Gil Press

Artificial intelligence has replaced big data this year as the most talked about new set of technologies.
Artificial Intelligence is the new big data, not just as the reigning buzzword, but also as a new set of technologies enterprises are exploring so they can turn data into smart actions.

American Museum of Natural History, Louis Harris and Associates, Inc.

  • Seven out of ten biologists believe that we are in the midst of a mass extinction of living things, and that this dramatic loss of species poses a major threat to human existence in the next century.
  • In strong contrast to the fears expressed by scientists, the general public is relatively unaware of the loss of species and the threats that it poses.
  • This mass extinction is the fastest in Earth’s 4.5-billion-year history and, unlike prior extinctions, is mainly the result of human activity and not of natural phenomena.

Charles Darwin

That many and grave objections may be advanced against the theory of descent with modification through natural selection, I do not deny. I have endeavoured to give to them their full force. Nothing at first can appear more difficult to believe than that the more complex organs and instincts should have been perfected, not by means superior to, though analogous with, human reason, but by the accumulation of innumerable slight variations, each good for the individual possessor. Nevertheless, this difficulty, though appearing to our imagination insuperably great, cannot be considered real if we admit the following propositions, namely,—that gradations in the perfection of any organ or instinct, which we may consider, either do now exist or could have existed, each good of its kind,—that all organs and instincts are, in ever so slight a degree, variable,—and, lastly, that there is a struggle for existence leading to the preservation of each profitable deviation of structure or instinct. The truth of these propositions cannot, I think, be disputed.

Charles Darwin

Apparently every growing part of every plant is continually circumnutating, though often on a small scale. Even the stems of seedlings before they have broken through the ground, as well as their buried radicles, circumnutate, as far as the pressure of the surrounding earth permits. In this universally present movement we have the basis or groundwork for the acquirement, according to the requirements of the plant, of the most diversified movements. Thus, the great sweeps made by the stems of twining plants, and by the tendrils of other climbers, result from a mere increase in the amplitude of the ordinary movement of circumnutation. The position which young leaves and other organs ultimately assume is acquired by the circumnutating movement being increased in some one direction. The leaves of various plants are said to sleep at night, and it will be seen that their blades then assume a vertical position through modified circumnutation, in order to protect their upper surfaces from being chilled through radiation. The movements of various organs to the light, which are so general throughout the vegetable kingdom, and occasionally from the light, or transversely with respect to it, are all modified forms of circumnutation; as again are the equally prevalent movements of stems, etc., towards the zenith, and of roots towards the centre of the earth. In accordance with these conclusions, a considerable difficulty in the way of evolution is in part removed, for it might have been asked, how did all these diversified movements for the most different purposes first arise? As the case stands, we know that there is always movement in progress, and its amplitude, or direction, or both, have only to be modified for the good of the plant in relation with internal or external stimuli.



Stefano Mancuso, Alessandra Viola

VerdeLe piante sono esseri intelligenti? Partendo da questa semplice domanda Stefano Mancuso e Alessandra Viola conducono il lettore in un inconsueto e affascinante viaggio intorno al mondo vegetale. In generale, le piante potrebbero benissimo vivere senza di noi. Noi invece senza di loro ci estingueremmo in breve tempo. Eppure persino nella nostra lingua, e in quasi tutte le altre, espressioni come “vegetare” o “essere un vegetale” sono passate a indicare condizioni di vita ridotte ai minimi termini. “Vegetale a chi?”… Se le piante potessero parlare, forse sarebbe questa una delle prime domande che ci farebbero.



Oscar Wilde

He looked anxious and puzzled, and seemed to be in doubt about something. I felt it could not be modern scepticism, for Murchison was the stoutest of Tories, and believed in the Pentateuch as firmly as he believed in the House of Peers; so I concluded that it was a woman, and asked him if he was married yet.
‘I don’t understand women well enough,’ he answered.
‘My dear Gerald,’ I said, ‘women are meant to be loved, not to be understood.’
‘I cannot love where I cannot trust,’ he replied.
‘I believe you have a mystery in your life, Gerald,’ I exclaimed; ‘tell me about it.’

Tali Sharot, Cass R. Sunstein

The clear implication is that for weak believers in man-made climate change, comforting news will have a big impact, and alarming news won’t. Strong believers will show the opposite pattern. And because Americans are frequently exposed to competing claims about the latest scientific evidence, these opposing tendencies will predictably create political polarization — and it will grow over time.
In the case of information about ourselves — about how attractive others perceive us to be, or how likely we are to succeed — people normally alter their beliefs more in response to good news. In certain circumstances, that will also be true for political issues — as in the case of weak climate change believers. But at times, good political news can threaten our deepest commitments, and we will give it less weight.
These findings help explain polarization on many issues. With respect to the Affordable Care Act, for example, people encounter good news, to the effect that it has helped millions of people obtain health insurance, and also bad news, to the effect that health care costs and insurance premiums continue to increase. For the act’s supporters, the good news will have far more impact than the bad; for the opponents, the opposite is true. As the sheer volume of information increases, polarization will be heightened as well.
Essentially the same tale can be told with respect to immigration, terrorism, increases in the minimum wage — and candidates for the highest office in the land.

Affinity Konar

We were made, once. My twin, Pearl, and me. Or, to be precise, Pearl was formed and I split from her. She embossed herself on the womb; I copied her signature. For eight months we were afloat in amniotic snowfall, two rosy mittens resting on the lining of our mother. I couldn’t imagine anything grander than the womb we shared, but after the scaffolds of our brains were ivoried and our spleens were complete, Pearl wanted to see the world beyond us. And so, with newborn pluck, she spat herself out of our mother.


石よ樹よ水よ ささやかな者たちよ

石よ樹よ水よ 僕よりも

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

Pretty much anywhere in the world men tend to think that they are much smarter than women. Yet arrogance and overconfidence are inversely related to leadership talent — the ability to build and maintain high-performing teams, and to inspire followers to set aside their selfish agendas in order to work for the common interest of the group. Indeed, whether in sports, politics or business, the best leaders are usually humble — and whether through nature or nurture, humility is a much more common feature in women than men. For example, women outperform men on emotional intelligence, which is a strong driver of modest behaviors. Furthermore, a quantitative review of gender differences in personality involving more than 23,000 participants in 26 cultures indicated that women are more sensitive, considerate, and humble than men, which is arguably one of the least counter-intuitive findings in the social sciences. An even clearer picture emerges when one examines the dark side of personality: for instance, our normative data, which includes thousands of managers from across all industry sectors and 40 countries, shows that men are consistently more arrogant, manipulative and risk-prone than women.
The paradoxical implication is that the same psychological characteristics that enable male managers to rise to the top of the corporate or political ladder are actually responsible for their downfall. In other words, what it takes to get the job is not just different from, but also the reverse of, what it takes to do the job well. As a result, too many incompetent people are promoted to management jobs, and promoted over more competent people.

Office of Strategic Services (OSS), CIA

  • Insist on doing everything through “channels.” Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to expedite decisions.
  • Make “speeches.” Talk as frequently as possible and at great length. Illustrate your “points” by long anecdotes and accounts of personal experiences.
  • When possible, refer all matters to committees, for “further study and consideration.” Attempt to make the committee as large as possible — never less than five.
  • Bring up irrelevant issues as frequently as possible.
  • Haggle over precise wordings of communications, minutes, resolutions.
  • Refer back to matters decided upon at the last meeting and attempt to re-open the question of the advisability of that decision.
  • Be “reasonable” and urge your fellow-conferees to be “reasonable”and avoid haste which might result in embarrassments or difficulties later on.
  • In making work assignments, always sign out the unimportant jobs first. See that important jobs are assigned to inefficient workers.
  • Insist on perfect work in relatively unimportant products; send back for refinishing those which have the least flaw.
  • To lower morale and with it, production, be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions.
  • Hold conferences when there is more critical work to be done.
  • Multiply the procedures and clearances involved in issuing instructions, pay checks, and so on. See that three people have to approve everything where one would do.
  • Work slowly.
  • Contrive as many interruptions to your work as you can.
  • Do your work poorly and blame it on bad tools, machinery, or equipment. Complain that these things are preventing you from doing your job right.
  • Never pass on your skill and experience to a new or less skillful worker.

Jojo Moyes

  • Me_Before_You_(film)You are pretty much the only thing that makes me want to get up in the morning.
  • You only get one life. It’s actually your duty to live it as fully as possible.
  • I thought, briefly, that I would never feel as intensely connected to the world, to another human being, as I did at that moment.
  • I will never, ever regret the things I’ve done. Because most days, all you have are places in your memory that you can go to.
  • I held him close and said nothing, all the while telling him silently that he was loved. Oh, but he was loved.
  • I have become a whole new person because of you.
  • I don’t know what I think. All I know it that most of the time, I would rather be with him than anyone else I know.

Anthony W. Marx

All summer, kids have been hanging out in front of the Morris Park Library in the Bronx, before opening hours and after closing. They bring their computers to pick up the Wi-Fi signal that is leaking out of the building, because they can’t afford internet access at home. They’re there during the school year, too, even during the winter — it’s the only way they can complete their online math homework.

Ingrid Bergman

IngridBergmanDear Mr. Rossellini,

I saw your films Open City and Paisan, and enjoyed them very much. If you need a Swedish actress who speaks English very well, who has not forgotten her German, who is not very understandable in French, and who in Italian knows only “ti amo,” I am ready to come and make a film with you.

Ingrid Bergman

Anne Chemin


In the past few days you may well have scribbled out a shopping list on the back of an envelope or stuck a Post-it on your desk. Perhaps you added a comment to your child’s report book or made a few quick notes during a meeting. But when did you last draft a long text by hand? How long ago did you write your last “proper” letter, using a pen and a sheet of writing paper? Are you among the increasing number of people, at work, who are switching completely from writing to typing?




一六世紀以来、世界を規定してきた資本主義というシステムがついに終焉に向かい、混沌をきわめていく「歴史の危機」。世界経済だけでなく、国民国家をも解体させる大転換期に我々は立っている。五〇〇年ぶりのこの大転換期に日本がなすべきことは? 異常な利子率の低下という「負の条件」をプラスに転換し、新たなシステムを構築するための画期的な書!



Erich Fromm

Love is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. If love were only a feeling, there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever. A feeling comes and it may go. How can I judge that it will stay forever, when my act does not involve judgment and decision.

Love isn’t something natural. Rather it requires discipline, concentration, patience, faith, and the overcoming of narcissism. It isn’t a feeling, it is a practice.

Natasha Lennard

It has not, by any measure, been a Summer of Love; more like a Summer of Anxiety, Fear and Hate. It would be facile to respond to recent events — political upheaval, mass murder, police violence and festering racism — with a call to “love.” But in extreme times, it’s worth considering: Can love (as we know it) act as a radical force rather than a distraction? Does our current idea of love need revision? Is there a new kind of love emerging in new social movements, one that works against the narrow kind of love fostered by capitalism?

Jeff Steinhauer

We observe spontaneous Hawking radiation, stimulated by quantum vacuum fluctuations, emanating from an analogue black hole in an atomic Bose–Einstein condensate. Correlations are observed between the Hawking particles outside the black hole and the partner particles inside. These correlations indicate an approximately thermal distribution of Hawking radiation. We find that the high-energy pairs are entangled, while the low-energy pairs are not, within the reasonable assumption that excitations with different frequencies are not correlated. The entanglement verifies the quantum nature of the Hawking radiation. The results are consistent with a driven oscillation experiment and a numerical simulation.

United Kingdom’s National Obesity Forum and Public Health Collaboration

  1. Eating fat does not make you fat.
  2. Saturated fat does not cause heart disease. Full fat dairy is likely protective.
  3. Processed foods labelled ‘low fat’, ‘lite’, ‘low cholesterol’ or “proven to lower cholesterol” should be avoided.
  4. Limit starchy and refined carbohydrates to prevent and reverse Type 2 diabetes.
  5. Optimum sugar consumption for health is ZERO.
  6. Industrial vegetable oils should be avoided.
  7. Stop counting calories (Calorie focused thinking has damaged public health.)
  8. You cannot outrun a bad diet.
  9. Snacking will make you fat (Grandma was right!)
  10. Evidence based nutrition should be incorporated in to education curricula for all healthcare professionals.

Aseem Malhotra

Dietary guidelines promoting low-fat foods is perhaps the biggest mistake in modern medical history, resulting in devastating consequences for public health.
Sadly this unhelpful advice continues to be perpetuated.
The current Eatwell guide from Public Health England is in my view more like a metabolic timebomb than a dietary pattern conducive for good health.
The scientific integrity of the PHE advice had been compromised by commercial interests.
We must urgently change the message to the public to reverse obesity and Type 2 diabetes.
Eat fat to get slim. Don’t fear fat; fat is your friend.

The Telegraph

We cannot find the page you are looking for.

  • The page may have been moved, updated or deleted.
  • There might be a problem with the website.
  • You may have typed the web address incorrectly. Please check the address and spelling.




OCHAは、緊急時対応とその備えを強化するための国際協力を、このパートナーシップを通じて推進してゆくつもりです。あの3月11日、いざというときのための備えが、いかに人命救助や被災者支援を左右するのかを目のあたりにしました。緊急災害時における関係機関との連携及び調整、正確な情報収集と分析・発信、そして迅速かつ的確な意思決定 ― それがまさにOCHAの目指すところです。


※りりィ+よーじ から・・お詫びとお知らせ
先日定期健診のおり、相方である りりィ にお医者様から静養が必要との診断となりファンの皆様には真に申し訳ないのですが、静養・療養に専念するため5月からのライブ活動参加を中止することとなりました。 もちろん、私たちの他の出演者は予定通りライブを行いますのでご安心ください。

Patrick F. Walsh, Seumas Miller

Social media is defined as ‘both the technology and the use of a varied category of internet services inspired by the participatory web or web 2.0, which enables users to create and share digital content, whether textual, audio or video’. The intelligence community is increasingly embracing social media as both collection and analytical tools to support different decision making requirements. Ormand, Barlett and Miller provide a good overview of how social media has and could be used in national intelligence frameworks. For example, social media could be used for crowd sourcing information to get a better flow of information in emergency/crisis situations such as in natural disasters or riots. Social media is also useful in generating better understandings of indicators for violence and radicalization as well as providing what they refer to as ‘near time situational awareness’ where we can collect and cluster social media outputs to get a sense of unfolding events such as the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa. A good example, of providing situational awareness would be being able to monitor effectively Facebook and Twitter as they captured events leading up to the 2011 Egyptian revolution. Event detection technology can profile words over time suggesting that like events might be occurring.

Matt Egan

In a sign of how dramatically the retail shopping landscape is changing, Macy’s is closing 100 of its stores nationwide.
Macy’s announced the closures Thursday. They represent about 15% of all Macy’s department stores. The iconic retailer did not disclose the locations of stores, but said most of them will be shut down in early 2017.
The Macy’s move is the latest in a wave of store closures amid the rise and success of Amazon and other online shopping options.
For instance, Walmart announced plans in January to shut down 269 stores this year and just this week, inked a $3.3 billion deal to acquire Amazon rival
Sports Authority, once the nation’s largest sporting goods retailer, is shutting all 450 of its stores after filing for bankruptcy. Other traditional retailers such as Target, JC Penney, Kmart, Sears and Kohl’s have also pulled the plug on hundreds of stores in recent months.


I choose to love you in silence … for in silence I find no rejection,
I choose to love you in loneliness … for in loneliness no one owns you but me,
I choose to adore you from a distance … for distance will shield me from pain,
I choose to kiss you in the wind … for the wind is gentler than my lips,
I choose to hold you in my dreams … for in my dreams, you have no end.


ビジネスプランニングに限らず、近年色々な分野で言われるようになってきたのが、whole-brain thinking(全脳思考)という概念です。直感的思考と論理的思考両方をバランス良く駆使して、最適解を導き出すというもので、後者重視だった従来の発想法を転換させる試みとして、欧米では小学校のころから教育に取り入れているところも多いそうです。
ちなみに右脳の直感を鍛えるって難しいと思えるかもしれませんが、要は制約に縛られない自分の自由な発想を認めてあげるというもので、誰でも訓練を詰めば鍛えられる可能性のあるものです。ビジネスに関しては右脳思考を発展させるためのフレームワークは多数提供されていて、例えばブレインストーミングやマインドマップは有名だと思います。その他何かのビジネスアイディアを発展させて行く時には、Osborn’s checklist などを使って意図的に直感を別の考えと結びつけたりさらに発展させて行くことができます。

Julia Angwin

Algorithms are ubiquitous in our lives. They map out the best route to our destination and help us find new music based on what we listen to now. But they are also being employed to inform fundamental decisions about our lives.
Companies use them to sort through stacks of résumés from job seekers. Credit agencies use them to determine our credit scores. And the criminal justice system is increasingly using algorithms to predict a defendant’s future criminality.



Karl Popper

The more we learn about the world, and the deeper our learning, the more conscious, clear, and well-defined will be our knowledge of what we do not know, our knowledge of our ignorance. The main source of our ignorance lies in the fact that our knowledge can only be finite, while our ignorance must necessarily be infinite.

Thomas Kida

Don’t believe everything you think
The 6 basic mistakes we make in thinking

  • We prefer stories to statistics.
  • We seek to confirm, not to question.
  • We rarely appreciate the role of chance and coincidence in life.
  • We can misperceive our world.
  • We oversimplify.
  • We have faulty memories.



Фитнес для мозга

Существует легенда, согласно которой к каждому из нас раз в жизни приходит Бог. Причем он может явиться в любом обличии – промокшего котенка, старика, нищенки – и наша судьба сложится в зависимости от того, как мы поведем себя в минуту такой встречи…

Jeremy Butman

When we talk about sustainability, then, what is it that we hope to sustain? We certainly do not sustain nature “in itself.” Rather, we sustain nature as we humans prefer it.









José Ortega y Gasset

In the disturbances caused by scarcity of food, the mob goes in search of bread, and the means it employs is generally to wreck the bakeries. This may serve as a symbol of the attitude adopted, on a greater and more complicated scale, by the masses of today towards the civilization by which they are supported.







David H. Johnson

Though databases as tools for psychological research are in their infancy, thinking about their ideal organization is surprisingly far along. Three schools of thought have emerged. But the technology for databases is being innovated so rapidly that it is premature to judge any approach as best. In fact, a hybridization containing elements of all three is becoming possible thanks to technological developments and the work of some far-thinking scientists.








  • 自転車乗りの意識は個人差がものすごく大きいのだけれど、多くの場合、「自転車は車両」であるという意識に欠けている。意識はあるけれど行動が伴っていないケースも多い。理由はさまざまなのだろうが、運転免許が必要じゃない乗り物だから、交通違反を犯しても反則金とか、免停とかがないという事実が関係あるのかもしれない。
  • 車両なのだから歩行者として扱うわけにはいかず、かといって、現実の交通流のなかでママチャリの類いの軽車両を完全に車両扱いして大丈夫なのかという心配は誰が考えたってある。ならば、どう扱ったらいいのか?
  • 歩道を走ると歩行者に危険がおよぶことがある。車道を走ったのでは自転車乗りが危ない目に遭う。つまり、走る場所がない。
  • 時速40kmくらいで巡行できるスポーツサイクルも、前後に幼児を乗せたママチャリも、ひとくくりで「自転車」。両者は、用途も性能も、天と地ほども違っていて、客観的に判断すれば、形は似ているけれど、まったく別の乗り物と考えた方がいい。
  • といった一連の問題を抱えた自転車が徐々に増えだし、さらに、東日本大震災からこっち激増した。交通戦争という時代を経て歩行者と自動車の安全対策は劇的に進められてきたけれど、そこに自転車はなかった。
  • 対策が十分にないところにもってきての自転車の激増だから、そりゃ、現場は混乱する。しかも……。しかも?混乱する現場は、同じ「道路」でありながら、「生活道路での混乱」と「幹線道路での混乱」というふたつの混乱があるのが、また厄介なところだ。

