Monthly Archives: May 2013

Ward Wilson

The Soviet invasion invalidated the military’s decisive battle strategy, just as it invalidated the diplomatic strategy. At a single stroke, all of Japan’s options evaporated. The Soviet invasion was strategically decisive — it foreclosed both of Japan’s options — while the bombing of Hiroshima (which foreclosed neither) was not.
The Soviet declaration of war also changed the calculation of how much time was left for maneuver. Japanese intelligence was predicting that U.S. forces might not invade for months. Soviet forces, on the other hand, could be in Japan proper in as little as 10 days. The Soviet invasion made a decision on ending the war extremely time sensitive.
Put yourself in the shoes of the emperor. You’ve just led your country through a disastrous war. The economy is shattered. Eighty percent of your cities have been bombed and burned. The Army has been pummeled in a string of defeats. The Navy has been decimated and confined to port. Starvation is looming. The war, in short, has been a catastrophe and, worst of all, you’ve been lying to your people about how bad the situation really is. They will be shocked by news of surrender. So which would you rather do? Admit that you failed badly? Issue a statement that says that you miscalculated spectacularly, made repeated mistakes, and did enormous damage to the nation? Or would you rather blame the loss on an amazing scientific breakthrough that no one could have predicted? At a single stroke, blaming the loss of the war on the atomic bomb swept all the mistakes and misjudgments of the war under the rug. The Bomb was the perfect excuse for having lost the war. No need to apportion blame; no court of enquiry need be held. Japan’s leaders were able to claim they had done their best. So, at the most general level the Bomb served to deflect blame from Japan’s leaders.





Ana Duran

Somewhere I can call home

Where I can breathe and not feel alone
Where I can talk and no one knows
Where danger doesn’t grow
Where I am not scared to show
Where I don’t feel vulnerable
Where I can be myself
With no worries.

To feel comfortable
With the smell of flowers
I inhale.

Where as soon as I walk in
There is no such thing as failure.
Where I can lie down
Rub my face on a pillow and know
No one’s going to hurt me.

A safe place.

Tobias Harris

Shinzo Abe is at the height of his popularity. But is he too much of a right-wing nut to save the country’s economy?

If there is one enduring fact about Japanese politics over the past decade, it is the public’s willingness to support any leader who promises to improve the economy, and then follows through on his promises. Abe’s approval numbers should not be viewed as an endorsement of anything other than his economic program — and the belief that he is actually capable of following through on them.
Fixing Japan’s economy won’t be easy, as Thursday’s sharp decline in the Nikkei shows. Ensuring that the three arrows hit their marks will require unremitting focus on the part of the archer, something that Abe may not be able to provide.

Asle Sveen

Japaneren Eisaku Sato fikk prisen i 1974, det var den verste tabben. Nye papirer har vist at han ikke var tilhenger av den anti–atomvåpenpolitikken han fikk prisen for! Alt tyder på at komiteen var feilinformert.



MINEMany modern data sets, even those considered modestly sized, contain hundreds of thousands or even millions of variable pairs—far too many to examine manually. If you do not already know what kinds of relationships to search for, how do you efficiently identify the important ones?
The maximal information coefficient (MIC) is a measure of two-variable dependence designed specifically for rapid exploration of many-dimensional data sets. MIC is part of a larger family of maximal information-based nonparametric exploration (MINE) statistics, which can be used not only to identify important relationships in data sets but also to characterize them.
A paper describing MINE and applying it to data from global health, genomics, the human microbiome, and Major League Baseball was published in Science Magazine.
MINE was developed jointly by David Reshef and Yakir Reshef, working under Professors Pardis Sabeti and Michael Mitzenmacher.

Andrew Higgins

jp-havens-articleLargeLuxembourg — It was a blunt and unsettling message for a country whose opaque banks have sucked in hundreds of billions of euros from abroad and whose national motto — “We want to remain what we are” — is a credo of dogged resistance to change.
“Nothing is as it was before,” Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker told Parliament last month, explaining why, after years of resistance, Luxembourg had decided to start sharing information with foreign tax authorities about the money stashed in its banks. “Not everything has changed, but lots of things have changed. Other changes are necessary, or everything will change.”



Jared Diamond







On February 4, 1846, 27-year-old Samuel Brannan sailed from New York City aboard the Brooklyn. On board were 238 fellow Mormons. They were bound for the Mexican territory of California, where they hoped to build a Mormon kingdom without the conflicts they had experienced in the United States. During the six months the Brooklyn was at sea, the United States went to war with Mexico. When the Mormons sailed into San Francisco Bay, they were dismayed to learn the Americans were in control.
In the fall of 1847 he opened a store at John Sutter’s Fort. A few months later, rumors circulated that gold had been found nearby at Coloma. In early May, Brannan headed to the mines to see for himself. He learned “there was more gold than all the people in California could take out in fifty years.” Brannan made plans for a second store. Then, he packed some of the precious metal into a quinine bottle and traveled the hundred miles back to San Francisco. As he stepped off the ferry, Brannan swung his hat, waved the bottle and shouted, “Gold! Gold! Gold! Gold from the American River!” By the middle of June, three-quarters of the male population had left town for the mines.
Brannan didn’t actually dig for gold, but gold swelled his investments to a fortune. His store made enormous profits by selling as much as $5,000 (about $120,000 in 2005 dollars) in goods per day to miners. Brannan also convinced some Mormon miners to pay him a percentage of their income in exchange for his attempts to secure title to the goldfields, which he never did. He opened a third store. He had several buildings in San Francisco and was on his way to being the largest landowner in the new town of Sacramento.

Peter Drucker

The next information revolution is well under way. But it is not happening where information scientists, information executives, and the information industry in general are looking for it. It is not a revolution in technology, machinery, techniques, software, or speed. It is a revolution in concepts.
So far, for 50 years, the information revolution has centered on data—their collection, storage, transmission, analysis, and presentation. It has centered on the “T” in IT. The next information revolution asks, What is the meaning of information, and what is its purpose? And this is leading rapidly to redefining the tasks to be done with the help of information, and with it, to redefining the institutions that do these tasks.
The next information revolution will surely engulf all major institutions of modern society. But it has started, and has gone farthest, in business enterprise, where it has already had profound impacts. It is forcing us to redefine what business enterprise actually is and should be. This largely underlies the new definition of the function of business enterprise as the “creation of value and wealth,” which in turn has triggered the present debate about the “governance of the corporation,” that is, for whom the business enterprise creates value and wealth. Yet, despite its importance and impact, the next information revolution has so far been largely ignored by the information establishment. For it has started in the information system of which—though it is the oldest and still the most widely used one—IT people, as a rule, tend to be both ignorant and contemptuous: Accounting.

Arthur C. Clarke, Gentry Lee; Tom Leighton; David Wells

n n2+n+41

= 41 x 41
= 43 x 41
= 47 x 43
Euler’s quadratic
O’Toole never fully comprehended what exactly was meant by the expression “quadratic prime”. However he did understand, and was fascinated by, the fact that the string 41, 43, 47, 53, 61, 71, 83, 97, … , where each successive number was computed by increasing the difference from the previous number by 2, resulted in exactly forty consecutive prime numbers. The sequence ended only when the forty-first number in the string turned out to be a non-prime, namely 41 x 41 = 1681.

n2+n+41 という数式に
n=0 を入れてみると、
n=1 なら 12+1+41 で、
n=2 なら4+2+41で、

As a result of computer searches, other forms of quadratics are known:
n2+n+27941 produces more primes among its first million values, from n=0 onwards, than does n2+n+41, 286128 to 261080.
103n2-3945n+34381 for n=0 to 45
36n2-810n+2753 for n=0 to 44

Susan Young

samsung.mind_.controlx299One day, we may be able to check e-mail or call a friend without ever touching a screen or even speaking to a disembodied helper. Samsung is researching how to bring mind control to its mobile devices with the hope of developing ways for people with mobility impairments to connect to the world. The ultimate goal of the project is to broaden the ways in which all people can interact with devices.
In collaboration with Roozbeh Jafari, Samsung researchers are testing how people can use their thoughts to launch an application, select a contact, select a song from a playlist, or power up or down a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. While Samsung has no immediate plans to offer a brain-controlled phone, the early-stage research, which involves a cap studded with EEG-monitoring electrodes, shows how a brain-computer interface could help people with mobility issues complete tasks that would otherwise be impossible.
Brain-computer interfaces that monitor brainwaves through EEG have already made their way to the market.

Nick Bilton

Last week, engineers sniffing around the programming code for Google Glass found hidden examples of ways that people might interact with the wearable computers without having to say a word. Among them, a user could nod to turn the glasses on or off. A single wink might tell the glasses to take a picture.
But don’t expect these gestures to be necessary for long. Soon, we might interact with our smartphones and computers simply by using our minds. In a couple of years, we could be turning on the lights at home just by thinking about it, or sending an e-mail from our smartphone without even pulling the device from our pocket. Farther into the future, your robot assistant will appear by your side with a glass of lemonade simply because it knows you are thirsty.
The technology, often called a brain computer interface, was conceived to enable people with paralysis and other disabilities to interact with computers or control robotic arms, all by simply thinking about such actions. Before long, these technologies could well be in consumer electronics, too.
Some crude brain-reading products already exist, letting people play easy games or move a mouse around a screen.

James Watson


Marvin Minsky




김진 (Jin Kim)

kimjin신은 인간의 손을 빌려 인간의 악행을 징벌하곤 한다. 가장 가혹한 형벌이 대규모 공습이다. 역사에는 대표적인 불벼락이 두 개 있다. 제2차 세계대전이 막바지로 치닫던 1945년 2월 독일 드레스덴이 불에 탔다. 6개월 후 일본 히로시마와 나가사키에 원자폭탄이 떨어졌다.

이들 폭격은 신의 징벌이자 인간의 복수였다. 드레스덴은 나치에게 학살당한 유대인의 복수였다. 히로시마와 나가사키는 일본 군국주의에 희생된 아시아인의 복수였다. 특히 731부대 생체실험에 동원된 마루타의 복수였다. 똑같은 복수였지만 결과는 다르다. 독일은 정신을 바꿔 새로운 국가로 태어났다. 하지만 일본은 제대로 변하지 않고 있다.

God often borrows the hand of a human to punish the evil deeds of men. The cruelest form of punishment would be a full-scale air strike against crimes against humanity. We all remember some of the most devastating raids in history. In February 1945, as World War II was nearing its end, Dresden was destroyed by fire. In the months that followed, Tokyo was carpet bombed and atomic bombs were dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

These bombings were divine punishment and human retaliation at the same time. The bombing of Dresden was a retaliation for the Jews massacred by Nazi Germany. Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were revenge for the Asians steamrolled by Japan’s militaristic nationalism, especially the “Maruta,” the human beings used in experiment by a covert biological warfare research team in China called Unit 731. The revenges resulted in very different outcomes. Germany completely changed its national spirit and was reborn as a free and progressive state. Japan, on the other hand, did not turn its back on its past misdeeds.

Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

9-22-11-1Negative opinions about the performance of news organizations now equal or surpass all-time highs on nine of 12 core measures the Pew Research Center has been tracking since 1985. However, these bleak findings are put into some perspective by the fact that news organizations are more trusted sources of information than are many other institutions, including government and business.
Further, people rate the performance of the news organizations they rely on much more positively than they rate the performance of news organizations generally.


窓辺に置いた椅子にもたれ あなたは夕陽見てた なげやりな別れの気配を 横顔に漂わせ
二人の言葉はあてもなく 過ぎた日々をさまよう ふりむけばドアの隙間から 宵闇がしのび込む
どんな運命が愛を遠ざけたの 輝きはもどらない わたしが今死んでも
ランプを灯せば街は沈み 窓には部屋が映る 冷たい壁に耳をあてて 靴音を追いかけた
どんな運命が愛を遠ざけたの 輝きはもどらない わたしが今死んでも



Mark Knopfler

Nothing gonna stop them as the day follows the night
Right becomes wrong, the left becomes the right
And they sing as they march with their flags unfurled
Today in the mountains, tomorrow the world
Gonna ride across the river deep and wide
Ride across the river to the other side

Sergey Brin

There are very powerful forces that have lined up against the open internet on all sides and around the world. I am more worried than I have been in the past. It’s scary.
We push back a lot; we are able to turn down a lot of these requests. We do everything possible to protect the data. If we could wave a magic wand and not be subject to US law, that would be great. If we could be in some magical jurisdiction that everyone in the world trusted, that would be great … We’re doing it as well as can be done.




グーグルは、あらゆるビジネス領域に進出する準備すら始めている。グーグルは、スマートグリッドのことを「Internet of Things(モノのインターネット)」と表現する。スマートグリッドでは、あらゆるモノがセンサーを備え、インターネットに接続され、情報を発信するようになる、という意味だ。



Joshua Kucera

SCOTurkey has formally become a “dialogue partner” of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a step with unclear practical consequences but substantial symbolic import. Turkey is the first NATO member with any sort of formal relationship with the SCO, which is often represented as an Eastern “anti-NATO.” All the cliches about Turkey being “caught between East and West” — here they are, codified in agreements with political-military blocs.

Luzius Wasescha

The negotiations of the WTO can be inspired by the director-general, but the decisions have to be taken by members. The change of director-general won’t immediately change the situation. Maybe Azevedo is more convincing in certain capitals than (his predecessor) Pascal Lamy was, but he of course has a very broad perspective of the needs of emerging countries.
This will be his biggest challenge: to do his job objectively and convince those emerging markets and industrialised countries to be more flexible on certain issues.
As soon as you look into the technicalities, it’s no longer a North-South issue, but a trans-Atlantic issue. The EU has their system for standards, the US has theirs, and it’s almost impossible to bridge unless the two sides show flexibility.

Wall Street Journal

A depressing rule of international institutions is that whatever their founding intentions they inevitably evolve to serve themselves or their worst members more than their original cause. The latest example is the WTO, which began as a rule-making body to promote free trade and has drifted toward protectionism when it isn’t useless.
That drift was illustrated last week with the election of Brazilian Roberto Azevedo as new WTO director-general. The 55-year-old career diplomat beat out Mexican economist Herminio Blanco, who had U.S. support.
Mr. Azevedo was Brazil’s chief Doha negotiator, and opposition to freer trade in manufacturing by Brazil, India, South Africa and other emerging economic powers made a worthwhile Doha deal impossible. It’s now moribund.
The result has been that the WTO is increasingly a bystander as the world’s economic powers ignore the global talks and pursue their own bilateral and regional trade pacts.

Albert Einstein

I came—though the child of entirely irreligious (Jewish) parents—to a deep religiousness, which, however, reached an abrupt end at the age of twelve. Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached the conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true. The consequence was a positively fanatic orgy of freethinking coupled with the impression that youth is intentionally being deceived by the state through lies; it was a crushing impression. Mistrust of every kind of authority grew out of this experience, a skeptical attitude toward the convictions that were alive in any specific social environment—an attitude that has never again left me, even though, later on, it has been tempered by a better insight into the causal connections. It is quite clear to me that the religious paradise of youth, which was thus lost, was a first attempt to free myself from the chains of the ‘merely personal,’ from an existence dominated by wishes, hopes, and primitive feelings. Out yonder there was this huge world, which exists independently of us human beings and which stands before us like a great, eternal riddle, at least partially accessible to our inspection and thinking. The contemplation of this world beckoned as a liberation, and I soon noticed that many a man whom I had learned to esteem and to admire had found inner freedom and security in its pursuit. The mental grasp of this extra-personal world within the frame of our capabilities presented itself to my mind, half consciously, half unconsciously, as a supreme goal. Similarly motivated men of the present and of the past, as well as the insights they had achieved, were the friends who could not be lost. The road to this paradise was not as comfortable and alluring as the road to the religious paradise; but it has shown itself reliable, and I have never regretted having chosen it.

A Tale

ChaplinEinstein2Einstein: “What I admire most about your art is that’s universal… You don’t say any word and the whole world understands you!”

Chaplin: “But your glory is greater… The world admires you while no one understands you!”

Holly A. Pearse

Chaplin’s Jewishness made him an enemy of the FBI and put him on the Nazi’s list of international targets. He is perhaps one of the most famous Jews in American history hence it is all the more surprising to learn that he was not, in fact, Jewish.
Since his early days as the Little Tramp, a role he assumed in 1914, Jews had believed Chaplin was secretly Jewish. The fact that his name was not Jewish was irrelevant; it was common practice for Jews to change their names when entering show business.
More important than birth records and names was the fact he looked, acted and ‘felt’ Jewish. To Jewish eyes, Chaplin told Jewish stories.

Ookla *

Ookla1Ookla is the global leader in broadband testing and web-based network diagnostic applications. The company’s software and methodologies set the broadband industry standards for accuracy, popularity, ease of use and the subsequent development of statistical data. Ookla solutions have been adopted by nearly every Internet Service Provider in the world, and have been translated into over 30 languages for use by thousands of small businesses, federal and state governments, universities and major organizations such as AT&T, BBC, Cisco, Comcast, FCC, Reuters, Time Warner, Verizon, Vodafone and Vonage. Over three million people a day use Ookla software, making the company the dominant leader in broadband connection testing.
Founded by Internet and telecommunications veterans in 2006, Ookla has offices in Seattle, WA and Kalispell, MT.



Lafcadio Hearn

Sympathy is limited by comprehension. We may sympathize to the same degree that we understand. One may imagine that he sympathizes with a Japanese or a Chinese; but the sympathy can never be real to more than a small extent outside of the simplest phases of common emotional life,—those phases in which child and man are at one. The more complex feelings of the Oriental have been composed by combinations of experiences, ancestral and individual, which have had no really precise correspondence in Western life, and which we can therefore not fully know. For converse reasons, the Japanese cannot, even though they would, give Europeans their best sympathy.

Akamai *

In the fourth quarter of 2011, analysis of the top 100 fastest cities around the world, based on average connection speeds, reflected the following:

  • Cities in the Asia Pacific region continued to dominate the list of the 100 fastest cities worldwide. 69 cities including 61 in Japan, six in South Korea, one in Australia, as well as Hong Kong made the top 100.
  • 24 cities in North America ranked among the top 100, including two in Canada and 22 in the United States.
  • Seven cities in Europe, including three in Sweden, two in Switzerland and one each in Romania and Latvia were included in the top 100.

Samuel Palmisano *

We’re all aware of the approximately two billion people now on the Internet in every part of the planet, thanks to the explosion of mobile technology.
But there are also upwards of a trillion interconnected and intelligent objects and organisms what some call the Internet of Things.
All of this is generating vast stores of information. It is estimated that there will be 44 times as much data and content coming over the next decade…reaching 35 zettabytes in 2020. A zettabyte is a 1 followed by 21 zeros. And thanks to advanced computation and analytics, we can now make sense of that data in something like real time. This enables very different kinds of insight, foresight and decision-making.

Jennie Runk




I had no idea that my H&M beachwear campaign would receive so much publicity. I’m the quiet type who reads books, plays video games, and might be a little too obsessed with her cat.So, suddenly having a large amount of publicity was an awkward surprise at first. I found it strange that people made such a fuss about how my body looks in a bikini, since I don’t usually give it much thought.
When my Facebook fan page gained about 2,000 new likes in 24 hours, I decided to use the attention as an opportunity to make the world a little nicer by promoting confidence. I’ve since been receiving lots of messages from fans, expressing gratitude.
Some even told me that my confidence has inspired them to try on a bikini for the first time in years. This is exactly the kind of thing I’ve always wanted to accomplish, showing women that it’s OK to be confident even if you’re not the popular notion of “perfect”.
This message is especially important for teenage girls. Being a teenage girl is incredibly difficult. They need all the help and support they can get.
When our bodies change and we all start to look totally different, we simultaneously begin feeling pressured to look exactly the same. This is an impossible goal to achieve and I wish I had known that when I was 13. At 5ft 9in and a US size eight (usually either a UK 10 or 12), I envied the girls whose boyfriends could pick them up and carry them on their shoulders.
Gym class was a nightmare. While the thin girls were wearing shorts, I was wearing sweat pants because my thighs were the size of their waists, and those pants were embarrassingly short because I was taller than the average adult, but still shopped at (pre-teen clothing store) Limited Too.
I also had thick, curly hair that only drew more attention to me, hiding behind my braces and beige, wire-rimmed glasses. On top of all this I’ve always been rather clumsy, so to say that my adolescence was awkward is an understatement.
Having finally survived it, I feel compelled to show girls who are going through the same thing that it’s acceptable to be different. You will grow out of this awkwardness fabulously. Just focus on being the best possible version of yourself and quit worrying about your thighs, there’s nothing wrong with them.
After all, I never thought of myself as model material but then I was discovered at a Petsmart, while volunteering in my too-short sweat pants no less.
I was given the option to lose weight and try to maintain a size four (a UK six or eight), or to gain a little – maintain a size 10 (a UK 12 or 14) – and start a career as a plus-size model. I knew my body was never meant to be a size four, so I went with plus.
People assume “plus” equates to fat, which in turn equates to ugly. This is completely absurd because many women who are considered plus-sized are actually in line with the American national average, or a US size 12/14 (somewhere between a UK size 14-18).
I can’t argue that some styles look better on one size than another.
While the idea of separating women into size categories seems stigmatising, clothing companies do this in order to offer their customers exactly what they’re looking for, making it easier for people of all sizes to find clothes that fit their bodies as well as their own unique stylistic expression.
The only problem is the negative connotations that remain stubbornly attached to the term “plus-size”. There shouldn’t be anything negative about being the same size as the average American woman, or even being a little bigger. Some women are perfectly healthy at a size 16 (a UK 18 or 20).
There are also negative connotations associated with thinness. Just as bigger women get called fat or chunky, thin women get called gangly or bony.
There’s no need to glamorise one body type and slam another. We need to stop this absurd hatred towards bodies for being different sizes. It doesn’t help anyone and it’s getting old.

Blair Levin *

Knowledge is humanity’s first and final frontier. From the Edenic exodus to flights beyond earth, our mythic narratives reveal that going where no one has gone before to learn what no one has known before drives us like no other quest.
While American innovation in chips, operating systems and applications continues, the U.S. doesn’t enjoy leadership in the underlying bandwidth that fuels this virtuous cycle. No single metric captures the situation fairly, but all suggest danger ahead. Recent Ookla data says the U.S. is 34th in download speed, 42nd in upload speed and 38th in quality; an Akamai study shows that of the 100 fastest cities in the world, only eight are in the U.S., with our fastest broadband speed only clocking in at 77th.
The beauty of an economy whose growth is based on greater knowledge is that, unlike one based on materials extraction, its prospects are as limitless as our mythic frontier. In such an economy, our nation’s greatest assets are our institutions of higher education. Thus, while it is often said, it is not said nearly enough that our institutions of higher education are the envy of the world. Anyone who hopes that America’s economic success in the 20th century is repeated in the 21st, should hope U.S. higher education remains the object of envy.
It should be irrelevant to most Americans whether the size of our mansions in Beverly Hills, our yachts in West Palm, or the diamond rings on 5th Avenue inspire similar envy. But for the sake of most Americans, we should also want the world to envy our bandwidth and what happens when we put the world-leading tools for high-performance knowledge exchange in our world-leading university communities.

Лев Николаевич Толстой

  • Без любви жить легче. Но без нее нет смысла.
  • У меня нет всего, что я люблю. Но я люблю всё, что у меня есть.
  • Не слушайте тех, кто говорит дурно о других и хорошо о вас.
  • Мир движется вперёд благодаря тем, кто страдает.
  • Степень правдивости человека есть указатель степени его нравственного совершенства.
  • Один из самых обычных и ведущих к самым боль­шим бедствиям соблазнов есть соблазн словами: «Все так делают».
  • Все великие перемены в жизни одного человека, а также и всего человечества, начинаются и совершаются в мысли. Для того, чтобы могла произойти перемена чувств и поступков, должна произойти прежде всего перемена мысли.
  • Одно из самых обычных заблуждений состоит в том, чтобы считать людей добрыми, злыми, глупыми, умными. Человек течет, и в нем есть все возможности: был глуп, стал умен, был зол, стал добр, и наоборот. В этом величие человека. И от этого нельзя судить человека. Какого? Ты осудил, а он уже другой. Нельзя и сказать: не люблю. Ты сказал, а оно другое..


I wrote the prose poem, The Invitation one night after returning home from a party. I don’t usually attend parties but on this occasion, berating myself for being anti‐social, I made an effort to go and be friendly. I returned home feeling frustrated, dissatisfied with the superficial level of the social interaction at the party. I longed for something else.

Iowa Future *

How much time do students spend on low-level facts rather than higher-order thinking skills? Are students learning how to be expert communicators and collaborators, critical thinkers, and problem solvers? What can be done to better equip students with these thinking skills that are so important today?



“Classy” Freddie Blassie, Wikipedia

legends-of-wrestling-classy-freddie-blassie-listen-you-pencil-neck-geeksListen, You Pencil Neck Geeks

The word geek is a slang term for odd or non-mainstream people, with different connotations ranging from “a computer expert or enthusiast” to “a person heavily interested in a hobby”, with a general pejorative meaning of “a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, especially one who is perceived to be overly intellectual”.
Although often considered as a pejorative, the term is also often used self-referentially without malice or as a source of pride.
The definition of geek has changed considerably over time, and there is no longer a definitive meaning.




RussiaNowロシア最大の日刊紙「ロシスカヤ・ガゼタ/ロシア新聞」が、政治、経済、文化、流行などさまざまな分野でロシアの今を伝える日本向けの新聞『ロシアNOW』。すでに世界17カ国21の新聞で700万部配布されているものの日本版です。2012年6月から8ページの本格的な特集としてスタートしました。7月、1月以外の各月第2週木曜日に東京首都圏で配布されます。同時にweb site「毎日jp」でもロシアの最新の情報がご覧になれます。どうぞお楽しみください。



The Telegraph

conspiracy1History’s greatest conspiracy theories

  1. September 11, 2001
  2. The assassination of John F Kennedy
  3. A flying saucer crashed at Roswell in 1947
  4. conspiracy2Nasa faked the moon landings
  5. The Illuminati and the New World Order
  6. The Jesus conspiracy
  7. Diana, Princess of Wales, was murdered
  8. Elvis Presley faked his own death
  9. conspiracy3Operation Northwoods
  10. MK-ULTRA
  11. North American Union
  12. Shakespeare was somebody else
  13. The disappearance of Shergar
  14. conspiracy4Paul is dead
  15. The July 7, 2005 Tube bombings
  16. The Moscow apartment bombings
  17. Black or unmarked helicopters
  18. Harold Wilson was a Soviet agent
  19. conspiracy5The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
  20. The peak oil conspiracy
  21. Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen
  22. The Philadelphia Experiment
  23. Pan Am Flight 103
  24. conspiracy6Fluoridation
  25. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
  26. Plastic coffins and concentration camps
  27. HAARP
  28. The Aids virus was created in a laboratory
  29. conspiracy7Global warming is a hoax
  30. Chemtrails


Rockefeller Foundation

The Rockefeller Foundation today awarded a grant to the United Nations Climate Change secretariat to launch Momentum for Change: Women for Results, an initiative to showcase the active role that women play in addressing climate change. The three-year grant will support activities to inform governments, media and the public at large about the role of women in solving climate change.

United Nations

Recognizing the importance of a strong library to support the work of an international organization and to serve as “a centre of international research and an instrument of international understanding,” “Junior” (John D. Rockefeller, Jr.) donated USD 2 million in 1927 for the construction and endowment of the Library of the League of Nations, which became the Library of the UN Office at Geneva in 1946.
Through negotiations by his son Nelson, in 1946 he bought for $8.5 million – from the major New York real estate developer William Zeckendorf – and then donated the land along the East River in Manhattan upon which the United Nations headquarters was built. This was after he had vetoed the family estate at Pocantico as a prospective site for the headquarters.



Секс в японском стиле
1. Существует определенный класс японок, которым ужасно интересно сделать ЭТО с иностранцем.
2. Русский. Как много в этом звуке… Есть свои плюсы и минусы. Для коротких похождений на стороне легче называть себя американцем.
3. Иностранцы, приезжающие в Японию, обычно очень легко находят себе японскую подружку, причем, не будем себе льстить, многие из этих подружек достаются не одному поколению иностранцев.
4. Единожды подсев на иностранного бойфренда, японки назад к соплеменникам уже не возвращаются.
5. В Японии с этим проще, чем в СССР моей молодости или даже в той же Америке.

Gloria Mark, Daniela Gudith, Ulrich Klocke

We performed an empirical study to investigate whether the context of interruptions makes a difference. We found that context does not make a difference but surprisingly, people completed interrupted tasks in less time with no difference in quality. Our data suggests that people compensate for interruptions by working faster, but this comes at a price: experiencing more stress, higher frustration, time pressure and effort. Individual differences exist in the management of interruptions: personality measures of openness to experience and need for personal structure predict disruption costs of interruptions.

Bob Sullivan

It’s hard to talk to a friend without your phone buzzing at least once. Odds are high you will check your Twitter feed or Facebook wall while reading this article. Just try to type a memo at work without having an e-mail pop up that ruins your train of thought.
There’s a lot of debate among brain researchers about the impact of gadgets on our brains. Most discussion has focused on the deleterious effect of multitasking. Early results show what most of us know implicitly: if you do two things at once, both efforts suffer.
In fact, multitasking is a misnomer. In most situations, the person juggling e-mail, text messaging, Facebook and a meeting is really doing something called “rapid toggling between tasks,” and is engaged in constant context switching.
A typical office worker gets only 11 minutes between each interruption, while it takes an average of 25 minutes to return to the original task after an interruption. But there has been scant research on the quality of work done during these periods of rapid toggling.

Eric Pfanner

Here we go again. The United Nations is trying to take over the Internet! Or maybe it isn’t.
Only five months ago, at a treaty conference convened by a U.N. agency called the International Telecommunication Union, the U.S. delegation stormed out, refusing to sign the proposed document, saying it posed a threat to the current, decentralized Internet governance system. Several dozen other countries joined the boycott.
1-bits-itu-articleInlineNext week, beginning Monday, the agency can make no such protestations about a meeting it is convening in Geneva. The stated topic of the World Telecommunication Policy Forum is, yes, Internet governance.
Even if the official opinions are largely banal, individual governments will have the right to stand up in Geneva next week to make their own policy statements. Countries like Russia and China, as well as governments in some parts of Africa and the Middle East, have made no secret of their desire to exercise more control over things like the Internet address system.
Congress has been looking at Internet governance, too. In April, the House Energy and Commerce Committee approved a bill stating that “it is the policy of the United States to preserve and advance the successful multistakeholder model that governs the Internet.”
But some critics noted that wording adding that the United States also supported “a global Internet free from government control” was removed from the bill.

Quentin Hardy

GoodData, a cloud-based business analytics company, and Box, which provides online storage, announced a product that analyzes how data is used to judge the overall health of the business. Frequent use of some particular marketing collateral, for example, would indicate it is particularly effective. Items shared between different departments could indicate new customer needs.

“There is so much data generated by every product that it is crazy not to try and capture it.” – Roman Stanek, the chief executive of GoodData

There are dozens of this kind of thing, with more every day, as companies start to think of every recorded process and product as a means to greater insight.
One interesting upshot of this is that data can no longer be thought of as having a single definition. It used to be that data was mostly stored and forgotten about, or drawn on for some specific purpose, like finding the number of a part, or recalling an airline reservation.
Before, data was mostly in a single state. Now it’s a kind of potential object, ready at all times to be combined with other data for some new insight. New databases and data frameworks, like Hadoop, have arisen to capture and exploit this. Companies doing fast retrieval of stored data, for real-time analysis, are on fire.

Michael Penn

AbeShinzo2Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been stoking passions across East Asia recently, asking whether or not Japan had ever committed aggression during World War II. He also approved a trip made by government ministers to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine.
The shrine, a memorial to those who have died in the service of the Japanese emperor, is detested in much of the continent, as some believe it to glorify Japanese militarism.
The Korean Peninsula spent half a century under Japanese military rule in the early 20th century, and mainland China suffered a series of invasions in the 1930s.
South Korean President Park Geun-hye: “If Japan has a different perception of history and aggravates the scars of the past, it will be difficult to build future-oriented ties.”
Yoichi Kaneko: “The Japanese people as a whole have gained negative feelings toward China and Korea. When it comes to diplomacy and national security, the political space for liberalism has disappeared.”

Paul Krugman

AbeShinzo2Now comes Shinzo Abe. As Noah Smith informs us, he is not anybody’s idea of an economic hero; he’s a nationalist, a denier of World War II atrocities, a man with little obvious interest in economic policy. If he’s defying the orthodoxy, it probably reflects his general contempt for learned opinion rather than a considered embrace of heterodox theory.
But that may not matter. Abe may be ignoring the conventional wisdom on spending, and bullying the Bank of Japan, for all the wrong reasons — but the fact is that he is actually providing fiscal and monetary stimulus at a time when every other advanced-country government is too much in the thrall of the Very Serious People to do something different. And so far the results have been entirely positive: no spike in interest rates, but a sharp fall in the yen, which is a very good thing for Japan.
It will be a bitter irony if a pretty bad guy, with all the wrong motives, ends up doing the right thing economically, while all the good guys fail because they’re too determined to be, well, good guys. But that’s what happened in the 1930s, too …

Philippe Mesmer

abeliberationC’est dans un climat d’exacerbation du discours nationaliste que le Japon a célébré, pour la première fois depuis la fin de la guerre, la date du retour à sa pleine souveraineté, en 1952. Une cérémonie était organisée à Tokyo, dimanche 28 avril, pour le soixante et unième anniversaire de la fin des sept années d’occupation du Japon par les forces américaines et alliées.
“Je veux faire de ce jour un moment de renouveau de notre détermination et de notre espoir dans l’avenir”, a déclaré le premier ministre, Shinzo Abe, lors de cet événement célébré en présence du couple impérial. “Nous avons la responsabilité de faire du Japon une nation forte et déterminée, a-t-il ajouté, à laquelle les autres pays du monde peuvent se fier.
M. Abe avait promis d’organiser cette cérémonie pendant la campagne législative de décembre 2012. Figure du conservatisme politique nippon, il souhaitait commémorer la fin d’une période considérée par les conservateurs…

Mitsuru Obe

AbeShinzo2AsoTaro3So when he talked with The Wall Street Journal on Friday after a meeting of the Group of 20 industrial and developing nations, he offered frank opinions about many subjects, including one of his distant relatives, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Mr. Aso acknowledged that he wants to be as bullish about the Japanese economy as Haruhiko Kuroda, new governor of the Bank of Japan, who says the country will achieve a 2% inflation target in two years. But Mr. Aso isn’t so sure about the prospect of inflation because he has one nagging concern.
It isn’t the sovereign debt crisis in Europe, not a fiscal cliff in America, not a possible flare-up of tensions with China, but Prime Minister Abe’s penchant for national security and patriotic education.
Mr. Aso said he is “not so confident” that Mr. Abe will stay focused on economic reform after an upper-house election in July. The ruling Liberal Democratic Party is widely expected to win a landslide in the election, giving Mr. Abe control over both chambers of parliament and boosting his chances of making constitutional amendments.
Mr. Abe’s desire is to review the Self-Defense Forces’ current status as a non-military organization and to redefine them as a military for national defense. Japan’s pacifist constitution, drafted by the occupying forces after World War II, prohibits the country from maintaining military forces.
“In the past three years while we were in the opposition, we found out what the general public was really looking for. It was not education or constitution, but the economy,” Mr. Aso said. “We have persuaded Mr. Abe to set aside his pet interests and focus on the economy first, and he’s doing just that.”
But “there’s concern that once we get a victory in the upper-house election, Mr. Abe might go in a different direction,” Mr. Aso said.
The 72-year-old Mr. Aso added that “it’s probably my job to tell him that he will have to concentrate on the economy for another few years.”


AbeShinzo2Япония не собирается пересматривать свою позицию в отношении Второй Мировой войны и совершенных в ходе нее преступлений, заявил в среду в японском парламенте премьер-министр страны Синдзо Абэ.
“Мы разделяем мнение предыдущих кабинетов (правительства Японии – ИФ) о том, что (Япония – ИФ) нанесла огромный ущерб и причинила страдания народам Азии”, – сказал он.
Министр иностранных дел Японии Фумио Кисида отметил, что правительство не намерено пересматривать официальные извинения, принесенные в 1995 году странам -жертвам японской экспансии, и добавил, что С.Абэ разделяет ту же точку зрения.
Ранее президент Южной Кореи Пак Кын Хе в интервью американскому изданию “Вашингтон пост” заявила, что действия Токио вызывают напряженность в отношениях с азиатскими соседями и что Японии следует задуматься о своей истории.
Напряженность в отношениях Токио и Сеула, в частности, была вызвана недавним посещением храма Ясукуни в Токио группой из более 160 японских депутатов и японским вице-премьером Таро Асо.
Посещение высокопоставленными чиновниками храма Ясукуни традиционно вызывает негодование Сеула, Пекина и Пхеньяна. В Китае и обеих частях Кореи посещение мемориала воспринимается как почтительное отношение к военному прошлому Японии, что является оскорблением для стран, пострадавших от японской оккупации.
В 1995 году премьер-министр Японии Томиити Мураяма выступил с речью, посвященной 50-летию окончания Второй Мировой войны и согласно которой Япония признает последствия колониального господства и агрессии и приносит искренние извинения за содеянное.



Financial Times

AbeShinzo2It was only a matter of time. Until now, Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister, has managed to control the demons of his inner nationalism.
Now Mr Abe – riding high with more than a 70 per cent approval rating – has let the mask slip. Last week he sent an offering of a cypress tree branch to Yasukuni along with several members of his cabinet. Worse, he appeared to question whether Japan had been “aggressive” in the second world war, a rightwing hobby horse. He has also opened a campaign to make it easier to amend the constitution.
These actions have provoked a predictable reaction from neighbours. South Korea’s foreign minister cancelled a meeting. Beijing condemned the actions and, coincidentally or not, upped the stakes over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands by officially designating the disputed islands a “core” Chinese interest. Even the US, Japan’s ally, is annoyed that Mr Abe should have opened up this can of worms.
Mr Abe has better things to do with his time. He has set in train the boldest effort in many years to spark the economy into life. His establishment of a 2 per cent inflation target and appointment of a can-do central bank governor has brought a real sense of hope that perhaps Japan can turn things around. The experiment, however, is exceedingly risky. It also requires the goodwill of other countries, which must tolerate a weaker yen as a side-effect of massive monetary expansion.
That cause will hardly be helped if the world loses sympathy. Mr Abe must also follow up with structural reforms to improve economic efficiency. His forays into revisionism are distractions at best, dangerous at worst. He should stick to his knitting.

Wall Street Journal

AbeShinzo2Who started World War II? We thought that one belonged to the Department of Settled Questions, along with any lingering doubts about whether the Earth orbits the sun. But Japan’s Shinzo Abe has a fresh, er, interpretation.
“The definition of what constitutes an ‘invasion’ has yet to be established in academia or in the international community,” the Prime Minister told the Japanese Diet Tuesday. “Things that happened between nations will look different depending on which side you view them from.”
Mr. Abe’s foray into historical relativism will come as news to survivors of Pearl Harbor, the Bataan Death March or the Rape of Nanjing. Much of the world long ago forgave Japan its wartime atrocities. But it hasn’t forgotten them.
Meantime, the Prime Minister’s remarks come as the Korean crisis isn’t over, and as China tests Japan over its possession of the Senkaku islands (Diaoyu to the Chinese). Japan is a democracy and an ally, but Mr. Abe’s disgraceful remark will make his country no more friends abroad.

Washington Post Editorial Board

AbeShinzo2Officials in South Korea and China responded with fury, and understandably so. Yes, history is always being reinterpreted. But there are such things as facts. Japan occupied Korea. It occupied Manchuria and then the rest of China. It invaded Malaya. It committed aggression. Why, decades after Germany solidified its place in Europe by facing history honestly, are facts so difficult for some in Japan to acknowledge?
We understand that South Korea and, to an even greater extent, China at times stoke anti-Japan sentiment for domestic political purposes. China distorts its own history and, unlike Japan, in many cases does not allow conflicting interpretations to be debated or studied. But none of that excuses the kind of self-destructive revisionism into which Mr. Abe lapsed this week.
An inability to face history will prejudice the more reasonable goals to which South Korea and China also object. Mr. Abe has valid reasons, given the defense spending and assertive behavior of China and North Korea, to favor modernization of Japan’s defense forces. He has good reason to question whether Japan’s “self-defense” constitution, imposed by U.S. occupiers after World War II, allows the nation to come to the aid of its allies in sufficient strength. But his ability to promote reform at home, where many voters remain skeptical, and to reassure suspicious neighbors plummets when he appears to entertain nostalgia for prewar empire.

Emma Chanlett-Avery, Mark E. Manyin, William H. Cooper, Ian E. Rinehart

AbeShinzo2Comments and actions on controversial historical issues by Prime Minister Abe and his cabinet have raised concern that Tokyo could upset regional relations in ways that hurt U.S. interests. Abe is known as a strong nationalist. Abe’s approach to issues like the so-called “comfort women” sex slaves from the World War II era, history textbooks, visits to the Yasukuni Shrine that honors Japan’s war dead, and statements on a territorial dispute with South Korea will be closely monitored by Japan’s neighbors as well as the United States.
Japan’s membership in the TPP, if an agreement is reached, would constitute a de facto U.S.-Japan FTA. Congress must approve implementing legislation if the TPP is to apply to the United States. Japan’s participation in the talks could enhance the credibility and viability of the TPP, which is a core component of Administration efforts to “rebalance” U.S. foreign policy priorities toward the Asia-Pacific region. If successful, the negotiations could reinvigorate a bilateral economic relationship that has remained steady but stagnant, by forcing the two countries to address long-standing, difficult issues. On the other hand, failure to do so could indicate that the underlying problems are too fundamental to overcome and could set back the relationship.

ATS News

topelement (1)
Près de 40’000 logements ont été saisis en 2012 à la suite d’impayés, a annoncé vendredi la Banque d’Espagne qui a mené une enquête inédite.


