

Robert K. Merton

In sociology, the Matthew effect (or accumulated advantage) is the phenomenon where “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” In both its original and typical usage it is meant metaphorically to refer to issues of fame or status but it may also be used literally to refer to cumulative advantage of economic capital. The term was first coined by sociologist Robert K. Merton in 1968 and takes its name from the parable of the talents in the biblical Gospel of Matthew. As a result of the Matilda effect, Harriet Zuckerman is also credited by Merton as the co-author of the Matthew effect.

Malcolm Gladwell

outliersOnce a musician has enough ability to get into a top music school, the thing that distinguishes one performer from another is how hard he or she works. That’s it. And what’s more, the people at the very top don’t work just harder or even much harder than everyone else. They work much, much harder.
It’s not how much money we make that ultimately makes us happy between nine and five. It’s whether or not our work fulfills us. Being a teacher is meaningful.

Carlos Ghosn

gosnWe’re introducing sophisticated functions to empower the driver, who can decide when to drive and when not to. And if he or she decides not to drive, we’ll have the technology to ensure that it’s in a safe and low-stress environment where the driver can be doing something else.

Alain de Botton

The person who is best suited to us is not the person who shares our every taste (he or she doesn’t exist), but the person who can negotiate differences in taste intelligently — the person who is good at disagreement. Rather than some notional idea of perfect complementarity, it is the capacity to tolerate differences with generosity that is the true marker of the “not overly wrong” person. Compatibility is an achievement of love; it must not be its precondition.
Romanticism has been unhelpful to us; it is a harsh philosophy. It has made a lot of what we go through in marriage seem exceptional and appalling. We end up lonely and convinced that our union, with its imperfections, is not “normal.” We should learn to accommodate ourselves to “wrongness,” striving always to adopt a more forgiving, humorous and kindly perspective on its multiple examples in ourselves and in our partners.


西欧からmoral scienceやmoral philosophyが導入され、それに伴って、従来の「道徳」という語はmoral, morals, morality等が内包する意味を新たに獲得し、蘇りました。しかし、「moral」に対し、「道徳」という訳語がすぐに確定したわけではないのです。


  • 道徳がどうのこうのという人間は、信用しちゃいけない。
  • 道徳なんてものは、権力者の都合でいくらでも変わる。
  • 少なくとも、いつの時代も、どんな人間にとっても通用する、絶対的な道徳はないっていうことは間違いない。
  • 学習指導要領には、「児童の道徳性の育成に、大きな影響を与えている社会的風潮」のひとつとして、「物や金銭等の物質的な価値や快楽が優先される」とある。
    それはあんたたちのことだろう! と、とりあえずツッコんでおく。景気が良くなれば、世の中すべてが上手くいくみたいなことをいっているのは、いったいどこの誰だろう
  • 道徳を云々するなら、まずは自分が道徳を守らなくてはいけない。それができないなら、道徳を語ってはいけないのだ。
  • 昔ながらの日本的な道徳観を支えているのは、単なる郷愁くらいのものなのだ。
  • 時代を作る人は、いつだって古い道徳を打ち壊してきた。誰かに押しつけられた道徳ではなく、自分なりの道徳で生きた方がよほど格好いい。
  • 誰かに押しつけられた道徳に、唯々諾々と従うとバカを見る。それはもう、すでに昔の人が経験済みのことだ。



Johan Cruyff

  • In my teams, the goalie is the first attacker, and the striker the first defender.
  • I always threw the ball in, because then if I got the ball back, I was the only player unmarked.
  • Choose the best player for every position, and you’ll end up not with a strong XI, but with 11 strong 1’s.
  • Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring.
  • What is speed? The sports press often confuses speed with insight. See, if I start running slightly earlier than someone else, I seem faster.
  • Playing football is very simple, but playing simple football is the hardest thing there is.








The difference between ethics and morals can seem somewhat arbitrary to many, but there is a basic, albeit subtle, difference. Morals define personal character, while ethics stress a social system in which those morals are applied. In other words, ethics point to standards or codes of behavior expected by the group to which the individual belongs. This could be national ethics, social ethics, company ethics, professional ethics, or even family ethics. So while a person’s moral code is usually unchanging, the ethics he or she practices can be other-dependent.

Gaynor Borade

While morals define our character, ethics dictate the working of a social system. Ethics point towards the application of morality. In the wake of this understanding, national, social and workplace ethics are based on the abstract moral codes adopted and adhered to by each member of the group. Ethics lay down a set of codes that people must follow. Ethics are relative to peers, profession, community, society and nation. Morals are and are dependent on an individuals choice or beliefs or religion and can mean doing the right or wrong thing. An example to help you understand the difference would be: Abortion is legal and therefore medically ethical, while many people find it personally immoral. Ethics can be relatively simple to follow, while applying morals can be decidedly tougher. There can be a moral dilemma, but not an ethical one. While good morals represent correct and upright conduct, ethics act more as guidelines. Ethics are applicable or adhered to by a group or community or society, whereas morals relate to individuals.

Frédéric Teulon

The concept of relativism, sometimes referred to as postmodernism, is very popular at present: values are uncertain, objectivity is an illusion, and collective beliefs can be put down to cultural traits. These relativist theories contradict basic sociological observations: today, as yesterday, individuals have strong moral convictions. We must not abandon notions of truth. Theft and fraud go against the touchstone of reciprocity which prohibits pure appropriation of others’ goods. Theft is wrong because social order is based on the notion that all reward should, in theory, correspond to a contribution. It is imperative to strengthen the ethical values that we can all share. The use of ethical discourse as a set of moral principles presupposes that we are all bound by a mutual understanding of what they imply.

Lionel Robbins

Economics deals with ascertainable facts; ethics with valuations and obligations. The two fields of enquiry are not on the same phase of discourse. Between the generalisations of positive and normative studies, there is a logical gulf fixed which no ingenuity can disguise and no juxtaposition in space or time bridge over.

Frédéric Teulon

Seemingly, the economic relations have nothing to do with the morality. The economy claims to be able to be a science; yet in the other scientific disciplines one does not arise this type of questions (we do not wonder if the physics of particles is moral either or not or if the composition of such molecule obeys ethical principles. The analysis led here on Bernard Mandeville’s papers which showed the ambiguous relationships which the vice maintains with the virtue. However the paradox is that the economy cannot work without a certain shape of morality. The economy is made by individuals endowed with a capacity to know right from wrong. While the economy and capitalism may be amoral, individuals are not.





 山里は冬ぞさびしさまさりける 人めも草もかれぬと思へば

 わがまたぬ年はきぬれど 冬草のかれにし人はおとづれもせず

 ことの葉も霜にはあへずかれにけり こや秋はつるしるしなるらむ

〈詞書〉かれがれなるおとこの おぼつかなくなどいひたりけるによめる
 有馬山ゐなの笹原かぜ吹けば いでそよ人を忘れやはする
  (五十八 大弐三位)

 ひと夜とて夜がれし床のさむしろに やがても塵のつもりぬるかな







All over the world, companies are under pressure to offer customers a platform that provides full functionality on a smartphone. But in Asia, where there is extremely rapid growth in mobile penetration, there is an even stronger need for a smartphone solution.
Mobile is so important in the region because in many markets, a smartphone is the first and only channel that people have to get online – people have leapfrogged desktop PCs and gone straight to mobile. In Asia’s developing markets there is a willingness to adopt new payment technologies – the success of mobile platforms in China for example, demonstrates that people are comfortable using their phone to manage financial transactions.



Amartya Sen

It is, in fact, arguable that economics has had two rather different origins, both related to politics, but related in rather different ways, concerned respectively with ‘ethics’, on the one hand, and with what may be called ‘engineering’, on the other.

Cyril Dion

cyril-dionEt si montrer des solutions, raconter une histoire qui fait du bien était la meilleure façon de résoudre les crises écologiques, économiques et sociales que traversent nos pays ? En 2012, Cyril Dion prend connaissance d’une étude, menée par vingt-deux scientifiques de différents pays, annonçant la disparition possible d’une partie de l’humanité d’ici à 2100. Cette nouvelle fait à peine l’objet d’un traitement de seconde zone dans les médias. Considérant qu’amplifier le concert des catastrophes ne fonctionne pas, il décide de partir, avec l’actrice-réalisatrice Mélanie Laurent et une petite équipe, découvrir à quoi notre monde pourrait ressembler si nous mettions bout à bout certaines des meilleures solutions que nous connaissons déjà dans l’agriculture, l’énergie, l’économie, l’éducation et la démocratie. Villes produisant elles-mêmes leur nourriture et leur énergie, systèmes zéro déchet, entrepreneurs et municipalité créant leur propre monnaie pour empêcher la spéculation et l’accaparement des richesses, peuples réécrivant eux-mêmes leur Constitution, systèmes éducatifs pionniers, ils découvrent partout des femmes et des hommes qui changent le monde. En reliant ces initiatives, ils mettent au jour une nouvelle philosophie, une communauté de pensée entre tous ces acteurs qui ne se connaissent pas. Un nouveau projet de société…

Ethan Kross, Marc G. Berman, Walter Mischel, Edward E. Smith, Tor D. Wager

How similar are the experiences of social rejection and physical pain? Extant research suggests that a network of brain regions that support the affective but not the sensory components of physical pain underlie both experiences. Here we demonstrate that when rejection is powerfully elicited—by having people who recently experienced an unwanted break-up view a photograph of their ex-partner as they think about being rejected—areas that support the sensory components of physical pain (secondary somatosensory cortex; dorsal posterior insula) become active. We demonstrate the overlap between social rejection and physical pain in these areas by comparing both conditions in the same individuals using functional MRI. We further demonstrate the specificity of the secondary somatosensory cortex and dorsal posterior insula activity to physical pain by comparing activated locations in our study with a database of over 500 published studies. Activation in these regions was highly diagnostic of physical pain, with positive predictive values up to 88%. These results give new meaning to the idea that rejection “hurts.” They demonstrate that rejection and physical pain are similar not only in that they are both distressing—they share a common somatosensory representation as well.

Francisco Sagasti

The present study attempts to provide a frame of reference to examine the prospects for the development of science and technology in developing countries during the first two decades of the 21st century. This essay begins by presenting the main components of the conceptual framework and the outline of an explanatory scheme that would link the various components of the alternative model in an organic fashion. It then offers a brief historical perspective describing the evolution of speculative knowledge, the changes in technology base and the transformation of productive and service activities. The third part examines the emergence of the knowledge society in the second half of the 20th century, describing its main characteristics and implications, before turning to a simultaneous and paradoxical phenomenon: the knowledge divide. Several strategies and policies at the national and international level are proposed for bridging the knowledge divide. This is followed by an analysis of progress and development. The paper concludes by drawing out main directions for developing countries and implications in the post-Baconian age.


The Digital Solution – Possible Benefits

  • Overcomes barriers that are associated with the traditional methods of moving books;
  • Reduces the cost of knowledge exchange significantly;
  • Overcomes political, physical and tariff barriers;
  • Improves economies of scale;
  • Encourages co-production;
  • Allows quick customisation and convenient archiving;
  • Allows rapid exchange of information and access to opportunities;
  • Improves access to markets and access to knowledge.

University World News

A growing gap in knowledge production exists not only between high-income and other countries but also within the developing world – between a handful of ’emerging’ countries, intermediary nations numbering five to 10 on each continent, and a remaining 100 countries whose productivity remains very small (60 countries) or minute (40 countries). Stagnating research means some nations have lost their relative share of global knowledge production – but the burning question for the developing world is one of critical mass and the resources required to maintain scientific quality and build a new generation of scientists.


First, in the field of knowledge, there are profound inequalities between rich countries and poor countries. One of the vicious circles of under-development is that it is sustained by the knowledge gap while accentuating it in return. Second, the rise of a global information society has allowed a considerable mass of information or knowledge to be disseminated via the leading media. However, the different social groups are far from having equal access and capacity to assimilate this growing flow of information or knowledge. Not only do the most disadvantaged socio-economic categories have often a limited access to information or to knowledge (digital divide), but also they do not assimilate it as well as those who are on the highest rung of the social ladder. Such a divide can also be witnessed between nations. An imbalance is thus created in the actual relationship to knowledge (knowledge divide). Given equal access to it, those who have a high level of education benefit much more from knowledge than those with no or only limited education. The widespread dissemination of knowledge therefore, far from narrowing the gap between developed and less developed countries, may help to widen it.

笹川平和財団 海洋政策研究所

人間は何千年にも渡り陸地である地球の 3 割を探索してきた。陸地およびそこに生息する動植物に関する本格的な科学調査が少なくとも 500 年前から進められてきた。人間は何千年にも渡り海洋を利用しているが、海洋に覆われた地球の 7 割の本格的な探索が進められるようになったのは(沿岸海域図の作成以外では)、僅か 120 年前頃のことである。故に、海洋に関する私たちの知識が陸地に関する知識よりも遥かに限られているのは当然である。海洋の多くについて多くのことが判明しているものの、人間による海洋利用の将来的な効果的管理のために望ましい詳細な知識を私たちは持ち合わせていない。世界の一部地域においては、他の地域で成功裏に開発された技術を適切に応用するために十分な知識さえも持ち合わせていない。基本的な理解の枠組みはあるが、補うべき格差が数多く存在する。
私たちが海洋について理解するために必要な情報は、4 つの主要なカテゴリー、すなわち(a)海洋の物理的構造、(b)海洋水の組成および流動、(c)海洋生物相および(d)人間と海洋の相互作用の状態に分類することができる。この知識における格差の特定に当たっては、今回の評価の各章にて明らかにした格差に関する調査を最大の根拠としている。概して、私たちに最も不足しているのは北極海とインド洋に関する知識である。北半球に位置する大西洋と太平洋の一部地域については、南半球におけるこれらの地域よりも研究が進んでおり、繰り返しになるが、概して最も徹底的な研究が行われているのは北大西洋およびその隣接地域であり、これらの地域においてさえも大きな格差が依然として存在する。

Bill Gates

  • I believe OS/2 is destined to be the most important operating system, and possibly program, of all time. (1987)
  • We will never make a 32-bit operating system. (1989)
  • Within five years, I predict it (Windows Tablet PC) will be the most popular form of PC sold in America. (2002)
  • Spam will be a thing of the past in two years’ time. (2004)



Barbara Crossette

By many accounts, the UN has fallen off the map.
Many factors are responsible for this situation. Inside the organization, competent staff members are silenced by an atmosphere that has made speaking out too big a risk to careers, even within the Secretariat or in high-profile missions around the world. Opaque, overburdened and ineffective UN information systems are largely not up to contemporary competition. Major international media have cut back coverage of the UN. Reporters who remain, denied access to officials and critical internal reports, are thrust into an adversarial role. Outside the UN, teaching and research about the organization have atrophied or have all but disappeared from most universities. Social media moves quickly into the vacuum, often with harmful disinformation.


建立科学、实用的外国人才评估体系,注重能力、实绩和贡献,突出市场评价、国际同行评价等市场需求导向(见外国高端人才公认职业成就认定标准说明,以下简称成就标准说明),综合运用计点积分制(见积分要素计分赋值表)、外国人在中国工作指导目录、劳动力市场测试和配额管理等,将来华工作外国人分为外国高端人才(A 类)、外国专业人才(B 类)、外国普通人员(C 类)三类,按标准实行分类管理。




南スーダンや中東はどうしようもない泥沼です。一体、どういう期間、何を目指して、どう関わっていくのか? 何のビジョンもない。愚かとしか思えません。北朝鮮や中国に対しても、強気に出れば、いつか相手が参りましたと言うと思っているのでしょうか? 拉致問題しかり、どういうプロセスで問題の解決をイメージしているのか、まったくわかりません。中国に対しても日米同盟の軍事力を強化して、抑止力が高まったのか? 尖閣問題で中国と軍事的に衝突したとして、どんな収拾のつけ方があるのか? 中国だって国内のナショナリズムが沸騰して、引くに引けなくなる。恐れ入りましたとおとなしくなるはずがない。



National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

As evidenced in both ancient legend and the historical record, human activities, institutions, and technologies have always been prey to the extremes of weather—to droughts and floods, ice storms and blizzards, hurricanes and tornados. Around the middle of the 19th century, however, society in the developed parts of the world became vulnerable to a different kind of extreme weather as well—to severe disturbances of the upper atmosphere and the near-Earth space environment driven by the magnetic activity of the Sun. Although the nature of the solarterrestrial connection was not understood at the time, such disturbances were quickly recognized as the culprit behind the widespread disruptions that periodically plagued the newly established and rapidly expanding telegraph networks. During the following century and a half, with the growth of the electric power industry, the development of telephone and radio communications, and a growing dependence on space-based communications and navigation systems, the vulnerability of modern society and its technological infrastructure to “space weather” has increased dramatically.
The adverse effects of extreme space weather on modern technology—power grid outages, high-frequency communication blackouts, interference with Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation signals, spacecraft anomalies—are well known and well documented. The physical processes underlying space weather are also generally well understood, although our ability to forecast extreme events remains in its infancy. Less well documented and understood, however, are the potential economic and societal impacts of the disruption of critical technological systems by severe space weather.

Pierre Barthélémy

Le premier date du 21 octobre 992. Deux chroniques saxonnes signalent que, cette nuit-là, « tout le ciel s’est teint en rouge trois fois ». Le second événement survient deux mois plus tard, le jour de la Saint-Etienne qui tombe le lendemain de Noël, le 26 décembre. Cette fois, il est signalé non seulement dans les textes allemands mais aussi dans deux annales irlandaises. L’auteur d’une des chroniques saxonnes évoque un « miracle inouï » : « Soudain, aux alentours du premier chant du coq, venant du nord, une telle lumière brilla que beaucoup crurent que le soleil s’était levé. Cela continua pendant une heure. Après quoi, le ciel légèrement rougi retourna à sa couleur normale. » Un manuscrit irlandais, moins loquace, dit simplement que « le ciel était rouge sang ». La troisième et dernière occurrence se trouve dans un texte coréen. La datation est plus floue puisque les auteurs de l’étude parlent d’une période allant du 27 décembre 992 à la mi-janvier 993. La chronique dit : « Pendant une nuit, la porte du ciel s’ouvrit. » Cela peut sembler à la fois poétique et mystérieux mais l’étude d’autres textes montre que les Asiatiques avaient parfois recours à cette formulation pour parler d’une aurore boréale.

Shukyohojin Nihon Diyanet

img_5753People who have faith have always needed a place of worship throughout history. Places of worship are where doctrines have been taught to the people and formal obligations have been fulfilled and are indispensable worldly elements of almost all religions, which direct people’s relations with both God and each other, as well as with other beings. Therefore, these sacred places have played a crucial role in starting communication between people. Thanks to such communication, those people who have known and bonded with each other, who have found solutions for their own problems, or who have taken a common stand, have considered such places as the safest centers as well. Some took refuge in temples to save their own lives, and some saints, who have broken off connections to people or the world, settled in temples to believe in the first step of happiness (nirvana), as well as some wealthy people who regarded temples as a place that they could deposit their wealth or gold. In this context, the theory that modern banking procedures emerged in temples seems not frail at all.


murata今晩のおかず(煮物 蒸し物 ほか)
主役になるごはん(五目炊き込みごはん ちらし寿司 ほか)
おしゃれな小鉢とひと味ちがう常備菜(小鉢 常備菜)
ワンランク上の汁物・椀物(鈴なりの豚汁 うしお汁 ほか)
和食でカジュアルなおもてなし(春 夏 ほか)


最初に - 引越を決意したら最初にやること、すなわち、新居(引越先)の決定です。不動産業者との交渉ノウハウを盛り込みました。事故物件・わけあり物件をつかまされませんように。
早めに - 新居(引越先)が決まったら早めにやることです。引越日程と引越業者の決定、および各種届出です。引越業者との交渉ノウハウや引越費用見積ノウハウを盛り込みました。引越費用に定価はありません、交渉次第で決まります。
1ヵ月前から - 引越日の1ヵ月くらい前からやることです。各種変更手続きと荷造りの開始です。
2週間前から - 引越日の2週間くらい前からやることです。公的な届出と必要なモノの購入です。
1週間前から - 引越日の1週間くらい前からやることです。電気・水道・ガスの手続きと各種住所変更手続きなどです。
前日に - 引越日の前日にやることです。梱包の完了と掃除です。
当日に - 引越日の当日にやることです。旧居でやる荷物の搬出と、新居でやる荷物の搬入が主になりますが、トラブル対応などの留意点があります。
引越後に - 引越後の2週間以内にやらなければならないことと、その後の早めにやる手続きなどです。





Max Tegmark

When the time came to apply for college, I decided against physics and other technical fields, and ended up at the Stockholm School of Economics, focusing on environmental issues. I wanted to do my small part to make our planet a better place. Alas, I soon grew disillusioned, concluding that economics was largely a form of intellectual prostitution where you got rewarded for saying what the powers that be wanted to hear. Whatever a politician wanted to do, he or she could find an economist as advisor who had argued for doing precisely that. Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted to increase government spending, so he listened to John Maynard Keynes, whereas Ronald Reagan wanted to decrease government spending, so he listened to Milton Friedman.

Julian Barbour

Basically, the assumption has always been that that there are material things that move around subject to the constraints of geometry. There is change subject to order. Science — or at least physics — has been about establishing how those changes take place and describing them mathematically. Every now and then they lead to a dramatic new way in looking at the world, but the rules of the game have always been the same really, going right back to geometry and ancient astronomy.
I personally believe the world is still probably very much richer than we imagine, and that we still may well be only just scratching the surface of it.

Sean Martin

The concept of time is simply an illusion made up of human memories, everything that has ever been and ever will be is happening RIGHT NOW.
Most people do not even consider the concept of time but there is nothing in the laws of physics to state that it should move in the forward direction that we know.
The laws of physics are symmetric ultimately meaning that time could have easily moved in a backward direction as it does forward.





Maria Ladenburger


Anstelle von Blumen bitten wir um eine Spende für Bildungsarbeit der Kirche in Bangladesch (…) oder für die Studenteninitiative Weitblick Freiburg e.V. (…).



Peter Walker

The Japanese sex problem has become so desperate that its young population are giving up on dating and are just marrying their friends.
A Government survey found 69 per cent of Japanese men and 59 per cent of Japanese women do not have a romantic partner.




Einstein is one of those major iconic figures to whom many statements become attributed; unsourced attributions to him should usually be treated with some skepticism, and often a great deal of it.

  • The only source of knowledge is experience.
    Commonly attributed, google books returns over 600 phrase matches but I cannot find the original source amongst these results. Appears to be a restatement of an actual quote from The Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant.

Joe Velikovsky

Where does knowledge come from?
Tricky thing about this Q is – there are many different types of knowledge, and different types of knowledge come from different sources, so, a very general answer might be: `Knowledge comes from the universe, and can be contained inside biological individuals and groups.







Luca Solca

En définitive, Internet est un espace démocratique qui permet aux petites marques de niche d’être à égalité face à leurs plus gros concurrents. Les plus grandes marques de luxe étaient parvenues à dresser d’importants obstacles en intensifiant leurs investissements dans des produits vedettes physiques. Mais Internet permet aujourd’hui à des marques plus petites d’accéder à une clientèle mondiale avec un niveau d’investissement plutôt modeste. Gagner des consommateurs représente toujours un défi, mais il n’est plus nécessaire de débourser des sommes prohibitives pour la location de points de vente.


  • 特定保健用食品(トクホ)
  • 栄養機能食品
  • 機能性表示食品





Mark Malloch-Brown

The nation state is under threat as the fundamental unit of international affairs. On one side a globalized world has confronted states with problems like climate change, borderless terrorism and international migration against which the traditional instruments of the sovereign state are inadequate. Together with the prize of greater trade these forces necessitate the upward transfer of power to regional security organizations, like NATO, or to trade organizations like the EU.
But as power is being devolved up to regional blocs, citizenship is being pulled the other way. New types of loyalty and association are challenging the state’s traditional role.
In the West there is evidence that the State has thrown in the towel. By contrast in China and Russia the state has, at least for now, answered back and asserted its power to give their citizens the answers they are looking for.
What does this strange state of the State mean for international affairs? Today’s challenged global order is both a cause and a consequence of the state’s current frailty. We are suddenly living again in a world of disorder where there is no clear, settled, balance of power.
To fix it, we need a new framework of institutions and rules in a world of competing organizational structures and state models. Naked state and bloc power could replace the international rule of law.










Professor Watchlist

Professor Watchlist is a project of Turning Point USA.
The mission of Professor Watchlist is to expose and document college professors who discriminate against conservative students and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom.
This website is an aggregated list of pre-existing news stories that were published by a variety of news organizations throughout the past few years. While we accept tips for new additions on our website, we only publish profiles on incidents that have already been reported somewhere else. TPUSA will continue to fight for free speech and the right for​​ professors to say whatever they wish​;​ however students, parents, and alumni deserve to know the specific incidents and names of professors that advance a radical agenda in lecture halls.


               June 22nd, 1947.
Your Excellency,
          I have great honour in
presenting to you a wooden chair I designed
and had it specially made in my village work
shop for your Excellency in sincere appreciation
of and great admiration for your unrivalled
leadership I had the good fortune of witnessing
during my tenure of office as Vice-President
of Central Liaison Office.
             I remain, Your Excellency,
              Your most obedient servant.
                  Jiro Shirasu.
His Excellency,
General of the Army Douglas MacArthur,
The American Embassy,




Leonard Hirshberg

There should be an equal opportunity for all. Each and every person should have as great or as small an opportunity as the next one. There should not be the unfair, unequal, superior opportunity of one individual over another.

Sandra Page

Clear Learning Goals mean:

  • What should students KNOW: Facts; Dates; Definitions; Rules; People; Places; Vocabulary; Information.
  • Students will be able to DO: Basic skills; Communication; Planning/Organization; Thinking skills; Evaluation; Working collaboratively; Skills of the discipline: mapping, graphing, collecting data, show p.o.v.
  • Students will UNDERSTAND that: Essential questions; Theories; “Big” ideas; Important generalizations; Thesis-like statements.

