



Carey K. Morewedge

When your favorite sports team is defeated, you’re disappointed, even dismayed. The same is true when your preferred political candidate doesn’t win. It hurts when your side loses.
Fortunately, you can insure yourself against such unhappiness: just place a bet for your side to lose. This strategy, which has become easy to do with the rise of online prediction markets, creates a consolation prize — say, $1,000 (or whatever it takes) — to reduce your pain in the event of a defeat.
Logic strongly recommends this kind of emotional hedge. Consider that for most people, losing something hurts more than gaining that same thing feels good — a phenomenon known as loss aversion. Consider, too, that as losses and gains increase in size, each additional unit of loss or gain has a smaller impact on you — a phenomenon known as diminishing marginal utility.

Curtis LeMay

  • Killing Japanese didn’t bother me very much at that time… I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal…. Every soldier thinks something of the moral aspects of what he is doing. But all war is immoral and if you let that bother you, you’re not a good soldier.
  • I’ll tell you what war is about, you’ve got to kill people, and when you’ve killed enough they stop fighting.
  • We’re at war with Japan. We were attacked by Japan. Do you want to kill Japanese, or would you rather have Americans killed?
  • As far as casualties were concerned I think there were more casualties in the first attack on Tokyo with incendiaries than there were with the first use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The fact that it’s done instantaneously, maybe that’s more humane than incendiary attacks, if you can call any war act humane. I don’t, particularly, so to me there wasn’t much difference. A weapon is a weapon and it really doesn’t make much difference how you kill a man. If you have to kill him, well, that’s the evil to start with and how you do it becomes pretty secondary. I think your choice should be which weapon is the most efficient and most likely to get the whole mess over with as early as possible.



Дмитрий Брушко

%d0%b4%d0%bc%d0%b8%d1%82%d1%80%d0%b8%d0%b9-%d0%b1%d1%80%d1%83%d1%88%d0%ba%d0%beКовер из желтых листьев, которые еще не успели убрать; ветер, который треплет волосы; мокрый асфальт, в котором отражается город… и запахи осеннего города. Осень в городе бывает разная. Даже в ненастную погоду и поздно вечером в ней можно найти свое очарование и красоту. Главное — одеться потеплее.

Adam Dachis

While a little common sense and life experience can demonstrate the imperfections in your (and everyone else’s) memory, Schacter’s research points to two important things: we’re no good at recalling past events or imagining the future because our process for doing either is essentially the same—at least as far as our brain functionality is concerned. While this points to much more of a problem than a solution, it certainly helps to remember that no memory is perfect and we’re all designed to recall with error. Next time someone gets something wrong, it’s at least worth remembering that.

Matthew Hodgson

Ultimately, it’s hard to predict what final direction Web 3.0 will take us, and that’s precisely the point. By unlocking the web from the hands of a few players this will inevitably enable a surge in innovation and let services flourish which prioritise the user’s interests.
Apple, Google, Microsoft, and others have their own interests at heart (as they should), but that means that the user can often be viewed purely as a source of revenue, quite literally at the users’ expense.
As the Decentralised Web attracts the interest and passion of the mainstream developer community, there is no telling what new economies will emerge and what kinds of new technologies and services they will invent. The one certainty is they will intrinsically support their communities and user bases just as much as the interests of their creators.

Tim Berners-Lee

The web was designed to be decentralised so that everybody could participate by having their own domain and having their own webserver and this hasn’t worked out. Instead, we’ve got the situation where individual personal data has been locked up in these silos. … The proposal is, then, to bring back the idea of a decentralised web.
To bring back power to people. We are thinking we are going to make a social revolution by just tweaking: we’re going to use web technology, but we’re going to use it in such a way that we separate the apps that you use from the data that you use.


The wise man knows that it is better to sit on the banks of a remote mountain stream than to be emperor of the whole world.





Blaise Pascal

L’homme n’est qu’un roseau, le plus faible de la nature ; mais c’est un roseau pensant. Il ne faut pas que l’univers entier s’arme pour l’écraser : une vapeur, une goutte d’eau, suffit pour le tuer. Mais, quand l’univers l’écraserait, l’homme serait encore plus noble que ce qui le tue, puisqu’il sait qu’il meurt, et l’avantage que l’univers a sur lui, l’univers n’en sait rien.
Toute notre dignité consiste donc en la pensée. C’est de là qu’il faut nous relever et non de l’espace et de la durée, que nous ne saurions remplir. Travaillons donc à bien penser : voilà le principe de la morale.
Roseau pensant. — Ce n’est point de l’espace que je dois chercher ma dignité, mais c’est du règlement de ma pensée. Je n’aurai pas davantage en possédant des terres : par l’espace, l’univers me comprend et m’engloutit comme un point ; par la pensée, je le comprends.

Jamie Oliver

paella6 free-range chicken thighs , skin on, bone in; plain flour; olive oil; 100 g quality chorizo; 1 onion; 4 cloves of garlic; ½ a bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley; 6 rashers of higher-welfare pancetta or smoked streaky bacon; 2 litres organic chicken stock; 2 large pinches of saffron; 1 heaped teaspoon smoked paprika; 500 g paella rice; 2 small squid , from sustainable sources, optional; 2 handfuls of fresh or frozen peas; 10 large raw shell-on king prawns , from sustainable sources; 500 g mussels , (cleaned) from sustainable sources, optional; 1 lemon

Shane Gero

The whale families we work with, members of the Eastern Caribbean Clan, are shrinking. Their population is declining by as much as 4 percent a year largely a result of climate change and the increasing human presence in these waters. We are not just losing specific whales that we have come to know as individuals; we are losing a way of life, a culture — the accumulated wisdom of generations on how to survive in the deep waters of the Caribbean Sea. They may have lived here for longer than we have walked upright.
Every culture, whale or otherwise, is its own solution to the problems of the environment in which it lives. With its extirpation, we lose the traditional knowledge of what it means to be a Caribbean whale and how to exploit the deep sea riches around the islands efficiently. And that cannot be recovered, not even if the global population of sperm whales was robust enough to support remigration into the Caribbean. These would be different whales, from elsewhere, who do things differently. This region would be profoundly impoverished for the new whales, who would be more vulnerable here. The species as a whole would lose some of its repertoire on how to survive.
Species conservation should not be just about numbers. The definition of biodiversity needs to include cultural diversity.



Mirror Online

Everyone loves a good stat don’t they? And often the more surprising the better.
And when it comes to shocking stats then there are rarely any more surprising than those which chart just how quick Premier League players are running.
Each and every year it seems as though that huge, lumbering centre-back you’d written off is actually quicker than that fast, nimble forward that everyone knows is lightning, and the latest batch of numbers for the current season is just the same.
1 – Shane Long (35.31 km/h)
2- Lynden Gooch (35.19 km/h)
yoshida-walcott3 – Kyle Walker (35.18 km/h)
4 – Jamie Vardy (35.10 km/h)
5 – Andre Gray (34.87 km/h)
6 – Eric Bailly (34.84 km/h)
7 – Wilfried Zaha (34.79 km/h)
8 – Maya Yoshida (34.78 km/h)
8 – Theo Walcott (34.78 km/h)
10 – Hector Bellerin (34.77 km/h)

Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.

boozallenhamiltonThe sun rises. It’s the dawn of not just a new day, but of a new century in our partnerships with clients. Cybersecurity protections are now more thorough and powerful; lethal IEDs may have met their technological match; disease is being fought faster; the fingerprints of criminals tell a story in an instant. These are our clients’ stories—and ours, too.

On the journey from trusted partner to essential partner, we’ve changed just one word that changes everything for our clients.





International Baccalaureate

  • In physics, experiment and observation seem to be the basis for knowledge. The physicist might want to construct a hypothesis to explain observations that do not fit current thinking and devises and performs experiments to test this hypothesis. Results are then collected and analysed and, if necessary, the hypothesis modified to accommodate them.
  • In history there is no experimentation. Instead, documentary evidence provides the historian with the raw material for interpreting and understanding the recorded past of humanity. By studying these sources carefully a picture of a past event can be built up along with ideas about what factors might have caused it.
  • In a literature class students set about understanding and interpreting a text. No observation of the outside world is necessary, but there is a hope that the text can shed some light upon deep questions about what it is to be human in a variety of world situations or can act as a critique of the way in which we organize our societies.
  • Economics, by contrast, considers the question of how human societies allocate scarce resources. This is done by building elaborate mathematical models based upon a mixture of reasoning and empirical observation of relevant economic factors.
  • In the islands of Micronesia, a steersman successfully navigates between two islands 1,600 km apart without a map or a compass.

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP)

Epistemology is the study of knowledge. Epistemologists concern themselves with a number of tasks, which we might sort into two categories.
First, we must determine the nature of knowledge; that is, what does it mean to say that someone knows, or fails to know, something? This is a matter of understanding what knowledge is, and how to distinguish between cases in which someone knows something and cases in which someone does not know something. While there is some general agreement about some aspects of this issue, we shall see that this question is much more difficult than one might imagine.
Second, we must determine the extent of human knowledge; that is, how much do we, or can we, know? How can we use our reason, our senses, the testimony of others, and other resources to acquire knowledge? Are there limits to what we can know? For instance, are some things unknowable? Is it possible that we do not know nearly as much as we think we do? Should we have a legitimate worry about skepticism, the view that we do not or cannot know anything at all?

Andre Spicer

The idea of the knowledge economy is appealing. The only problem is it is largely a myth. Developed western economies such as the UK and the US are not brimming with jobs that require degree-level qualifications. For every job as a skilled computer programmer, there are three jobs flipping burgers. The fastest-growing jobs are low-skilled repetitive ones in the service sector. One-third of the US labour market is made up of three types of work: office and administrative support, sales and food preparation.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

You may have heard people say that you do not have to cite your source when the information you include is “common knowledge.” But what is common knowledge?
Broadly speaking, common knowledge refers to information that the average, educated reader would accept as reliable without having to look it up. This includes:

  • Information that most people know, such as that water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit or that Barack Obama was the first American of mixed race to be elected president.
  • Information shared by a cultural or national group, such as the names of famous heroes or events in the nation’s history that are remembered and celebrated.
  • Knowledge shared by members of a certain field, such as the fact that the necessary condition for diffraction of radiation of wavelength from a crystalline solid is given by Bragg’s law.
  • However, what may be common knowledge in one culture, nation, academic discipline or peer group may not be common knowledge in another.

KJ Dell’Antonia

sorryimlate3A good friend and colleague, a real extrovert, sent me a link to a shirt recently that she knew I’d appreciate. “Sorry I’m late,” the T-shirt reads. “I didn’t want to be here.
I laughed — of course I laughed. I’m as introverted as she is outgoing, and we frequently play out our roles in tandem. At parties, she takes the lead; at meetings, she does the talking. I get to nod and smile.
But the shirt also made me wince, because it perfectly encapsulated the suspicion I’ve started to develop that my introversion is an excuse for something else. I’m shy, yes. But am I also rude? In a contest between my manners and my preferences, am I allowing my preferences to win?
Years ago, I was habitually late. “I can’t help it!” I declared to an expert in time management.
“Have you ever missed a plane?” she asked. I had not. “Then you can help it. You just care more about yourself than about the needs of others.”

Arun Sundararajan

Fears of widespread automation and an imminent “world without work” have risen as advances in digital technology herald the emergence of increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence. A distinct air of technological determinism – that the technology by itself dictates its broader economic and societal impacts – surrounds these dire predictions, while ignoring the political and organizational factors that often shape the nature and pace of social change. Society can amplify automation’s benefits while limiting its harm.
Government policy and research funding should favor the development of artificial intelligence that expands human capabilities rather than substituting for them. For example, artificial intelligence-based medical diagnostics systems and instructional technology can broadly expand the reach of health care and education, especially in less prosperous countries, by empowering a broader fraction of the population to participate in these professions.

New York Times

Globalization and trade agreements have been blamed for costing millions of Americans well-paying jobs. But a far greater force in the gutting of middle-class life in the United States has been automation, which has replaced well-paid workers with robots and digital platforms. The greater efficiency fuels economic growth, produces cheaper products and makes life’s task easier. But in the process, many are left poorer and less secure.
What can be done to limit the harm and spread the benefits of automation?


「予算がないから…」 「クライアントがこう言っているから…」
「プレゼンに勝つためには…」 「これはルーチンワークだから…」

Robert Sullivan

When I wrote the following account of my experiences with rats, I lived in an apartment building on a block filled with other apartment buildings, amidst the approximately eight million people in New York City, and I paid rent to a landlord that I never actually met-though I did meet the superintendent, who was a very nice guy. At this moment, I am living out of the city, away from the masses, in a bucolic little village with about the same number of inhabitants as my former city block. I wouldn’t normally delve into my own personal matters, except that when I mention my rat experiences to people, they sometimes think I took extraordinary measures to investigate them, and I didn’t. All I did was stand in an alley-a filth-slicked little alley that is about as old as the city and secret the way alleys are secret and yet just a block or two from Wall Street, from Broadway, and from what used to be the World Trade Center. All I did was take a spot next to the trash and wait and watch, rain or no rain, night after night, and always at night, the time when, generally speaking, humans go to sleep and rats come alive.


ゴキブリの仲間は世界から約3700種も記録され、日本にも50種以上が分布しています。しかし、そのほとんどは人間の生活とは関係なく、 腐食などを食べて細ぼそと暮らしている野の虫で、家の中の“おじゃま虫”になっているのはほんの一握りの種類だけです。日本で知られている屋内性の種類はせいぜい10種たらずです。
屋内性のゴキブリのなかには、もうすっかり人間との同居生活に適応し、本来の原産地がどこなのか定かではない種類までいます。 彼らが「人造害虫」と呼ばれているゆえんです。
以前、ある生物学の大家がゴキブリのあまりの横行に、「人類のあと地球を継承するのはゴキブリであろう」との新説を唱えたことがあります。 しかし、決してそうはならないでしょう。試しに、冬のさなかに数日間暖房を切って窓を開けておけばゴキブリは全滅します。それが彼らの本来の姿です。屋内性のゴキブリはまさしく人類とは“運命共同体”です。生活を依存している人間の文明が失われたら彼らの生活も終わり、再びもとの自然界に戻ることすら難しいことになるでしょう。 その前に、人類が次の時代をほかの動物にゆだねるような、そんなりっぱな滅亡の仕方ができるかどうかの方が問題かもしれません。

Christof Koch

What do we know about Consciousness?

  • Consciousness is associated with some complex, adaptive, biological networks (not immune system nor enteric nervous system)
  • Consciousness does not require behavior
  • Consciousness does not require emotions
  • Consciousness can be dissociated from selective attention
  • Consciousness does not require language — babies are shown to be conscious
  • Consciousness does not require self-consciousness
  • Consciousness does not require long-term memory
  • Consciousness can occur in one cerebral hemisphere – which means that we could have 2 simultaneous separate conscious experiences
  • Destruction of cortical regions interferes with specific content of consciousness – which indicates that there is not a “center of consciousness” in the brain, but it arises from distributed activity

These facts are very interesting, and provide us with a specific lens to form hypotheses on how consciousness works, and could be created.

David Brooks

Ironically, one of the tasks for those who succeed the baby boomers is to restore idealism. The great challenge of our moment is the crisis of isolation and fragmentation, the need to rebind the fabric of a society that has been torn by selfishness, cynicism, distrust and autonomy.
At some point there will have to be a new vocabulary and a restored anthropology, emphasizing love, friendship, faithfulness, solidarity and neighborliness that pushes people toward connection rather than distrust. Millennials, I think, want to be active in this rebinding. But inspiration certainly isn’t coming from the aging boomers now onstage.

Journal du Musulman

lisL’association LIS s’est fixée pour objectif de distribuer gratuitement des exemplaires du Saint Coran aux non-musulmans dans des lieux publics.
« Ceci est un message (le Coran) pour les gens afin qu’ils soient avertis, qu’ils sachent qu’Il n’est qu’un Dieu unique, et pour que les doués d’intelligence s’exhortent. » Sourate 14 – Ibrahim (Abraham) verset 52

高橋寿郎, 大阪市立自然史博物館

松村博士の研究材料を提供されていた人に鈴木元次郎氏があり、その頃各地を採集していたが、晩年は明石に花園昆虫研究所を開いておられ、私もその頃お伺いしたことがある (昭和15年頃)。氏はその後宝塚昆虫館にもおられた。


suzukii2しかし今年、雨にも増してドイツの生産者達を恐れさせているのが「スズキ」である。日本出身のそれは4月頃にバーデンの果樹園に姿を現し、やがて7月頃から勢力を増しながら次第に北上し、ヴュルテンベルク、ファルツ、フランケン、ラインヘッセン、そしてモーゼルのブドウ畑にも姿を現した。特に赤ワイン用のブドウを好み、数日のうちに深刻な被害を及ぼしかねないという危険な存在だ。といっても、人間ではない。学名を「ドロソフィラ・スズキイDrosophila suzukii」と言うショウジョウバエの一種で、和名は「オウトウショウジョウバエ」である。オウトウは桜桃、つまりサクランボのこと。その名の通りサクランボやイチゴ、キイチゴ、ブルーベリー、プルーンをはじめとする、もっぱら果皮が赤~黒の果実やベリーに産卵する。1930年頃には日本・韓国・中国で広く生息していたというこのショウジョウバエの一種は、1980年代にハワイ、2008~9年には北米西部とカナダで大繁殖し深刻な被害をもたらした。ヨーロッパでは2008年にスペインで最初の被害がみつかり、2009年にフランスとイタリア、2011年にはオーストリア、ドイツ、スイスまで拡大した。
ちなみに、オウトウショウジョウバエの学名にある「スズキ」の名は、大正時代に京都で花園昆虫研究所という標本商を営んでいた鈴木元次郎氏に由来する。鈴木氏は元々蒔絵職人だったのだが、その図案の参考にするために島津製作所の標本部に出入りしているうちに、昆虫学に魅せられたらしい。スズキの名が最初に文献に登場するのは1931年のことで、昆虫学の大家であった松村松年博士の『日本昆蟲大圖鑑』の猩猩蠅科の中で「スズキシャウジヤウバヘ Leucophenga suzukii Mats.」とあるので、当時松村博士はコガネショウジョウバエ族の一種と鑑定したようだ。


suzukiiDrosophila Suzukii: Originaire d’Asie du Sud-Est, cette petite mouche polyphage s’est répandue rapidement depuis quelques années à travers le monde. Repérée pour la première fois aux Etats-Unis en 2008, elle a été signalée ensuite en Europe en 2009, en Italie puis en Espagne. En 2010, elle a été repérée en France pour la première fois en Corse, puis en PACA, en Aquitaine, dans le Languedoc-Roussillon, en Midi-Pyrénées et en Rhône-Alpes. Depuis, l’insecte a continué son expansion, et une grande partie de la France est désormais concernée.

Brittan Heller

People wanted a focus on tech and combating online hate for years, but recently there’s been an increase in online hate. A good personal example of this is that they put out a press release announcing my position (the Anti-Defamation League’s first director of technology and society) and they made an announcement on Twitter as well. Within minutes of A.D.L. announcing this position, I opened up my Twitter feed and I found hateful symbols, I found echoes and swastikas and green frogs and people discussing my death. Within hours it became enhanced with statements of Holocaust denial, and within days it’s become ad hominem attacks based on Jewish stereotypes and misogyny. At this point it’s not surprising anymore that this occurs, but the speed of it, and the ferocity of it — that I think is shocking.


%e6%9c%ac%e3%81%8c%e5%a3%b2%e3%82%8c%e3%81%aa%e3%81%84%e3%81%a8%e3%81%84%e3%81%86%e3%81%91%e3%82%8c%e3%81%a9第1章 日本の書店がアマゾンとメガストアだけになる日
第2章 活字ばなれといわれて40年
第3章 「街の本屋」は40年間、むしられっぱなし
第4章 「中くらいの本屋」の危機
第5章 電子書籍と出版界
第6章 本屋は儲からないというけれど
第7章 「話題の新刊」もベストセラーもいらない

Tristan Gooley

naturalexplorerPractice improves our awareness, but awareness is also a state of mind, one that develops from a need or desire to register details. Having noticed something in our environment, we need to make a decision about how keen we are to think about it and consequently to remember it. Awareness and memory form two parts of our conscious experience, both of which are fed initially by our senses, but which then depend on our choice to hone them.

ステファノ・マンクーゾ(Stefano Mancuso), アレッサンドラ・ヴィオラ(Alessandra Viola)


For thousands of years, we were sure that we were the most exalted of living beings, and at the center of the universe, but in recent times that conviction has been painfully contradicted, and our certainties profoundly shaken. Just think: first we had to abandon the geocentric system, recognizing that we live on a very insignificant planet in a galaxy at the edge of the universe. Then we had to accept our resemblance to other animals, and even our descent from certain animals. What a slap in the face!




一方で遺伝学を誤用した優生学が入り、もう一方で社会ダーウィニズムによる自文化中心主義が入ってきたため、20 世紀の人文社会系学問は、次の3つの特徴をもつことになりました。
①優生主義に対する嫌悪 – 人間を生物的にとらえて理解しようとするのは間違いであるという考え方
②経験至上主義 – 人間は遺伝的、生物的要素で決まるのではなく、経験によってつくられるという考え方
③文化相対主義 – 社会ダーウィニズムに対する嫌悪感から、文化に優劣はないとする考え方。この考え方の極限がポストモダン主義で、神話的な世界の解釈も科学的見方も同列であるととらえる


Dassault Systèmes

In the face of dire statistics, repeated climate warnings and dying ecosystems, it is encouraging to see the innovation in the aerospace industry to reduce our impact on our planet. Discover how leading pioneers are changing the game to make a more sustainable future of flight.


帯説といふ事あり。支那にてある語に、不用の語を附帯せしめて用ゐることなり。この 帯説に心付かずして、語原を考ふるに、迷いし事あり。

Tom Hanks

typewriterComputer keyboards make a mousy tappy tap tappy tap like ones you hear in a Starbucks — work may be getting done but it sounds cozy and small, like knitting needles creating a pair of socks. Everything you type on a typewriter sounds grand, the words forming in mini-explosions of SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK. A thank-you note resonates with the same heft as a literary masterpiece.
The sound of typing is one reason to own a vintage manual typewriter — alas, there are only three reasons, and none of them are ease or speed. In addition to sound, there is the sheer physical pleasure of typing; it feels just as good as it sounds, the muscles in your hands control the volume and cadence of the aural assault so that the room echoes with the staccato beat of your synapses.

二瀬由理, 行場次朗

It is a well-known observation that when a Kanji character is viewed steadily and continuously, the viewer often becomes unable to recognize the Kanji as a whole pattern and it becomes difficult to judge whether or not the Kanji is orthographically correct. Such a phenomenon is called the “Gestaltzerfall” of Kanji characters.

Robert Reich

Automobile technicians are in demand to repair the software that now powers our cars; manufacturing technicians, to upgrade the numerically controlled machines and 3-D printers that have replaced assembly lines; laboratory technicians, to install and test complex equipment for measuring results; telecommunications technicians, to install, upgrade, and repair the digital systems linking us to one another.
Technology is changing so fast that knowledge about specifics can quickly become obsolete. That’s why so much of what technicians learn is on the job.




%e5%b1%b1%e9%b3%a5%e9%87%8d第1章 記憶の現象学
 A. さまざまな記憶
 B. 陳述できる記憶
 C. 行動化される記憶(陳述できない記憶)
第2章 生活記憶の障害
 A. 記憶障害のキーワード
 B. 生活記憶の障害
 C. 前頭葉損傷と健忘
第3章 意味記憶の障害
 A. 意味記憶の特徴
 B. 単語の意味記憶の障害
 C. 図像の意味の理解障害
 D. 実物の意味記憶の障害
 E. 意味カテゴリーと大脳損傷
第4章 手続き記憶の障害
 A. 視覚運動性手続き記憶の障害
 B. 知覚性手続き記憶の障害
 C. 認知性手続き記憶の障害
 D. 古典的条件反射
第5章 生活記憶の神経解剖学的構造
 A. 健忘の責任病巣
 B. 記憶のネットワーク
第6章 記憶の心理構造,統合的理解へ向けて
 A. 記憶の流れ
 B. 記憶と生活


スポーツ万能な人のことを「運動神経がいい人だ」なんて言いますよね。ところが、医学的にいうとこの表現はあり得ないのです。なぜなら、運動オンチの人もスポーツ万能の人も、みんな運動神経は同じものだからです。この運動神経というものは鍛えて太くなるものでもありませんし、生まれつき特別に発達しているものでもありません。ですから、スポーツ選手は特別な運動神経を持っているわけではないのです。では、スポーツ選手とあなたの運動能力に差があるのはなぜでしょう? 筋肉の発達は大きな要素ですが、それ以上に運動能力に深く関係があるのは、実は小脳の中の記憶なのです。たとえば、長い距離を泳ぐための練習を繰り返したとします。最初は5メートルも泳げなかったとしても、練習を繰り返していくと、次第に長い距離を泳げるようになっていきますよね。これは練習を繰り返すことで、小脳の中に筋肉をもっとも効率よく動かせる回路が作り出されたからなのです。訓練というのは、何度も何度も練習することによって「どの筋肉を、どの程度動かせば長い距離を泳げるのか」といったことを試行錯誤し、小脳の中に最適な動きをするための回路をつくっていく作業のことなのです。ですから、訓練を繰り返し、小脳にその情報を叩き込むことができれば、誰だって運動能力を向上させることができる、というわけです。

Peter Balint

A tolerant society is not one that is only tolerant of the right kind of diversity but tolerant of a wide variety of beliefs and practices. To an important degree, the more a society is tolerant, the more it is liberal.
But this statement is true only up to a point. Beyond this point, into the realm of harming and threatening others, and undermining justice and security, we could in fact say the more tolerant a society is, the less liberal the society is. Or to put this another way, toleration matters a great deal, but it is not the only thing that matters. And while the practice of toleration lies at the heart of liberalism, it is but one component.

David Lumb

neuronComputers have long been compared to artificial brains, but now IBM has followed the comparison and built a working artificial neuron. The tech giant’s research center in Zurich created 500 of them to simulate a signal transfer similar to how the process works in an organic brain.

Paul G. Allen

To achieve the singularity, it isn’t enough to just run today’s software faster. We would also need to build smarter and more capable software programs. Creating this kind of advanced software requires a prior scientific understanding of the foundations of human cognition, and we are just scraping the surface of this.
This prior need to understand the basic science of cognition is where the “singularity is near” arguments fail to persuade us. It is true that computer hardware technology can develop amazingly quickly once we have a solid scientific framework and adequate economic incentives. However, creating the software for a real singularity-level computer intelligence will require fundamental scientific progress beyond where we are today.

Michael C. Ramsay, Cecil R. Reynolds

Theorists have proposed, and researchers have reported, that intelligence is a set of relatively stable abilities, which change only slowly over time. Although intelligence can be seen as a potential, it does not appear to be an inherent fixed or unalterable characteristic. … Contemporary psychologists and other scientists hold that intelligence results from a complex interaction of environmental and genetic influences. Despite more than one hundred years of research, this interaction remains poorly understood and detailed. Finally, intelligence is neither purely biological nor purely social in its origins. Some authors have suggested that intelligence is whatever intelligence tests measure.


The technological singularity (also, simply, the singularity) is the hypothesis that the invention of artificial superintelligence will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization. According to this hypothesis, an upgradable intelligent agent (such as a computer running software-based artificial general intelligence) would enter a ‘runaway reaction’ of self-improvement cycles, with each new and more intelligent generation appearing more and more rapidly, causing an intelligence explosion and resulting in a powerful superintelligence that would, qualitatively, far surpass all human intelligence. Science fiction author Vernor Vinge said in his essay The Coming Technological Singularity that this would signal the end of the human era, as the new superintelligence would continue to upgrade itself and would advance technologically at an incomprehensible rate.

Future of Life Institute (FLI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) research has explored a variety of problems and approaches since its inception, but for the last 20 years or so has been focused on the problems surrounding the construction of intelligent agents – systems that perceive and act in some environment. In this context, “intelligence” is related to statistical and economic notions of rationality – colloquially, the ability to make good decisions, plans, or inferences. The adoption of probabilistic and decision-theoretic representations and statistical learning methods has led to a large degree of integration and cross-fertilization among AI, machine learning, statistics, control theory, neuroscience, and other fields. The establishment of shared theoretical frameworks, combined with the availability of data and processing power, has yielded remarkable successes in various component tasks such as speech recognition, image classification, autonomous vehicles, machine translation, legged locomotion, and question-answering systems.

Jessica Conditt

Even if scientists develop the technology to create an artificial brain, there is no evidence that this process will automatically generate a mind.
The technological singularity has a longer tail than the law of accelerating returns suggests. Nothing on earth operates in a vacuum, and before we can create AI machines capable of supporting human intelligence, we need to understand what we’re attempting to imitate. Not ethically or morally, but technically. Before we can even think of re-creating the human brain, we need to unlock the secrets of the human mind.

Costica Bradatan

Have you heard the story of the architect from Shiraz who designed the world’s most beautiful mosque? No one had ever conjured up such a design. It was breathtakingly daring yet well-proportioned, divinely sophisticated, yet radiating a distinctly human warmth. Those who saw the plans were awe-struck.
Famous builders begged the architect to allow them to erect the mosque; wealthy people came from afar to buy the plans; thieves devised schemes to steal them; powerful rulers considered taking them by force. Yet the architect locked himself in his study, and after staring at the plans for three days and three nights, burned them all.
The architect couldn’t stand the thought that the realized building would have been subject to the forces of degradation and decay, eventual collapse or destruction by barbarian hordes. During those days and nights in his study he saw his creation profaned and reduced to dust, and was terribly unsettled by the sight. Better that it remain perfect. Better that it was never built.

David Z. Hambrick, Alexander P. Burgoyne

Are you intelligent — or rational? The question may sound redundant, but in recent years researchers have demonstrated just how distinct those two cognitive attributes actually are.
Irrationality — or “dysrationalia” — correlates relatively weakly with I.Q. A person with a high I.Q. is about as likely to suffer from dysrationalia as a person with a low I.Q.
If an I.Q. (intelligence quotient) test measures something like raw intellectual horsepower (abstract reasoning and verbal ability), a test of R.Q. (rationality quotient) would measure the propensity for reflective thought — stepping back from your own thinking and correcting its faulty tendencies.
There is evidence that rationality, unlike intelligence, can be improved through training.

Duc-Quang Nguyen


Here’s the thing about people with good hearts. They give you excuses when you don’t explain yourself. They accept apologies you don’t give. They see the best in you when you don’t need them to. At your worst, they lift you up, even if it means putting their priorities aside. The word “busy” does not exist in their dictionary. They make time, even when you don’t. And you wonder why they’re the most sensitive people. You wonder why they’re the most caring people. You wonder why they are willing to give so much of themselves with no expectation in return. You wonder why their existence is not so essential to your well-being. It’s because they don’t make you work hard for the attention they give you. They accept the love they think they’ve earned and you accepted the love you think you’re entitled to. Let me tell you something. Fear the day when a good heart gives up on you. Our skies don’t become grey out of no where. Our sunshine does not allow the darkness to take over for no reason. A heart does not turn cold unless it’s been treated with coldness for a while.


  • 自然界にあるものに一切の境はない。境目というのは、分類し、理解をするために人間が勝手に定めたもの。所詮は、人間が自分たちのために作った分類に過ぎない。
  • 植物は、動物から身を守るために毒を持つようになった。被子植物はアルカロイドという毒成分を身につけ、恐竜は対応できず中毒死し、衰退していった。
  • 私たちの体の細胞には、自ら死ぬためのプログラムが組み込まれている。「死」は地球上に生まれた生命が創りだした発明品である。
  • 人間は、さまざまに植物を改良して、変化させてきた。植物にとっては、人間の欲望に合わせて変化することは、自然界を生き抜く苦労に比べれば、何でもなかった。
  • 植物プランクトンが作りだした酸素は、紫外線に当たってオゾンとなった。オゾンは上空に充満し、紫外線を遮り、海の中にいた植物が陸に進出するのを助けた。
  • 人間は二酸化炭素を増やし、オゾン層を破壊し、植物を減らし、またもとの地球を取り戻そうとしている。その環境でいくらかの生物は進化を遂げるだろう。しかし人類は生き残れない。

Yuval Noah Harari

  • homodeusSince the verbal/language revolution around 70,000 years ago, human beings live within “imaginary orders” such as countries, borders, religion, money, all created by man in order to enable large-scale cooperation between different individual human beings.
  • Humankind’s immense ability to give meaning to its actions and thoughts is what enabled it to carry out its many achievements.
  • Humanism, worship of humankind, putting mankind and its desires as a top priority in the world while basing itself as the dominant being.
  • The threat which technology has over humankind and humanism and the continued ability of humankind to give meaning to its life under new conditions which have arisen and prophesying the coming replacement of humankind with a super-man or a Homo Deus (God-man) endowed with supernatural abilities such as eternal life.



Yuval Noah Harari

The new longevity and super-human qualities are likely to be the preserve of the techno super-rich, the masters of the data universe. Meanwhile, the redundancy of labour, supplanted by efficient machines, will create an enormous “useless class”, without economic or military purpose. In the absence of religion, overarching fictions will be required to make sense of the world. Again, if nothing in our approach changes, Harari envisages that “Dataism”, a universal faith in the power of algorithms, will become sacrosanct. To utopians this will look a lot like the “singularity”: an all-knowing, omnipresent data-processing system, which is really indistinguishable from ideas of God, to which humans will be constantly connected. To dystopians it will look like that too.
Harari is mostly, thrillingly or chillingly, sanguine about this prospect. He has an ethicist’s sense of rough justice: what Homo sapiens (in its wisdom) has visited on the natural world through industrialised food production will perhaps one day be visited on Homo sapiens. Individuals will become a just a collection of “biochemical subsystems” monitored by global networks, which will inform us second by second how we feel…
Or perhaps, as Harari is stringent about reminding the reader, they will not. Like all rune-reading, this one comes with plenty of small print. From where we stand, he says, in the accelerating present, no long-term future is imaginable, still less predictable – and there is plenty of time for questions. Harari’s sometimes breathless, always compulsive inquiry leaves us with this one: “What’s more valuable – intelligence or consciousness?” Google will be no help in providing the answer.

Willard Spiegelman

The city remains completely indifferent to me, as it is to everyone. But without doing anything or talking to anyone, a walker on the street participates in the general excitement. Sitting at a diner and looking out, you see life itself on the other side of the window. Whatever your opinion of humanity, you have people to bewilder or console you. Manhattan reminds you of your utter irrelevance to the greater scheme of the universe.
Aging means giving up, de-accessioning, and knowing that wealth and worldly achievement count for little. Like urban life, it makes you feel a nobody. Paradoxically, it also makes you feel alive.

Ker Than

synesthesiaWhen Ingrid Carey says she feels colors, she does not mean she sees red, or feels blue, or is green with envy. She really does feel them.
She can also taste them, and hear them, and smell them.
The 20-year-old junior at the University of Maine has synesthesia, a rare neurological condition in which two or more of the senses entwine. Numbers and letters, sensations and emotions, days and months are all associated with colors for Carey.
The letter “N” is sienna brown; “J” is light green; the number “8” is orange; and July is bluish-green.




The Economist

The tendency of netizens to form self-contained groups is strengthened by what Eli Pariser, an internet activist, identified five years ago as the “filter bubble”. Back in 2011 he worried that Google’s search algorithms, which offer users personalised results according to what the system knows of their preferences and surfing behaviour, would keep people from coming across countervailing views. Facebook subsequently became a much better—or worse—example. Although Mark Zuckerberg, the firm’s founder, insists that his social network does not trap its users in their own world, its algorithms are designed to populate their news feeds with content similar to material they previously “liked”. So, for example, during the referendum campaign Leavers mostly saw pro-Brexit items; Remainers were served mainly pro-EU fare.


clockゼンマイ式時計を作り始めて6年目を迎えます。 最近では原点に立ち返るため、 日本で時計づくりが始まった江戸時代の時計を解体し研究していますが「よくぞ、 ここまで丁寧に…」 と呆れるほど無駄が多い (笑) 。 しかし、 それは良い意味での無駄です。
時を刻むという機能をしっかりと満たした上で、 繊細な装飾が施され、 目に触れない内部の部品まで美しい。 そして、 修理をすることもきちんと考えられて設計されているのです。 先人達のモノづくりへの愛情と奥ゆかしさが伝わってきます。
生活が豊かになった現代では、 消費を喚起するため、 修理しないことを前提に、 「早く ・ 安く」をモットーに作られている製品がありますが、 それではさみしいと思います。
目覚まし時計に叩き起こされる私達の生活も、 時間に縛られ、結果ばかりが重視されるようになってきていると感じます。
スピードを重視することはビジネスにおいて重要ですが、 私はあえて逆行して、 もっと時間をかけて、 ワクワクするような無駄を追及することで、 製品の付加価値を高めていきたい。 それがモノづくりの素晴らしさでもあると思うのです。



吉川政瑛, 中島孝志

私たちは無意識のうちに物事に優劣や貴践をつけています。そうじゃありませんか? 道端に生えている草花より胡蝶蘭のほうが上、というように思い込まされているのです。







Virginia Morell

We are not alone in our ability to invent or plan or to contemplate ourselves—or even to plot and lie.
Deceptive acts require a complicated form of thinking, since you must be able to attribute intentions to the other person and predict that person’s behavior. One school of thought argues that human intelligence evolved partly because of the pressure of living in a complex society of calculating beings. Chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, and bonobos share this capacity with us. In the wild, primatologists have seen apes hide food from the alpha male or have sex behind his back.
Birds, too, can cheat. Laboratory studies show that western scrub jays can know another bird’s intentions and act on that knowledge. A jay that has stolen food itself, for example, knows that if another jay watches it hide a nut, there’s a chance the nut will be stolen. So the first jay will return to move the nut when the other jay is gone.

Harry Collins

When I say that one must start by thinking about all the things that might count as knowledge, I do not mean to claim that anything like classical epistemology is being pursued. First, for the sociologist of knowledge, or the Wittgensteinian philosopher, there is no classical epistemology—knowledge cannot be found in the absence of the activities of humans. The point is that we must start with an attempt to think about knowledge in a way that goes beyond human experience if we are to understand that experience properly. The starting point is to think of knowledge as “stuff” that might also be found in animals, trees, and sieves and then try to work out from this starting point what it is that humans have. Human experience alone is too blunt an instrument for the task.