going to do anything, we prefer sight to almost everything else. The reason is that this, most of all the senses, makes us know and brings to light many differences between things.





Isaac Asimov

Knowledge is indivisible. When people grow wise in one direction, they are sure to make it easier for themselves to grow wise in other directions as well. On the other hand, when they split up knowledge, concentrate on their own field, and scorn and ignore other fields, they grow less wise — even in their own field.

Sophie Davis, Catherine Focas

laDiasporaGrecqueEn masse: 200000 Grecs de moins de 35 ans sont partis depuis le début de la crise en 2010. Et pas n’importe lesquels: la nation hellène perd ses «esprits les plus jeunes, les meilleurs et les plus intelligents». Parmi les émigrés, 88% ont un titre universitaire. Les choses ne devraient pas s’arranger: 35000 Grecs étudient actuellement à l’étranger et deux tiers d’entre eux ne veulent pas retourner au pays.
Financiers, avocats, informaticiens, médecins, ils s’exilent. La plupart visent la Grande-Bretagne, l’Allemagne, les Etats-Unis. Les premiers partiraient plutôt dans les pays anglo-saxons. Le corps médical privilégie le nord de l’Europe. Plus de 7340 médecins ont émigré depuis le début de la crise, dont près de la moitié en Allemagne, ce qui fait de la patrie d’Hippocrate le plus gros exportateur de médecins au monde.



Albert Einstein

I believe in intuition and inspiration. … At times I feel certain I am right while not knowing the reason. When the eclipse of 1919 confirmed my intuition, I was not in the least surprised. In fact I would have been astonished had it turned out otherwise. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research.

Brooks Jackson, Kathleen Hall Jamieson

The internet teems with unverified “quotes” supposedly uttered by famous people. Some of these attributions, perhaps, may be false. For example, we heard a nice remark by Albert Einstein that we thought might fit in this book: “Information is not knowledge.” We take that to mean that raw facts mean little unless we validate them, think about them logically, and follow them to a valid conclusion. Sage advice, but none of the many internet citations we found told us when the great physicist gave it , or where, or to whom. Did he say it in a lecture, a book, a letter to a colleague, or an interview? Was it a casual remark to a friend or colleague who mentioned it later in his or her own writings?
We checked with Barbara Wolff at the Albert Einstein Archives of the Jewish National and University Library in Jerusalem, where the physicist’s surviving personal papers and writings are housed. She told us: “The quote in question is not known to me, and was not found among Einstein’s identifiable quotes.”
How could so many people make the mistake of falsely attributing words to Einstein? Ms. Wolff has a theory, with which we agree: “As, unfortunately, it happens again and again, someone migh have composed a more or less meaningful aphorism, and, anticipating that his own name would not draw attention to it, simply foisted it on Einstein.” Be careful about any quotation whose source cannot be verified. Sometimes the person quoted never really said it.

Oscar Wilde

  • Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.
  • A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. [Answering the question, what is a cynic?]
  • In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.

Aaron Smith, Janna Anderson

  • Displacement of workers from automation is already happening
  • The consequences for income inequality will be profound
  • The educational system is doing a poor job of preparing the next generation of workers
  • The concept of “work” may change significantly in the coming decade
  • Technology is not destiny … we control the future we will inhabit

Moshe Y. Vardi

While AI has been proven to be much more difficult than Turing and other early pioneers believed, its inexorable progress over the past 50 years suggests that Herbert Simon was probably right when he wrote in 1956 “machines will be capable … of doing any work a man can do.” I do not expect this to happen in the very near future, but I do believe that by 2045 machines will be able to do if not any work that humans can do, then a very significant fraction of the work that humans can do. Bill Joy’s question deserves therefore not to be ignored: does the future need us? By this I mean to ask, if machines are capable of doing almost any work humans can do, what will humans do? As I have been raising this question over the past year, I have been getting various answers to this question, but I find none satisfying.

Idris Fassassi

One concluding remark should be made about the arrest warrant issued against Omar Al Bashir in 2009 at the request of Luis Moreno-Ocampo. It is not a remark from a brilliant World Chess Champion, but rather a piece of wisdom possessed by the king in Saint-Exupéry’s Le Petit Prince. By requesting an arrest warrant against a sitting President, the Prosecutor sent a powerful signal of his commitment to fight impunity. In actuality, however, the arrest warrant led to the radicalization of the conflict, the forced departure of NGOs in the field, and the strengthening of the sentiment that ICC prosecutions were skewed against African states. Moreover, after four years, President Al Bashir remains in power. Each day that he spends in office is a defeat for the Court. Each day that he manages to spend abroad is an affront to the Prosecutor. It illustrates her weaknesses and demonstrates that she cannot checkmate her opponent. One could of course argue that issuing the arrest warrant was the “right” decision, that international criminal law is precisely about doing what may look impossible, that the Prosecutor should not abdicate in front of difficulty or that President Al Bashir is becoming more and more isolated. Maybe. But maybe the Prosecutor simply made his move too early. Maybe he should have followed the advice offered by the King in Saint Exupéry’s novel, “[use your] science of government and wait until conditions are favorable.


Between 2025 and 2035, intelligent robots with human-like capabilities will be able to do practically any job: nurse, social worker, construction worker, shop attendant, waiter, dentist, teacher, translator, cleaner, fire fighter, security guard, soldier…
So what job is safe ? What jobs will still exist in 10 years or in 20 years ?
I believe that the jobs most likely to survive this ‘second age of machines’, as it has been dubbed, are jobs where human contact and socialisation is essential. But when we think about it, it is much harder to think about jobs that really cannot be done by human-like robots. Perhaps psychotherapists, relationship counsellors, yoga teacher, hair dressers, party planners, nannies… You will notice that these are generally jobs done by women, and that is not surprising since men are better at systematising tasks like computers, and will therefore be more easily replaced by machines.

The Economist

  • The effect of today’s technology on tomorrow’s jobs will be immense—and no country is ready for it
  • Previous technological innovation has always delivered more long-run employment, not less. But things can change

Richard Waters

Future1Future2Rapid advances in artificial intelligence now threaten the jobs of educated white-collar workers.

The threat to jobs stretches beyond the white-collar world. Advances in artificial intelligence also make possible more versatile robots capable of taking over many types of manual work.


Barack Obama

It is not good enough simply to show sympathy. You don’t see murder on this kind of scale with this kind of frequency in any other advanced nation on Earth. Every country has violent, hateful, or mentally unstable people. What’s different is not every country is awash with easily accessible guns. And so I refuse to act as if this is the new normal.

Tim Berners-Lee

Today, a key element of the openness that underpins the Web and the broader Internet is under threat. I’m talking about ‘net neutrality’ – the principle that each ‘packet’ of data must be treated equally by the network. In practice, this means that there should be no censorship. It also means that there should be no restrictions based on economic motivations.
Maintaining this net neutrality is critical for the future of the Web and the future of human rights, innovation and progress.


FermilabWhat are we made of? How did the universe begin? What secrets do the smallest, most elemental particles of matter hold, and how can they help us understand the intricacies of space and time?

Michel Onfray

L’homme est un animal qui, pour vivre, a besoin d’illusions. L’animal, non. Les hommes ont donc inventé un ciel intelligible, des dieux, puis un dieu, un paradis et un enfer, sinon un purgatoire. Ils ont eu besoin d’un sacré qui permet à la pensée magique de se donner libre cours – de la secte à la religion, en passant par les divers cultes spirituels, intellectuels, philosophiques ( adhérer à une école, avec un catéchisme, souscrire à une mythologie, à des rites , sacrifier à la notion de transcendance, récuser l’immanence, communier de façon tribale, etc Nous vivons dans la pensée magique… L’animal incarne le retour du refoulé qui nous gêne : il est, comme le nez au milieu de la figure, le rappel de ce que nous étions, sommes encore et serons toujours : un mammifère. D’où les rites de conjuration de cette animalité en nous. Au lieu de sculpter notre part animale, nous la détruisons avec véhémence. Notre acharnement à faire souffrir les animaux est en exacte relation avec la dénégation de notre part animale : quand un humain fait souffrir un animal, il jouit de n’en être pas un , du moins le croit-il, mais il montre par-là même la supériorité de l’animal sur l’homme : car seul ce dernier jouit de faire souffrir et de tuer, le premier tue pour manger et assurer la vie et la survie de son espèce.
Les hommes ne veulent pas mourir et pourrir – comme les animaux.

Andrew Watt

The creditors are insisting that Greece adopt “a ‘zero deficit’ system that would end budget subsidies for the pension system”. It is worth noting that a ban on the state budget subsidising the pension insurance system, if it were applied in Germany, would almost immediately bankrupt the system. Very substantial sums are pumped into the German pension insurance system by the federal government every year. And, in principle at least, there is no reason why this should not be the case. The provision of some pension entitlements can be seen as a task for society as a whole, and thus financed out of general taxation, rather than just by those paying pension contributions. (Of course this may not be behind the subsidies in Greece, but the point is that the “institutions” want a blanket ban on this practice, which I consider wrong as a matter of principle.)

Laura Poitras

In 2006, I was placed on a secret watchlist after making a film about the Iraq War. In the following years I was detained and interrogated at the US border dozens of times.
My next film was about Guantanamo and the war on terror.
This film is the third part of a trilogy about America post 9/11.

Alabama Shakes

My life, your life
Don’t cross them lines
What you like, what I like
Why can’t we both be right?
Attacking, defending
Until there’s nothing left worth winning
Your pride and my pride
Don’t waste my time
I don’t wanna fight no more

United Nations

Several MDG targets have been met

  • The world has reduced extreme poverty by half
  • Efforts in the fight against malaria and tuberculosis have shown results
  • Access to an improved drinking water source became a reality for 2.3 billion people
  • Disparities in primary school enrolment between boys and girls are being eliminated in all developing regions
  • The political participation of women has continued to increase
  • Development assistance rebounded, the trading system stayed favourable for developing countries and their debt burden remained low





Thomas Gilovich

… many questionable and erroneous beliefs have purely cognitive origins, and can be traced to imperfections in our capacities to process information and draw conclusions. We hold many dubious beliefs, in other words, not because they satisfy some important psychological need, but because they seem to be the most sensible conclusions consistent with the available evidence. People hold such beliefs because they seem, in the words of Robert Merton, to be the “irresistible products of their own experience.” They are the products, not of irrationality, but of flawed rationality.

Genevieve Antoine Dariaux

A Guide to EleganceWhat is Elegance?
It is a sort of harmony that rather resembles beauty, with the difference that the latter is more often a gift of nature and the former the result of art.
The origin of elegance is easily traced. It springs and develops from the habits of a civilized culture. The word comes from the Latin eligere, which means ‘to select’.

Mark Magnier

中国主导创建的亚洲基础设施投资银行(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank)与世界银行(World Bank)及其他国际贷款组织不同,它将设立一个简洁的结构,以展示中国政府在建造大型项目上久负盛名的速度和效率。


同の字点のルーツ   「同」の異体字「仝」がもとになっていると言われています.また,中国で同じ役割で使っていた符号が変化したという説もあります.
同の字点の仲間   同の字点は同じ漢字を繰り返す時のものですが,同じかなを繰り返す時に使う「一の字点」(ゝ),「とてもとても」など2字以上を繰り返す時に使う,かなの「く」を長くしたような「くの字点」なども同じ仲間です.
仲間の総称   これらの符号は,繰り返し符号,反復符,踊り字,畳字,かさね字などいろいろに呼ばれていますが,広辞苑では「踊り字」という項目に説明があります.
同の字点以外の踊り字をあまり見ないわけ   同の字点以外の踊り字は,今では手書きの文章ぐらいでしか目にしなくなっています.これは,同の字点以外はできるだけ使わないほうが望ましい,という文章表記法の基準が1950年に文部省から出ているためです.
同の字点をパソコンで打ち込むには   いろいろなやりかたがあります.一番原始的なやり方は,「佐々木」と入れて「佐」「木」を消す方法.また,記号一覧や文字一覧にはかならずあります.変換で呼び出す場合は,パソコンによって異なるのでいろいろ試してみてください.たとえば,「おなじ」「どう(同)」「ノマ」など.



  • 頭部をパンチ状、または遠目から角刈かと誤認される短髪に施す例が多い
  • 豹柄の服を着ている
  • ウェストにくびれがなく、むしろスリーサイズの中でウェストが最大である
  • 会話中に「いや~ん」を連呼する習癖を持ち、加えて互いに声が大きいのを誇る
  • 「激安」「タダ」という言葉にめっちゃ弱い
  • 人のものを見て『なんぼしたん』と聞く
  • 安く買った値段を自慢する
  • 機械のお知らせ(ピー♪)にはかならずお返事「はいはいはいはい」
  • 雨天でも自転車に載って出撃できるよう、道路交通法を無視してでも自転車へ傘を立てる武具(通称サスベー)を必ず装備している。道交法より何より、自分優先の傾向が強くて「そんなもん、いちいち知らんわ」などと吐き捨てる
  • 他人の話に『ウソッ』と大げさに相槌をうつ
  • 「あんたやから言うけどな」と言いながら皆に同じ話
  • ただで配っているティッシュは行きと帰りで2個もらう(実際は行きだけで4個以上もらう)
  • 大阪のおばちゃんのバッグには必ず飴玉が入っているともいわれる
  • 見知らぬ人にあめをあげる

Bruce Schneier

IT is complicated: it is more like payroll services than like power generation. What this means is that you have to choose your cloud providers wisely, and make sure you have good contracts in place with them. You want to own your data, and be able to download that data at any time. You want assurances that your data will not disappear if the cloud provider goes out of business or discontinues your service. You want reliability and availability assurances, tech support assurances, whatever you need.
The downside is that you will have limited customization options. Cloud computing is cheaper because of economics of scale, and­ — like any outsourced task — ­you tend to get what you get. A restaurant with a limited menu is cheaper than a personal chef who can cook anything you want. Fewer options at a much cheaper price: it’s a feature, not a bug.

Sarah Laszlo

If someone’s fingerprint is stolen, that person can’t just grow a new finger to replace the compromised fingerprint — the fingerprint for that person is compromised forever. Fingerprints are ‘non-cancellable.’ Brainprints, on the other hand, are potentially cancellable. So, in the unlikely event that attackers were actually able to steal a brainprint from an authorized user, the authorized user could then ‘reset’ their brainprint.





Peter F. Drucker

What we call the Information Revolution is actually a Knowledge Revolution. What has made it possible to routinize processes is not machinery; the computer is only the trigger. Software is the reorganization of traditional work, based on centuries of experience, through the application of knowledge and especially of systematic, logical analysis. The key is not electronics; it is cognitive science. This means that the key to maintaining leadership in the economy and the technology that are about to emerge is likely to be the social position of knowledge professionals and social acceptance of their values.

Fritz Karsh, Rebecca Robertson

Collected The collections range from dice, to cafe au lait bowls, to sand from beaches around the world, to international toilet paper – demonstrating both the beauty and the whimsy at the heart of collecting. From no frills (“The Modest”) to ornate (“The Boastful”), the book will showcase fifteen different personality types in their own chapters, including the minimalist, the colourist and many more. Each type will be featured alongside gorgeous photos, fascinating close-ups and vignettes showing how the objects are displayed and a collecting lesson.

Edward Snowden

Though we have come a long way, the right to privacy — the foundation of the freedoms enshrined in the United States Bill of Rights — remains under threat. Some of the world’s most popular online services have been enlisted as partners in the N.S.A.’s mass surveillance programs, and technology companies are being pressured by governments around the world to work against their customers rather than for them. Billions of cellphone location records are still being intercepted without regard for the guilt or innocence of those affected. We have learned that our government intentionally weakens the fundamental security of the Internet with “back doors” that transform private lives into open books. Metadata revealing the personal associations and interests of ordinary Internet users is still being intercepted and monitored on a scale unprecedented in history: As you read this online, the United States government makes a note.

Sarah Boxer

OkuraFor whatever reason, the Okura seems to be an acceptable loss to Japan. It is not purely Japanese enough, nor purely Modernist enough, to be saved. It is not a temple, not a tree, not a neighborhood, not a monument, not new enough, not old enough. It’s only obvious if you see it in person that the Okura’s end would mean not just the end of a building, but also the end of an idea and the end of an atmosphere and a topography.



Leonard Koren

Wabi-sabi represents the exact opposite of the Western ideal of great beauty as something monumental, spectacular and enduring. Wabi-sabi is not found in nature at moments of bloom and lushness, but at moments of inception or subsiding. … Consequently to experience wabi-sabi means you have to slow way down, be patient, and look very closely.

British Museum

Cyrus CylinderThis clay cylinder is inscribed in Babylonian cuneiform with an account by Cyrus, king of Persia (559-530 BC) of his conquest of Babylon in 539 BC and capture of Nabonidus, the last Babylonian king.
This cylinder has sometimes been described as the ‘first charter of human rights’, but it in fact reflects a long tradition in Mesopotamia where, from as early as the third millennium BC, kings began their reigns with declarations of reforms.


gayo_freedomsThe President of the Republic has stated that Maldive nationals too must have the freedom to remain in a religion of their choice and that no group may be permitted to interfere with that freedom.
‘Maldive nationals wish to remain a 100% Muslim nation’ the President of the Republic said ….. Should the religion that Maldive nationals choose be Islam then it is their right to remain Muslims. There ought to be no opportunity for any external elements to act in relation to that right. That is something that neither our religion nor international principles permit. The President of the Republic said that Islam is the religion that was sent as a mercy unto mankind by the noble Allah and it is the most noble religion.

Christopher Dembik

Seulement deux catégories de la population mondiale ont en effet vu leurs revenus croître au cours des vingt dernières années : les Chinois, et les 1 % des plus riches.
Il n’y a pas de solution toute prête pour impulser une meilleure répartition des richesses. En continuant de contourner le problème par un accès du crédit pour tous, le risque est de poser les bases d’une nouvelle crise financière. Dans ces conditions, il faudra certainement s’habituer à ce que le capitalisme soit émaillé de soubresauts de plus en plus fréquents, puisque les ménages ne sont pas prêts à accepter une diminution de leur niveau de consommation, et que les politiques sont réticents à s’attaquer au cœur du problème.

Edward J. Snowden

We are witnessing the emergence of a post-terror generation, one that rejects a worldview defined by a singular tragedy. For the first time since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, we see the outline of a politics that turns away from reaction and fear in favor of resilience and reason. With each court victory, with every change in the law, we demonstrate facts are more convincing than fear. As a society, we rediscover that the value of a right is not in what it hides, but in what it protects.


cannabisLa prescription de médicaments à base de cannabis est possible en Suisse sur autorisation exceptionnelle. Une dizaine sont délivrées chaque semaine et la tendance est à la hausse.

No Comment


Don’t Panic!   One call to /* No Comment */ and you can sit back and relax with a cup of coffee as we ensure a qualified rep to deals with your police station client. You can rest easy knowing your case is being dealt with professionally by our expert police station reps.

Ken Dilanian, Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said in a statement that data from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Interior Department had been compromised. The hackers were believed to be based in China.
DHS said its intrusion detection system, known as EINSTEIN, which screens federal Internet traffic to identify potential cyber threats, identified the hack of OPM’s systems and the Interior Department’s data center, which is shared by other federal agencies.
It was unclear why the EINSTEIN system didn’t detect the breach until after so many records had been copied and removed.


There are four principles that are essential for the development of equitable knowledge societies:

  • Cultural diversity
  • Equal access to education
  • Universal access to information (in the public domain)
  • Freedom of expression

Indeed, knowledge societies should be strongly based on a commitment to human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression. Knowledge societies should also ensure the full realization of the right to education and of all cultural rights. In knowledge societies, access to the public domain of information and knowledge for educational and cultural purposes should be as broad as possible. Information should be of high quality, diversified and reliable. An important principle of knowledge societies should be the diversity of cultures and languages.

Gerald Sussman

New information and communication technologies not only disarm critical public awareness and worker resistance through the opiate of consumption, but also increase segmentation of production and labour across the world’s poorer periphery, which makes labor organizing and mobilization considerably more difficult. Unionizing efforts are widely understood to be the best hope for improving working conditions. Educating the public is another important objective. Mainstream media, which dominate public discourse, are now facing formidable challenges from progressive bloggers and radical informational websites. The labour of these informal knowledge workers is contributing to undermining the corporatist and militarist regime of propaganda. The contributors to McKercher and Mosco’s collection are part of that alliance of formal and informal communication workers who are building a foundation for democratic revolutionary change on behalf of workers everywhere.



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Sam Perlo-Freeman

While total world military spending is mostly unchanged, some regions, such as the Middle East and much of Africa, are continuing to see rapid build-ups that are placing an increasingly high burden on many economies. These increases partly reflect worsening security situations, but in many cases they are also the product of corruption, vested interests and autocratic governance.

Julian Assange

Today WikiLeaks has released more than half a million US State Department cables from 1978. The cables cover US interactions with, and observations of, every country.
1978 was an unusually important year in geopolitics. The year saw the start of a great many political conflicts and alliances which continue to define the present world order, as well as the rise of still-important personalities and political dynasties.
The cables document the start of the Iranian Revolution, leading to the stand-off between Iran and the West (1979 – present); the Second Oil Crisis; the Afghan conflict (1978 – present); the Lebanon–Israel conflict (1978 – present); the Camp David Accords; the Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua and the subsequent conflict with US proxies (1978 – 1990); the 1978 Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia; the Ethiopian invasion of Eritrea; Carter’s critical decision on the neutron bomb; the break-up of the USSR’s nuclear-powered satellite over Canada, which changed space policy; the US “playing the China card” against Russia; Brzezinski’s visit to China, which led to the subsequent normalisation of relations and a proxy war in Cambodia; with the US, UK, China and Cambodia on one side and Vietnam and the USSR on the other.

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